Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 272: I can't run

? Guo Shouyun's expressionless remarks made Vanderbilt realize that the Chinese-Russian chaebol did not give up "some things" in order to gain profits, as the committee estimated, and others did it for the benefit. You can be low, but he, in order to get the benefits of others, has to bite others first. /w

The reason why the Jews are able to mix in the way of an ethnic group in today's world is partly because of the shrewdness of the Jewish nature, partly because of their strong sense of urgency, and more importantly because of unity. This time, the reason why the American Jewish Public Affairs Committee chose to provide assistance to Guo Shouyun is of course there are interests in consideration, but at the same time, there are also some long-term cooperation plans. The Jewish community in the Far East offered to help as much as they could. At present, the number of Jews in the world is less than 16 million, and there are more than 2 million in Russia. Coupled with a series of historical reasons, the Jewish ethnic group in Russia is mainly concentrated in the Far East. Zhan is the center of the Jewish autonomous region, and most of these Jews have been living at the bottom of Far Eastern society.

As Guo Shouyun said, Jewish power is very strong in the United States, and many issues here can be decided by them, but in Russia, especially in the Far East, the Jewish community in the United States has no influence. In the United States, the Public Affairs Committee can make things difficult for him, Guo Shouyun, but in the Far East, the two or three economic adjustment policies that Guo Shouyun casually throws out can make countless people go bankrupt overnight.

"You are the master of your site, and I am the master of mine. If the owners of the two sites want to communicate with each other, then don't make things difficult for each other." Guo Shouyun's meaning is very clear, that's it. It is indeed his plan to acquire Wang An. But it's good that this business can be done, and it doesn't matter if it can't be done. It's a big deal for him to start from scratch.

In the face of Guo Shouyun's tough attitude, Rilke is probably the most embarrassed. He is a Jew himself and an important member of the Guo Group. If Guo Shouyun had a conflict with the Public Affairs Committee, it would definitely be difficult for him to live in the middle. After all, to a certain extent, he was the head of the Jewish ethnic group in the Far East, and he was already a talker of that ethnic group.

As for Vanderbilt, Guo Shouyun's fierce reaction was obviously beyond his expectations. According to his understanding, Chinese people are to say. Very moderate, self-restraint, compassion, tolerance is a kind of nature in the bones of the Chinese people. But now, this guy who has only been to the Far East for less than a year, how can he be so sharp in his temperament? Could it be that the cold wind from the Far East is not only cold and biting, but can also make people's temperament hard? This is really incomprehensible.

Since Guo Shouyun must stay at the Hilton Hotel, there is nothing Vanderbilt can do. He can't let the entourage come forward and lift the black and yellow-skinned boy into the villa, right? Looking back, Gusinski was about to fly in from Moscow with a kitchen knife to kill.

In desperation, Vanderbilt had to order the team to reopen. Turn all the way out of the villa area, and then drive to the Hilton Hotel in the city center.

Because there was no preparation in advance, neither the committee nor Guo Shouyun and his party had booked a room in the hotel, but fortunately, everything is easy to do with money these days. I booked two presidential suites, and it was useless for ten minutes before and after. The group moved in.

"Shouyun," sent off Vanderbilt, who looked helpless and uneasy, Rilke did not go back to his room, but followed Guo Shouyun to his living room.

"Huh?" In the living room, Guo Shouyun was looking out at the bustling downtown Washington through the large floor-to-ceiling windows. He was standing in a good position. From here, he could see the towering World Bank building and Capitol Hill in the distance.

"Your attitude today. Isn't it a bit extreme?" Giving his jacket to the bodyguard standing at the door, Rilke walked into the living room and went straight to Guo Shouyun's side.

"See, this is Washington, the same place as Moscow." Guo Shouyun did not directly answer Rilke's question. He stretched out a finger and tapped on the glass window in front of him. He smiled softly, "Back then, in order to walk into Moscow with dignity, I almost lost my life, the intrigue, the swords and the swords... Hehe, now that I think about it, it's all like a dream. "

"Dear, but you have your own place in Moscow after all. This is not a dream, but a living reality." Hornikova came over, put both hands on Guo Shouyun's shoulders, and put her smooth little face Rubbing against the man's neck, he said with a smile.

In terms of height, Hornikova is half a head taller than Guo Shouyun. She looks a little awkward when she makes such a move.

