Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 265: Sirovic

? glanced at Guo Shouyun with a half-smile, Khodorkovsky took the conversation, he leaned forward, reached out and patted Vladimir's knee, and said at the same time: "Yes, we have to do it. How can people who are involved in major events care about some small issues? In my opinion, there is no need to bother Brother Shouyun anymore about the government loan. You can find me if there is any shortage of funds. Hehe, this It's not that I want to compete with the Shoucheng brothers for business, but for convenience. After all, my Mena Jabil has a branch in Leningrad. Well, I can consider giving you the easiest procedure and the cheapest The interest, the longest loan repayment period, hehe, Vladimir, what do you think?"

Ladimir showed an expression of joy and hesitation. He turned his head to look at Guo Shouyun, who was sitting on the side. After a long while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. But it's over."

"Hehe, Brother Shouyun won't have any opinion, right?" Khodorkovsky ignored Vladimir's attitude. He paid attention to Guo Shouyun's reaction. After all, it was not worth mentioning in his eyes. , he can let the other party get up by letting go, and the flipping hand can also suppress the other party.

"You can figure it out for yourself," Guo Shouyun shrugged, seemingly absent-mindedly.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun is definitely a master of acting. His absent-minded attitude can have different meanings in the eyes of different people, but for Khodorkovsky. What he saw from Guo Shouyun's expression was a faint dissatisfaction, and this was enough to make him let go of more doubts.

"Well, since that's the case, then there's no problem," Khodorkovsky smiled and clapped his hands. "I'll arrange the loan from the Leningrad city government later. Brother Vladimir only needs As soon as you take over, you can go to my Mena Jabil branch to go through the formalities. As for the specific loan amount. It is also a small matter, we will discuss it later. "

"Yes, Mr. Khodorkovsky." Vladimir's performance can only be described as a submissive. And his attitude really opened Guo Shouyun's eyes. If today's scene were put in a previous life, he would never have believed it.

"This. Do you have any specific thoughts on the issue of heating for citizens to spend the winter?" Khodorkovsky pondered for a moment, and then continued.

"I have an unsure idea," Vladimir replied without hesitation, "I have considered it before. Currently, Leningrad has one of the biggest obstacles in the issue of heating citizens in winter, and that is the responsibility of the relevant parties. The key role of the state gas supply department is negative, and the old bureaucracy of rotten inertia is strong. I have done a certain amount of understanding in advance, and the reason why their gas supply plan this year has been delayed is not due to hesitation and lack of funds. It's not that the natural gas supply channel is not smooth, but they think that the welfare supply method in the past can no longer meet their requirements, so they plan to implement a price increase plan to charge citizens who receive heating services for one winter. The high heating bill of 1,200 rubles. For this matter, they have submitted applications to the city government several times, but they have not been approved. Therefore, it has been delayed until now.”

"Oh?" Khodorkovsky said casually with drooping eyelids, "Actually, their request is quite legitimate. After all, there is no free natural gas available. Supply departments around the world want to get the supply. ... also need to pay funds."

"Of course, I can understand that," Vladimir said, "but in general, their nature is quite greedy. Sir, consider that the heating systems of major cities in the state are In the past, when the Bolshevik Party was in power, the most basic budget would have exceeded 70 million rubles if one were to evaluate them. Now the regional gas supply department wants to ban the semi-welfare heating policy of the past. At the same time, they also plan to receive such a huge set of urban heating systems for free. How can this be justified? Moreover, there is no problem with collecting heating fees, but this also needs to be a step-by-step process. My suggestion is that they can be free of charge. The existing ground heating system is accepted, but the collection of heating fees must be gradually increased. Judging from the current basic income of Leningrad citizens, they can afford a maximum of 470 rubles for a winter. If the heating costs are too high, they will definitely not be able to afford it.”

"Less than five hundred rubles? Oh, that's a far cry from twelve hundred rubles," Khodorkovsky said with interest, "I estimate that with the financial resources of the Leningrad Oblast Gas Supply Department I'm afraid they can't afford such a big loss."

"If you can't afford it, leave it to someone else to do it," Vladimir said casually. "Aren't we all advocating private ownership reform? Private ownership is about the efficient allocation of resources, and it is about the ability to go up and down. . It is a big problem for citizens to heat up in winter, and if the natural gas supply department, which holds the power in this area, cannot bear the risk for even a year, who can have any hope for them?”

