Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 259: Scientific Computing Center

?In the pale and dim dawn of the morning, the Soviet Scientific Computer Center, which is located in the north of downtown Moscow, near the banks of the Little Moscow River, welcomed a guest. , This guest is obviously not to be neglected. Therefore, after receiving the news that a guest is visiting, the two brought more than a dozen main persons in charge of the center to greet them, and waited for half an hour in the parking lot in front of the center building. hours. /qβ5, /

Who is Guo Shouyun? Like most of the people in the center, they don't know anything about it. To put it bluntly, they all work in science and technology, they are all researchers, and they are the so-called "don't listen to things outside the window and only play with computers". But the fact that most people don't know doesn't mean that everyone doesn't know. Like Panjelov and Dzerkasin, they know what the name Guo Shouyun stands for. It is power, money, opportunity, and Soaring. It's not a trivial matter for such a powerful person to come to the center, let alone waiting in the parking lot after the snow, if possible, the two would like to send a car to pick them up, but it's a pity, now The financial difficulties of the center are to death. The entire institute can't even get a high-end sedan, a few Volga pickups, and a smuggled Polonaise, will people take it?

At nearly 8:40, a black Mercedes-Benz car turned around the street in front of the computer center and appeared on the road in front of the flower garden turntable in the small square, followed by another car of the same style. , is another... A fleet of six Mercedes-Benz sedans of the same style appeared in everyone's sight. Needless to say, I know that this is Guo Shouyun.

"Honey, I really don't understand, what are you doing in such a place early in the morning," Hornikova, who got out of the car and put on a black fur coat, muttered incessantly. She heard that Guo Shouyun was going out early this morning. Originally thought he was going to see some important person again, so he wanted to follow him noisily, but God knows, this man came to such a bad place.

"If you could understand what I did, you would have sunk in the Moscow River long ago," Guo Shouyun turned from the side of the car and screwed a hand on Hornikova's cock, and at the same time laughed.

"Ha. I knew you would say that." Hornikova opened her small mouth, bared her two rows of teeth like shells, made a biting motion, and said with a smile.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, someone is coming." Reaching out to hold the woman's arm, Guo Shouyun glanced at the people who were walking towards this side, and said in a low voice.

Although Hornikova likes to act like a spoiled child in front of Guo Shouyun, she also understands the situation. Therefore, as Guo Shouyun said these words, her smiling face suddenly fell. A dignified and generous elegance returned to her again.

"Mr. Guo," Pangelov and Dzerkasin trotted almost all the way to Guo Shouyun, and when they were about a dozen paces away, they stretched out their hand and flattered with a smile on their faces, "I didn't expect that. You will come to us in your busy schedule, this... how do you say it, the splendor is bright, the splendid is bright."

"Are you mocking me or complimenting me?" Guo Shouyun shook hands with the dean with a smile on his face, but pondered in his heart.

As a double-material computer doctor. Panjelov, the dean of the computer center who was born as a basic researcher, really doesn't know how to shoot horse-drawn art. It's also because Guo Shouyun doesn't care about this aspect very much. Otherwise, this is the first sentence straight to the point. Even if he offended people.

"Hehe, Dean Pangelov, right?" Guo Shouyun calmly pulled his hand back, shook hands with Dzerkasin next to him, and then smiled, "Don't say anything about the brilliance of prosperity. If not. If not. I should think you don't welcome me as a copper-clad businessman."

Compared with Pangelov, Dzerkassin, who came from the political system, is obviously better at dealing with this kind of situation. He knew that the procedural dean beside him was very incapable of flattering people. He said that he was so flamboyant to a businessman like Guo Shouyun. Isn't this a curse?

"Mr. Guo misunderstood Comrade Panjelov's meaning. You must know that a distinguished guest like Mr., but we can't even invite him. If you want to come and have a look, how can we not welcome you." Derkasin laughed.

"That sounds good to me," Guo Shouyun thought to himself, but smiled, "Where, I came here today just out of curiosity, you two don't know anything about your place, I'm still from Nina's mouth heard the ground. Hehe, I came here to see for myself today on a whim."

"Oh, Nina, that girl hasn't been here for several years," Panjelov said with a rather emotional expression on his face, "Well, I remember the last time, in 1986 Right? That summer, yes, in July, she came for the last time, since..."

