Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 289: things are different

?In the Guo family's villa on the southern outskirts of Khabarovsk, Guo Shouyun stood quietly in front of the clear and translucent floor-to-ceiling window, holding a cigarette with soot hanging on his head, staring at the gradually sinking wave outside the window. setting sun. , qв5, he has been standing here for nearly half an hour, and everyone can tell that he is in a very bad mood now.

Following the military district meeting last night, General Polkkin left Khabarovsk at nine o'clock this morning and went to Switzerland quietly, followed by Generals Ivanov and Susykhov, who also Submitted their resignation to the military region, they were willing to hand over all military power in their hands, and returned home without any worries. On this issue, Guo Shouyun did not make any reservations. It can be said that he happily agreed to the resignation of the two veteran generals.

To be honest, in the bottom of my heart, Guo Shouyun still has a lot of affection for the two generals of Ivanov. After all, everyone has been with each other for a long time. Without these two generals, Guo Shouyun would never be able to get here today. Recall that a few months ago, at the Kusino holiday villa in Blagoveshchensk, Guo Shouyun relied on the majesty of Yakov, Ivanov and Susykhov to build the first one in the Far East. The political power club, at that time he relied on the strong support of the Security Council and the Independent Sixteenth Division. Now, just a few months have passed. First, Yakov fled abroad, the Security Committee was divided into two, and the authority was no longer. Then, the Far East Military Region was completely reorganized. Ivanov and Susykhov The two generals submitted their resignations. At the beginning, the two pillars of power of Cusino had all become a thing of the past, and the only thing left was the Guo Group, which had the sole power.

Feelings? That is inevitable. No matter how cruel Guo Shouyun's heart is and how cruel his methods are, he will feel a lot of emotion in the face of the current situation of right and wrong. Continue on your own way step by step. There is no turning back when the bow is opened. A person like him is destined to have many powerful friends around him.

When Sun Hongyu walked in from outside the living room, the cigarette in Guo Shouyun's hand had already been burned out, leaving only a pale white ash hanging tremblingly on the cigarette butt.

"Little fox, what are you thinking, so fascinated?" He walked straight to Guo Shouyun's side, stretched out his hand, took the cigarette **** from his hand, and threw it into the ashtray beside him, Sun Hongyu laughed.

"Oh. Sister Hong," Guo Shouyun came back to his senses, he looked away from the window and glanced at Sun Hongyu who was standing beside him. He smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just... Hehe, how should I put it. I feel a little bored."

"For General Ivanov's affairs?" Sun Hongyu's eyes flashed. chuckled softly.

"Forget it," Guo Shouyun put down his arms on his chest, walked slowly to the sand in the living room, first sat down on the soft sand cushion cover, and then snorted, "You know, Ivan The two generals Novo were the first friends I met after I came to the Far East, hehe, Nina also met at that time."

"Actually, this is easy to understand." Sun Hongyu smiled, she walked behind Guo Shouyun, put her hands on his shoulders, kneaded gently and said, "If you want to walk an extraordinary road, then You have to pay an extraordinary price. Little fox. You are on a path to power. It is like a process of climbing a pyramid. In this process, the higher you climb, the more you can follow you. The fewer people there are. When you reach the top, it’s time for you to be alone. Haha, the space at the top is too small, and there can’t be too many people there. This time, the two generals Ivanov took the initiative. It's actually a good thing to resign. They are all people who have been rolling around in the power field for half their lives, and the various aspects of this are clearer than the average person. This time you did not cut their military power, but they insisted on The root cause of resignation is that they..."

"I know, I know," Guo Shouyun's face flashed a helpless smile, he didn't wait for Sun Hongyu to finish his words, he sighed and said, "If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't allow Tiao Liaomenko to accept their words. resigned."

"Well," Sun Hongyu seemed to understand Guo Shouyun's mood very well, she changed the topic and said, "This time, the personnel transfer in the Far East Military Region is very large, and the personnel changes of the leadership of the third-level troops have almost reached more than 80%. Secondly, plus Polkkin, Ivanov, and Susykhov, the three second-level generals, resigned, and the personnel adjustment of the military region may take a lot of time. Now one of the biggest problems is that the military region's general refers to the command of the second-level troops. Officials do not have the right to directly appoint them, so the positions vacated by Polkkin and others will inevitably attract coveted coveted by Moscow. Do you have any good measures to deal with this issue?"

"I've already thought about this," Guo Shouyun said absentmindedly, fiddling with his fingers, "Tomorrow morning, I'll let Koryomenko draw up a proposal, um, in order to act on his behalf. In name, like Moscow recommends several second-level commanders from within the military region to temporarily fill the vacant positions."

