Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 271: Western Hemisphere

?Washington, D.C., the national political center of the Yankees. In his previous life, Guo Shouyun only had the chance to see this name in the newspaper, but he never expected to have the opportunity to visit this place in person. In Guo Shouyun's mind, this is a good place. Since World War II, every regional war in any part of the world has been related to this place. The population is less than 600,000 and the land area is less than 100,000. In a city of 180 square kilometers, the most skilled actors in the world gather together, and all the movie stars in Hollywood gather together, and the actors here are not as good as the actors here. climbed to the moon. These thick-skinned politicians are shouting for democracy and human rights, but behind the scenes, they are a group of "political sticks" with the dirtiest hands. As for the city of Washington, it is full of different colors. Political stick" primitive jungle.

But now, Guo Shouyun has stepped into this city as "the source of modern warfare", but he is still here as a distinguished guest. I have to admit that Gusinski's influence in the American Jewish community is indeed not small. At the same time, he must have spent a lot of effort in the work of fronting Guo Shouyun. It is precisely because of this that Guo Shouyun is in the Immediately after getting off the plane at Washington National Airport, a group of "men in black" who had been waiting there were ushered into the special passage of the airport, without even doing the most basic entry checks.

The person who came to greet Guo Shouyun was a very inconspicuous young man. According to the young man's own introduction, his name was Kokoman Vanderbilt, a typical Jewish American. Interestingly, his father was Fleeing from the Soviet Union back then. As for his ancestral home, it is Birobidzhan in the Far East.

According to Vanderbilt, he is now working in the "Jewish Public Affairs Committee", and his position is the liaison secretary within the committee. His main task is to receive important guests like Guo Shouyun. Although the young man's introduction to himself was very simple, Guo Shouyun would not regard him as an inconspicuous little person. Because he knew, the "Jewish Public Affairs Committee" this institution. There are no little people.

"The United States controls the world, and the Jews control the United States." This once popular saying is by no means idle. The influence of Jewish groups in the United States is absolutely beyond people's imagination. Take the "Jewish Public Affairs Committee" as an example, which itself is the largest political lobbying group in Washington, with hundreds of elite lobbyists. It can greatly affect the political direction of the entire United States.

Perhaps, the energy of the "Jewish Public Affairs Committee" can only be seen from the greeting team they arranged for Guo Shouyun. Because Guo Shouyun is an ordinary businessman, it is impossible for the committee to mobilize a police car to open the way for him, but in order to give the Russian boss face, the committee mobilized twelve vehicles: two grass-gray hmmv to open the way, followed by all Chevrolet The commercial RV, and the silver extended Lincoln that Guo Shouyun rides in, is ranked No. 4 in the team.

Just such a convoy came out of Washington National Airport. Drive past the Pentagon, cross the Potomac River, cross Independence Street, turn left by the Library of Congress onto Pennsylvania Avenue, and then drive all the way to the large villa area next to Fort Dupont Park.

The convoy drove all the way, without the slightest stop on the road. What traffic jams, red lights and other phenomena seemed to be just rumors to this convoy - since money can turn a sanctimonious politician into a bitch. Naturally, it can also ease the congested traffic.

As a host, Vanderbilt can speak quite fluent and authentic Russian. Along the way, he introduced Guo Shouyun to several important attractions along the route, such as the Pentagon, Jefferson Memorial, Capitol Hill, Library of Congress, etc., Listen to his relaxed tone. It was as if Guo Shouyun had come to Washington for tourism.

A native Russian speaker. Hornikova, who was eager to act as a translator, completely lost her role. This woman who has lost the opportunity to be in the limelight is not interested in things like scenic spots at all. She is going to come to Washington with Guo Shouyun, not for fun, but to further show her existence.

As for Guo Shouyun, he didn't talk much along the way. He just smiled and listened to Vanderbilt's introduction to the scenery and the customs and customs of Washington. Aspects ---- Introduce the scenery? Did your group of people come from the other half of the world just to see the Washington Street View? What a joke, what's so nice about a pile of reinforced concrete? With these skills, wouldn't it be more comfortable to sit at any striptease bar in Khabarovsk?

In the midst of Vanderbilt's rambling nonsense, the convoy eventually stopped in front of a small white detached building at the villa.

"Mr. Guo," Vanderbilt said to Guo Shouyun after the entourage opened the door, with his gentle smile, "We're here."

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun didn't move, he glanced out the window with a smile, and then said, "What's the name of this place? The scenery is very nice."

