Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 290: end of an era

?The Far East Military Region has done a great job in this personnel adjustment. From the commander-in-chief of the military region to the direct commanders of the subordinate three-level units, at least hundreds of positions need to be transferred. In this series of transfers, divisions and brigade one There are more than 60 transfer projects for commanders and generals of the highest level, which is almost the entire military region. /w

As a corresponding supporting regulation, the commander-in-chief of the military region issued an order: the fourth-level troops under the military region, that is, the combat troops directly under the regiment level, directly command the subordinate positions of the generals, and rotate every three years; the three-level troops under the military region , that is, the combat troops directly under the division and brigade level, whose subordinate positions directly command the generals are rotated every four years; the second-level troops under the military region, that is, the combat troops directly under the corps, group armies, and independent divisions, which directly command The subordinate positions of generals are rotated every five years; the actual promotion of school-level officers shall not be completed in the combat unit they originally belonged to. Churkin was promoted to captain due to military merit and promoted to regiment-level combat staff officer. , battalion, the power of appointing and removing the commander of the commander of the military region shall all be transferred to the commander-in-chief of the military region.

Obviously, through this series of personnel policy adjustments, a large number of generals, including the commanders of the second- and third-level troops of the military region, will be completely deprived of their original military power, and post rotations every few years, especially the "real job promotion". The order that it must not be completed in the original combat troops” is equivalent to depriving the personnel power of the generals of the second-level troops to the greatest extent, thus making them unable to cultivate their own descendants. At the same time, the internal guard units of the second-level units were also captured by the military region. Thus. Generals like Joseph and the others are equivalent to becoming meat on a chopping block, a dishonest one, and the military district can easily take them down at any time. At the same time, because Nina served as the brigade commander of the Military Region Independent Defense Brigade. Therefore, the defense work of the entire military region is handled by her. Through her, Guo Shouyun is equivalent to using a thin thread. He tied the entire Far East Military Region firmly to his own boat gang.

"Soldiers are impermanent. Generals are impermanent soldiers." China's thousands of years of history is actually a history of checks and balances of power. It is easy to kill a large group of generals holding heavy soldiers. Under the effect of this "imperial technique", the generals of a Far Eastern military region are really too weak.

Before the incident, the power of the Far East Military Region was completely in the hands of the Bolshevik Party. If commanders at all levels want to mobilize troops, they must first obtain the consent of the political commissars of the troops, and then they must obtain the approval of the military region staff and party committees. After that, the corresponding mobilization approval documents need to be submitted to the Moscow Ministry of Defense and the Soviet House of Representatives. thereafter. With the failure of the event. The Bolshevik Party was outlawed, and it established a political commissar system in the army. In an instant, the original foundation of existence was lost. The whole set of "Party Army" system that extended from top to bottom, from the military region to the companies and platoons was abolished, and a large number of military powers were taken into the pockets of the commanders of the various units. , Under such circumstances, the situation that the authority of commanders at all levels is too wide and the tail is too big will naturally appear.

It is very dangerous for the military to have too much authority, which means turmoil, and it means that war may explode at any time. Fortunately, the situation in the Far East, where Guo Shouyun is located, has not deteriorated to that level. The strategy, without any risk, deprived the generals of the military region of excessive authority, thereby avoiding the turbulence of the situation in the Far East. According to the strategy of the Beiyuan Advisory Group, the adjusted Far East Military Region will achieve the power balance of "separation of powers" from another level: the general commander of the military region has the right to mobilize the second-level troops, and the second-level troops have the right to mobilize the second-level troops according to the military region. mobilization of the third-level troops, and the third-level troops need to mobilize the subordinate fourth-level troops according to the express orders of the general commander of the military region and the second-level troop command organization. This is an interlocking process. The power was then distributed to the lower-level troops at the regiment and battalion level in turn. Since the personnel rights of the third- and fourth-level combat troops are controlled by the military region, the second-level commanders cannot have enough cronies within their respective units. Therefore, they can't move the subordinate troops without getting the military region's telegram. One soldier and one soldier. For the commanders at the regiment and battalion level, if the troop transfer order issued by the superior commander is incomplete and lacks any of the procedures at the three levels of brigade division, army group, and military region, they can refuse to obey the order, or even Leapfrogging.

I have to admit that this series of policies of the Beiyuan Advisory Group is very vicious. It is equivalent to distributing the power of direct troops to the commanders of small units at the regiment battalion level. From the perspective of the entire military region , Only these little people can really capture military power. At the same time, it is precisely because they are little people that they can't cause big trouble. As for those high-level commanders, such as major generals, lieutenant generals, etc. Although their titles are high, they do not have real military power in their hands. To put it bluntly, they are more like order transfer agencies one by one. Their existence The value of the command is to pass the orders from the superior to the subordinate troops. In the absence of a large-scale war, it is too difficult for them to make a mutiny.

