Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 253: in the coffin

?Hornikova is indeed very measured. She covets the hot inside information, but she never touches the bottom line of news broadcasts. Although she says that the Progress Daily she serves is among Moscow, it is not affiliated with Guo Shouyun's Far East Media. Group, but under her operation, this tabloid office with twelve antiques and an original capital of only one hundred thousand rubles has become a loudspeaker for Far East Media in Moscow. /. qв5. Relying on the support of Guo Shouyun, Hornikova seized the actual operation and management rights of the newspaper, and the original 12 shareholders have become a display that only takes money and does not speak. Which direction does the newspaper develop, and where does the public opinion tend to be? She has to listen to her completely, and no one else can interfere.

Of course, the original twelve shareholders of the newspaper have indeed gained huge profits far beyond their expectations. During the less than ten days of the Soviet expansion meeting, the Progress Daily reported that it was one step ahead, The razor-sharp broadcast style has made a name for itself in Moscow and its surrounding areas, with a surge of 67,000 copies. With the acquiescence she received from Guo Shouyun, Hornikova was very courageous. She dared to put everything in the newspaper and announced everything to the public. The collapsed Bolshevik party. Likewise, it is precisely because of this style of public opinion that Progress Daily was able to develop so quickly. As people have commented: "This is a newspaper that speaks the truth and dares to speak the truth." Dare to speak the truth "Newspapers" can't be provoked. Hornikova is well aware of how the media operates. In order to push the "Progress Daily" exhibition to its peak, she can be described as unscrupulous. As we all know, the exhibition of a newspaper depends on one It is impossible to expand the influence little by little to increase the volume. It requires a large amount of capital investment to build its own influence with the most realistic money. In terms of capital, Khornikova never asks Guo Shouyun Reaching out, the method she used was extortion, at least in fact, extortion. Not to mention the five giants who are closely related to Guo Shouyun. When the "Progress Daily" first opened its 12th edition, there was a whole On the advertising page, the full-page advertisement was only priced at 7,000 rubles before Khornikova hooked up with Guo Shouyun, and the day after she hooked up with Guo Shouyun, Khornikova proposed to the board of directors of the newspaper, Raising the asking price of this advertisement board to 70,000 rubles, a tenfold increase. Her proposal shocked the twelve directors of the board of directors, but in the heart of giving it a try, the board of directors still agreed with her proposal. But the premise is that she must get her first two-cycle advertising contract within three days.

But it turned out that Hornikova's proposal was quite correct, and it only took her half a day to get her first advertising contract. To be precise, it was obtained through a conversation of less than two minutes. The contract period was one month, and the advertising source was the well-known Capital Savings Bank. Smolensky threw out 500,000 yuan, but he didn't even read the contract of the advertisement. As for how the advertisement was done and whether it was effective, he probably wouldn't care.

After that, Hornikova proposed to revise and supplement the newspaper. The layout of the 12th edition in 4x is increased to 24th in 4x. After the expansion, the price of the newspaper remains unchanged, but an advertisement page is added, and the advertisement price is increased by 40%. In one fell swoop, the transition from high-end operations to low-end operations was completed.

Selling newspapers alone lost money, relying on advertising to make profits. In the Soviet Union, which was suffering from political turmoil, Hornikova took the "Progress Daily" as its base and took the lead in introducing the business strategy adopted by Western media in the initial stage. This shows how ambitious she is and how strong her self-confidence is.

Just at the same time as Hornikova's intensive exhibition "Progress Daily". The expanded All-Russian Soviet meeting held in the Kremlin is also moving forward little by little in accordance with the secret agreement between several giants and the White House. The meeting that was supposed to end in seven days. It had to be postponed for three days because the delegates were "excited". After such a tossing, the Kremlin, the core of power in the Soviet Union, was completely destroyed. The ministries and commissions were disgraced, the Soviet Presidium became a decoration, and the Soviet Union, as an allied country, its central power core has substantially perished.

The enlarged meeting went from the initial questioning of the central ministries, to the vote on the reform of small privatization, to the proposal that "Russian land and property belong to the Russians", and finally to the proposal that Russia should be independent from the alliance and enjoy the greater autonomy. In this way, step by step, layer by layer, the Soviet state system was pushed to complete annihilation.