"Yeah," Guo Shouyun patted the woman's **** back and said with a smile, "The process of turning a dream into a reality is easy to say, but very difficult to do. From the past period of time, I have The most profound point of understanding is that everything in this world must be based on strength. Whether it is business or politics, mutual compromise is of course very important, but before compromise, both parties need a demonstration Opportunities for your own strength. If you say that you are blindly compromising for the sake of compromise, throwing away your own position, and giving up your self-esteem, hehe, that is not an unscrupulous pursuit of interests, but a reckless betrayal of interests.”

He brought Hornikova over with his backhand and held him gently in his arms. Guo Shouyun continued: "The United States is a good place, we must admit that, but a good place does not mean good people everywhere. This is for absorbing immigrants. The so-called gold rush paradise is not for anyone who wants to come in. Today, our feet have already stepped on this ground, so there will be a series of interest entanglements of one kind or another. , Some people will try their best to exclude us, create piles of trouble for us, and face this situation. What should we do? Smile all day long, bow down in front of this, and bow down in front of that? Hey, hey, Others may do such a thing, but I, Guo Shouyun, will never do it, because the shopping mall is not equal to the political arena, and in the political arena, it is called bearing humiliation. The grandson of the shopping mall is always the grandson."

"Shouyun..." Rilke seemed to want to say something.

"Master, I understand what you mean," Guo Shouyun said before he could finish his sentence, "but I have made up my mind. Tomorrow, we will just wait here until tomorrow, if we can't make up our minds tomorrow morning. If people come to contact us, then let's go to New York. Haha. You can't come to the United States in vain. I heard that New York is the gathering place of American talents. Let's go there and see if we can find available people. "

"What about the acquisition of Wang An?" Rilke asked in amazement.

"Don't worry, it won't be able to run away if it's our stuff," Guo Shouyun said with a relaxed smile, "I will contact Shoucheng tonight and let him let me out in Moscow. I believe some people Will be more anxious than us." "Oh?" Rilke was stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face. Although he said he didn't know what Guo Shouyun was thinking about, this young man had always had a lot of bad ideas. Since he said he had a solution, it must be Zhizhu and Chengzhu.

"Okay, you all go get ready, let's go out for a walk together in a while," Guo Shouyun didn't seem to want to explain any more, he pushed away Hornikova in his arms. He said casually, "After all, we have come to the United States, and we can't help but go out and see. Well, I have to plan to bring some gifts for Nina and the others back, otherwise, the days after returning may be difficult."

"Hehe, let's go to you. I'm so old, I don't have that curiosity anymore." Rilke smiled, turned and walked out the door.

"The old man is really uninteresting." Hornikova said with a giggling, turned and ran towards the bedroom.

After the two of them left, Guo Shouyun walked back to the living room and sat down in front of the sand. He looked up at Polaninov, who was standing at the door as a bodyguard. Then he waved to him again.

"Sir," Polaninov came quietly. Without waiting for Guo Shouyun to say hello, he sat down on the sand with a calm face.

"Can you still get in touch with the people here?" Guo Shouyun said in a low voice after Polaninov sat down.

"It's not a big problem," Polaninov replied simply and clearly to the list that Dosinsky gave him, and placed it on the table lightly and neatly, "Go and check the details of these people for me, I want more detailed information."

Polaninov took the list and glanced at it hastily. Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a person's name.

"What's the matter?" Guo Shouyun immediately noticed the other party's emotional fluctuations and asked subconsciously.

"Our people," Polaninov put the list back on the table, reached out and pointed to a name, "62 years, German origin, dispatched by the East German Ministry, affiliated with Chokoans Colonel Key, file number 1962oo432."

Guo Shouyun looked surprised. He took the list and took a closer look, then hesitantly asked, "Are you sure?"

"I've seen his file." Polaninov said with a blank expression. A very simple sentence, fully demonstrated his self-confidence.

"That Colonel Chokoansky..." Guo Shouyun asked tentatively.

"At 1.35 on September 12, 1986, apartment No. 43 at the Victory Farm in Castavel was cleared on suspicion of attempted defection, in which Lieutenant Tupbanov was involved. Regarding this matter, you can ask him about the details, sir." Polaninov seems to be a living record of the KGB, "but he is in the Far East, sorry."

"I see," a smile flashed across Guo Shouyun's face. He took out a pen and tickled that person's name off the list, then said, "Go check it out."

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