Holding her man in her arms, Nina read the contents mentioned in the document one by one, then stroked Guo Shouyun's cheek and said softly: "Yun, how is it, do you see if there is anything in it? problem?"

"Well," Guo Shouyun arched his head in his wife's arms, snorted unconsciously, then took out a pen and signed a name on the lower corner of the document without looking at it.

"What's the matter, Yun," Nina asked in a soft, distressed voice, seeing the weak look of the man in her arms, "Are you tired? Do you want me to help you go back to your room to sleep for a while?"

"No, I'm not tired, it's just that my heart is blocked," Guo Shouyun said, shaking his head.

"For the two generals Ivanov?" Nina bit her lip, and after a moment of hesitation, she whispered.

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun rested his chin on Nina's thigh. He raised his face and said. "Forget it, let's not talk about that. You went to the military district just now, didn't you? Is there any news from Chita?"

Stroking the man's neck, Nina sighed inwardly, she knew. My husband has recovered. He seems to only be frustrated and lonely when he is a man. To show a little bit of humanity. And at such a time, he seemed very shy and kind, like a child who had not grown up yet. But unfortunately, this man's endurance is too strong, and his strong nerves determine that he will rarely have times of frustration and loneliness, and even if such times occur occasionally, they often won't last for long.

"Well," he hummed softly. Nina said, "The news came from Chita at noon this morning. At ten o'clock this morning, Morolev lost his troops and fled to Mongolia with a few entourages. The whereabouts are still unknown. "

"Oh. Where did Jerryansky's troops move?" Guo Shouyun really recovered, tempted by a lot of gold. His conscience won't last long now.

"We've arrived at Kaizam, and it is estimated that we will be able to enter the plateau area tonight," Nina said casually, reaching out and stroking the man's back, "I really don't understand, Major Jerryansky is only commanding two An engineer battalion, why did you let them run so fast? Now let alone the rebels in Chita who have applied for surrender, then even if they don't surrender, the two engineer battalions seem to have no effect in the past, right? Do you want to let them go? Did they use shovels against Morrolev's tank divisions?"

"Hehe, shovels are often more effective than tank divisions against a certain type of enemy," Guo Shouyun rolled over, lay flat in Nina's arms, and said with a smile, "It's called each having their own expertise."

"I really don't know what the **** you're up to," Nina said in a coquettish voice, bumping her knees against the man's waist.

"Hehe, don't worry, I'll let you know sooner or later," Guo Shouyun raised his arms and used a trick of "Oolong grabbing a pearl" to grab the towering **** on Nina's chest in his hand. After kneading hard twice, he smiled.

"Go, don't do anything, it's not serious," Nina returned her hands to protect her chest and scolded with a smile.

"What's serious, it's all old couples," Guo Shouyun rolled over from the sand and sat up, and said with a dirty smile, "Hey, yes, baby, I always forgot to ask you this time, we are all married like this It's been a long time, and I've done this thing many times, why don't you have the slightest reaction to your stomach, hehe?"

"Crack," Nina chuckled lightly, knocking off the man's big hand that stretched out to her lower abdomen, "what's your reaction? It's inexplicable."

"Tsk tsk, look at it, look at it," Guo Shouyun said seriously, smashing his tongue, "I'm serious this time. I think that Guo, someone in this world is getting bigger and bigger, and his family business is getting bigger and bigger. The richer it is, but until now, it doesn't even have a son or daughter, it seems a bit unreasonable, doesn't it?"

"It's none of my business," Nina's little face turned red, she put down her thighs on the sand, and muttered in her mouth.

"Ah, yes yes, this is my business, my business," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and pulled the woman into his arms, groping around on her body while smiling, "Don't say anything, take advantage of these two days When I have free time, I can't say that I have to work hard for a..."

"Sir!" Before Guo Shouyun's words were finished, the door of the living room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and Shana Riva, who was wearing a fur coat, rushed in anxiously from the outside.

"Why don't you even knock on the door?" Nina, who was frightened, broke free from her arms, Guo Shouyun rubbed her nose, glanced at Shanariva who rushed in, and said quite dissatisfiedly.

"Sir, look at CCTV Moscow!" Ignoring Guo Shouyun's dissatisfied tone, Shanariva went straight to the TV on the right side of the living room, first turned the TV on, and then adjusted the channel before turning around and said.

At this time, there is no need to say more about Shana Riva, because the content played on the TV screen has already attracted Guo Shouyun's attention - Moscow's Red Square, the main gate of the Kremlin, that side has been flying for nearly a century. The Soviet flag is slowly falling, and under the flagpole, several guards are crowding together and unfolding a three-color Russian Federation flag... There is no cheering one after another, nor the magnificent national anthem, Not even the roar of a salute. Everything was so quiet and silent, and in this silence, a red empire that had stood for more than half a century finally collapsed, and this also meant the end of an era.

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