Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 257: It's still split

"Is there a lack of funds?" Guo Shouyun smiled. He didn't mind the other party's straight-forward way of speaking. On the contrary, he liked the atmosphere very much, because it showed that the other party didn't do any evil. Be an outsider—at least not yet. The whole novel network

"Yes, Mr. Guo," the kick that hit Dmitry just now came from Sergey next to him. The reason why he kicked like that was for nothing else, he just felt that Dmitry had Speaking too directly, he was worried that it would attract Guo Shouyun's displeasure. After all, people have given them a lot of help before, and now they are asking for money, which is really unreasonable.

In fact, from this point of view, Sergey was still young at this time, and the dirty water in the political arena had not yet infected him, so his face was still tender. If this matter is put on an old greasy person like Victor, how can he care about that——You do the work, and you pay for it. If you catch up, it's him who will kill you.

"We figured it out," Sergey said after biting his lip, apparently after some preparations, "If Vladimir is to take up the post of First Deputy Mayor of Leningrad, he must have something to do with it. As, judging from the current situation, it is the easiest to demonstrate political achievements in planning a new step in the urban area and solving the currently quite difficult problem of heating urban residents in winter. From the current situation, it is necessary to make achievements in the problem of heating in winter. It is very difficult, because Khodorkovsky is currently working on the idea of ​​the Leningrad gas supply system, and if we break in recklessly, it is easy to have unnecessary conflicts with him. So, now We moved the ground. It is the new planning of the urban area, and we need to work on the renovation of the city, and this aspect requires a large amount of capital investment. Without Mr.'s support, it would be difficult for us to obtain such a large amount of construction funds. "

"Have you calculated, how much do you need?" Guo Shouyun glanced at Vladimir and said with a slight smile.

"We made a detailed estimate with more than a dozen professors from Leningrad University," Anatoly said. The progress of each step of the work that you want to do, on the whole, is divided into three years, and a total of four large-scale investments are required. And the construction cost should not be less than 7,466,500 ruble."

Anatoly gave Guo Shouyun a careful look after stating the specific funds needed for the project. For him, this is an absolute huge sum of money, and it is estimated that this sum of money should be treated with caution in today's Leningrad Central Bank.

As for Guo Shouyun, he didn't think about the money issue at all. As soon as he heard the "Seven Hundred" pop up, he turned his attention away. Not to mention anything else, just the outfits that Hornikova filled out today. One-tenth of the land for this project has come out. What is Guo Shouyun thinking now? He was thinking about Leningrad University. This academy, which claims to have produced many famous people in modern Russian history, is indeed very complicated. If nothing else, just talk about the few people in front of you, they all came from there. They are alumni and classmates, and in their political growth stage, it is obviously Leningrad University who provides them with advisory support, to some extent. They are such "alumni-type" political groups. Often more connected and more united.

"You have a good idea. This method of earning political qualifications is very feasible," Guo Shouyun came back to his senses after thinking for a while. He reached out and stroked the rim of the teacup in front of the table and said, "The issue of funding is a trivial matter, as long as you can Don't say it's more than 7 million, I will also give another more than 7 million. During this time, my schedule is relatively tight, and I may not have time to do this specifically, but you don't have to. Worry, I will definitely go back to Khabarovsk at Christmas time. During this time, you should also think of a safe way to see how you can take over the funds without any trace. After all, the central bank is the If you can't go, that's too publicized, and it will have a bad impact on you. In addition, I have two points to add to you. First, since the investment in this city construction has been made, how can the effect be maximized? Well, to create the greatest influence. The government's investment in urban construction is a move that can boost economic holdings on a large scale. For you, it is still too early to engage in economic development. What you need to do is Win people's hearts. After all, the following public elections are about to begin, and your concept of governance must also be changed. You must always keep in mind that your future political achievements are not for the public to see, but for the public. If this concept cannot be changed. Come on, no matter how much work you do in this area, it will be useless. If I do this, I will make a lot of publicity within a certain range in advance, for example, the construction company participating in the construction bidding , it must be a local company in the Leningrad region, and for example, if these construction companies want to win the bid, how many unemployed workers must they absorb, what standard of benefits they must provide to the workers, etc. Only similar propaganda can achieve When it is clear and in place, the citizens will see that I am working for their welfare, so they will support me, and this will form a virtuous circle. Have you all realized this?"

