Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 264: put on a show

? It can be seen that Khodorkovsky is very concerned about private gold mining, and he is single-minded to complete this transaction. After all, in today's world, rubles and dollars are It's hard to be reassured that these things are money if they sound good, and waste paper if they sound bad. \\

He and Guo Shouyun had secret discussions in the private living room for less than half an hour, but still no final intention was reached. Khodorkovsky was a little unhappy in his heart. He felt that this "Brother Shouyun" was really unreliable. Say he is timid, he dares to sing head-to-head with Gusinsky and Berezovsky without strong strength, but he is daring, this pair of gold in front of him, He was always timid, not daring to step forward and swallow it with a sullen head----this guy is really unpredictable.

When the two came downstairs one after the other, several people in the living room on the first floor were laughing happily, and the person who broke the joke was obviously Hornikova, the little woman was holding a The unlit cigar was leaning on the sand, his expression and posture were the same as Guo Shouyun's laziness. I have to admit that Hornikova was born to be a courtesan material, and she was very good at creating atmosphere. Just like at this moment, it was the first time that Vladimir met Vinogradov. But under the construction of this little woman, several people get along very well obviously.

"What are you talking about, smiling so happily," Guo Shouyun quietly walked behind Hornikova, stretched out his hand and pulled the cigar from between her fingers, and said with a smile.

"Oh, you're a real person. You walk without making a sound. You scared me to death." Hornikova was startled, and she sat up from the sand. He turned his head and glanced at the man behind him, then patted his bulging chest and said in a coquettish manner.

"Hehe, Miss Misha is imitating you, um, no, imitating you... Yes, dashing, graceful," Vinogradov sat opposite. Said with a smile.

"Ha, it looks like I missed a very good show," Khodorkovsky walked over and sat down on a single piece of sand next to Vladimir's land. Nogradov made a casual shrug before speaking.

"Imitate me?" Guo Shouyun walked around from behind the sand, patted off Hornikova's long legs on the sand, and sat down next to her. Only then did he say, "Joke, is my dashing demeanor imitated by others? That's a temperament that requires a foundation, um, yes, that's what I said."

"It's the first time I found out that Shouyun is such a narcissistic person." With the previous contact, Vladimir at this moment obviously let go a lot. He seized this opportunity and joked to Guo Shouyun.

This remark naturally attracted a snicker from the crowd.

"Rather than saying that Brother Shouyun is narcissism, I prefer to believe that he is self-confidence." Since the private gold mining is temporarily out of reach. Khodorkovsky quickly turned his attention away from here. He looked Vladimir up and down, then smiled. "To be a person, especially to be a successful person, you have to have self-confidence, which is very important. Well, yes, Vladimir, speaking of you, the first deputy mayor of Leningrad, you are about to take office. It's time, how about it, do you have confidence?"

Khodorkovsky said this with a high attitude. To be honest, as a businessman, he would never feel very comfortable talking to the person who was about to become the deputy mayor.

"Well, how should I put it? After all, this is the first time for me to hold such a position. Although I have confidence, I will inevitably have some apprehension." Facing the other party's high profile, Vladimir not only did not show the slightest unhappiness, on the contrary, He seemed more humble.

"It's good to have self-confidence, but you're worried, hehe, for anything, people always have to have a process of adaptation. It doesn't matter. Take your time, the situation will improve a little bit," Khodorkovsky smiled. , he reached out and stroked the back of his head, and said slowly, "However, the situation in various parts of the country is very serious now, and Leningrad, as an important town in the north, some of its movements are also very influential. As a Soviet Representative, I have always been concerned about the situation over there. Now, what I am most curious about is, what specific plans do you have after taking over?"

Guo Shouyun sat next to him, stroking Khornikova's thigh in jeans, while paying attention to Khodorkovsky's conversation. He knew that the giant's first "investigation" of Vladimir "it has started.

"There are some specific plans, but I haven't made up my mind yet," Vladimir sat up straight and said as if reporting to work, "After all, I have no experience in this area, so are these measures suitable? Appropriate, I still can't eat it."

"Oh, can you tell me that?" Khodorkovsky said casually.

