Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 260:

? Guo Shouyun stayed in the conference room of the main building of the Scientific Computer Center for less than half an hour, so he proposed to let the two deans accompany him around and visit.

In this matter, Panjelov, as the dean, still has great concerns. After all, Guo Shouyun is not a high-ranking official, and according to the policy, the center is the core of domestic high-tech computer technology and a leader in the field of military science and technology development. The center, that can't let people go in and out casually. To be honest, Guo Shouyun had already violated the rules today, and it would be even more outrageous if he wanted to go around here.

Unlike Panjelov, Derkasin has no hesitation on this issue. He is in charge of political affairs at the center and is also in charge of financial work. Therefore, he has a deeper influence on Guo Shouyun. layer understanding. In his opinion, although this rich man from the Far East is not a high-ranking government official, he has more power than the officials of those ministries and commissions. Derkasin will also give him the technical information without hesitation---what age is this? What is the situation outside? At this time, only those who have money count. Those technical confidentiality rules in the past should have been abolished long ago.

In this way, Guo Shouyun easily got the opportunity to visit the computer center. Accompanied by Panjelov and Dzerkasin, he walked north from the main building of the center. Center, Compiler and Interpreter Development Center, Interactive Control Research Institute, etc., a total of forty-seven research units, he has read it over and over.

To be honest, Pangelov's concerns are indeed superfluous, because Guo Shouyun does not have the capital to act as a technical spy. He may be very sensitive to numbers, but numbers are money codes in his eyes. Instead of technical data, whoever wants to put a ledger in front of him, he can read it in ten minutes, and then can accurately tell if there is anything tricky in it. But whoever wants to put a technical parameter report in front of him, he can't see any way if it is estimated that he will be given a month's time. What is interlaced like a mountain, this is the truth.

But having said that, Guo Shouyun's turn is not in vain, he is also observing. Observe what? Not to observe anything else, just observe the financial situation in the center and the working attitude of those technicians, and this kind of observation will directly affect his plan to buy talents in the future.

There is no pure place in this world that can be separated from the mundane, and as a purely technical geoscience computer center, the same is true. During the dozens of minutes of visiting, Guo Shouyun found that the people in the center have no work at all. can be done. Just like in that huge programming center. Hundreds of elite programmers are out of work, and the floor of the central hall is filthy, with waste paper and food bags everywhere. Let's talk about the Magnetic Core Institute. The original sterile research room has now become a grocery store. The door of the disinfection function room is locked, but the door of the research room is wide open. According to Panjelov, the equipment in the disinfection function room is broken. , but the center has no funds to invest in maintenance, so it has to be idle at present.

A dignified state-level computer science and technology center, but it can't afford equipment maintenance costs of tens of thousands of rubles. It is estimated that no one will believe it. However, the fact is the fact, it is irrefutable, so that people can believe it even if they don't believe it.

According to Derkasin's introduction, the center currently has more than 2,700 technicians of various types. It costs more than 1.1 million rubles each month to pay the employees’ wages alone, and now the financial department allocates less than 1.3 million rubles per month to the center, that is to say. After the employee's salary is over. The center's monthly account is only less than 200,000 rubles. The 200,000 rubles will also be used to pay for the high electricity, water and other necessary expenses, and at the same time. Also set aside about 50,000 rubles to pay for the bribes of the officials responsible for financial allocation next month, otherwise, the monthly financial payment will not know when to delay.

Helpless, right? This is not the most helpless. At present, the average salary of technicians in the center is 400 rubles per month. This standard has been maintained for nearly six years. During these six years, prices in Moscow have continued to soar. The high salary of 400 rubles in those years is now even monthly subsistence allowances cannot be maintained. Not only that, but with the fall of the Bolshevik Party, the original six living quarters in the center should not be "confiscation". Land luxury casino. What does this indicate? Undoubtedly, this means that with the arrival of Christmas, 60% of the center's more than 2,700 employees will become homeless "refugees". On the one hand, the level of wages has fallen, on the other hand, the loss of the social welfare system, and on the other hand, the original housing has been taken away. With this series of problems piled up in front of us, who can still have the heart to work?

