Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 262: Great goodness

?According to his prior arrangement, Guo Shouyun picked up a few people from Vladimir at the Stagel Hotel, and then took them to the Youth Building. The people walked around the building for 20 minutes, and then came out. At that time, the young men who used to be a little shabby had suddenly disappeared, and in their place, there were a few luxuries all over, and at first glance, you could tell that you were proud of the spring breeze. m

Frankly speaking, whether it is Vladimir who is in his prime, or Dmitri who has just passed his 30th year, they are all quite handsome, especially Sergey, who is definitely worthy of a beauty. The title of man, now, wearing the expensive suits that cost more than 10,000 rubles, several people are naturally more personable.

"Aren't we too ostentatious?" In the car, Sergey, dressed in a dark gray suit, sat in the front passenger seat. The future Minister of Defense and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation was obviously not used to that kind of thing at the moment. The feeling of wearing more than ten rubles on his body has not stopped since he got in the car. He stretched his clothes for a while, and stepped on the upper of his shoes while bowing, just like a country bumpkin who entered the city for the first time.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun's seat was at the back, and Dmitri, who was also uncomfortable, was sitting on his right. As for Vladimir and Anatoly, they were in the car behind, accompanied by Hornikova.

"Is it too ostentatious to say, at least...hehe, if we go back to Leningrad dressed like this, then Mr. Sobchak is destined to be a big thunder." Dmitri hugged in his arms A box of 100 Colombian handmade cigars, which they gave to Khodorkovsky as a gift.

"Hehe, you still need to change your thinking. Who do you have to share with this swagger." Guo Shouyun laughed, stretched out his hand and slapped Dmitri's thigh twice, and said, "In front of those old guys It's unwise to be ostentatious, but in front of Khodorkovsky and the others, the more honest and thrifty they are, the more they will be rejected. In the future, if you want to continue your career as an official, you must learn to look at people from a different perspective. Use a different style of work. After all, governance and academic research are two different things. Lifting, there is a stark difference between the two.”

In terms of age, Dmitri or Sergey are both several years older than Guo Shouyun, but it is his turn to be qualified for intrigue. These two are far from the latter, and it can even be said that the level between them is not comparable.

"Well, what Shouyun said makes sense," Sergey said with a solemn expression, turning around from the front seat, "Actually, we have come to Leningrad this time, and we have already experienced a lot, especially in this view. It's a matter of human eyesight."

"Yeah." Dmitri snorted, smiled self-deprecatingly, and then said to Guo Shouyun, "Tell Shouyun, when I talked to Vladimir before, I also mentioned you, At that time, in my opinion, you were a total profiteer. You were a bad businessman who made money from national disasters. I suggested to Vladimir several times to keep him away from you. Hehe, now it seems that I originally You and Khodorkovsky and the others. There is a fundamental difference. Well, how should I put it. I can't say exactly what the difference is, but it is It's my truth."

Guo Shouyun smiled and did not speak directly. He said in his heart: Of course, there are differences between me, a profiteer, and Khodorkovsky, and for you, the biggest difference is that I am supporting you, while Khodorkovsky and the others are not. is an obstacle in your way. So in your eyes, I am a good person, and Khodorkovsky and the others are evil people. With this foundation, no matter how much I do bad things, in your eyes, I am still a good person. What a good thing, but still a bad person. The distinction between good and evil, how can it be so complicated, you few of you can't explain this point clearly, just because you are not mature enough, and when you are mature, it will be time for us to truly distinguish between friend and foe.

"How do you say it," thought so in his heart, but Guo Shouyun didn't say that. After he pondered for a while, he sighed and said, "Actually, Khodorkovsky and I have nothing in essence. Different, including us, including my old father-in-law, including Sobchak, Zyuganov, now the White House and even the crumbling Gorbachev, we are all one kind of people.”

"Oh? How do you say this?" Sergey asked with a look of surprise, he couldn't see anything in common between these people.

