Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 270: real bolsheviks

?With a roar that pierced through the sky, Guo Shouyun's schematic passenger plane took off from runway No. 16 of Moscow International Airport and flew straight to the western sky. At this time, the direct route from the Soviet Union to the United States has not yet opened, so the transfer in another place has become a necessary procedure, and Guo Shouyun and the others chose Athens, Greece.

And just five hours after the schematic airliner went to the west, another night fell over Leningrad. In a villa next to the Great Neva River, Victor, frowning, was leaning on the hanging He was thinking about something in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with heavy curtains. His sharp-eyed eyes stared at the Great Neva River flowing calmly outside the window. On the river, a transparent fishing boat was slowly sailing out of the port.

In the middle of the living room behind Victor, Sobchak, who looked much older, was sitting on the sand, playing chess with a little golden girl in his arms, while Vladimir stood patiently. On the side, he helped the little girl from time to time.

"No! I don't want to take this step, I changed my mind." On the chessboard, Vladimir made a bad move. The little girl's white "rook" was kicked out by the opponent's "elephant". chess game. The golden and blue-eyed little girl obviously didn't know what "playing chess without regrets" means. She stretched out her small hand, held her "cart" in her arms, pouted her small mouth, and said unreasonably.

"Hehe, my darling," Sobchak bent down, rubbed his chin on the little girl's forehead, and smiled, "You can't go back when you go out, this is the rule, you should learn to abide by the rules. ."

"No, I'm not!" The little girl shook her shoulders vigorously. He shouted, "This is Uncle Vladimir's win, it's his decision, not me, so I can make a new choice."

"But didn't you acquiesce just now? That means that you also made a choice," Sobchak's smile gathered together, and he took the little girl into his arms. He hugged her and put her on his lap and sat down, then said.

"But. But..." The little girl tilted her head and thought, as if she wanted to argue.

"It doesn't matter, Xenia, we just lost a chess piece," Vladimir reached out and patted the little girl's head affectionately, smiling, "This game of chess may not necessarily be lost. As long as Our king is still there, so there is a chance to turn defeat into victory.”

"Really?" This is the nature of a child's heart, and it's easy to be tricked. When the little girl heard what Vladimir said, she suddenly became energetic, she asked.

"Of course it's true," Victor took his eyes from the window, turned around slowly, and interjected, "until the end, no one can easily judge the winner of a game of chess. As long as the king is still there, the game can continue. , and it must continue.”

Sobchak raised his head when he heard the words, he glanced at his old friend who was walking towards this side, and said indifferently: "Why, have you figured out something?"

"Think clearly?" Victor came to the sand in the middle of the living room, and first gestured to Vladimir, motioning him to send the little girl out. Then he said, "What is there to think about now? Everything is clear. Our task now is not to think about everything clearly, but to come up with a first-step plan for dealing with the current situation. Like you said, you can't go back when you go out. We must also follow this rule. Gennady left this time. He will never come back. I know him too well. What he said, It is the arrow that was released, and if you want him to take the arrow back, it is simply impossible."

Coaxing the unhappy little girl into Vladimir's arms, and watching the two walk out of the door, Sobchak sighed and said, "Speaking of which, it's not without our responsibility in this matter, we Completely ignoring Gennady's ideas, and that's the fundamental reason why we're where we are today."

"No, you're wrong, Anatoly," Victor shook his head and said indifferently, "The parting ways with Gennady were long in my expectation, I just didn't expect this day to come so soon. ."

"Oh?" Sobchak was stunned for a moment, looking at the old fox opposite him with a puzzled expression.

"Our way of thinking is different from Gennady's." Going to the sand and sitting down, Victor glanced at the chessboard on the table. He reached out and picked up a white chess piece, weighed it in the palm of his hand, and said, "What we consider, or what we are fighting for, is this game of chess, and what Gennady is fighting for, It'"

As Victor said, he placed the chess piece in his hand on the table, and this chess piece was a "king".

Speaking of which, it was already clear to Sobchak.

In the chess game, the white chess who lost a "rook" first has already been defeated. What's more, now its "king" has been removed by Victor in an informal way, so what remains are only some people who can charge into the battle. To the "pawn", "pony".

