Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 266: bribery

?Foresighted people are always awesome, and as Guo Shouyun's father-in-law, Victor is obviously such a person. , qβ5.c0m

After Gorbachev came to power that year, the excluded reform elite did not become depressed, nor did he follow the trend. From a figure who held political power, he transformed himself into the then security committee, that is, the KGB. It can be said that since then, his entire plan has been put into action, and the real Sirovik, that is, the primary organizational structure has been established since then.

With his profound vision, Viktor realized back then that Gorbachev's reforms would fundamentally lead to a reorganization of the Soviet power hierarchy, and this reorganization was obviously huge, and any Neither political force can control it. In order to make a difference in that situation, one of the first things to do is obviously to have enough political power. At the same time, due to different political views, Victor, who has always advocated centralization, is also different from Jiuga. Novov is different from them. He does not like so-called democratic politics. He likes an obedient political group that can effectively implement the principles of democratic centralism. So, after some consideration, the first thing he aimed at was the KGB.

As a powerful centralized department whose history can be traced back to the early 20th century, the KGB is a very special existence in the Soviet Union. It is a political institution, but it cannot be regarded as an institution, because many of its powers even override the party, government and army. Tripartite supremacy, with the exception of the Politburo of the Bolshevik Party. It is not responsible to any one institution, but it can reach out to the core of any institution. Especially after the long Cold War, the KGB's tentacles have penetrated into all levels of life in the Soviet Union. 500,000 system core staff, 300,000 frontier guards, 200,000 domestic intelligence and technical support personnel, 250,000 foreign intelligence personnel, 1.5 million informants, the annual basic expenditure exceeds 10 billion US dollars, With such a huge organization, can it still be regarded as a simple departmental organization? And how big will the coverage be when it is woven together? For this agency, the definition given by the British intelligence agency is "the largest espionage agency in the world", and the definition of the US CIA. It is "the core force of the Red Terror, as for the Soviets. It is more interesting - "Don't complain about anything in front of your wife, because she may be a blue skin lurking around you".

Viktor valued the KGB's initial point of departure to a large extent because of the huge organization and its deep-rooted power base. He had a hunch that if the country's situation got out of control in the future, then the KGB would undoubtedly become the most frustrated existence. The so-called democrats will never allow such an institution to exist in peace. Because its existence is itself a form of centralization.

But then again, is such an existence so easily destroyed? This is obviously impossible. The characteristics of the KGB itself determine that it is not so easy to be eradicated after a long process of establishment. First of all, many people in the KGB are elites in various industries and departments. When they put on the uniform of the KGB, they are agents and take off their uniforms. That is the high-end talents lurking in their respective industries. Secondly, after undergoing long-term internal brainwashing and training in the KGB, there is an indelible inscription on the motto of the KGB members - "obedience", and frankly, their discipline and obedience, even far than the soldiers of the army. These people rarely have their own minds, and their lives are "received orders", "interpreted orders", and "unscrupulously executed orders".

Viktor wanted to use this huge amount of resources, and he really did. His power base comes from the KGB, his cronies are from the KGB, and the future regime he wants to build should also be under the actual control of the KGB.

Although Guo Shouyun now has a more thorough understanding of the historical changes of the Soviet Union, it is like this kind of core position. He still doesn't understand. Because he has not been formally incorporated into this core organization by Victor. As for Khodorkovsky, of course he is even less likely to understand this. In his eyes, whether Victor or Sobchak, they are all outdated old people. The future of Russia belongs to young people and rich people like them.

Khodorkovsky had already lost interest just by scanning the documents handed over by Vladimir, because he did not know any of the names listed on it, and the positions these people were about to obtain, They are all irrelevant departments. As for some of the more critical institutions, Vladimir did not arrange them, and he did not have the power to arrange them. That is the responsibility of Sobchak, the mayor.

"Well, yes, yes," he pretended to scan the document, Khodorkovsky handed it back and smiled at the same time, "It seems that Vladimir's work is still in place. , in this case, I will be relieved."

