Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 284: Peeping Scam

From another angle, Guo Shouyun felt that at present, the Eastern Financial Federation, which was formed by three consortiums, obviously had a certain contradiction with the giant Morgan Stanley, and he had rejected Morgan's cooperation before. requirements, but now they have come together with them, then looking back, they will definitely provoke the coveted Morgan Stanley. Quan \ Ben / Xiao \ Said / Internet to make a friend and provoke an enemy, it seems that this matter does not take any advantage.

"Sir, do you still have any scruples?" When Guo Shouyun was thinking silently, Xi Quina's beautiful eyes kept staring at this young oriental man with interest. To be honest, she was already interested in this man. It's not a matter of one or two days. From two months ago, she has brought the Guo Group and this ugly man into her sight. Young, mature, daring, reckless, careful, cautious, cunning, and sharp-edged, these many contradictory words seem to be applicable to this person. Quina is more willing to believe that this person suffers from schizophrenia. He has a dual personality in his mind. These two completely different personalities blend together and appear alternately, so that this person can create a unique personality in a very short time. A kind of mythical business miracle. If possible, Jacqueline really wanted to open the man's brain to see what was in the small skull.

Guo Shouyun didn't speak. He must hurry up and think clearly about the possible cooperation this time, and Xi Quina spoke at this time, and the purpose was to interrupt his thinking.

"Actually, even if you don't tell me, I know that your intention is to make the Guo Group into a family-owned business." Seeing Guo Shouyun's reluctance, Xi Quina smiled and continued, "but very frankly, , With the development of the world situation and the current economic environment, it is no longer suitable for a purely family-owned industry to continue to survive. Frankly speaking, our Eastern Financial Union has always been in a competitive relationship with Morgan, Cleveland, DuPont, etc. But to a certain extent, we are also infiltrating each other in business. Take Morgan Stanley, for example, they control 7% of our shares in Boston, and we also hold some of their industrial shares. "

Xi Quina sank when she said this. She looked at Guo Shouyun, who frowned. After thinking for a while, she continued: "Business investment is simply a process of surfing, and the funds in our hands are what we can rely on. The sampan, the risk that may rush at any time is the high or low waves. The family business chain is nothing more than a canoe. The infiltrated business alliance can be regarded as a pontoon. The front and rear are naturally incompatible in their ability to fight risks. The current situation is that we know what Mr. needs, and Mr. also knows what we are pursuing, and everyone's intentions are mutual. We know that this is the biggest foundation for our cooperation. Of course, before that, we hope that Mr. Guo can completely let go of the petty family concept. Mr. must understand that in today's business world, a talent comes first. In this world, a family that is only maintained by blood relatives, hehe, how many talents can appear? If the ambition of Mr. just wants to maintain the current level, then naturally everything is fine, but if the Mr. wants to do more, So how long can your family last?"

Guo Shouyun raised his head, glanced at the woman opposite, and smiled without saying a word. s His smile made Xi Quina feel an inexplicable embarrassment. How should I put it, it's like the feeling when my deception was exposed on the spot.

"Mr. Guo has made a decision?" Speaking of which, Xi Quina is not a simple person. She was born in the Kennedy family and is a leader in the fifth generation of the family. In terms of how to hide her feelings. She has a very good set. In front of Guo Shouyun's smile that seemed to penetrate everything. The little woman did not panic, but instead retreated to advance. Interfering with Guo Shouyun's thinking by asking questions.

"Well, even if there is a decision." Who is Guo Shouyun? He was able to defraud huge sums of money without changing his face in his previous life. Now, as a person who has died once, how can he be asked by others if he wants to think about it? Diverted.

"How should I put it, I am somewhat interested in your cooperation intention," Guo Shouyun walked back to the chair, stretched out his hand to stroke his forehead, and said frankly, "However, in some cases In terms of details, I have a few more objections."

"Oh, can you be more specific, sir?" Xi Quina was stunned, and then smiled casually.

