Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 252: Seductive Fox

? The woman's groaning sounds reverberated in Guo Shouyun's study, and the sound of slaps mixed with it was even more bloody. \\. qβ5.

In Moscow, Khornikova, who made countless men coveted, was leaning half-prostrate in front of the large desk. Her milky white trousers had been completely taken off, leaving only one trouser leg. The virtual sleeve is on the ankle of the left leg. The whole body's right leg was raised high and stepped on the edge of the desk. The plump buttocks, because of this difficult posture, stood up and swayed back and forth frequently with the impact of the man behind him.

Standing behind the woman, Guo Shouyun, who had only taken off his pants, was doing the last round of sprinting. The **** and hot wrapping in the woman's body gave him great pleasure. Of course, this pleasure and emotion did not exist. In any relationship, he has no feelings for this woman, and his few feelings, I am afraid that even the women in the Far East cannot be satisfied, let alone this vain fox.

Anything in this world can be traded, which naturally includes women's **. In general, Hornikova is lucky, her appearance and figure can be seen by Guo Shouyun, so she is qualified to make this transaction, otherwise, she may not even be able to find her own future There are women on the streets of Moscow, and there are many people who use ** to make transactions, but the transactions they do may only be exchanged for a few crumpled ruble banknotes. The devaluation of the ruble means their ** become cheaper. Hornikova's shrewdness may be that she understands what it means to be up for sale, and to whom she should sell her "first blood". This country may perish, and no amount of money may It was turned into waste paper due to devaluation, but the power of the man behind him will never depreciate. With his power to rely on, is there anything else to worry about?

Of course, someone might say. Pampering in exchange for **** can't last, and for this, Hornikova is not worried at all. All she needs is that Guo Shouyun has been infatuated with her for a period of time, even if this period is only two days, it will be enough. Guo Shouyun is a public figure, and I don't know how many people's eyes are focused on him, and he has two days to go out with him, so the name Hornikova will be included by many powerful people. sight. What does all this mean? Undoubtedly, this means that he has a "passport" to no disadvantage. As long as Guo Shouyun's power is still there, this pass will never be invalidated, on the ground of Moscow and even all of Russia. How many people will not leave a third of face for this "pass"?

"I slept with Guo Shouyun. He knows exactly what I look like naked, and I also know exactly what he looks like. Are you unconvinced? Find your leaders!" This is the logic of Hornikova. Shameless, but very practical, anyone can say she is shameless and mean, but she can live more comfortably than most people, at least the next time there is an important meeting in the Kremlin, even if she is a family member Tabloid notes. It is also certain that you will be able to get an "interview certificate" in a perfect position.

A democratic society, isn't that "black-hearted people in power, shameless people's words, shameless people show their faces"?

Hornikova is shrewd, oh. In other words, her inferiority was rewarded very well. Guo Shouyun really liked her sex, especially her slender waist, which was really the pinnacle of a woman. Hold up with both hands. It can almost be pinched, from a certain point of view. It gives a man the satisfaction of being in control of everything.

The entanglement of madness lasted for nearly twenty minutes. Finally, when Guo Shouyun felt that the agitation was about to burst forth, he tightly grasped the woman's slender waist, and pulled her whole body towards him. He rushed forward, sent his firmness into the deepest part of the woman's body, and let out all the **.

"I don't know that it hurts people at all." Blushing cheeks, Hornikova put down her thigh on the table, glanced at Guo Shouyun, who had just sat back on the sand, and said with a whimper, "It hurts me to death. , this leg is numb too."

As she said that, she gently kicked off the trousers hanging from her ankles, she was half naked, twisted to Guo Shouyun's side, then bent over and swallowed the man's weak baby into her mouth.

"Well, good," Guo Shouyun groaned comfortably, to be honest, he admired Hornikova's knowledge and knowledge.

After cleaning up the body fluids and blood stains on the man like sucking a sausage, Hornikova stood up again, spread her legs so wide, and sat down on the sand armrest beside Guo Shouyun.

"A lot, it's all coming out." This woman, who is only more shameless but not the most shameless, stretched out her feet to pick up the suit jacket that Guo Shouyun had thrown on the ground, and pulled one sleeve to wipe the red and white filth that flowed out of her body, while wiping He also laughed lightly while eating.

"Damn it!" Guo Shouyun's eyelids jumped as he watched Hornikova wiping his legs unhurriedly, and he felt the heat in his abdomen rising again. However, although he is a "noble man", he is by no means a human being. He has **** sixty times a day. He is an animal belonging to the class of mammals, primates, and orangutans, not a living person like him, Guo Shouyun. For the first time in his life, Guo Shouyun was defeated, and he was defeated by a woman in an entertainment project called inheritance.