"Well, Khodorkovsky still has a say in this regard. He used to be the secretary of the Communist Youth League in Moscow and has rich experience in this regard." Vinogradov laughed.

"Damn experience!" Guo Shouyun almost didn't laugh out loud. As a Communist Youth League worker, he dares to say that he has rich experience in governance measures. Isn't this a big joke? What kind of organization is the Communist Youth League? According to the political system of the Soviet Union, the Communist Youth League is not even qualified to discuss politics. To put it bluntly, it is a preparatory talent promotion agency. ? "It would be great if I could get Mr. Khodorkovsky's advice," Vladimir said with a humility, sitting upright, "That's right, after I take over, I plan to deal with two things first. One thing, the first one is a long-term municipal plan, with government investment in infrastructure to drive regional economic growth. The second one is a political achievement that will be effective in the short term. I plan to make a big Work hard and solve the problem of heating the citizens of Leningrad in winter in one to two weeks."

"Oh?" As soon as Khodorkovsky heard this, he subconsciously looked at Guo Shouyun.

This kid is not a simple person. When he heard Vladimir's two work arrangements, the first reaction was that the second one involved his own interests. Therefore, his mind flashed naturally. A trace of doubt, that is, is Guo Shouyun giving Vladimir advice behind his back?

When Khodorkovsky looked at Guo Shouyun, Vinogradov on the opposite side obviously had this consideration, and he was also looking in Guo Shouyun's direction. So what is "Guo Dagui" doing at this time? He is very lustful and shameless. He is stroking Hornikova's thigh with one hand, and grabbing at his collar with the other, peeping into the slightly raised neckline.

"Well, it's so interesting," Khodorkovsky looked back without finding any flaws in Guo Shouyun's face. He glanced at Vladimir and pondered, "Infrastructure investment is a long-term process. It is impossible to get effective results in the short term. However, this method has been used by many people, and the facts have proved that it is indeed very effective. However, there is an investment issue involved. In the first half of this year, Leningrad's fiscal deficit reached 79 10,000 rubles, and in the first three months of the second half of the year, the deficit increased by another 460,000 rubles. Here and there, there is a deficit of more than one million rubles. Has Vladimir thought about it, where do you find money for infrastructure investment? Is it possible that you want to loan a huge sum of money from Brother Shouyun? Haha, but as far as I know, his Far East Commercial Bank never makes policy investments outside the Far East."

"Hey, yes," Guo Shouyun said shyly at this time, "So I told Vladimir before that I won't give government loans, but private ones, hehe, friend. I would not be stingy if I borrowed 1,800,000 yuan for relief. But unfortunately, Vladimir still has some concerns about this matter."

To be honest, if Guo Shouyun didn’t say these words, Khodorkovsky would definitely hold on to the issue of funding, because Vladimir’s policy measure itself needs funding, and he lacks it in the local government. In the case of funds, if such a policy is also introduced, it means that he has a source of funds. In this case, a question arises, where did the funds come from? But now that Guo Shouyun has said this, Khodorkovsky has an illusion: Vladimir did take into account the loan to the Far East when formulating this policy, but Guo Shouyun should not agree, he did not do it Government loans are only private political bribes. So why did Guo Shouyun bribe Vladimir? There is no doubt that he is not yet sure that he can fully control the incoming deputy mayor.

Such an illusion relieved Khodorkovsky to a certain extent. Since Vladimir is not from his Guo Shouyun, it is easy to say, the government loan, the matter of millions, is very simple. As long as you can buy people off.

"Well, being cautious is good, but being too cautious can often have bad effects," Khodorkovsky rubbed his chin and smiled, "Take Vladimir what you are facing now. Let’s take a look at the situation, municipal investment needs funds, and solving the problem of heating in winter also needs funds. In this case, is governance more important, or is personal sentiment more important?”

"Hey, here's the truth," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "Have you all heard that, this is what our secretary comrade Khodorkovsky said. Official business, official business, official and business, have always been If you can't separate your family, if this official only thinks about how clean he is, hehe, then it is estimated that the time to abdicate is not far away."

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