"Haha, it's hard to say right now," Guo Shouyun shrugged and said, "However, there is one thing I want to make clear in advance."

"Sir, please," Syquina laughed.

"It's like this," Guo Shouyun said, "Miss Xiguina also said just now that the family-style industry exhibition model can no longer keep up with the development of today's times. I personally agree with this point. To tell you the truth. Ah, I've been thinking about the group's future development for a while now, and I already have a preliminary idea."

"Really?" As the saying goes, hearing the sound of the strings and knowing the meaning of elegance, when Guo Shouyun said this, the smile on Xi Quina's face became a little stiff, because she could guess what the man was going to say next.

"Actually, I'm quite interested in the exhibition models of the major consortiums in your country," Guo Shouyun ignored the woman next to him, he continued with a smile, "Take your Boston consortium as an example, the headquarters of a Boston consortium is still a family. If I remember correctly, your Kennedy family is only one of the five major shareholders of the consortium headquarters. Under the consortium headquarters, there are dozens of branches, such as Boston National Bank, Texas Life, Hanko Gram Life, as well as Textron, which is mainly engaged in the aviation industry, Bell, which is mainly engaged in the military industry, of course, there are Raytheon, Polaroid, etc., etc. Well, this method is very good and very advanced , very reasonable. It can not only get rid of the rules and regulations of the family industry, but also effectively control the assets of the family. In such a good way, it is really necessary for us Guo to engage in the doctrine of borrowing. Hehe, study hard. If If Miss Xiquina doesn't mind, your cooperation intention. I can basically agree, but I hope that your consortium can stay on for a while. After I finish the work of the group, we will continue to talk. Go down. What do you mean, Miss Syquina?"

"A young man who can quickly become rich in a short period of time has his own specialties," Siquina now truly understands this.

Obviously, one of the biggest problems in the cooperation intention provided by the Eastern Federation of Finance and Economics is the concept of stealing exchanges similar to commercial fraud. For the equity exchange in the entire cooperation project, the Eastern Consortium came up with the idea to use the equity of the secondary industry under the consortium to exchange the equity of the core industry layer of the Guo Group. With the current unclear industrial chain of the Guo Group, this kind of cooperation transaction seems to be fair. If it is not a very smart person, one would even think that the Guo Group took a lot of advantage from it. But actually? A clear analysis of this trap will make it clear: through cooperation, the Eastern Finance Federation has obtained the equity of the core industry layer of the Guo Group, especially that part of the share allocation priority, so in the future, the Guo Group will expand to other business areas, regardless of whether Whether it is Guo’s Mining or Guo’s Petroleum Company, the Eastern Finance Federation can obtain a large amount of benefits from the expansion of the Guo’s Group based on the equity of the core industry layer and the allocation of priority for that part of the shares. And the other way around. The Guo Group exchanged only the equity of the secondary industry under the Eastern Federation of Finance, that is, the equity of the three banks. As long as these three banks do not conduct large-scale expansion and development, then the Guo Group can obtain less benefits. Poor. What is the use of short-term profits to obtain long-term interests? This is the biggest and most hidden form of commercial fraud.

Such highly technical commercial fraudulent methods were discovered by Western developed countries, and in the 1970s and 1980s and even the early 1990s, when neocolonialism was expanding violently, this fraudulent method made Western multinational consortia unfavorable. This is how the commercial interests of developing countries are taken away by others. But looking back, the deceived party was still ignorant of everything, and all day long, he was very happy with his own money.

As a person from the 21st century, Guo Shouyun, although he does not know much about this clever method of fraud, will be temporarily deceived when he comes into contact with him. But just settle down and think about it. Then this kind of conspiracy could not escape his eyes.

He's also been very specific now: isn't it going to be an exchange of shares? Very good, I also turned Far East Commercial Bank and Guo's Trading into a secondary industry under a consortium. If we want to change, then wait for me to reorganize and then change. What's the matter, how can the barefoot be afraid of those who wear shoes? At the end of the day, I'm a big deal to let the two secondary industries go bankrupt, and let you group of Americans steal chickens without losing money. If you have the ability, if you have the ability, you have tossed the Boston National Bank.

