Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 258: reflection

?According to Vladimir, the fundamental reason for the breakdown of the relationship between Zyuganov and Viktor and Sobchak was the question of whether the Soviet Union should be divided. Nov holds a firm objection. He believes that the dissolution of the alliance will mean the loss of the status of the entire Russian power and the complete despair of future prospects. . qβ5. Based on this consideration, he believes that it is now the most critical moment, and it is no longer possible to continue to compromise with the White House. They must gather their strength and carry out a fruitful attack on the White House.

Viktor and Sobchak, on the other hand, remained silent on this issue. They were more realistic and were able to clearly realize that the disintegration of the Soviet Union as a national alliance was irreversible. Among the current dozen republics, except for Except for Belarus's firmer position, others are making plans to be eccentric. The Bolshevik Party is like the parents of the Soviet Union, the union country. When it dies, the division of a dozen brothers is inevitable.

During the period of the enlarged meeting of the Soviets, the three political giants launched an unprecedented large-scale debate in Leningrad. As a result, no one was able to convince anyone. Therefore, in the middle of the night when the Soviet Union was about to fall into division. , the elite group formed by the remnants of the old Bolshevik party, one step ahead of the split.

The split of the three hidden political giants indicates that a new political environment is about to emerge. Zyuganov will assemble the remaining forces of the Bolshevik Party and challenge the White House. There is no doubt that the existing situation in Moscow will further complicated. As a powerful figure who once served as the head of the Soviet Central Propaganda Department and the deputy head of the Central Ideology Department, Zyuganov had great influence within the party, and with the collapse of the Bolshevik Party, the political forces surrounding him Also very powerful, so. His new start will inevitably lead to deep concerns from Victor and others. Not to mention, maybe a brewing political storm is coming soon.

Thinking about the meeting he had with Zyuganov not long ago, and thinking about the old man's love for Nina, Guo Shouyun would inevitably feel a little emotional in his heart. Decades of deep friendship, countless chats over wine, and openness to each other. Bullying is open and honest, and it is so easy to go to waste. Perhaps the cruelty of politics lies in this.

Vladimir and the others did not stay at the manor for dinner as they had said in advance, and they left at less than six o'clock. After that, Guo Shouyun kept himself locked in the study, no one was seen, and he didn't eat dinner.

Although Guo Shouyun acted calmly when he heard the news of Zyuganov's "running away from home", in fact, the news still touched him a lot, and this touch was first brought about for a while. Feelings from the heart, after feeling. It is a deep thought on a series of problems. Guo Shouyun has not used this way of thinking for a long time, that is, the way of thinking that treats the positive and negative sides differently. And the harvest brought by this way of thinking is to further broaden his sight-a very political vision.

A bright lamp, a spacious desk, and a lonely figure, in such an environment, Guo Shouyun sat on his stomach for four and a half hours, during which no one came to disturb him, and no one dared to disturb him. .

During this period of time, Guo Shouyun described everything he came into contact with after arriving in the Far East. Including people and things, he thought about it in detail from beginning to end, and then he came to a conclusion. A conclusion about why the Soviet Union, or the Bolshevik Party, got to where it is today.

Split, everything is caused by split.

The Soviet Union has implemented the one-party dictatorship of the Bolshevik Party for decades, and a huge bureaucratic system has been formed within its party group, guided by the style of replacing the government with the party. The element of political power has always been in a leadership position. And those more professional economic jobs are in a dominated and led position. These economic work sustains the state economic development of the entire Soviet Union. But they don't have much say in the political power. If things go on like this, a strong resentment must have accumulated in these people's hearts. However, due to the problems of the state system, they dare not speak up or even complain. At this time, Gorbachev's new thinking reform came. He advocated a humanized and democratized socialist reform line, and combined economic reform and political reform into one. Big spread. Under such circumstances, the original Bolshevik Party bureaucracy was rapidly transformed. A party-government bureaucratic group dominated by political elites within the party and an economic bureaucratic group with economic work as its main force were quickly formed. The birthplace was the complete split of the Bolshevik party and caucus organization.

