Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 263: first intimate contact

"Have you figured out how to deal with it?" When the driver got out of the car and opened the door for himself, Guo Shouyun patted Dmitri's knee and said with a smile, and then he didn't wait for him to reply. out of the car door. , qb5, c0m

"Ha, brother Shouyun," Khodorkovsky greeted them from the steps, and laughed loudly from a distance, "I thought you wouldn't be here until six o'clock... ."

Khodorkovsky hadn't said this yet, when he turned his face and saw a few people from Vladimir who got out of the car, he was slightly taken aback, and then he said, "Why, I also brought a few strangers with me. guest?"

"Well, a few friends, I brought them here to thank you," Guo Shouyun greeted you, gave Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov a simple hug, and said at the same time, " I mentioned it to you, Vladimir, remember?"

"Oh? Vladimir?" Khodorkovsky's face flashed a daze, he said with a haha, "Remember, remember, of course remember..."

"What are you doing? Have you mentioned this name to me?" Before the haha ​​in his mouth fell, he tilted his head again and asked Guo Shouyun's ear.

Who is Khodorkovsky today, and who is Vladimir? In the eyes of the past, the first deputy mayor of Leningrad was a small person the size of sesame and mung bean, and then without the support of Guo Shouyun, even this position could not be taken aside.

"Leningrad. Deputy Mayor, Nina..." Guo Shouyun smiled. He lowered his voice and said a few words.

"Hehe, you are really, everyone is your own, thank you for talking about something," Khodorkovsky has also been rolling around in social situations for a long time, he doesn't need too much reminder, immediately can react. The smile on his face did not change, and he went straight to meet Vladimir and the others.

To be honest, he had never seen Vladimir's face, but among the four young men in front of him. It is obviously impossible to recognize the future First Deputy Mayor of Leningrad, but Khodorkovsky is not worried about this, and depends on the reaction of the other party. Who will speak up first? Who must be that Vladimir.

"Thanks are due, and I have admired Mr. for a long time. It is really my honor to take this opportunity to meet with him." As expected. Vladimir was the first to greet him, and he stretched out his hand with a humble smile on his face.

"Hey, this is too far, what admiration, honorably, this is all polite," Khodorkovsky held Vladimir's hand. He said kindly, "Since we are all our own people, we don't need to use those fake ones. Well, these people are..."

Released his hand, Khodorkovsky pointed to the three Dmitri who were standing a few steps away and said.

"Oh, they're all my friends. They came to Moscow with me this time to see if they could find a good way out." Vladimir said casually.

"Well, young and promising, young and promising." Khodorkovsky was obviously not interested in these people, and he didn't even ask for the necessary introduction. He turned his attention directly to Hornikova next to him.

"Oops." With an exaggerated expression, Khodorkovsky stepped forward. Looking up and down at Hornikova, he said, "My dear Miss Misha, is it because my Shouyun brothers went bankrupt? Why did you come to my banquet in this outfit today?"

Because of the rush of time, Guo Shouyun did not bring Hornikova back to change clothes. Therefore, the woman is still wearing the beige casual women's clothes, and on her legs is a pair of tight gray jeans and a pair of knee-length jeans. white boots. To be honest, it is indeed a bit shabby to attend a banquet in such a dress.

"It's not your brother Shouyun, he said that there are no outsiders today, so you don't have to dress up so formally," Hornikova naturally wouldn't tell the real reason, she gave Guo Shouyun a resentful look, and said delicately, " When I go out, I don't even leave a time to change clothes, so I can only wear this."

"It would be nice to have you come along, but I'm not in the mood to wait an hour or two for you to change your clothes." Guo Shouyun was quite satisfied with his woman's remarks, but the tone of his words, But still solid.

"Oh, I said Shouyun, this is your fault," Vinogradov interjected and laughed when he heard this, "No matter how beautiful a woman is, she still needs to dress up to make it icing on the cake. Think about it, if Women don't like dressing up anymore, so what do we men do?"

"Ha, this is the first time I've heard such a crooked reasoning." Guo Shouyun laughed.

When the crowd heard this, they burst into laughter.

"Okay, okay, let's stop blowing the cold wind outside." Stopping laughter, Khodorkovsky walked to Guo Shouyun's side, patted his shoulder and said, "Come on, let's go in and talk if you have something to say. , Hey, to be honest, if I had known you would come so early, I would have prepared some entertainment projects in advance."

"Really? Hey, if you want to do that, you should say it in advance, then I won't bring Misha here." Guo Shouyun lowered his voice and said in a wretched tone.