The enlarged meeting of the Soviets was declared closed on the 16th. On this day, it snowed again in Moscow. The snow was heavy, and the white snow covered everything in the world. And the people who gathered to cheer on the "white field" were also so white, um, very white, almost to the point of being poor and white.

On this morning, before the extended meeting was officially announced, the White House could not wait to issue ten presidential decrees in a row. The financial and financial departments, such as taking over the powers of the central financial and financial departments of the Union; all state-owned enterprises and state-owned resources in Russia belong to the Russian central government; the Russian foreign trade management department takes over Russia's import and export management affairs; the Russian financial department will permanently Cease funding to the 80 central offices of the Union and order the dissolution of their organizations in Russia...

There is no doubt that the release of these ten presidential decrees has actually declared the independence of Russia and the disintegration of the Soviet Socialist Republic. A century of the Soviet Union is over. Its huge and clumsy body has already been placed in the coffin. The only thing left is to have someone nail it to the coffin board. Who is this person who will nail the coffin board? Obviously, it can only be the head of the old man with a pile of **** bowls on top of his head. People are too many lice and don't feel bitten.

The sudden collapse of the Kremlin’s power pyramid made the Russian people rejoice. In their opinion, it is not enough to just overthrow the Bolshevik Party. If the original Soviet regime is not overthrown, then this democracy and freedom are still a “metaphysical entity”. "the concept of. Now that Russia has become independent, and the Soviet Union has been overthrown, then the influence of the Bolshevik Party is truly over. But what people didn't see was that the delegates who gathered in the Grand Kremlin to give their last kick to the Soviet Union were all members of the Bolshevik Party. And those who manipulated these party members behind the scenes, even if not the original party members, were inextricably linked to the Bolshevik Party. Like Khodorkovsky, almost all of them are the so-called Bolshevik Party economic elites, and Khodorkovsky himself is the second secretary of the Central Committee of the Moscow Communist Youth League.

When the White House announced the ten presidential decrees, Guo Shouyun was holding Khornikova's arm and shopping in the "Youth" building at No. 31 Mozhaysk Street, and next to them, Gusins Base five giants. It's hard for the six of them to have such a leisurely time to wander around, but today they are obviously in a good mood, and their good mood also indicates that some people are going to be unlucky, and some people are going to get wiped out.

Anyone who has been to the Moscow Youth Building knows that this is the top shopping place in Russia. Even in the worst years of the Russian economy, top luxury goods from all over the world gathered here. A transparent **** bra without two or two cloths is priced at $8,888; a fur scarf is priced at $76,000; a bottle of dozens of grams of perfume is priced at $9ooo. There are no rubles here, just US dollars, hey, don't think it's too expensive, it's not a discount.

Today was a good day for Hornikova. In less than 40 minutes, the six giants spent no less than 500,000 to 600,000 yuan on her, this one bought her a pair of riding boots, the other bought her a fur coat, The rest will be perfume, cosmetics, etc., and the money will be spent like water.

"Darling, when are you going back to Khabarovsk?" When walking out of the Youth Building, Khornikova put her arms around Guo Shouyun's arm, squeezed into his arms, and asked charmingly.

"It will probably take some time," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and squeezed the woman's smooth face, smiling.

"Misha doesn't know yet, Brother Shouyun will go to the United States in two days," Khodorkovsky is a big mouth, he wants to show his existence everywhere. Hearing the conversation between Guo Shouyun and Hornikova, he leaned over and smiled.

"Go away." Guo Shouyun said casually without looking at him.

"Go to the United States?!" Hornikova didn't know Guo Shouyun's plan to acquire Wang An's company. After listening to Khodorkovsky's words, she said with bright eyes, "What are you going to do? Can you? Take me? I went to America a long time ago, but, dear, you know it's hard to get a visa over there."

"What are you doing?" Guo Shouyun said absently.

"I'll be with you," Hornikova said directly without thinking, "over there, you're not familiar with your life, and it's hard to find someone to talk to. With me by your side, you won't be lonely. Besides, my English is very good, and I can do a free translation for you. And, and..."

Hornikova said, and whispered a few words in Guo Shouyun's ear.

"Hehe, Shouyun brothers are not short of warm quilts." Gusinski just came up at this time. He probably had something to say to Guo Shouyun, but he just happened to listen to the two words that Hornikova murmured. A positive.

It doesn't matter what he said, but it caused a lot of laughter from a few people who were extremely bored because of too much money.

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