"Oh, this is a property in the name of the committee," Vanderbilt replied. "It's usually used to entertain distinguished guests. Oh, sir, see the forest belt on the right, and go through this forest belt. , that's Capitol Heights..."

"Yes, yes, I like this place very much," Guo Shouyun said casually, still smiling, and then suddenly asked, "When will the negotiations between me and you start? It is also held here. ?"

"Negotiation?" Vanderbilt was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "I'm sorry Mr. Guo, I don't know the situation in this regard, the instruction I received was to arrange for Mr. …”

"That's right," Guo Shouyun's smile didn't change, he tapped his knees with two fingers, as if he was thinking about something.

Rilke, who was sitting opposite, had a bad feeling in his heart. He knew that the Jewish Public Affairs Committee might be trying to make things difficult for his group of outsiders. He was a Jew himself, so he knew the situation in this *** better than others. The Jews are united, but this unity is not the unity of "the world's proletariat united", but the unity of the same race, as opposed to this. They are quite repulsive when it comes to outsiders. now. My group came to Washington, and the Public Affairs Committee also came forward to receive it, which means that this matter will definitely be negotiated in the end, but before that, there may be some problems for Guo Shouyun, and let him be more or less. embarrassed. How should I say it, even if it is a disarming power.

If this matter is on Rilke himself. Or put it on Shoucheng, then there is nothing to worry about. When it comes to business, why can't there be a process from contact to cooperation? Everyone doesn't know each other's temperament when they come up, so they take some tentative measures. This is also possible. understand. But having said that, the person who is mainly responsible for the negotiation this time is wrong. As the head of the Tianzihao family of the Guo Group, no one can tell Guo Shouyun's temper. When he has a good temper, he will discuss everything, but if he is in a bad temper, he will be furious when he hears a mosquito calling. And today, his temper is not expected to be very good, so Rilke is worried that the deal will reach a deadlock before it is negotiated.

"Ah, Mr. Guo, don't get me wrong." Although Guo Shouyun's smile did not change, Vanderbilt already felt a little abnormal, and he said, "I guess the committee is also considering that Mr. is tired from traveling, so I plan to arrange you first. Two days off."

"Understand. Understand. I can totally understand," Guo Shouyun reached out and patted on his thigh. He smiled casually, "I would also like to ask Mr. Vanderbilt to convey one of my... well, thank you. But, having said that, I'm used to a comfortable life. ."

Guo Shouyun pointed to the two-story villa outside the car.

"I'm not used to living in such a small place," he said with a smile, Guo Shouyun hugged Hornikova next to him and kneaded her smooth face, "That's right, Misha, Before I came here, I remember you said, What is the Dun Hotel, um, didn't you say that the place is famous?"

"My dear, it's the Hilton Hotel. I've told you eight hundred times and you still can't remember it." Finally found an opportunity to show her existence. Hornikova lay on the man's shoulder, followed the other's tone and smiled brightly. said.

"Ah, yes, yes, Hilton Hotel," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "I think it's safer for us to stay there."

"That's not it, my dear," Khornikova saw Guo Shouyun's thoughts at a glance, she said tenderly, "This Hilton is a brand, let's stay there for two days, this trip to Washington will be a good one. It's not in vain."

Guo Shouyun is extremely satisfied with his woman's support. This woman has an exquisite heart and can always understand her own hints.

"How about it, Mr. Vanderbilt, I won't bother you with this trip, will you?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile, reaching out to pat Hornikova's buttocks.

"Mr. Guo, you must have misunderstood, we..." Vanderbilt obviously wanted to explain something, but Guo Shouyun didn't intend to give him this chance.

"No, no, no, I didn't misunderstand, I know what your intentions are." Waving his hand, the smile on Guo Shouyun's face was instantly swept away, "Someone once said that I would not stand and wait, but come to me. Speaking of, I don't wait whether I'm standing, sitting or lying down. The purpose of my trip, you should be very clear, business is business, and I won't blink an eye as much as I need to invest and how much I need to pay, but I hope you can be clear, that this business is fair, and it is definitely not your charity. You can choose not to cooperate with me, or even play some tricks to make things difficult for me, but what I want to say is, I don't care, Because I will find an opportunity to give back all the things that others have added to me. On the ground in Washington, you have the final say, you can exclude me or make things difficult for me, but you also need to think more about the Far East, where, I can exclude and make things difficult for many people."

After saying this, Guo Shouyun didn't wait for the other party to answer, just stretched out his hand to close the door, and then said neatly, "Drive."

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