Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 269: just one brain

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A reprimand made the woman Hornikova shut up, Guo Shouyun thought about it for a moment, and then said to Xenivykina: "Wait for me to come back this time, you can also do some preparatory work during this time. After Christmas, take a few trustworthy people to the Far East and choose the location of the museum on the spot. Quanben\\novel\\web In my opinion, just Vladivostok, you can decide the rest by yourself, if you need any help, you can ask for it, and I will be responsible for organizing it for you."

"Well, thank you sir," she said softly, she knew why Guo Shouyun avoided Khabarovsk where the museum was built, because there was a woman named Nina staying there, and this Women are more fortunate than themselves.

He promised to invest in the construction of all-round sports training venues in the Far East, but the woman around him did not show exaggerated excitement, Guo Shouyun felt a little boring. He reached out and patted Xenivagina's curled thigh, got up, stretched out his legs, and rolled over from the bed.

"Misha, hurry up and get dressed," put out the cigarette **** in his hand, Guo Shouyun said as he sat on the edge of the bed, "It is estimated that

Before the words were finished, the phone on the bedside rang first.

"Oh, no!" As soon as she heard the phone ringing, Hornikowa, who was still lying on the bed, jumped up suddenly. She stood on the bed, grabbed her underwear in a hurry, and went to her body without thinking. set. The kind of selective leisure before is gone.

"Hey," Guo Shouyun glanced at her and grabbed the microphone.

"Brother, it's time. You should come down." Shoucheng's voice came over the phone.

"Yeah. Got it, I'll go down right away." Guo Shouyun answered and hung up the phone.

"Sir, do you still use me to go to the airport with you?" Guo Shouyun took the time to answer the phone. Xenivagina also got off the bed. With bare feet, she ran to the bedroom door, took the man's suit jacket from the hanger, and said at the same time.

"No need, you can rest at home," Guo Shouyun took over the jacket and draped it over his shoulders, "You didn't sleep well last night, so make up for it yourself."

Nivitina hummed softly and said nothing. She knew that after Guo Shouyun stepped out of the door for a while, this luxurious manor would be in this luxurious manor for a long time to come. She was the only one left alone. Perhaps the only servants and a large group of expressionless bodyguards were the only ones who could talk to her every day.

Today's Xenia Vikina is afraid that she doesn't have any feelings for this man in front of her. Talking about resentment, not talking about it, talking about liking it, seems too hypocritical, but to say that it is indifferent enough to have no feelings at all, it is not right. Stay by her side for a while, of course, it would be better without that Misha.

Guo Shouyun couldn't understand Xenivekina's mood, of course, he didn't feel it at the moment either.

After putting on the suit, Guo Shouyun leaned over and kissed Xenivagina's soft pink lips, then bypassed her and walked straight out of the bedroom.

"Hey, wait for me, my dear," Hornikova shouted, before she was dressed yet, with one arm in a daze, as she slipped her head into the sweater.

Guo Shouyun ignored her and walked out on his own.

"Sir," outside the living room of the bedroom, several bodyguards who had been waiting there for a long time said in unison when they saw Guo Shouyun coming out.

"Heh, you're all in good spirits," Guo Shouyun glanced at the bodyguards, and then smiled, "Why, I heard that you are excited to go to the United States?"

The bodyguards laughed without saying a word. There was no doubt that Guo Shouyun had guessed their thoughts.

"You guys have the same mentality as Misha," Guo Shouyun shook his head and said disapprovingly, "Is the United States that good? Well, New York may be more prosperous than Moscow, but there are also slums there, and it's not far from Wall Street. The place."

Guo Shouyun said, and walked towards the stairs.

"In general, our foundation is still in Russia. No matter how bad the situation here is, it belongs to us, and the prosperity of the United States only belongs to the Americans," Guo Shouyun was still talking while walking. This is not like speaking to the bodyguards, but rather reminding himself.

Several people came downstairs in a crowd, and when they entered the living room downstairs, they saw Shoucheng and Rilke standing at the door of the living room.

"Shouyun," Rilke asked first, "Where's Misha? Isn't she going with her too?"

"Don't pay attention to her," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. "There are so many messes with women. I have to cure her problems."

Shoucheng smiled and didn't say anything. Now he doesn't bother to ask about his eldest brother's private life. After all, Nina, who is a sister-in-law, can turn a blind eye, so how can he be a younger brother?

"Then let's go now?" Rilke laughed. "Just now Khodorkovsky and the others called and said they were going to the airport to see us off. Now they are out."

