Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 281: arrange

?Since Sun Hongyu and the others have such a plan, there is no doubt that there is a crucial issue that must be decided in advance, that is, when is the so-called "best time" to encircle the second-level generals of the military region? .

The information from the Far East was continuously transmitted through Encryption 66, and Guo Shouyun and others gradually gained a comprehensive grasp of the entire plan.

According to the current arrangement on the Far East side, Guo Shouyun must return to the Far East before Christmas, because on Christmas Eve, Nina will find an excuse to call the generals of various secondary units to Khabarovsk, and the "circle general action" , will be fully kicked off this Christmas Eve.

It is not a trivial matter to put more than a dozen second-level commanders of the Far East Military Region under house arrest in the military commander. Every occurrence that can shock the scene, once a mistake is made, a great chaos will follow. Well, the attitudes of Tilemenko and Sijakhov are still unclear. Therefore, when a series of appointment orders are subsequently issued, whether they will cooperate or not is also a big question. Out of this consideration, Guo Shouyun had to arrive at Khabarovsk on time that day and night, which might bring some changes sooner or later.

At present, the Far East is under the actual control of the Guo Group, and as the real head of the Guo Group, Guo Shouyun is the backbone. Under normal circumstances, his role is not so obvious. The entire Far East, as long as there are It's enough for Shana Riva to sit there. But having said that, once something major happens, just like this incident, Guo Shouyun still has to deal with it in person. For example, Nina, as his wife, convened a gathering of generals from all parties on Christmas Eve, so it was necessary to find an appropriate excuse. If the excuse was inappropriate, it would easily lead to suspicion. And if Guo Shouyun is here, what excuses are there? Make a phone call and say, "Let's get together tonight." Then all the people came. Therefore, the backbone is the backbone, and its biggest feature is that it is indispensable.

"Today is the 22nd. The day tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, it will be Christmas Eve," Rilke read the last document. After pondering for a moment, he looked up at Guo Shouyun and asked, "The time is very tight. When are you going to go back?"

"Hey. It's really a headache." Guo Shouyun rubbed his forehead and said with a sigh, "When to go back is secondary. The key at the moment is that we don't know if those damned guys have eyeliners in Washington. If I want to go back to the Far East, I have to go back quietly, so that they can’t get ready in time.”

"Why, you doubt this side..." Rilke frowned and asked subconsciously. lei

"It's not suspicion. But at this time, we must be extremely cautious," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said before the old man could finish his sentence, "Think about it. Someone in the Far East is going to rebel. And after we came to Washington, that Damn, the Affairs Committee is trying to hold us here again. These two aspects are too coincidental, and I have to keep an eye on them."

"It's not very likely, right?" Hornikova thought for a while and said, "If this side really has a connection with the Far East, then they can cut off our telephone contact with Moscow. Wouldn't that be a better way? Insurance strategy?"

"What if they just want to hear what I say?" Guo Shouyun said disapprovingly.

Hornikova suffocated and had to admit that Guo Shouyundi's statement was also very reasonable.

"Isn't this more troublesome?" Rilke said, "If we want to leave Washington and return to the Far East, we have to go through the immigration checkpoint of the Americans. As long as our passport is only one of their checkpoints, we will hide everything. No longer. Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to return to the Far East quietly.”

"This is also a headache for me," Guo Shouyun said with a sigh, "but since Sister Hong and the others have proposed this plan, there should be some arrangements. After all, the Beiyuan she represents is the power of the Chinese government. I can't believe they can't figure out a way to get me out of this **** place."

"I hope so," Rilke hissed, slightly dazed. He couldn't understand that, although the Guo Group is now accumulating huge economic profits, from a deeper perspective, the rise of the Guo Group is also conducive to the stable development of the Far East economy. Not to mention, just compare the situation of Amur and Chita. These two states are closely adjacent, but their economic conditions are very different. In the past, because of the large investment of the Guo Group, both market conditions and social security were relatively stable. Then, needless to say, the crime rate has increased sharply, the economy has been in a great depression, and now even mutiny has occurred. . Since the existence and development of the Guo Group is conducive to the stability of the Far East, why do people continue to play tricks and tricks behind their backs?