"Then what if Moscow doesn't agree? Shaposhnikov is not someone to mess with," Sun Hongyu laughed.

"Hehe, I know he's not a character to be messed with, but he also knows what kind of character I am," Guo Shouyun pouted and said disapprovingly, "Besides, someone as wise as him should also know how to be monotonous. If two or three generals come over, they will not be able to reverse the situation in the Far Eastern Military Region.

"Heh," Hearing Guo Shouyun's confident, even arrogant words, Sun Hongyu chuckled lightly, raised **** and stroked his face, and said, "Little fox, yourself I didn't realize that recently, not only has your temper gotten bigger, but your tone of voice has also changed..."

"Shouyun," Sun Hongyu said before she finished, when Nina in a military uniform rushed in from the door. She grabbed her military cap in one hand and a thick stack of documents in the other, and as soon as she entered the door, she couldn't wait to shout, "Look at... oh!"

Before Nina finished her words, she swallowed it whole, because she saw that in addition to her husband sitting in the room, there was also a radiant "Sister Hong" standing in the room, which made her feel especially The embarrassing thing is that the two people are now in a somewhat ambiguous situation. Sister Hong's slender and fair hands are still stroking her husband's face...

"Oh, that, we..." On the spot, Nina slammed into her husband's **** with another woman, and Nina was stunned at the door. She looked at the man and woman in the living room and stumbled for a long time. , but not even a single sentence was spoken.

To be honest, as Guo Shouyun's only wife. Nina also knew what kind of person her man was, how many women he had outside, and how complicated his relationship with Shana Riva and others was, she knew all about it. It's just that Guo Shouyun has always respected her very much. He messed around with Shana Riva and others, all behind his wife's back, so that's why. Nina has also been turning a blind eye to this - man. Always coveting something new, Nina's requirements are not high, she hopes that her husband can put his mind on her side when she is licking the tenderness of other women. On this point, Guo Shouyun has always done a good job in the past, but, today... Looking at Sun Hongyu's two little hands caressing the side of her husband's face, Nina felt a lot of discomfort in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun said in amazement when he saw Nina standing at the door. He hasn't noticed anything yet. Originally, in his opinion, there are many women who have an ambiguous relationship with him, but there is absolutely nothing about Sister Hong, so. There is no place for him to avoid contact with Sister Hong.

"Haha. Has Sister Nina received the military region's rectification plan?" Sun Hongyu could feel something that Guo Shouyun couldn't feel. However, she did not pull her hand back, but gently kneaded the man's shoulder and smiled coquettishly. For Nina, Sun Hongyu can't say what kind of feelings she has. From the bottom of her heart, she likes this heroic but introverted little sister very much, and from the bottom of her heart, she has a strong feeling of jealousy towards others. . These two emotions are intertwined, and the emotional problems between women are revealed vividly.

"Ah, yes, yes," The tender-faced Nina was obviously not Sun Hongyu's opponent. She and her husband could still look calm, but she was embarrassed to death.

"This is the place that General Tiao Liaomenko just sent over." After a moment of hesitation, Nina went to Guo Shouyun and sat down, placing the documents in her hand on the coffee table, and then continued, "He said he was letting Take a look, if there is no problem, the military region will continue to promulgate these new regulations."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun glanced at the document, but didn't directly reach for it. He turned around and lay down in Nina's arms with his head back, with the back of his head resting on her thigh, his eyes slightly closed, and he said in a lost tone, "I'm not in the mood to watch it, you're a member of the military area now, anyway. You take care of these things yourself."

"How about that?" I don't know why, the moment the man lay down in her arms, Nina's heart seemed to have a warm flow, and the embarrassment just now disappeared without a trace. She reached out and stroked the man's head, and said softly, "General Tyomenko has said that this document is very important and you must read it yourself, because it involves a series of personnel transfer issues in the Far East Military Region in the next few years. ,and......"

"Listen to me," before Nina finished speaking, Guo Shouyun curled up on the sand, arched his head between Nina's legs, and put his arms around her waist , said it vaguely.

"I," Nina blushed, and subconsciously looked back at Sun Hongyu.

"Hehe, let's talk, I'll go back to rest first, I slept too late last night, and I'm not feeling very good today," Sun Hongyu forced a smile on her face. She said something casually and walked towards the door.

"Little fox, I didn't expect you to be a nostalgic person," Sun Hongyu murmured the moment he walked out of the room.

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