Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 282: Hiquina Kennedy

?The Clarendon Club is a very famous one among the many political clubs in Washington. Everyone in the circle knows that behind this club is actually the Democratic Party's Election Funding Preparatory Committee. Most of the money was transferred to the Preparatory Committee account through this club. \\

The United States is a country with a strong democratic atmosphere, but no matter how strong the democratic atmosphere is, it also needs the existence of a violent government. Since there is a government, there will be transactions of power and money. This will not change at any time. In the political life of Americans, the two parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, alternately came to power in the form of national elections. This "donkey-elephant" battle has lasted for nearly a hundred years, and so far there has been no change in the slightest----no surface changes. In their bones, the class interests represented by the two major political parties have been quietly changing. To a certain extent, the Democratic Party more represents the interests of financial chaebols, while the Republican Party more represents the interests of large industrial groups. For this, it can be seen from the policies implemented by successive presidents of the two parties after they took office. clues. Guo Shouyun remembers very clearly that Clinton, as the Democratic President, adopted a policy during his administration, which was to greatly relax the supervision of financial institutions. The introduction of this policy made Wall Street financial tycoons ecstatic. And buried the biggest incentive for the subprime mortgage crisis more than ten years later.

The Clarendon Club was established in the Clarendon District in the western part of downtown Washington, when Guo Shouyun and his party arrived at the club. It was exactly twelve o'clock, and this time. The so-called "Yi Shan Auction" in the club has already begun. An auction like this is just a passing scene. All Guo Shouyun has to do is to show up and call for a price. As for the important meeting, he has to wait until the auction is over.

"Shouyun, when are you leaving?" In the right corner of the third row, Rilke sat beside Guo Shouyun, taking advantage of Hornikova's sign. He came over and said.

"Wait," Guo Shouyun was looking at a few people in the left corner of the venue. When he first entered the venue, he saw that sitting in the middle of the group was the scandalous President Clinton who will be debriefing in a year's time, but he is now The identity is just one of the three Democratic candidates, at the same time. He is also a member of the election preparatory committee.

"I think after the auction is over, there should be some important arrangements on the affairs committee," Guo Shouyun retracted his gaze and whispered, "When I'm done with these things, I'll leave under excuses, and leave the rest to you and me. Misha has dealt with it. The Yankees are completely materialistic. When dealing with them, we must also be materialistic. They want money and we will give it. Linley just needs not to be too outrageous. Besides, our money can't be wasted. Take it, after you receive the money, you have to do things. When you look back, keep an eye on the bills and evidence that you can grasp, so you must grasp it as much as possible, so as not to be trapped by these guys who eat people and don’t spit bones in the future.”

"Well, don't worry, I know what to do." Rilke nodded and asked again. "Are you really not going to bring a few people with you back to Khabarovsk this time?"

"No," Guo Shouyun said, "I want to infiltrate the team of those diplomats in Beijing. Polaninoff and the others can't be fooled by their looks, not to mention that I will follow them to Beijing this time. There shouldn't be any Safety issues. Bringing too many people will only cause trouble."

"My dear," Hornikova leaned in at this time. He said softly, "When can you go to Moscow when you return to the Far East this time?"

"It depends on the situation," Guo Shouyun said after hesitating for a while, "I don't think there will be many when I go to Moscow in the future."

Saying so, Guo Shouyun shrugged his shoulders mockingly and said with a smile, "For those people in Moscow, I'm a disaster, and I'm going to be unlucky wherever I go, so this Moscow, I'd better go twice less. ."

"What about me? What should I do?" Hornikova said resentfully.

"This gentleman has made an offer here, 1.4 million, 1.4 million, 1.4 million once, is there anything higher?" The auctioneer on the auction stage said loudly.

"Hehe, when did you miss me? You can go to Khabarovsk." Guo Shouyun naturally wouldn't believe that the woman's resentful expression would come from the sincerity. To the Lord of a man, a woman like her was born to live for herself. Reaching out and grabbing the woman's small hand, Guo Shouyun led her to quote the new price, and then laughed.

"1.45 million, this beautiful lady here has paid 1.45 million..." the auctioneer on the stage announced in a loud voice, listening to his tone, he As if the auction was still full of tension. Judging from the current scene, it is estimated that after the auction, some newspapers and media will have reports such as "the auction house throws a lot of money, and the Oriental red merchants enter Washington".