"Well, this statement is also very reasonable," Khodorkovsky said with a smile, "To tell you the truth, in fact, during this period of time, I have also been planning to acquire the Leningrad gas supply system. , oh, of course, this is still just an idea, and the specific implementation has not been officially put on the agenda.”

"Really Ladimir was clearly going to promise something in that regard, but Khodorkovsky didn't give him a chance to say more.

"Very good, very good, both ideas are good," interrupting Vladimir, Khodorkovsky laughed loudly, "I fully support you, Brother Vladimir, to do a good job of government As for the work in the field, you must not be timid. You must not be cowardly, you must not be timid, you should let go of your courage, take big steps, and have good ideas and insights, then you must take action immediately, and strive to be in the first place. Get the job done right away.”

Speaking of which, Khodorkovsky sank. Then he continued: "Now in these two matters, you don't have to consider the issue of funds. Since I am a friend of Shouyun, I will definitely give you my full support. I don't dare to say it, but the loan of tens of millions I can still come up with it. Well, the most important thing you need to consider now is the arrangement of a manpower. For Leningrad political leaders, you are still a newcomer, so your own governance team must be well integrated. Have you thought about that?"

"It's been considered," Vladimir said, reaching into the inner pocket of his suit, taking out a neatly folded document, and handing it to Khodorkovsky , "Sir, you can help me with the staff. This is the candidate I plan to arrange for some positions after taking over."

"Oh?" Khodorkovsky also refused. He stretched out his hand to take the document, unfolded it, and glanced at it casually.

"Igor Sechin, Dmitry Kozak, Nitley Batrushev..." Khodorkovsky muttered while watching. There is no doubt that the name of such a person is quite unfamiliar to him, and the resume attached to the document is estimated to be very simple. But for Guo Shouyun, who was sitting next to him, his heart was really hard to calm down.

now. With the emergence of Vladimir, some future figures have entered Guo Shouyun's sight one after another, such as Igor Sechin, Nitley Batrushev, and one Sergei Ivanov. , Three of the four core figures at the top of the power pyramid of "Silowiki" have appeared. This also means that Vladimir is taking the first step towards the altar. It has already begun to forge the power of checks and balances.

As Russian experts say, Vladimir's road to the presidency is so smooth. In the face of a large number of opposition groups, he is still able to do well. The fundamental reason is that he has four pillars of power: the St. Petersburg Gang, the Silowiki, the United Russia Party and the moderate reformists.

The moderate reformists and the United Russia Party seem to have nothing to say. Among the two pillars of power, a large number of local powerful figures in the Soviet Union and a large number of business elites have gathered. The support they brought to Vladimir came from All-Russian localities and economic circles. The St. Petersburg Gang and Sirovik are the two major checks and balances at the power level. The members of the St. Petersburg Gang, either Vladimir's fellow villagers or his classmates and alumni, gathered around Vladimir and formed a political group based on regions.

So what is Sirovik? Very simply, the word Siroviki means "power group" in Russian, and the reason why this group is called a power group is that, from the end of Gorbachev's reign in 1988, By 2003, when Putin was in power, the power of this gang had increased twelvefold in the Russian power system, and the proportion of its members in the top Russian power level had expanded from less than five percent at the beginning to nearly 10 percent. Sixty percent. Of the 24 leading members of the Russian Federal Security Council under Vladimir, 21 are affiliated with Sirovik; seven presidential envoys, four from Sirovik; twelve cabinet ministers, four from the West. Rowki member...  

Compared with the St. Petersburg Gang, the Sirowiki has more influence, deeper concealment, more united members, more resolute style, and more pungent methods. The reason for this characteristic is not because of anything else, but because of the organization's The members all have a common identity, they are all members of the former Soviet-era Security Council, which is known as the KGB members. There is no so-called democratic election in this organization, its hierarchy is clear, and the power distribution method is extremely strict. From the organizational structure to the appointment method, the organizational framework of the former KGB is completely applied. In the words of Westerners: "This is a real Pyramid of Power."

Of course, at this time Guo Shouyun still had a misunderstanding. He one-sidedly believed that Vladimir had manipulated Sirovich from the initial enough to the subsequent exhibitions, but his idea was wrong, because Silowiki is not from the hands of Vladimir. Its real founder is his old father-in-law, Viktor, whom he has always hated and loved.

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