Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 251: save

?Under the shadow of the dark night, a pure black Mercedes-Benz car slowly drove into the parking lot in the Strogino Manor. \\

After getting in and out of the car, Guo Shouyun shrank his body and breathed **** his gloved hands, then looked up at the sky and cursed in a low voice.

This **** day in Moscow is really too cold. It's not even December yet. It is estimated that the temperature has dropped to minus three or four degrees. Although Guo Shouyun was born in the northeast, his physique is not that strong at all. Therefore, the ability to resist the cold is not much stronger.

"Sir, you're back." Guo Shouyun was just standing under the car, and two bodyguards who had been waiting in the parking lot for some time came up. One of the leading ones put a black woolen coat on Guo Shouyun's body. said at the same time.

"Well," Guo Shouyun nodded and said casually, "Any visitors here tonight?"

"Only the woman Polaninov and the others brought back, the others are gone," the bodyguards said as they surrounded Guo Shouyun as they walked into the small building of the manor, "But at eight o'clock, the lady called."

There is no doubt that the lady mentioned by the bodyguard refers to Nina. As for the other women around Guo Shouyun, these bodyguards have always called them by their first names.

"Oh, what did you say?" Guo Shouyun stepped up the steps, stopped when he heard this, and asked.

"I didn't say anything, just said that she saw the news of the big cooling in Moscow, and wanted to remind you to pay more attention to your body and not catch a cold again." The bodyguard said.

"Oh, women are such mother-in-laws. For such a trivial matter, at least a few dozen rubles have been put in again," Guo Shouyun smiled and said disapprovingly. In fact, don't look at what he said on his lips, but he still felt warm in his heart. It is good to have a caring woman, at least this mother-in-law can make people feel something called "concern" all the time.

"Where's the old man and Shoucheng?" Guo Shouyun stepped into the gate of the villa, took off the coat on his back, handed it over to the maid who was waiting next to him, and then asked.

"Mr. Rilke has fallen asleep. He said that he was very tired today, so he didn't wait for you to come back." The bodyguard said, "Mr. Shoucheng...he hasn't come back yet. What kind of performance did Miss Li go to see, we don't know the specific situation."

"He's quite happy," Guo Shouyun smiled. "I haven't seen him in the past two days. Remember to tell him for me that it's okay to have a girlfriend. But pay attention to safety. There has been chaos in Moscow these two days. , let him have a few more people when he goes out."

"Yes. Sir, I remember." The bodyguard replied.

"Well, you don't need to guard anymore, you can also change shifts to rest." Guo Shouyun smiled, reached out and patted the bodyguard's shoulder, and then walked towards the corridor.

"Sir, that Miss Hornikova is in your study." Standing behind Guo Shouyun, the bodyguard said with a smile.

"Go to bed quickly, why are you laughing?" Guo Shouyun said without turning his head. "Laugh again, I'll let you go to the yard for a night's post. Let's see if you're so energetic."

The bodyguard shrank his neck and ran to the opposite corridor.

There are many pavilions in Strogino Manor, and the style is very antique. Although the small building of the villa is luxuriously decorated, there is a little bit. There is no elevator. Speaking of which, this is also related to Gusinski's character. This guy hates riding in "stuffy" elevators the most. According to his own words, that is, he was scared by his grumpy father when he was a child. As soon as he entered the small space in dark format. Will be out of breath. Therefore, the way to the upstairs in the villa. It's just plain stairs.

Guo Shouyun's room is on the second floor, and his study is on the corner of the corridor on the east side of the second floor. Gusinski likes to be arty. There are at least thousands of books in this library. Guo Shouyun has looked at it once in the past two days. The Encyclopedia Britannica contains seven volumes, and two of them are the ninth edition of the 1875 edition. Not to mention anything else, just these two volumes can be sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars in the auction house.

Gusinski is very good at picking up these good things, but he doesn't know how to collect them. He casually threw the two hundred-year-old academic encyclopedias on the bookshelf, along with those more than ten rubles. The second-class goods are put together. Now, these things were handed over to Guo Shouyun by him again, and he was obviously not an expert after that. Therefore, these two large volumes of "antiques" were ruined like that.

When Guo Shouyun walked into the study, Hornikova was sitting on his desk, carefully examining the print on the back of the "antique" book with a magnifying glass. Gusinski and Guo Shouyun didn't understand these things, but she But very good. The print she was looking at was the logo of the Black Brothers Press a hundred years ago. There was no doubt that the logo was real, and this book was also the real ninth edition.

