Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 292: Gold mining plan

"Do you want your country to remain stable? Then don't give financial capitalists too much freedom. Financial capitalists of all shapes and sizes are the biggest moth in the world today. w" As a financial capitalist Guo Shouyun, one of the more outstanding capitalists, has the deepest understanding of this sentence.

Workers create wealth through labor, learning creates wealth through wisdom, artists create wealth through classified art, and financial capitalists create wealth through what? A farm, sowing in spring every year and harvesting in autumn. This process of crop rotation completes a complete operation of social wealth creation; a factory employs workers for production, and completes an industry with real and reliable labor and timely and complete technological updates. wealth creation process. From this point of view, the crops of the farm and the products of the factory are the real production results, and the profits of the two can be seen clearly at a glance. In contrast, what is the wealth creation process of financial capital? Obviously, for financial capital, its production tool is the capital of money, and the fruit of the harvest is a more considerable batch of capital that has been turned over several times. There is no doubt that a 100-yuan bill is placed there, no matter how much water or fertilizer is applied, it cannot become two 100-yuan bills. Then, a problem arises, the profit of financial capital. Where did it come from? Obviously, it is based on capital-based exploitation.

Therefore, from this aspect, whether it is the so-called liberal economy in the West or the Soviet system advocated by the Soviet Union, it is fundamentally a purely exploitative system—they have their own banks , and in these banking systems, currency began to circulate in the form of capital. Now that "capital" has appeared, the ideological battle of the "surname, capital and surname society" that is spoken of does not seem to be that important. .

of course. For a wider group of people, the surname, surname and surname is actually a small problem. What everyone cares most about is their own life: when they were young, they could enjoy a reasonable education, and when they were young, they could find a job where they can live without food and clothing. Work. When you are old, you can take care of yourself. All in all, it is enough to be able to live this life in a stable and stable way, and it doesn’t matter if there is some hardship or fatigue in the meantime. Indeed, for most ordinary people in Russia, their lifelong wish is such a pitiful thing, but in the face of the financial capital that spreads like venom, their wish has also become out of reach. extravagance.

The Witimst Plateau in Buryatia. It has always been famous in the Soviet Union for its rich production of various metal mines. The plateau runs from east to west, and the reserves of iron, lead, zinc, silver, cadmium, indium and other metal deposits are quite amazing. This is also an example.

In the past few days, the blizzard buried the entire Witimst Plateau area under a vast, pure white tone in the early morning. When the first ray of golden sunlight appeared over the plateau after the snow, a team of military convoys from the direction of Sosnovo Ozherskoye, with a rumbling roar, drove up like lightning. A snow-covered hill.

"Ah, this **** place is much colder than Khabarovsk," Guo Shouyun hugged a furry scarf, a thick suede hat, and an airtight fur coat. With a small charcoal stove, he jumped out of an armored car muttering.

"But there's no gold under your Khabarovsk." Following him, Khodorkovsky, who was dressed almost in the same way, jumped out of the armored car. He was wearing a pair of high riding boots. Big feet, stepped on the snow in front of the car, and said with a smile, "And here, hehe, there is gold in the ground, Huang Chengcheng, real gold."

"Don't be too happy," Vinogradov was the last to get out of the car. He is old, and naturally his hands and feet are not very flexible, especially now, because of the heavy clothes he wears, so. He had to have someone special to support him in everything he did. "The gold buried in the ground is still a pile of stones. It can only be regarded as gold if it is mined and put into one's pocket. Therefore, it is still too early to talk about gold and gold."

"I said when will you stop being so disappointing?" Khodorkovsky pouted and said with a bit of disdain. "Didn't you see what's going on here?" Khodorkovsky said, striding up the top of the hill in two steps, he squatted half-squat, looked northwest, and then continued, " With Brother Shouyun taking care of it, how far can our gold be from the day it comes out?"

Indeed, at this point, even Vinogradov, who is cautious, has to admit that Guo Shouyun's movements are indeed amazingly fast. How can I say this, with the support of the army behind him, he is better than a simple businessman work. Take this area as an example, since the entry of two engineer battalions of the Far East Military Region a few days ago, a wire isolation net has been pulled up within a radius of two or three kilometers. The military feeder rail from the shallow land to the town of Sosnovo-Ozherskoye is also about to be laid. Once the rails of this branch line are laid, the large-scale mining equipment transferred in sealed containers will continue to arrive in this area, and then the whole mining work will be fully put into operation.

