Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 280: Iron Battalion Running Water General

"Well, is there any more?" Guo Shouyun took the translated manuscript in his hand and asked.

"Yes sir, but there are too many lines and we need time to translate," the bodyguard said with a nod. Today's high-frequency contact calls are not like the high-frequency sequence interference calls that appeared after 1993. When they communicate between the two parties, they do not transmit the sound that the human ear can directly identify, but the public key. wave code. After receiving the information, the receiver needs to translate the information according to the pre-agreed key and according to a very complicated conversion method, and this conversion process is completely impossible for laymen to play. If it is just a small amount of information, the experienced and veteran agents around Guo Shouyun can easily convert it, but when the amount of information is large, they will need time to sort it out.

"Well, I see, you hurry up and fix it, even if you send it over," Guo Shouyun said.

"Yes, sir," the bodyguard agreed with a nod, turning and walking out quickly.

After the bodyguards left, Guo Shouyun took the translated document and browsed it hastily, and his brows gathered up tightly when he read the translation.

"What did the Far East say?" Neither Rilke nor Hornikova could see the contents of the document, so they both asked in unison.

"Let's take a look," Guo Shouyun handed the document to Rilke and said with a slight smile.

"What is this?" Rilke took the document and said with a look of surprise after just one glance.

In the information just translated, there is nothing else at all, it is the troop transfer plan of Datong.

"Don't you understand?" Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and pushed aside all the dinner plates on the table in front of him, clearing out a clean place. Then, he held a silver spoon. Shaking between his fingertips, he said, "I saw this. I guessed something."

"Oh? Let's hear it," Rilke asked with interest while handing the document to Hornikova.

"Look, this is the fifty-seventh chemist of Birobidzhan." Guo Shouyun raised his finger. Flicking the tip of the silver spoon lightly, he said, "If I remember correctly, this is an elite motorized reorganizer under Joseph's team, and their station is twenty-seven kilometers east of Birobidzhan. in the Chuyak area."

Guo Shouyun said, using a silver spoon at the lower right corner of the table in front of him.

"Now, we're going to mobilize it and move it here. Linley" Guo Shouyun pushed the handle of the spoon, drew the silver spoon a long distance on the table, and finally placed it on the lower left side. "Amur Magdagach in the southwestern part of the state, which is the left rear wing of the Ivanov Independent Sixteenth Division."

"Magadan's Twenty-ninth Division." He picked up a silver fork again. Guo Shouyun placed it on the upper right side of the table, and then drew a curve on the table. As he said, "Advance westward, pass through the defense area of ​​the 5th Armored Division of Elidits, and enter the defense area of ​​the southeast flank of the 44th Independent Division of the Post-Belgar Military Region in Yakutsk."

"The fifty-seventh division of Druzhna's infantry marched on the upper Jansk front, and reached the southern front of the Lornik armored division, where it was stationed."

Guo Shouyun said the number and direction of a troop, and placed a knife and fork on the table as the number. Among them, the mobilized troops consisted of six reorganization divisions. These two reorganization divisions are intertwined with the original garrison near the advancing destination, forming three echelon defense lines, firmly controlling the traffic arteries entering the Far East from Yakutsk, Siberia, and Chita.

Although they don't know much about military matters, Rilke and Khornikova couldn't help frowning when they saw the situation on the table. Isn't it obvious that they are preparing for the independence of the Far East?

"It's interesting," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, looking at the pile of forks, forks, spoons and spoons that he had laid out on the table, "Hehe, Sister Hong is really underpowered to be a businessman, she should do it. Defense minister, at least that way, Moscow won't lose control of the local garrison."

"Oh, how do you say?" Hornikova seems to be very interested in "Sister Hong". She has not been with Guo Shouyun for a long time. Although she knows how many women are beside this man, she has never heard of it. There is also a "red lady".

"Hehe, how do you say it? Does this even need an explanation?" Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Since some people are instigating independence, then give them a chance to try. As for how many people are willing to follow them, then It depends on the situation.”

Rilke and Hornikova looked at each other, and they could see the deep confusion on each other's faces.

