Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 283: Eastern Federation of Finance

? "Eastern Finance Federation?" What is this? Guo Shouyun's heart is full of doubts. He has heard of the Morgan Financial Alliance, the Rockefeller Financial Alliance, and the Mellon Financial Alliance, but he has never heard of the Eastern Financial Alliance. \

Before Guo Shouyun came to the United States this time, he also made some basic understanding of the actual situation in the United States. He at least knew that in the United States, there have always been the so-called ten major consortia, namely: Morgan, Rockefeller, Citi First, Boston, May Long, Cleveland, Chicago, DuPont, California and Texas. Behind these ten major consortiums, there are some well-known old-fashioned families, and the Boston consortium is formed by the five families of Lowell, Lawrence, Adams, Rocky and Kennedy. If you talk about the Boston consortium, he may not be as famous as the Morgan consortium, but in the 1960s and 1970s, this consortium once manipulated the political situation of the entire United States. President Kennedy came to power because of the consortium and the Rockefeller consortium. Yes, and after Kennedy came to power, he also won a large arms order for the Boston consortium. However, the good times did not last long. This approach of the Boston consortium attracted strong dissatisfaction from the Morgan consortium. Soon after, President Kennedy was assassinated, and Lyndon Johnson from the Johnson family took office. The Boston consortium suffered from all aspects. , almost in vain.

There are no less than thirty versions of Kennedy's assassination in the world, but in the KGB secret file, there is only one version that is most informative. Of course, Guo Shouyun doesn't care about these things. What kind of cooperation are you talking about?

"I'm sorry. Forgive my ignorance," Guo Shouyun walked into the living room. Shaking hands with this charming Miss Xi Quina, he said, "Miss said this Eastern Consortium..."

"Oh, Mr. Guo, please take a seat first, let's sit down and talk slowly," Xi Quina said with a graceful gesture of asking for a seat, and smiled.

"Mr. Rilke, if you don't mind, we have arranged a special room for you next door." Watching Guo Shouyun sit down on the chair. Vanderbilt turned his head and smiled at Rilke who was following behind him.

Obviously, Xi Quina is going to talk to Guo Shouyun next, and she doesn't want a third person to hear it, even Rilke, who is one of the brains of Guo's group, is no exception.

On this issue, Rilke did not insist, he nodded and went out the door first.

"Mr. Guo." Seeing the door slowly closing behind Vanderbilt, Siquina bent over and sat back on her wooden chair, then looked at Guo Shouyun, and said with a light smile, "What about you just now? I can answer that question now.”

"I, all ears," Guo Shouyun nodded slightly and said with a gentlemanly manner.

"Actually, Mr. Guo has never heard the name of the Eastern Financial Alliance. It is not surprising, because it is only a general concept," Xiquina said. "Specifically, the financial alliance includes our Boston Financial Consortium and the Rockefeller Family Group. , Mellon Group and other three institutions, because there are some points of interest, the three of us come together and can be called the Eastern Federation of Finance to some extent.”

"I see," Guo Shouyun nodded, knowingly.

What is the so-called coincidence of interests. It is nothing more than that the three consortiums felt the threat from the Morgan consortium and the Chicago consortium, so they also formed a financial alliance to fight against it.

In fact, there is no difference between the United States and Russia today. Russia has six major oligarchs, and the United States has ten major consortiums. In the past, it was full of political and economic control. Then focus on the consideration of economic interests. And manipulate politics on a covert level. Of course, if from a deeper perspective. Or later, he has a tighter grasp of politics, because most of the previous US presidents came from within the major families. Like the current President Bush, he is a millionaire and belongs to the emerging Bush family.

"Actually, we have always paid close attention to what Mr. has done in the Far East," Siquina continued, "for us, whether it is the Far East or all parts of the Red Soviet Union, it is a vast and unopened market. , where the profit is enough to make anyone salivate. It's just that Stanley was negotiating with Mr. before, so we didn't have any contact with Mr., huh, but now it's good, I heard The conditions listed by Stanley do not seem to satisfy the gentleman. Your cooperation negotiation is still in a deadlock. In this case, I hope that Mr. Guo can give us a chance to the Eastern Federation of Finance. After all, the gentleman has also entered The mind of the American market, the process of doing business, is a process of making friends, one more friend means one more path and one more choice, what do you mean by sir?"

"That's a good word." Since the beautiful woman in front of her was talking so directly, Guo Shouyun had nothing to say. "But I really want to know, what kind of cooperation plan can the Federation of Finance and Economics come up with?"