At this time, Khodorkovsky did not realize that the list he easily let go of was not only the list of Vladimir's names, but also the tomb-digging list of the five giants. Those characters will, one day in the future, jump out from behind the scenes with green faces and fangs, and viciously overturn several giants to the ground.

"Oh, there is one more thing," Khodorkovsky said here, as if he suddenly remembered something, he glanced at Vladimir and said, "I heard Brother Shouyun talk about it before. , Your life seems to be a little cramped right now, right? I heard that you, the incoming deputy mayor, still lives in an apartment of dozens of square meters in the municipal department?"

"Come on," Guo Shouyun sneered while sitting on his seat, stroking Hornikova's thigh with one hand.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Khodorkovsky, the house was rationed in 1986, seventy-six square meters, two Jin," Vladimir moved on the sand and looked at Guo Shouyun subconsciously. A look, and then said.

"Hey, how can this work?" Khodorkovsky said casually, raising his hand at the same time and snapping his fingers with a "pop".

With the snap of his fingers, a young man standing at the door walked over quickly.

"Go, bring my list of properties in Leningrad." Khodorkovsky leaned back slightly and said to the young man standing behind him.

"Yes, sir," the young man bowed in response, and then hurried to the side corridor.

"In the end, it's the Leningrad government that doesn't care enough for you young people," Khodorkovsky said after the young people left. What is the right place? Besides, the distance from your place to the office of the city government is too far, and it is inconvenient to work.”

Guo Shouyun didn't speak, he just listened on the side. There is no doubt that Khodorkovsky's remarks revealed a message that he must have known about Vladimir's situation before, and he knew it in great detail.

"Well, I invested a lot of real estate in Leningrad, well, I remember..." Khodorkovsky said here, the young man turned from the side of the corridor again, he He also had an account book in his hand.

"Sir, the list you want." Walking to Khodorkovsky, the young man handed over the ledger in his hand and said respectfully.

"Well, you go down." Khodorkovsky put the account book on the table, opened it and looked at it, then pointed to a position above and said, "This... look, in Kirov Stadium, this location is good. I have a villa there. It is close to the mouth of the Little Neva River. It is clean and the scenery is good. As for transportation, there are two roads that I invested and built myself, which can go directly to the seaside. Main Street, in addition, I also built a small private pier there, with a yacht..."

After saying this, Khodorkovsky raised his head, looked at Vladimir with a smile, and said, "How? If the Vladimir brothers don't dislike it, I will transfer this villa to yours. Under the name, the procedure is very simple, if it is fast, it is estimated that after you go back this time, you will be able to move in."

"What a big deal," Guo Shouyun sneered inwardly, "but old Huotou, the object you bought this time has gone wrong. What these young people want is not your villa and yacht, nor the money in your hand. , what they really want is your power."

Not quite right? "Although he was mentally prepared in advance, Vladimir was still taken aback by the other party's "big deal" this time. He hesitated and said uneasy.

To be honest, Vladimir's uneasiness is just right. If he accepts this generous gift without hesitation, then Khodorkovsky's suspicion will come, and he will be very sensitive. I sensed that trace of conspiracy. But now, Vladimir's hesitation caused him to lower the precautionary factor again.

"Hehe, what's wrong with that?" Khodorkovsky laughed loudly. He pushed the ledger aside and stood up from the sand. He reached out and grabbed Vladimir's arm. , dragged him from the sand, and said, "You know, we are not offering bribes, it's just a little gift between friends, a gesture of friendship. Could it be wrong to extend friendship? That would be too harsh. Come on. Besides, I'm here to facilitate your future work, don't the citizens of Leningrad want to see their deputy mayor turn three blocks a day to the city government office?"

Those who pay bribes can always find excuses for their own bribery. The citizens of Leningrad may really not want to see the mayor turn three blocks to the city government office, but it is estimated that they are even more reluctant to see the situation: the deputy mayor lives in With luxurious villas, every day, you take a luxury yacht worth millions, and go to the city government office all the way along the Little Neva River.

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