"What are you doing, you're here to see this off?" Guo Shouyun walked to the door, put on his shoes under the service of the servant, and then smiled, "I see, they are planning to stare at me on the plane, otherwise, they will I still couldn't sleep well tonight."

"Oh, thank God, that calamity is finally gone," Rilke said in a rare good mood, clenching his throat, imitating Gusinski's tone.

"The disaster star left today, and will be back tomorrow," Guo Shouyun stepped on the carpeted steps in front of the door, and after stomping hard, he held Rilke's shoulder and smiled, "You know, Disaster is very sticky, how can it be so easy to fight?"

"Haha." Rilke smiled and took Guo Shouyun's arm out of the main entrance of the villa.

"Shoucheng," a few people came to the stone road in front of the villa, Guo Shouyun held the car door with his hand. He said to his younger brother, "For a period of time in the future, the affairs of Moscow will be handed over to you. You have to remember that when dealing with people like Khodorkovsky, you must look carefully. Go with your heart. Listen. Think carefully, every movement, every expression, and even every cough may contain some kind of message. Compared with these people, you are still too immature, so let's talk about this from now on. Time is a big test for you, but. I thought about it in advance. They are unlikely to calculate anything about us at this time, so this kind of test is also an experience for you. You once said , want to get involved in the mobile communication business in the Far East, which is good. But the reason why I have never let you touch it. It is not because of anything else, but because you are not fully equipped with the ability to be on your own. I'm afraid you will suffer. In the past few days, you and Khodorkovsky and the others have had a good contact. The easiest way is to say every word they say, except for the obvious meaning, you must Think about the deeper meaning of more than two layers. After these few days, I will let Hornikova come back to help you. Although she doesn't have a lot of serious time, her scheming is very deep. After contacting Khodorkovsky, you can review and summarize with her. Don't be afraid of trouble, we are going this way, and we are eating this bowl of rice. I don't want to hold a baton around you all day long. Pointing around behind your back, telling you what to do and what not to do, it's like always treating you like a child, do you understand?"

"Well, I understand bro," Shoucheng nodded.

"Hey, wait for me!" Just when Guo Shouyun finished his last words and was about to bend down and get into the car, Hornikova, with a woolen coat in her hand, ran out of the villa in a hurry. The pair of high riding boots on her feet rattled the water-milled floor, and she shouted as she ran.

"Really, there's still half an hour left, what are you doing in such a hurry?" She rushed to the side of the car with three steps and two steps, and Hornikova followed Guo Shouyun and got into the car. He didn't forget to complain, "Look, I didn't even have time to get close to my head. Oh, I don't know if there are any vanity kits on the plane. I don't want to go to the United States like a crazy woman."

"Drive," Guo Shouyun ignored the complaining woman, waved to Shoucheng outside the car, and then said to the driver in front.

The car moved quickly, made a circle on the detour in front of the villa, and drove straight to the outside of the manor.

"Shouyun, you put Shoucheng alone in Moscow this time, isn't it a bit..." When the car drove out of the gate of the manor, Rilke, who was sitting in the front seat, turned his head and looked at Guo Shouyun With a glance, he asked, "You know, Khodorkovsky and the others are not good people. Let Shoucheng co-author and deal with each other, so they won't be played by them as monkeys?"

"I'm worried now that Khodorkovsky and the others won't play tricks," Guo Shouyun leaned in the car seat, stared out the window, and sighed, "If a person wants to mature, he has to learn something. To learn something, you have to pay tuition fees. You can also see the current situation. Although I have made a lot of progress, it is far behind my needs. What I want is a decision-making that can think and have the ability, and It's not a simple execution. Defending is still not up to my requirements, so I have to give him a chance to exercise."

"Well, that makes sense," Rilke nodded and agreed.

"What's the point," Hornikova said, standing tall and using the rear-view mirror in front of her to distract herself, while dismissively saying, "It doesn't matter whether it's a country or a conglomerate, then Like a person, a person can only have a brain that can think. It commands two arms and two legs by itself. Only in this way can a person's movements be coordinated. If this person has two brains, even Each arm and each leg has the ability to think independently, so can this person survive?"

Hornikova's casual remarks shocked Guo Shouyun and Rilke: Yes, if a person has two brains that can think independently, can he still live? The woman's analogy is very appropriate and in place. It made the two senior executives of the Guo Group have a strange feeling from the bottom of their hearts.

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