While Rilke was thinking about these issues, Khornikova was also fiddling with her own little abacus. Just now Guo Shouyun accidentally said a word, that is, the mysterious "Sister Hong" turned out to be someone from the Chinese government. , This is really a very, very interesting thing. She felt that she should find a chance to get in touch with this person who Guo Shouyun called "sister".

The three people in the living room were each thinking about their own thoughts, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

"Sir," in this silence, the bodyguard who was in charge of delivering the translation documents came in again. He went straight to Guo Shouyun's side, brought the documents in his hand, and said at the same time, "This is the last one, the Far East side. Satellite communication has been cut off."

"Well," Guo Shouyun took the document and waved his hand casually, indicating that the bodyguard can leave.

The last document is very simple, and there is not much content in it, but for Guo Shouyun, it is a piece of information that solves the most critical problem.

"How is it?" Rilke asked impatiently, seeing a smile on Guo Shouyun's mouth.

"Tomorrow at four o'clock, there is a flight numbered ca1335, which will take off from Washington National Airport and return to Beijing," Guo Shouyun smiled, handed the document in his hand to Rilke, and said at the same time, "Take this flight to go to Beijing. On the way to Beijing, there are military attache Li Chengyan from the embassy in Washington, two counselors, and twelve entourages."

"Oh, this is a good way. They have immunity and can enter and exit customs without inspection." Rilke didn't look at the document, he asked Guo Shouyun, "But the problem is, tomorrow at noon we still have There is a banquet to attend, don't forget, we have all taken down the invitations, if you don't attend, it will be suspicious."

"Of course I want to attend the banquet," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "This is a good opportunity to get in touch with the U.S. government. I will never let it go."

"Is that time too late?" Rilke said worriedly. You know, it's easy to get in touch with foreign embassies in Washington, but it's not easy to get in with their personnel. matter.

"Didn't you read it?" Guo Shouyun bent down and took a cigarette from the table, then pointed to the document and said, "This group of them will be staying at the Hilton Hotel tonight."

"Oh?" Rilke looked down at the last document.

"Father, we are dealing with matters in the Far East now, and we can't let go of matters in the United States," Guo Shouyun took a deep breath as he lit the cigarette with Hornikova's cigarette lighter. Said regretfully, "Tomorrow, I will rush back by myself, you stay here and continue to deal with the Yankees, Wang An's company needs to hurry up to finalize a rough acquisition intention, this can't be delayed any longer. If things go well on the side, I think we should be able to calm down before the end of the month, completely eliminating the hidden danger of the Far East Military Region, and we will be able to throw off our arms and work hard in the future."

"If the real manipulation of this incident is traced, what are you going to do?" Rilke asked without giving a clear statement.

"Investigate? Hehe, there is no need to investigate this kind of thing," Guo Shouyun said with a light smile, "I have only one solution to this matter, and those old guys have only two ways to go: why don't you take it easy? Hand over the power to me, or wait for a flight to Moscow."

Rilke nodded, he understood what Guo Shouyun meant. For Ivanov and the others, it was definitely not a wise choice to go back to Moscow at this time. Without Guo Shouyun's support, Moscow would be a real dragon for these people.

Now, for Guo Shouyun in Washington, all he can do is wait, waiting for the flight to Beijing tomorrow----speaking of this world is really a bit strange, in normal times, whether it is Taking a plane or returning to China is probably something Guo Shouyun is unwilling to do, but what about now? These two things he didn't want to do, but he had to do them.

Just as Guo Shouyun, Rilke and others received the specific situation in the Far East, under the planning of Sun Hongyu and two representatives of the Beiyuan Advisory Group, Nina and others also began to arrange operations in the Far East. Under Nikita's plan, the major media in the Far East broadcasted a large segment of news in the morning one after another, and made a comprehensive and detailed report on the so-called "voice of independence" in Chita. Although this kind of report is very neutral and does not have any tendency in public opinion, the meaning of such a report at this juncture is quite intriguing.

Immediately afterward, the General Command of the Far East Military Region issued a series of orders to various subordinate units, and among them, the core of Birobidzhan, Vladivostok, Chukotka, Magadan and other places was. Several troops began to enter a state of mobilization, and their marches began, and then they would start. Perhaps not many people have realized at this time that, after easing the external pressure, especially under the condition of reaching a compromise with several giants in Moscow, Guo Shouyun has to go back and thoroughly clean up the unsettling factors hidden in the Far East.

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