In the economic and political competition, politics is in a relatively weak position, and this is particularly prominent in the Soviet Union. A hundred years ago, Marx and Engels once had a special discussion on Russia. In their mouths, the social form of Russia was called "half-Asian society", and the so-called Asiatic society had one of the most significant characteristics, that is, apart from the power In addition to the class and the ruled, there is a lack of a necessary middle class, that is, the lack of the middle class. This characteristic is very dangerous. It means that the country has two paths of development, one is centralization and the other is turmoil, and there is no third path to take. Lenin, his mentor back then, was obviously aware of this danger, and he took measures to try to reverse this situation, but unfortunately, his new economic policy was implemented for too short a time, and his succession was a complete dictatorship, so Lenin After his death, the New Economic Policy was abolished, and the group of middle classes that had just emerged were quickly uprooted. Under the coercion of swords and guns, economic factors have returned to the road of political domination.

After decades of ups and downs, a large number of the Soviet Union's economic elites ostensibly held the country's economic power, but in fact, they have always been in a dominant position. They sweated and worked hard for the country's economy like cattle. , but what they got was only a handful of hay, and most of the harvest was controlled by the political bureaucracy. As for the emergence of the shadow economy, it is a derivative that will inevitably be born in this environment.

Whether it was Kurnenko or Andropov, they heard the opposition from the economic level. This voice was so strong that it shook the entire Soviet state system. Therefore, they implemented reforms, but did not dare to Shake the fundamentals of political economy, because they know that there will be big problems. Because the political bureaucracy is characterized by "**", and in contrast, the economic bureaucracy is characterized by "greed", the spread of** needs to rely on the gradual erosion of the relationship network, and the spread of greed does not require any medium , as it will devour.

The reforms of Kirnenko and Andropov had little effect, but under the measures of attacking the Communist Party with one hand and suppressing the economic bureaucracy with the other, the economy of the Soviet Union also recovered to a certain extent in a short period of time. In other words, shrewd people don't live long, and the time in power of Ernenko and Andropov was too short. Their sickly bodies couldn't support their huge heads, and they eventually collapsed in just one or two years. on the post. After two successive leaders' changes, the Soviet Central Committee realized one thing, that is, when choosing leaders, don't choose those with big heads.

After that, everything went smoothly. As soon as he took office, Gordon began to make drastic reforms. Perhaps because he was dissatisfied with Brezhnev's practice of awarding himself a medal, Gordon turned his attention to foreign countries. Bell Peace Prize to comfort life. As a result, in just a few years, the political bureaucratic group of the Communist Party of China lost its effective control over the greedy economic bureaucratic group, and a large number of politicians who escaped from the economic bureaucratic group, or were dominated by the economic bureaucratic group, rushed to the front. Holding the signboard of "democracy and freedom" in one hand, and the dagger of "revenge for revenge, revenge for injustice" in the other, they hurriedly charged at the old enemy who had oppressed them for decades. At this point, the situation was completely out of control, and the economic factors that got rid of the shackles began to change their guns, and smashed the political forces to pieces, like Khodorkovsky and others, who were born after this evolution. They are not so much economic giants as the representatives or core figures of the economic bureaucratic group, and the political bureaucratic group that has lost its centralized control can no longer suppress them, at least until the next group appears, no one Can hold them down.

When Marx and Engels discussed Russia a hundred years ago, when they entered the 21st century, they got an iron-clad argument: Russia, either centralization or turmoil, there is no other way to go.

And after Guo Shouyun thought about all this, he came to a conclusion that in this world, economic power can never be overridden political supremacy, because letting go of the control of economic power is equivalent to artificially opening up The Pandora's Box released the devouring energy from the Nine Nether Hells. This energy is far more harmful than the locusts. Where they swept the ground, not to mention dead wood and rotten grass, not even a single piece of gravel was left.

After four and a half hours of thinking, Guo Shouyun picked up the pen and wrote a paragraph of more than 27,000 words on a stack of neat manuscript paper. To be honest, the reason why Guo Shouyun wrote this discussion was purely on a whim, but even this brief discussion on a whim didn’t get any chance to be published, because in less than 30,000 words, It involved too many characters and too many inside stories, so this handwritten manuscript entered the secret archives of the Russian Federation security services a few years later. What history left to the world is still a blank piece of paper.

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