"Mr. Guo is really calculating." When the conspiracy was exposed in person, Xi Quina didn't feel embarrassed. She smiled and said, "In that case, it seems that we need to redraft a cooperation intention. ."

"Well, then it depends on the meaning of the Federation of Finance and Economics," Guo Shouyun stood up with a smile. Talking to smart people is fun. It doesn't matter if everyone plays tricks and tricks. If anyone can't see through, they can only blame themselves for being an idiot. But since they've been seen through, then cooperation has to be discussed again. What is a gentleman? Call the **** gentleman.

"Why, Mr. Guo doesn't want to hear about my next cooperation plan?" Si Quina sat in the chair, looked at Guo Shouyun who was finishing his suit, and smiled.

"Of course," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, standing in front of the crystal glass table, "but I'm afraid it won't work today, because I still have some housework to deal with. If Miss Xi Quina is interested, we can make another appointment for details. talk."

"Hehe, that's true. I think Mr. Li from the Hilton Hotel should also be impatient." Xi Quina stood up and said absentmindedly. "Miss Xiguina seems to know a lot of things," Guo Shouyun didn't panic, he already had a hunch in advance.

"Of course, everything in Washington, no matter how big or small, as long as I want to know, few people can hide it," Xi Quina smiled, "but Mr. Guo should be able to understand now, our Eastern Federation of Finance is sincere I really want to cooperate with you, otherwise, as long as I let it out a little bit, sir, I am afraid that you will not be able to leave this cage-like place today."

"If I can have such a beautiful Miss Xiquena to accompany me, it would be a pleasant and romantic thing to stay in this cage for a few more days," Guo Shouyun shrugged and said in a relaxed tone.

"Is what Mr. is telling the truth?" Siquina's two slender eyebrows were lightly raised, and she laughed softly.

"What do you think?" Guo Shouyun stared at the woman's eyes and asked without answering.

"Hehe, Mr. Guo is really an interesting person," Xi Quina said, avoiding the man's gaze, stepping on a black button on the side of the chair, "In order to be able to further cooperate with such an interesting person as Mr. I really hope you can get out of this place as soon as possible. Ah, what is the red Far East like? I have had countless guesses, um, maybe I will be able to go there and see it with my own eyes, hopefully then Mr. Guo You can act as a tour guide for me. How about it, is this request from Siquina not excessive?"

"Of course, I'll be happy to help," Guo Shouyun took a step forward, took the woman's white and smooth little hand, and gently kissed the almost transparent skin on the back of the hand, very gentlemanly.

"Miss," just as Guo Shouyun kissed the back of the woman's hand, the door was pushed open from the outside, and a burly man with a single-ear headset stood at the door and said respectfully.

"Send my husband back to the Hilton Hotel in my car," Siquina said expressionlessly, pulling her little hand back.

"Yes," the big man was obviously stunned for a moment, but he quickly lowered his head and replied.

"Thank you Miss Xiquena, let's... see you in the Far East." Guo Shouyun was also polite, he nodded slightly to Vanderbilt, who was standing outside the door, stunned, and then ignored the inside of the other side of the door. Erke, just left like that.

"You all go out, I want to be alone," Xi Quina said to everyone blocking the door after Guo Shouyun's footsteps had gone away.

"Oh, Miss Syquina, the disinfection room..." Vanderbilt only came to his senses at this time, he stepped forward and said cautiously.

"No need," Siquina turned her back and said indifferently.

The door slowly closed, Vanderbilt glanced at Rilke, who had a blank face, then looked at several bodyguards who were also stunned, and finally turned his attention to the direction where Guo Shouyun had left. He now has a strong curiosity in his heart. He really wants to have a deeper understanding of Guo Shouyun, so as to understand what kind of charm this man has. A woman with a morbid cleanliness becomes normal.

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