Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 291: happy new era

? An old era came to an end, and it ended a little hastily, and a new era began, and it began a little too hastily. To put it bluntly, after pushing the Soviet Union, which had lasted for nearly a century, into the grave, The White House that has arisen was not ready to take over the power of the country in its entirety. If nothing else, they didn't even agree on a national anthem of their own, so they hurriedly took office. \\

It is difficult to fight the country, and it is even more difficult to sit in the country. This is a rule that is well understood by the rule of any dynasty, but the radicals who have just moved into the Kremlin do not seem to realize this at all. On the one hand, they are immersed in victory and seize power In the great joy of the people, on the one hand, they made every effort to continue to govern the country with a "take it for granted" measure.

“Private ownership is inherently sound, government planning is ridiculous,” a view widely accepted by the newly formed leadership of the Kremlin regime, which envisions the United States as a model of efficient capitalism, one willing to help Russia develop friendly countries that are economically and gradually moving towards success. Based on this imagination, a grotesque logic emerges: If Russia is to become as rich as the United States, it must follow the advice of American diplomats and economists—if Russia becomes rich , that is naturally the best. However, if the country is still poor, it can only explain the root of the problem, that the Russians have not taken the suggestions made by the West seriously enough.

Does this bizarre logic sound funny? But in post-disintegration Russia, from the end of the 1980s to the end of the 1990s, this logic was believed by almost every Russian. In their view, Americans were the saviors of Russia. If Russia wanted to embark on a path of revival Road, you must listen to more voices from across the ocean.

In general, when the White House establishment entered the Kremlin, Russia's national economy was in pretty bad shape. The state's financial reserves are only a measly 1.27 million rubles. In contrast, Guo Shouyun's modified gas jeep costs far more than that. The financial funds of a country's government cannot afford a car sitting under a businessman. It's hard to believe, but it's a living reality. To put it bluntly, Russia, which has just become independent at this time, has its national finances bankrupt. "Politicians appear in front of the TV camera in suits and leather shoes. In fact, they are so poor that they can't even afford underwear." Therefore, it is blunt to say that the government of the Russian Federation, which has just become independent, has been in existence since the day it was born. It is destined to be a "beggar government" that relies on borrowing to live.

Facing the heavy snow after Christmas, the new Kremlin regime led by the Ye family, on the one hand, accepted "congratulations" from all sides, and on the other hand, began to organize large-scale loan lobbying activities.

As the first United States to recognize the legitimacy of the Russian regime, its action is undoubtedly "generous". A big country is a big country, and a friendly country is a friendly country. The Yankees left their hands with a billion-dollar government-aided loan, and this loan also made a large number of Russians thoroughly feel the "sincere friendship" from the other side of the ocean. But having said that, this loan is obviously not so easy to obtain. When providing this loan to the Russian government, the Americans put forward a series of conditions: First, this loan is not provided for free, it is In the form of high-interest international loans, in other words, the Russian Federation wants to use this money. It must bear a heavy international debt; secondly, this loan cannot be invested in welfare construction in Russia, payment of arrears of wages, and emergency loans to enterprises. Its main use direction should be used to stabilize the ruble In terms of exchange rate, to put it bluntly, this money needs to be used to promote the appreciation of the ruble; finally, in order to ensure the most rational use of this loan, the United States will send an economic advisory group to Russia, which will be in the future. For quite a while, he advised the Kremlin on state governance.

"I'll lend you a sum of money. Not only do you have to pay me a huge amount of interest, but at the same time, I have to decide how to use the money, and if you want to get the money, you have to listen to me. It tells you what to do. What not to do." This is what Americans call "friendly loans."

In fact, as a domestic reform in Russia. Some people have already felt the evil intentions of the Americans at this time. The loans they provided and the series of additional conditions derived from these loans were not to promote the revival of Russia, on the contrary, they were to completely destroy Russian industry. system and turn the country into a true importer of industrial products and a producer of raw materials.

Anyone with a little knowledge of macroeconomics knows that when faced with economic difficulties, the country's best policy is to improve social welfare to expand domestic demand growth. Boost export growth. Russia's problem at this stage is that its domestic industry is shrinking and unemployment is soaring. At the same time, the export channels are not smooth and the trade deficit is alarming. Under this circumstance, if the country continues to stabilize the ruble exchange rate and even promotes the appreciation of the ruble, then the country's exports, which were almost shrinking, are bound to suffer further blows, leading to the final and complete demise.