"It's easy to explain," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "To put it bluntly, we are all people who try to make a difference. For people like us, we simply use a vision of good and evil, good and bad, black and white. To look at it, or to summarize it with this type of evaluation, is one-sided. Further, whenever a country or a nation is in trouble and faces the entrance of life and death, a group of people will emerge. The so-called so-called Heroes emerge in troubled times, and this is the phenomenon. You can say that these people are unwilling to be lonely, or they are taking advantage of the fire, but there is no doubt that in the hearts of these people, there is a lofty ideal to save the country from distress, and it is also That is to say, their fundamental purpose is the same. Just like what we Chinese say, the poor can help themselves alone, and if they are successful, they can help the whole world. A person without power and power can only be good at himself. The world. And in this way, there is a problem that arises, that is the problem of how to reach it, and to put it bluntly, it is the problem of how to get home and how to start. Wealth and power will not be created out of thin air, that needs to be fought for. Even to **** and snatch, to earn by unscrupulous means."

When Guo Shouyun said this, he stopped, he turned his head and looked at the street that kept pushing back outside the window, and then he continued in a blank tone: "My old father-in-law and Mr. Sobchak, they have always insisted on They are all political countries. In their opinion, a political iron fist is the only way to get this country out of trouble, so what they have saved is also political power. As for Khodorkovsky and the others, these people They are all from economic backgrounds, they advocate the pure profit doctrine of the supremacy of money, so what they accumulate is wealth. Now, they have basically completed the accumulation process from poverty to arrival, so next, they must consider a problem of both economics There is no doubt that they have different views on how to govern the country, and these different views will prompt a series of struggles, and this series of struggles will bring lasting turmoil to the country, but After the turmoil, whoever of them wins, will try to calm the country and continue. So, from the source, or from a long-term perspective, who can give them the next good easily What about the conclusion of evil? Oh, in fact, in my opinion, there is no good or evil in this world. Great good is evil, and great evil is also good. This is called dialectics. People say that all roads lead to Rome, so no matter what. Is it an evil hero or a good hero, will there be any difference in the goal they finally flee to?"

Guo Shouyun's remarks can be said to be extremely bizarre. Neither Sergey nor Dmitry can agree with his point of view, but if they want to refute it, they can't find any concrete arguments, because these words No matter how it violates moral standards, no matter how awkward it sounds, it has a great feature, that is, it conforms to reality. Victor and the others want to seize power, the purpose is to get the power to govern the country, and after they achieve their purpose, will they make the country a mess? Obviously impossible, so the process of their starting up is clean? Obviously not. Khodorkovsky and the others amassed wealth crazily and used it to manipulate national politics. The purpose is also to gain the power to govern the country. When they achieve their goals, will they still make people's lives miserable? Aside from these people, let's look at Vladimir. He is now also trying to accumulate power, and his fundamental purpose is also to gain the power to govern the country, and the process of his starting up is so clear? Stop joking, standing with Guo Shouyun, he won't be able to tell the truth. So from another point of view, if a supreme saint who does not eat human fireworks is allowed to enter this ***, what will happen to him? Undoubtedly, there are only two paths he can take. Either he joins forces with the wicked, and uses unscrupulous means to accumulate wealth and power, in order to gain enough power to bring the world down and achieve a certain degree of "great goodness", or Do nothing, sit back and watch the world continue to be in chaos, let more people suffer, let more people suffer, and finally plant a true sense of "There are only two paths to great evil, jump out of one person, which one will he choose?

Guo Shouyun's remarks caused Sergey and Dmitry to fall into silence. These two young people who had just entered the political arena, from an old Youzi who was younger than them, once again felt something from the soul. Deep pressure----This road is not easy to walk.

"Remember the tolerance I mentioned to you the other day?" Guo Shouyun broke the silence after the team entered the main entrance of Khodorkovsky Manor. With a faint smile, he said, "Take everything right and wrong. Put it all aside, and don’t carry any thoughts of personal grievances. Keep your eyes open to see all problems. You can treat all the battles you may encounter in the future as a game. Only when you do this can you really do it. Tolerance can be regarded as truly entering a state. There is no difference between good and evil in the game, only the distinction between opponents and partners, partners, even if it is a great evil, it must be defended, and the opponent, no matter how pure and good, must be beaten Turn it on the ground. Make me happy, stop me from dying, in the field of power, there is such a rule, you...let’s have a good experience.”

When Guo Shouyun finished saying this, the car just stopped, and through the window, he could see Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov smiling, shoulder to shoulder, on the terrace not far away. Walk side by side towards this side.

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