Looking down from the hill where the three of them are now, you can see rows of simple marching sheds that have been built or are under construction. Earthquake resistance, the cost per square meter is between 14 and 16 US dollars. Guo Shouyun smuggled these things from Japan at a large price, and his original intention was to use it in this matter. For him, the soldiers of the Far East Military Region are the private property of the group. This guy starves to death and freezes the other. That's all the group's loss, especially on the damned Widimster Plateau. The current temperature It's already as low as minus thirty degrees. If there is no good logistical support measures, the engineers of these two battalions will have to explain everything in a few days.

When it comes to doing business, you always have to invest first before you can produce something. Without that large amount of investment, where can you get rich returns? Besides, anyway, he doesn't need to pay for the expenses by his Guo Group alone.

"Well, the preliminary work has been done well now." Putting his hands on his knees, Vinogradov looked at the far northwest. In his sight, except for the mining area that was isolated by barbed wire , There is also a piece of residential buildings with red roofs and white walls. Those buildings are located about one kilometer to a little more than half a kilometer outside the mining area. Because of the red roofs, they are particularly clear on this white snow field.

"However, what's the use of that area over there? The residential area of ​​the farm?" Pointing to the residential area, Vinogradov said.

"Don't ask me about this, I don't know much more than you do," Guo Shouyun handed the carbon stove in his arms to the soldier beside him, then bent down, twisted a snowball from the snow, flicked his hand, "ping" It hit Khodorkovsky on the back of the head, and then he said with a smile, "For things like this, you should just ask Major Jerryansky directly, everything here is all arranged by him. of."

"Oh, Dolkovsky's cover is not as tight as Guo Shouyun's. The snowball hit the back of his head, and a large part of the debris poured into his neck. The old boy shuddered and didn't care. He counterattacked, and just like that, he shivered wildly while pulling his collar.

"Hey, it's cold," Khodorkovsky finally stood up after shaking off the snowflakes in his collar. He glared at Guo Shouyun and said, "I said you want to play snowballs. Don't choose here, this **** place doesn't even have a cigarette, and there's nowhere to change clothes."

"Hehe, who said there are no people here? There are military camps here, and residential houses in the distance, where can you change your clothes?" In addition, after such a short time, his hands in the gloves already felt a little woody.

"Well, now I'm back, I have to let the logistics of the military region take care of it," Guo Shouyun took a warm small charcoal stove from the hands of the soldiers around him, and said casually, "Going to this dimension Each of the soldiers on duty in Dimster must provide me with a portable heating device, otherwise it will be icy and snowy, let alone swinging a hammer, it would be good to be able to hold your hand tightly.”

"In my opinion, those problems are still secondary. As long as the preliminary work is completed, we can wait until the weather warms up before we start," Vinogradov glanced at the distant dwellings again, and then said, "I see, the residential area over there seems to be very wide, it should be a farm or something. Although they say that they can't affect our plan there, but... this extra insurance always makes People feel at ease. In my opinion, it’s best to find a way to level that residential area.”

"It's easy to handle," Guo Shouyun thought for a while, and said, "You can pay to move them to the town of Sosnovo-Ozherskoye, hehe, I heard that recently Dolkovsky has put his hand out here, what, does your nose smell the fishy smell after the turmoil here?"

"Hey, what's the matter, I'm not here to pave the way for our cooperation plan," Khodorkovsky was surprisingly thick-skinned, he snorted, and lightly diverted Guo Shouyun's words, "That I know the situation in the residential area. It is the apartment area of ​​the members of the Red October Collective Farm. Well, there are more than 300 residents. It is very easy to shovel that area down. I went back and spent a little money to buy the farm. , that part of the staff apartment area is naturally ours, whether we want to level it up or renovate it into a warehouse, that's not a matter of words."

"It's so easy to say," Guo Shouyun said with a smirk, "Then I'll leave this matter to you. If you mess it up, be careful that we fill the ice hole with you."

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