Things worth hundreds of thousands of dollars were thrown on the bookshelf so casually without any protection measures. To be honest, this made Hornikova very emotional. Thinking about what happened at the meeting this afternoon, and looking at the people who chanted slogans in support of the Soviet delegates, what would be the description of all this? We can only say: "The revolutionaries are still in the revolution, and those who have saved are still saved. When the revolutionary revolution is successful, all that can be saved will be saved." Then we have to ask, what is the revolution for? Judging from the current situation, the revolution of ordinary people is to dream more dreams, suffer more hardships, and suffer more poverty.

"Can you tell me, sir, what kind of deal is there between you and Gusinski?" Although she didn't look up, Khornikova knew that Guo Shouyun was coming in. She put down the magnifying glass in her hand, and then He reached out and patted the thick leather cover of the encyclopedia, and said with a coquettish smile, "Also, how did you join forces to manipulate this enlarged meeting of the Soviets?"

"Is this the first two questions in Miss Misha's exclusive interview?" Guo Shouyun took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and walked to the sand opposite the desk to sit down, then smiled and said.

"Forget it," Hornikova raised her arms, lightly supported her charming chin, and smiled sweetly.

"Hehe, I heard that people in your business have to say something off topic before conducting an exclusive interview. Why does Miss Misha like to be straight to the point?" Guo Shouyun pointed with **** Holding a cigarette, he said absent-mindedly.

"It's very simple, because I like to go straight," Hornikova stood up from the chair behind the desk, and Shi Shiran walked over to Guo Shouyun.

She stopped less than half a step away from Guo Shouyun, and then turned around like that, gently leaning her plump buttocks on the side of the desk.

It wasn't until this time that Guo Shouyun realized that this woman's dress was really hot. She also wore a creamy white single-line roll-neck, long-sleeved sweater on her upper body, which was tightly wrapped around her curvaceous body, which perfectly outlined the curves of her sturdy breasts. As for her lower body, it was a pair of tight-fitting trousers of the same color. The trousers were tight around her thighs, straight and slender. The ambiguous mound at the end of her legs was enough to detonate a man's eyeballs.

"It's good for a woman who likes to go straight, I like it very much," Guo Shouyun's eyes wandered around Hornikova's body, and then said with a light smile, "But going straight doesn't mean you have no scruples, you need to do an exclusive interview, you need to be the first The inside information of the hand, hehe, I can give it to you, but there is one thing, that is, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, and don't touch things that shouldn't be reported. Otherwise, it will be dead. Many people died, including you."

"Of course I know that," Hornikova stretched out her hand, clipped the cigarette Guo Shouyun had just put into her mouth, and casually put it into her mouth to take a sip, and said at the same time, "The reason why I ask this question, It's just out of personal curiosity."

"Curiosity is something that hurts people." Guo Shouyun didn't care about the woman's behavior of stealing cigarettes, he smiled and said, "Throughout the ages, I don't know how many people lost their lives inexplicably, and the only reason is that they equally inexplicable curiosity

"How can I remember if I don't have curiosity? My ambitions are very big," Khornikova kicked off the slippers on her feet and gently fiddled with Guo Shouyun's calf with her snow-white feet painted with pink nail polish. , "I don't want to be like Xenny Vagina, all I do is lie on the bed and wait for a certain man to come." "What's wrong with that?" Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and grabbed the slender woman. Her ankles, and then stroking her long straight and slender legs, she smiled, "At least she can make that man happy, and when that man is happy, she won't be in any danger."

"Where can there be an opportunity without danger? Mister should know best... ah, you hurt me," Hornikova said before she was interrupted by a throbbing pain from her lower body , It turned out that while she was talking, Guo Shouyun's big hand had already touched the waist of her trousers. Then, he pulled it up so hard that he almost lifted the waist of the woman's trousers to his chest. Hornikova wears nothing in these pants, so it's no wonder she doesn't cry out in pain.

"It's good to know it hurts," Guo Shouyun let go of his hand, grabbed Hornikova's right wrist again, and pulled her little hand to the buckle of his belt, saying, "When you know the pain, you have to be careful when you talk, don't Make me angry."

"Yes, I know," Hornikova is very good at teasing men. She knows that in this case, playing that kind of pitiful role won't necessarily please men, so she smiled sweetly, While loosening the belt for Guo Shouyun, he said softly, "Then may I ask Mr. Guo, can our exclusive interview officially begin?"

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