"We know that Mr. Guo won't stay in Washington for too long this time," Xi Quina said with a smile, "so I didn't bring the necessary letter of intent for cooperation today, but I can The fundamental situation will be briefly explained to Mr.

"Please tell me," Guo Shouyun's heart skipped a beat, he faintly felt that this Xiquena seemed to know a lot, especially when he decided to leave Washington as soon as possible, this woman might already know something.

"It's actually very simple," Xiquina smiled, took out a slender lady's cigarette from the snow-white long cigarette case on the table, and sandwiched it between two fair and slender fingers, "We hope Guo Guo Sir, you can sell 12 to 15 percent of the preferred shares of the two Far Eastern commercial institutions, including Guo's Trading Group and Far Eastern Commercial Bank, and at the same time, we also hope to obtain the pre-emptive right to subscribe for the shares granted by your group."

Going to the land of equity again, Guo Shouyun wanted to say no when he raised his eyelids.

"Mr. Guo, please allow me to finish," Xi Quina obviously has experience in business negotiation, she said without waiting for Guo Shouyun to speak, "In exchange, we will also transfer a reasonable part to Mr. Guo Group. Shares, which include: Mellon National Bank's 5% to 7% preferred shares sold by the Mellon Consortium; Boston First National Bank's 6% preferred shares sold by the Boston Consortium; Rockefeller Consortium Name 5% of the preferred stock in Lower Chase Manhattan Bank. At the same time, if Mr. agrees to this cooperation plan and gives us the right of first refusal for the shares we need, then we will also pave the way for Mr.'s plan to enter the US market , we will put pressure on Wang An's company through various channels to make them have to accept any proposal from Mr.

Guo Shouyun was silent, to be honest, he was really moved. What is preferred stock equity? To put it bluntly, this thing is a kind of equity that receives money and dividends. Compared with ordinary equity, it has one more priority power, and of course, it also has many more restrictions. Although today's Guo's Group is developing rapidly and has great prospects, one thing cannot be denied, that is, compared with these old-fashioned financial groups in the United States, the strength of the Guo's Group is still relatively weak. At present, whether it is Morgan in the United States or the Eastern Federation of Finance, what they really value is not the dividends of the Guo Group, but the broader development prospects of the Far East hegemon. Otherwise, the current assets of the Guo Group alone may not be able to exchange for more than 5% of the shares of each of the three banks.

What advantages does the Guo Group have? Not only Guo Shouyun, but also the big chaebols in the United States. In their eyes, the Guo Group does not only mean a combination of commercial banks and trade groups, but a company that can be effective at critical moments. A local "trust" that controls all resources throughout the Far East. For such a comprehensive "trust", no one can give it a valuation, and no one can say whether its market value is 10 billion or 20 billion. In this regard, even the best appraisers can't make it. Effectively counts—unless he takes into account all the potential value of the entire Far East.

Under such circumstances, the Eastern Federation of Finance will offer Guo Shouyun such lucrative conditions. To put it bluntly, they want to use this method to completely pull the Far East giant who just wanted to enter the American market. their interests***.

Guo Shouyun needs a strong support to enter the U.S. market, and the Eastern Federation of Finance needs a strong support to enter the Russian market. To a certain extent, they have a point of convergence of interests. The only problem now is that Guo Shouyun is not willing to do so. Ken relented. Frankly speaking, the conditions offered by the Eastern Finance Federation are far more fair than those offered by Morgan Stanley. The preferred equity of 12% to 15% will not affect the decision-making level of the Guo Group. , and the part of the equity that was exchanged for this price allowed the Guo Group to rank among the multinational commercial banks. With this status, Guo is like getting a green card in the United States. As a financial alliance, it conducts a series of business investments in the United States. But having said that, Guo Shouyun also knew that behind the generosity of the Eastern Federation of Finance, there were also a series of conspiracies buried in advance. First of all, the equity they exchanged belongs to the entire financial alliance. Although the overall equity is about 15%, if it is scattered among the three banks, there is not much share. As for the Guo Group, the three of them came to hold shares as a whole, and they took away more than ten percent at one time. In contrast to these two, the risk of losing shares of the Guo Group is obviously greater; secondly, the part of the Eastern Federation of Finance that enters the allotment belongs to financial institutions, and what they want to get is Far East Commercial, a subsidiary of the Guo Group. The bank and Guo's trade are two major parts. At the same time, they also want a priority control. This right is very powerful. If Guo Shouyun gives this power, then in the future, no matter where the Guo's group invests, as long as there is a need to concentrate. For the part of stock financing, the Eastern Federation of Finance can first enter the investment field and win a relatively majority stake.

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