But having said that, the stable ruble exchange rate policy advocated by the Americans does not meet the interests of domestic Russian economic giants such as Guo Shouyun. For these giants, only the devaluation of the ruble, and a large-scale depreciation, can make them find more More profits——Only when the ruble depreciates on a large scale can they swallow the little savings that the Russians have saved in their entire lives; only when the ruble depreciates can they further intervene in national politics; only when the ruble depreciates, they can In order to hire cheaper labor, greatly reduce the cost of workers' wages and other aspects.

Maybe in the United States, giants like Guo Shouyun are nothing, but in Russia, their forces are united, and even the Almighty God has to shy away.

On the fourth day after Christmas, with the introduction of the US billion-dollar loan assistance program, Guo Shouyun and other six giants responded quickly. They made a promise to the Kremlin that as long as the government further relaxes the country's financial policy, then six Large commercial banks will provide the Kremlin with a government loan of no less than $900 million over the next four months to help the Kremlin cope with the current financial difficulties.

There is no doubt that this response measure made by the Big Six is ​​aimed at Americans. Guo Shouyun was doing a massage when he made this decision. He was lying on the warm and comfortable large water bed, enjoying the meticulous massage of the two beautiful girls, while listening to Shoucheng's call from Moscow. When he heard that several giants were preparing to give out 150 million funds each to impact the influence of the United States, he didn't think about it, just snapped his fingers and said easily: "I gave this money. ."

The strong reaction of the six Russian giants made Americans quickly realize the seriousness of the problem, that is, the hugely rich oligarchs in Russia have formed a scale. Therefore, if the US policy wants to be implemented in Russia's vast territory, it is The interests of these local Russian chaebols must be considered first. Americans are very smart. They have been on the road of capitalism for centuries, and they have deep knowledge of all kinds of intrigues and tricks under the so-called free economic system. In the face of resistance from the six giants in Russia, the genius of American economics soon came up with a more genius compromise strategy. Just after Christmas and at the beginning of the new year, the newly established Russian Central Bank, led by the US Economic Advisory Group, reached a "forward contract" with six major financial giants aimed at stabilizing the ruble exchange rate. The so-called forward contract is actually a form of transaction applied to the foreign exchange market. Its real meaning is a transaction form in which one party must sell and the other party must buy between the two parties, with a time period as a limit. In the forward contract between the Big Six and the Central Bank of Russia, the Central Bank of Russia must use its foreign exchange reserves to buy rubles from the Big Six commercial banks based on the "current" exchange rate at a certain period in the "future". currency. To give a very simple example: the effective date of the forward contract is set on January 1, 1992, and the exchange rate of the ruble to the US dollar on that day is 2.7:1, then a month later, the contract will begin to perform, even if the ruble to the dollar is at that time. The exchange rate of the U.S. dollar has been reduced to 2ooo: 1, and the Russian central bank must also purchase the greatly depreciated ruble currency from the six major commercial banks at a price of 2.7: 1.

On the surface, this proposal by the Americans is indeed made for the undetermined exchange rate of the ruble. Because of the stimulus of this policy, the six major commercial banks will not sell off the ruble funds in their hands. Thus, to a certain extent, the price of the ruble currency is stabilized. However, from an in-depth point of view, there is a big paradox here, that is, this proposal by the Americans obviously regards the six giants as high-profile philanthropists, and they increase their holdings or sell rubles. The most basic point is that "it's okay if you don't lose money, it doesn't matter if you make money or not". Does such a theory work? Obviously, that would never work, whether Guo Shouyun or the remaining five giants, the purpose of their existence is to make profits, not to maintain social stability, or to do **** charities. Just after the central bank signed a forward contract with the six major commercial banks, Guo Shouyun's Far East Commercial Bank continued to withdraw a large amount of rubles from the international foreign exchange market. Together, they have gathered a solid capital of 2.4 trillion rubles - the six giants will use this strong financial resource to completely sink the price of the ruble within three months. After that, Russians' ruble deposits will shrink sharply. The newly established Russian Central Bank will become a "broken house" with a lot of debts. As for the real beneficiaries, except for the Americans with ulterior motives, there are only six The six major commercial banks under the control of a giant - a government owes a huge amount of debt to the six major private banks that cannot be repaid. Will this government be too far from the day when it is completely controlled by the six major banks?

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