The situation that the center is facing now can be described in one sentence, that is, the closing date is not far away. Nowadays, those who have some brains in the center have basically resigned and changed careers, and some well-known people in the industry are sharpening their heads and going abroad. The original 47 heads of departments have now left for more than 30 years. Most of them went to the United States. Not to mention others, just take Panjelov as the dean. His current salary is 670 rubles per month, and he has a three-bedroom house. He has been in contact with him in an attempt to persuade him to immigrate to the United States. The condition offered over there is a tentative annual salary of 750,000 yuan. In addition, the United States will provide him with a dedicated research laboratory and an annual research project fund of no less than 4 million yuan. Obviously, the treatment given by the two parties is not comparable at all. As long as they are not fools, it is easy to make the wisest choice. But it is a pity that Pangelov, who is over sixty years old, is still such a fool. He would rather die with the country, a tree that is about to wither, than go to the United States to serve the capitalists.

The old man Panjelov is still very good. His research area is the innovation of the central processing unit. Two years ago, he proposed a Panjelov rule, which is aimed at the operation of computer hard disks. However, because the Soviet government at that time did not pay enough attention, this "rule" was obliterated, and soon afterward, the West proposed the e-ide standard, which was almost as far away from the Panjelov Rule as it was quickly. It has been put into practical use, and the actual capacity of the computer hard disk has been pushed to more than 512 megabytes.

Of course, there are still many talents buried in this scientific computer center, just like Pajitnov, whose Tetris game has brought countless countless talents to Nintendo and countless game companies. Profits, but after the successful design of this game, it was directly accused of "doing no business", and then, the patent of the game was resold by the Soviet Union Import and Export Administration at an absolutely low price, and as the design of the game, Par Kitnov's only gain is a "286".

As for what Pajitnov is doing today, it is tragic. He is on the list of layoffs at the center. Before Christmas, he will take his last salary and leave the place where he has worked for decades. Go find another job. And he was laid off together with more than 40 other veteran programmers----Panjelov was doing hardware research. He always looked down on these programmers, so when the center was facing difficulties, His first batch of layoffs were hundreds of programmers.

Baby, baby is thrown away as trash. The Soviet government, deep in the quagmire of political struggle, regarded a place like the Scientific Computer Center as a garbage dump, not to mention sufficient scientific research funds, even the funds necessary for the maintenance of the system, the financial department was too lazy to allocate. Under such circumstances, if the experts without food and clothing do not think about fleeing, they will be in hell. After all, there are not many people as stupid as Pangelov.

Alright, alright, Guo Shouyun pondered, he has the right to take back the "rubbish", who made himself a citizen of the Soviet Union now, it is the duty of every citizen to solve problems for the country, since the government doesn't want these "rubbish" , then choose the right one and take it to waste.

With this idea in mind, Guo Shouyun did not leave immediately after the fancy tour. He wanted to have lunch with several principals of the center at the staff restaurant inside the center. In order to be able to perform this "acquisition of talents" drama well, Guo Shouyun really put a lot of effort into it. He chose to make an export when the number of diners was the largest, claiming that he would establish a large-scale computer technology research enterprise in the Far East, trying to To enter the international computer market in the future. To this end, the Guo Group is expected to allocate a special fund of 470 million rubles to invest in the establishment of this enterprise. In order to better attract relevant talents, the group will implement a reward policy of high salary and high welfare for its employees in accordance with the welfare standards in the United States, and employees’ contributions will be directly linked to their gains. ".

It is not so simple to poach people from the National Science and Computer Center. Guo Shouyun cannot contact them individually, and it is impossible to put forward what treatment conditions for them. For one thing, he does not know how to do it. , he did not know. Second, that's too much. A businessman blatantly goes to a national research institution to dig for talents, and the follow-up impact is too bad.

There are some things that don't need to be clearly stated, and low-key publicity methods like Guo Shouyun's can often achieve their goals well. On the one hand, there are new enterprises with high salaries and high benefits and strong financial support, and on the other hand, there are old research centers that are waiting to die. In contrast, it is easy for a wise person to make a choice. At the same time, in a place like the Scientific Computer Center, news would spread very quickly, and Guo Shouyun didn't need to worry about those people not being able to hear his voice.

What Guo Shouyun has to do now is to immediately negotiate the acquisition of Wang An, and then set up a stove in the Far East and make a big fight. The industrial road of Guo's Group will officially start today.

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