The three unscrupulous men got together and walked into the manor villa talking and laughing. As for Vladimir and the others, they could only follow silently behind them.

Frankly speaking, if only in terms of the luxury of interior decoration, Khodorkovsky's luxury is indeed not as obvious as Gusinski's. The furnishings in the manor villa are very simple, from living room to dining room, no matter There are no expensive decorations on the walls or tables, and the few hanging paintings that appear occasionally are all fakes, and some are even printed. Of course, this is not to say that Khodorkovsky is frugal, the reason why he made it so simple in his villa. It's entirely because his temperament is different from Gusinski's, and the former focuses on enjoying it in earnest. Then, pay attention to pomp and face.

After a group of people entered the villa, they did not go directly to the restaurant that served as the venue for the dinner. Instead, they went to the spacious living room on the first floor. It was still early, and it was inappropriate for the dinner to start at this time. Especially today, Khodorkovsky has important matters to discuss with Guo Shouyun, with Vladimir and others present, some words are not convenient.

So, after everyone sat down in the living room. Khodorkovsky asked Guo Shouyun to sign a loan contract and invited him upstairs.

"Oh, I knew that this banquet is not a good banquet, and there will be no good meeting." In Khodorkovsky's private small reception room, Guo Shouyun sat down unceremoniously in the front seat, and first gave himself an order. After smoking a cigarette, he said with a smile, "Tell me, what the **** are you thinking?"

"What is a ghost idea?" Khodorkovsky didn't take his seat, he turned behind Guo Shouyun, bent over half-lying on the back of Sha's chair, and said with a smile, "I'm hosting this dinner party today, mainly because I want to meet up with you. How about you discussing what you said a few days ago, have you made up your mind?"

"What happened a few days ago? What?" Guo Shouyun frowned. asked in astonishment.

"Tsk, what else can be the matter, it's the matter of Vedimsk," Khodorkovsky stretched out his hand and punched Guo Shouyun's shoulder, scolded with a smile, "I said you are true? Have you forgotten about such a big thing? I'm still waiting for your answer."

"Oh, you're talking about that gold mine." Guo Shouyun patted his forehead and made a sudden realization, "I haven't thought about it yet, what's the matter? So anxious?"

"Can't you be in a hurry?" Khodorkovsky cheated his legs and stepped directly over the back of the sand chair. Sitting side by side with Guo Shouyun. "Do you know that Vitimsk has called me no less than 200 times in the past few days. They are cowardly. If we don't do this, they have to report it as soon as possible, otherwise, someone will be held accountable. Get up, they can't afford to eat."

"Vinogradov also knows about this?" Guo Shouyun thought for a while, and then asked.

"Well, I told him that the three of us are one. I thought about it. If there is such a good thing, it would be unreasonable to leave one side." Khodorkovsky laughed.

"You can't justify it, you are timid, and you plan to bring someone in to share the risk with you." Guo Shouyun despised the guy beside him from the bottom of his heart, but asked calmly. "What does he mean?"

"Hey, brother, what you mean is what he means," Khodorkovsky put his arms around Guo Shouyun's shoulder and smiled, "He said, as long as you do it, he will do it, and he will not do it if you don't do it. ."

In fact, without him saying it, Guo Shouyun could have guessed that Vinogradov would say so. The temptation of gold is enormous. In the face of its temptation, no matter everyone, at least the vast majority of people cannot keep calm, not to mention that the gold that may be available at any time is calculated in tons. The mining volume of more than 3,000 tons may be of little value to the country, but for a person or an enterprise group, that is another matter.

"So, isn't there a lot less things I can get out of?" Guo Shouyun lay on his back in the sand, shaking his head and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, this is really... difficult. Let me see. Why don't we do it this way, let's settle for a while, you can go back and send a letter to Widimsk, saying that we have decided to do this, and we will do it after the year. Then, when I come back from the United States, let's go together Go there for a field trip, see what the location is, and finally talk about it in detail, what do you think?"

"Then, we can agree. If you don't do it, you will also make it easier for us." Khodorkovsky raised his right index finger and smashed Guo Shouyun's knee twice with his knuckle. Go down and said, "Our ore will go from your far east, um, the smelting will also be on your side..."

"We'll talk about it later, we'll talk about it later." Before Khodorkovsky could finish speaking, Guo Shouyun stood up from the sand, waved his arms casually, and dismissed absently. What a joke, the ore goes from the Far East, and the smelting is also placed there. What is the difference between this and cooperation?

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