Vladimir looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Well, the rest is the second point," Guo Shouyun nodded with satisfaction and continued, "Just now Sergey mentioned a city heating problem, and said that this is not feasible now, the reason is Khodorko Vsky is coveting the natural gas supply system in Leningrad Oblast. I have different views on this. In my opinion, this matter cannot only be given up, but also needs to be done with great effort, because if the operation is done well, You can get two birds with one stone."

"Oh?!" Guo Shouyun's remarks clearly spoke to the hearts of several people, and Vladimir asked enthusiastically, "What good ideas does Shouyun have?"

"Hehe, I can't talk about good ideas. Don't you know me? I never have good ideas in my mind, but there are some bad ones." Guo Shouyun laughed, "Actually. In my opinion, It is not so easy for Khodorkovsky to take over the natural gas supply system of Leningrad Oblast, after all, privatization has not touched this aspect. If I were you, I would choose this I will act as a **** on behalf of Khodorkovsky at that time. As the first deputy mayor of Leningrad, I will severely and even cruelly criticize the natural gas supply system in Leningrad Oblast, and I will give them a dollar. It's not worth it, and it will even create some alarmist rumors to incite public opinion. At this time, Khodorkovsky, who has been coveted for a long time, will never miss a good opportunity, as long as there is public opinion With support, he can easily take down the Leningrad gas supply system. So what is the final result? There is no doubt that the public opinion was instigated by me, so the support of the people is here. Where is Dolkovsky? I acted as a **** for him, and he will give me confidence to a certain extent. Besides, the public opinion has been stirred up, so it must be calmed down. How to calm down? Needless to say, Khodorko After taking over the natural gas supply system, Vsky will take a series of measures to benefit the people. At least he wants to let the citizens of Leningrad live this winter safely. Then turn around and let the citizens of Leningrad stay warm during the winter. The problem was solved well, and they have to be grateful. To whom? Khodorkovsky? No, of course not, they will be grateful to me, because it was my first difficulty that brought them this opportunity. And in the whole process. In fact, I didn't pay any price, but in the end I made a lot of money. Why not do good things like this?"

After Guo Shouyun said this, Vladimir was better. Three like Anatoly and Sergey and Dmitry. They didn't react for a long time, and they only realized it today. It turns out that politics can be played like this. The shrewd mind of a businessman, the iron-blooded wrist of a soldier, and the ruthless cold-bloodedness of a politician can only be combined to create an oligarch who is able to mingle in both political and economic circles, but these young people... .. there is still a lot to learn.

"Hey, Shouyun, I won't say more about thanking you. I, Vladimir, will keep your affection today in my heart." Perhaps after digesting Guo Shouyun's point just now, Vladimir pondered for a long time. He took a deep breath and said.

"Hehe, where did you say it, we are all friends," Guo Shouyun smiled meaningfully, and then said, "I will help you today, and maybe you will help me tomorrow, there is no thank you. No thanks. You just need to remember one sentence, as long as it is within my power, I will give you whatever support I need. "

Vladimir nodded cautiously. He really remembered these words. In fact, it was not only him, but also several people around him, and he remembered it for more than ten years. Perhaps, to a certain extent, the Guo Group, which dominates the Far East, established an inexhaustible and inexhaustible close relationship with the "St. Petersburg Gang" that was just taking shape on this day.

"Okay, let's talk about these words," Guo Shouyun slapped the sand armrest twice, stood up, walked towards the wine cabinet, and said, "I see, we should have a good drink today. One cup, on the one hand, is a celebration, and on the other hand, I wish you all the best in your political career."

"Shouyun, I have to tell you something," Vladimir said, looking at Guo Shouyun's back.

"Oh, let's talk," Guo Shouyun said without looking back.

"Last night, Mr. Viktor and the teacher, they broke up with Mr. Zyuganov. When I left Leningrad this morning, I got the news that Zyuganov was planning to reorganize the Bolshevik Party, and he quit the relationship between the teacher and Mr. Viktor. ***." Vladimir said in a heavy tone.

Guo Shouyun was shocked, and suddenly stopped, obviously, this news shocked him. But the shock did not last long.

"Really?" After standing still in front of the wine cabinet for more than ten seconds, Guo Shouyun turned around, looked at Vladimir and the others, and said calmly, "Although I knew this day would come sooner or later, I didn't. It's coming so fast. The road ahead is long, so take it slow."

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