"But it's not like you don't know, how could the jealous women around you let me see you so easily," Hornikova said embarrassingly.

"Not this time," Guo Shouyun was a little absent-minded, because he saw that after raising the placard this time, Vanderbilt had come out from the right side of the podium, and he was standing in the corner of the hall gesturing to himself , that means, it seems to be letting oneself pass.

"Okay, these things are settled like this," Guo Shouyun bowed and said in a low voice while tidying up his neat suit, "Misha, you continue to stare here, the old man and I will come over. ."

Saying so, Guo Shouyun and Rilke walked around the row of chairs one after the other, turned a large circle from the back of the hall, and walked towards Vanderbilt's location. "Mr. Guo, please come with me," Vanderbilt said with a smile when the two walked in front of him. "As for your acquisition of Wang An Company, I have been authorized to discuss with Mr.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun followed behind him. Turning around the curtain below the podium, walked to a corridor inside the hall, "Why, just talk to us?"

"Sir," Vanderbilt said with a smile without answering, "Sir must also have some knowledge of the situation in the United States. Enterprise groups like Wang An that are involved in high-tech industries are generally not allowed to have Foreign investment is involved, because it is very likely to threaten the national security of the United States. At present, on this issue, the members of the Senate have not yet reached a consensus

"Mr. Vanderbilt, please forgive me," Guo Shouyun felt a little impatient before the other party finished speaking. In a few hours, he will sneak on the plane and return to the Far East, and before that, he does not want to hear even an accurate message, "I am not interested in your internal disputes, I just want to know the final result."

"Don't worry, sir, our lobbying group is still lobbying for those congressmen who hold a veto," Vanderbilt led the two to the door of a room in the back of the corridor, "but Mr.'s investment not only involves When it comes to the injection of foreign capital, it also involves the battle between the blue camp and the red camp. Therefore, in order to finalize this matter as soon as possible, it is better for us to attract some strong aid."

Guo Shouyun has some understanding of the battle between the so-called "red camp" and "blue camp" in the US government. This US politics is also very complicated. The conflicts and struggles in all aspects have also never stopped." Needless to say, the battle between the "faction" and the "dove faction" is one of the two political factions arising from the differences in attitude towards China. Specifically, the "Red Camp" is a relatively pro-China political force. The "blue camp" is the political force that has been promoting the China threat theory. Right now, although Guo Shouyun has joined the Soviet Union, the fact that he is Chinese will never change, so. He wants to go to the United States to make big investments. That would naturally lead to conflict in related parties.

Of course, what Guo Shouyun is focusing on right now is not the political differences between the "blue camp" and the "red camp". What he is concerned about is the so-called "strong aid".

"Strong aid?" Guo Shouyun said in amazement, looking at Vanderbilt's hand on the doorknob.

"Yes, sir, your strong support, perhaps sir, has not realized that you can actually find many friends in the United States, of course, provided that you can agree to some of the conditions they put forward." Vanderbilt smiled, Then he pushed open the heavy bronze door.

Inside the door is a small living room with a small space, and the most outrageous thing is that there is not a single window in the entire living room, and even the four walls are covered by a thick circle of curtains. In the center of the living room, there are two elegant pure wooden rocking chairs, and between the two chairs, there is a crystal-clear high coffee table. At this moment, on the rocking chair on the right, sitting a young woman wearing a light blue women's suit and white short boots. The woman has a golden curly hair, which hangs down from her fair forehead, and extends along the same gentle curve of the side of the face to the full chest. The slender curved eyebrows, the light blue eyes against the light blue eye shadow, the tall nose bridge, and the reddish mouth all look particularly hazy against the background of this long head and the dim lighting in the living room. Go up, this woman seems to be living in the painting. Especially the skin on her face, the smooth luster is clearly visible from a distance.

"This is..." Guo Shouyun's eyes swept around the woman. To be honest, there are quite a few women he has come into contact with, but this one in front of him still brings him a surprising feeling. .

"Hyquina Kennedy, if you don't mind sir, you can just call me Hiquina." The woman obviously knew Russian, she got up from the chair, smiled sweetly, and said, "I took the liberty to see sir today, yes I hope to be able to reach some cooperation intentions with Mr.

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