"The human mind is very complicated," Guo Shouyun stood up from the sand, he kicked one hand into his trouser pocket, Shi Shiran walked back and forth in the center of the living room twice, and then said, "Faced with the same problem , some people are willing to solve it in this way, while some people want to solve it in another way, which is called the mutuality of thinking. On the issue of whether the Far East should take the road of independence, it is estimated that many people Their opinions are also different. Take our generals as an example, can their opinions be unified? I think it should be very difficult, right? Otherwise, they would have made trouble long ago, and they would have waited until now. "

"Shouyun, what do you mean..." Rilke said hesitantly with a stunned expression on his face.

"Sir," before Guo Shouyun could reply, the bodyguard ran in again, he walked quickly to Guo Shouyun's side, and brought up the document that he had just translated, "It will be all translated immediately, there are still dozens of lines left. Transcode."

"Well, well done," Guo Shouyun took the document, patted the bodyguard's shoulder, and smiled.

The bodyguard smiled and said nothing, then turned around and walked out the door.

"Let's take a look." After reading the document in his hand, Guo Shouyun walked back to the sand, handed it to Rilke, and said, "Sister Hong is planning to make me bear a **** pot first, and then go to Pick up a big bargain."

Glancing at the smiling Guo Shouyun, Rilke took the document and read it carefully. Although the encrypted information from the Far East has not yet been processed, the general plan has been revealed.

The people who instigated the rebellion in Chita Prefecture probably represent the collective opinion of all the second-level generals of the Far Eastern Military Region. This is the point of the plan of the people in the Beiyuan Consulting Team. In other words, the Far Eastern Military Region is dealing with the issue of independence. , has not yet reached a consensus. In this case, the consulting team believes that the best way to deal with it is to deploy troops to the Far East border area. This has two purposes. First, to stabilize those generals in the military region who are eager to move and tend to be independent, Let them have an illusion that Guo Shouyun is supporting the independence of the Far East. In this case, they will settle down in the short term, waiting quietly for the time to become independent. Second, that is, the troops under the leadership of the second-level generals of the general district are transferred from their respective garrison areas. When these transferred troops enter the designated area, on the one hand, they form an echelon defense zone in the border area of ​​the Far East, and on the other hand, they also form an echelon defense zone. A situation of mutual restraint. And once this situation of containment is formed, then in the case of disagreement among the generals in the military region, no matter how ambitious people are, they will not dare to act rashly.

Beiyuan's consulting team is composed of experts from various fields, and among them, there are naturally many senior people with military identities. In these people's eyes, the authority of the commander-in-chief of the Far East Military Region comes from the support of the second-level command. The fundamental reason why Liaomenko, the commander of the military region, has become a decoration, is that the generals at the second-level command level are not convinced by him. So, relatively speaking, where does the authority of the generals at the second level come from? There is no doubt that it comes from the third-level command level, that is, the support of the army officers, especially the division and brigade-level officers. They will all be a flashy display. One of the biggest problems for all active Soviet troops, including the Far East Military Region, is that the transfer of generals at the second level is too rare. Like Ivanov, he has led the 16th Independent Division for seven years. Now, Polkkin has served in Vladivostok for twelve years. During this time, their positions have not been changed. To put it bluntly, almost all the officers under their command are them. They were all their cronies who were picked up by one hand. what does this mean? This means that in such a long period of time, all the second-level troops have been made into an iron cylinder by these people, let alone splashing water, even fresh air can't get in.

"Iron battered camp, flowing water soldiers." This is a bit inappropriate. If you replace it with "Iron battered camp, flowing water generals," it would be appropriate. For generals who lead an army, it must be from time to time. Let him slow down, otherwise a lot of trouble will come out after a long time.

However, for the current Far East Military Region, it is impossible to move generals. The relocation of second-level generals must be ordered by the Ministry of National Defense. The military region does not have that much power, but there is one point, that is, for third-level generals, the military region is Those who have the power to mobilize, this power, are in the hands of Koryomenko and Sijakhov.

The overall plan of the Beiyuan consulting team is to first move some of the troops in the hands of the second-level generals to form a situation of mutual restraint, and then use the media in the hands of Nikita to create an atmosphere in the Far East to discuss independent issues, thereby paralyzing Those with ambition give them the illusion that Guo Shouyun supports the independence of the Far East. Then, pick the best time, and in the name of discussing the independence plan, call all the second-level generals of the Far Eastern Military Region to Khabarovsk, circle them all in one fell swoop, and isolate them from all contact with the outside world. After that, in the name of the general commander of the military region, a series of promotions, demotions, and leveling orders were issued. In this way, the actual military power in the hands of the second-level generals was cut away.

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