These things are placed on the chessboard, just some inanimate chess pieces, but if they correspond to reality, they are living characters. The Bolshevik Party that Zyuganov once defended was the white king chess that passed away, and these people, including Viktor and the others, were the "pawn chariot elephants" who used to be under the command of the white king chess. As for those black chess players who are on the opposite side, they are naturally a group of characters dominated by the current White House.

What Victor means is that Zyuganov has not yet jumped out of this chess game, he is still fighting for the "white king chess" that has already been eliminated, willing to do that sad and deplorable, but practically useless futile rescue. There is no turning back for the chess piece to go out. This is a rule, a very cruel and ruthless rule. Zyuganov gathered his hands together in an attempt to restore the lost historical light, and the final result can naturally be imagined.

Sobchak also knew that the old friends around him were trying to persuade him in a roundabout way. He could see that he was emotionally unstable these days, but whether such persuasion was useful or not, he knew very well—from Focus on the big picture and put the interests of the whole country first. This sentence is very simple to say, but it is really difficult to actually practice it.

To put it bluntly, who has no thoughts in mind? Especially for an old man who had spent his time and spent most of his life buried in the loess, if he had no affection for a political party he had been loyal to for almost his entire life, it would be a real lie.

To Zyuganov, who left Leningrad angrily, thought of his heart-wrenching words on the eve of the split. Sobchak couldn't help but sigh again. To be honest, in the past few days, he really had the urge to quit politics forever. This **** is too torturous. It can make a person be in the beautiful Volga River one moment, and the next moment you are thrown into the freezing Siberian wasteland, and this huge psychological contrast between before and after transformation. Enough to make a fiery person become disheartened in an instant.

"I received news today," Victor said casually as he opened the opening on his chest, "Gennady is now secretly gathering forces, preparing to discuss the issue of reorganizing political forces, and preparing to report to the states and mayors in the years to come. , the election of the congressmen affected the election, and he also declared that he would criticize the White House for the legitimacy of the Bolshevik Party. This afternoon, he met with Hasbulatov, Rutskoy and Ryzhkov, Because they are spying, my people can't get the specific content of their agreement, but one thing can be concluded, that is, he intends to make a big move with these people."

"It's inevitable," Sobchak glanced at Victor's open front, where a faint golden light flickered. He knew that his old friend was the real driving force behind the fall of the Bolshevik Party. But he still has a lot of affection for the party, and to this day, the emblem of the Bolshevik Party still hangs on his lined chest, even when he sleeps. He was also reluctant to take off the gold-red badge.

"I had expected it for a long time. If Gennady wants to gather people in the short term, but also avoid the blow of the White House. Then it is necessary to unite Hasbulatov and their influence, this is the trend , is inevitable," Sobchak said.

"But he's playing with fire," Victor said, shaking his head. "A sensible person would never have chosen to do that. The White House's power is now stretched thin, and an enlarged meeting has cost them both and the Kremlin. Khodorkovsky and his group took the opportunity to get rid of their shackles and became the most powerful force. If it is really for the sake of this country, Gennady should be like us, at this time, keep silent, even It is to secretly give the White House a little help and give them a chance to breathe, because compared to the White House, these people are more dangerous. Gennady chooses to join Hasbulatov at this time, which can only be more dispersed The attention of the White House, thereby making them more dependent on those dangerous people, the end result can only add fuel to the chaos in this country."

Of course, Sobchak also knows this truth, and the reason why Leningrad has been quiet during this period of time is to give the White House a chance to breathe, so that they can free up their hands to clean up a few giants, but now it seems that , this goal cannot be achieved, and Zyuganov's splitting behavior suddenly disrupted the overall plan.

"What do you think?" After a long silence, Sobchak asked in a low voice.

"No way," Victor said with a shrug, frowning, "now we can only watch, we can only wait. I think the little fox seems to be very optimistic about Vladimir, and he is very supportive of him. At this point , I have always been puzzled, and I can't figure out what specific plans the little fox has. Wait and see, when he returns from the United States, I will personally go talk to him and find out what he is."

"But there is one thing," Victor said with a sad and wry smile on his face after finishing the previous remarks, "Judging from the current situation, we may not be able to see this country calm down in our lifetime. "

.....Victor is silent again.

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