"Hehe, Miss Nina is a frequent visitor here. At that time, she was our little angel. Everyone liked her very much. Although she was very naughty, she always liked to do some weird and bad things." After finishing speaking, Dzerkasin hurriedly said. While talking, he complained about the dean, and said in his heart: This old friend is really confused, the big rich man in front of him is obviously prepared, he mentioned that Nina is just to get closer, you don't follow His words came, but he had to push it back abruptly. Isn't this a problem with funds?

Panjelov's remarks really made Guo Shouyun sweat a lot. The reason why he came up to mention Nina was to bring them closer together, and then Nina would lead to more topics, but this The dean is good, and the whole "that girl hasn't come for several years" comes up. If you want to follow his tone, how can you talk about the following? Fortunately, there is someone who is knowledgeable and interesting. The group of people chatted briefly in the open space in front of the parking lot. Taking the little elf Nina as the starting point, they talked about some things that Guo Shouyun didn't know about in the past. In general, this kind of conversation was still very pleasant. . How should I put it, talking to people like Panjelov and the others has an advantage, that is, they don’t have to spend too much time thinking about it. Although these scientific researchers have very good brains, they don’t have a wide brain area. What kind of intrigue is stored, so these words are all without thinking, go straight, and say what you think.

After chatting for a while on the snowfield, Guo Shouyun, surrounded by a dozen computer center personnel, walked into the square-enclosed main building of the center and went straight to the large conference room in the center.

In the conversation with Panjelov and others, Guo Shouyun learned that, as a department directly under the Soviet Science and Technology Committee, the Scientific Computer Center was established shortly after the end of World War II. At the beginning, there were only forty people here, and the place of work was only a two-story independent building. However, with the recovery of the national economy after the war and the international development of computer technology, the state has invested more and more capital and manpower in this area, especially in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Sophisticated researchers working in this field can only be described as a surplus. At that time, there were more than 100,000 programmers in the large and small scientific research institutes of the Soviet Union. In the Scientific Computer Center in Moscow alone, there were more than 2,000 experienced programmers. In the process of the computer technology exhibition in the Soviet Union, there has always been a drawback, that is, the emphasis on hard and soft, that is, the development of hardware technology is emphasized, and the development of program software is despised. There are more than 100,000 programmers in the country. Next, it is conceivable how large the team of hardware developers is.

Since the Soviet Union has always closely linked computer research with military technology, the hardware research of the Scientific Computer Center has been generally divided into two parts. The other part is a mobile machine, a small machine that can be easily carried by military combat units.

Although Guo Shouyun is not very proficient in the field of computers, he can also think that the direction of the computer exhibition is not much different from the general trend in the world. Maozi's technology is clearly behind, because the Jap has launched a real laptop a few years ago. But in terms of supercomputers and mainframes, Lao Maozi's technology is still at the forefront of the world. High computing rate and accurate computing are their characteristics. Otherwise, their military technology would not have reached the current level. Moreover, Lao Maozi's technology has the biggest advantage, that is, the low cost. To put it bluntly, it is a cheap Russian-made mainframe with similar performance. The cost ranges from hundreds of thousands of rubles to 300,000 rubles. , it would cost millions of dollars.

Listening to the introduction of Panjelov and others, Guo Shouyun was also considering it. The reality is that the Wang An company he wants to acquire is itself engaged in the mainframe business, and the technical advantages of the Soviet Union are also in large In terms of mainframes and supercomputers, if they can combine the advantages of the two sides, it should not be difficult for his company to grab some share in the future mainframe market. But a big problem is that Guo Shouyun's attention is not purely on the mainframe, he is more concerned about the microcomputer, and it is the home version of the microcomputer, because according to the trend of the computer technology exhibition, the home version of the pc. It is the mainstream and the biggest market. There is also another problem, that is, the home version of the microcomputer is less restricted by the government, while the mainframe, especially the supercomputer technology, is subject to state control, and it is impossible to achieve unlimited export earnings.

This question is rather tricky. For the first time, Guo Shouyun felt how difficult it is to get involved in this field. Now, the biggest difficulty for him is that he is a layman in the field of computers, and his technical theory and business philosophy are not related- ---It seems that if you want to get involved in this field more safely, you still need to look for professional talents.

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