"Hurry up and clean up, do you still want to get exclusive headlines?" Glancing at the wet jungle between the woman's legs, Guo Shouyun smiled bitterly, and subconsciously reached out to rub his nose, but immediately shook his hand away-- --His hands were filled with the faint scent of a woman's body, the best estrogen for male hormones.

"What are the headlines, let's hear it first," Hornikova not only did not restrain herself, but also intensified. She fiddled with her naked thighs, rubbing lightly on Guo Shouyun's bare calf, and at the same time gently laughed.

"Crack!" A big slap slapped the woman's pink and slender thighs away. Guo Shouyun said angrily, "Do you still want to hear it? If you don't want to hear it, I'll go to rest."

"Listen, why don't you listen?" Hornikova smiled coquettishly, jumped off the sand armrest, stepped to the desk in two steps, grabbed a prepared notebook from the table, and grabbed a notebook from Guo Shouyun's pen holder. Pulled out a pen. Then he just grabbed a chair and sat upright on the opposite side of the man.

"Mr. Guo Shouyun, I'm from Progress Daily. To tell you the truth, if you only look at the upper body, at this time, Hornikova is definitely an inviolable standard intellectual lady, but it is a pity that her lower body is still empty, that naked Thighs paired with a serious expression are more than hilarious, but more of a seduction.

"Either put on your pants, or roll me behind the table," Guo Shouyun waved his hand. scolded with a smile.

To be honest, he really likes this woman he just got, even though this woman is snobbish, and even though the relationship with him is more about a deal, but... how do I say it? , she made Guo Shouyun feel very fresh. Among those women in the Far East, Nina was too conservative, and could even be called rigid, even on the bed. She was also shy and shy. As for Sanariva and the others, the fear of these women is too great. They are always so timid in front of Guo Shouyun, and he stares. Those women shivered, not daring to say a single extra word. As for the woman in front of her, she was not like that. She dared to act like a spoiled child with Chao Guo Shouyun, and dared to disobey Guo Shouyun's instructions harmlessly. Even dared to... "mocking" him. All this. To put it bluntly, it is a sentiment. It has nothing to do with things like majesty. It is a kind of fun in a private room. For a man like Guo Shouyun, the simple **** of a woman seems to be not the most attractive thing. He also likes those who have Emotional men and women are entangled, and this kind of thing is precisely what he is hard to get - his power is too great, and few women dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

And this is what Hornikova values ​​very much, so she starts with Guo Shouyun's mentality, in order to seduce him and make him obsessed with herself, so as to achieve the purpose of sticking to him. To be honest, isn't she afraid when teasing and disobeying Guo Shouyun? Don't be afraid, if this man doesn't do that, he just throws his hand and goes out, maybe in a few minutes, she, a living woman, will become a floating corpse on the Moscow River. There is heaven behind one door, **** behind another door, and there is another door connected to nothing. Faced with this situation, how should Hornikova choose? Needless to say, according to her character, she has to give it a try. Today, she would rather fall directly into **** from this villa than walk out of here empty-handed.

"Tomorrow morning," Guo Shouyun shook his head helplessly as he looked at the goblin who was fascinated by his death. He stood up from the sand, went around to the back of the desk and sat down, and then said, "Soviet representatives from all over the country will censure the Energy Commission and the Industrial Commission, on the grounds that it is winter now, and there are problems with heating in winter in all parts of the country. There is no real guarantee, and there is no doubt that the Energy Commission is negligent. As for the Industry Commission, they have more problems, you have to report, and you can list the crimes yourself.”

"That's it? There's no breaking news," Hornikova said coquettishly, shaking the notebook in her hand, obviously dissatisfied with such a simple thing.

"Breaking the news? What do you think this is?" Guo Shouyun sneered and said, "Are you kidding? It's good to have some things out for you, don't be too aggressive."

"That's fine," Hornikova rolled her eyes, she also knew that no matter how much she confused this man, he couldn't make any concessions on big issues. The face is worth the loss.

"You will arrange for me a few meeting delegates tomorrow, and I will do a special series of reports." Hornikova bowed, lying on the table in front of Guo Shouyun, and said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it, I will try my best to arrange it for you, but even if you want to do a series of reports, you must coordinate with me. Even if there is anything wrong with the way, I, Guo Shouyun, will turn around and not recognize anyone." Guo Shouyun His tone suddenly became indifferent, he said with a sullen face.

"I'm measured, my dear, don't worry," Hornikova said with a wide-eyed smile.

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