Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 250: Democracy's High Efficiency

There is no good banquet, and there is no good meeting. There must be some unspeakable pigs in the small meeting held by others. Guo Shouyun knows this very well, but today Chubais has done it. It's very new----please watch the ballet with the six giants. . qb5, c0m

In the past few days, the Bolshoi Theater is performing the traditional Russian ballet "Swan Lake", and today is the second and third acts of the ballet, which is Prince Siegfried's mistaken identity of the devil's daughter, Ou The part where Dale misunderstands the beautiful white swans for his sweetheart Odette and accepts the engagement token.

As a "very elegant" celebrity, Guo Shouyun has some understanding of the plot of "Swan Lake". According to him, this ballet is very interesting, and the biggest point of it is that you can taste homosexuality Unreal and nonsensical love stories written by artists, well, very good, very powerful.

In Box No. 14 on the second floor facing the stage, among the seven people, including Chubais, except Guo Shouyun who occasionally watched the elegant art performance on the stage, the others obviously did not spend their minds on it. , in that beautiful and pure musical melody, these strike a dirty deal after another. The main theme of the performance on the stage is that love comes first, and that justice can eventually overcome the utopian fantasy of evil, while off the stage, it is the **** reality of selfish lust, gang violence and justice. Anyone who has been to the Bolshoi Theater knows that on the broad triangular spine of the theater stands the bronze statue of Apollo, the sun **** symbolizing light and justice. It shows that this place is pure and spotless, and any darkness and evil must be avoided. But... this revelation doesn't seem to work, because people representing darkness and evil can come and go here at will, and the price they have to pay is not the punishment of the gods, but a few simple pictures Tickets - each ticket costs fifteen rubles.

In order to make the six giants truce to strike, the White House had to make another compromise this time. The "Voice of Moscow" radio station with a total asset of more than 16 million rubles and coverage of Moscow and four surrounding states, will be included in the scope of small privatization reform. According to the regulations of small privatization reform, only enterprises with assets below one million rubles are the objects of rectification. what does this mean? Undoubtedly, this means that Gusinski will be paid less than 10% of the total assets. Get his coveted "Voice of Moscow" radio station. As for how to operate the whole process, how to keep this dirty deal hidden from the eyes of the world, then there is no need for others to worry about it. When the heads of the six giants meet, the world's most brilliant economists can also be played by them. Death, let alone an ordinary person who has no idea.

Also at this meeting, Gusinsky promised Berezovsky that as long as he completes the acquisition of the "Voice of Moscow" radio station, he will pay five million rubles to He holds six shares of Moscow TV. Resold to Berezovsky. Then, his Bridge Bank will transfer 10 million rubles to Berezovsky's Union Bank in the form of joint capital injection. In other words, Gusinsky was giving Berezovsky the six shares of TV stations in vain. Not only that, he also posted five million in funds. This deal also shows how important the "Voice of Moscow" radio station is to Gusinsky.

The "Voice of Moscow" radio station was included in the list of small privatization reforms, which finally resolved the conflict of interest that existed between Gusinsky and Berezovsky, but this did not mean that the short-term conflicts within the Big Six were all resolved. . Hesitating about the entanglement that was brought up by that lunch at noon today. Guo Shouyun has a big opinion on Khodorkovsky. This problem must also be solved, otherwise, if Mr. Guo Dagui can't figure it out, there will be a big scene.

And in order to quell Guo Shouyun's anger. On the one hand, Khodorkovsky, who has gained a lot of money, has all the good things to say, and on the other hand, he is throwing a lot of money. He made a promise to Guo Shouyun that in the next few days, Mena Jabil Bank will provide the Guo Group with A five-year 50 million interest-free loan to "help" the Guo Group to complete the investment project of acquiring Wang An's company. After all, money, Khodorkovsky doesn't care, businessmen, let the money live, how to live? That is of course spending. Only when you are willing to spend a lot of money at critical moments can you earn more money. Khodorkovsky knew how important Guo Shouyun was to him, so he was willing to invest heavily in this alliance.

With such a deal, the six giants are back on the right track for "cooperation". Several old guys and little guys have assured Chubais that the enlarged Soviet meeting in the next few days will definitely go smoothly. They can attend the meeting with confidence and don't have to worry that someone will trouble them. As for who to discuss at the meeting tomorrow, the six giants also finalized a unified action plan at this meeting: for a two-hour meeting tomorrow morning, the Energy Committee will be called first, and then the Industry Committee will be called. As for tomorrow afternoon, then It was the turn of the Agro-Industrial Complex Committee, the Bills Committee and the Health and Social Support Committee. In the morning the day after tomorrow, the representatives of the enlarged meeting will raise the issue of the replacement of the leadership of the central ministries and commissions. The key departments currently held by the Kremlin must all be overthrown, and the disobedient "heroes" must be eliminated and replaced by servile "minions". . As for the day after tomorrow, it depends on the decision of the Supreme Presidium. If they change people, everything will be suspended. If they don't change, the representatives will demonstrate on Red Square and unite with the masses to hold a protest... In a word, this time The seven-day enlarged meeting of Soviet delegates will not only seize state assets, but also destroy all the remaining authority of the Kremlin, and take all power from them, even without leaving them underpants.

A small meeting decided the agenda of the entire enlarged meeting of the Soviets. The issue that originally required thousands of people to decide in seven days was solved in less than two hours by seven people. From this point of view, the efficiency of a democratic government It's really high.

When the meeting ended, the ballet on the stage just entered the ** part: Prince Siegfried was kneeling in front of the white swan Odette, begging her for forgiveness, and a group of actresses playing the white swan gathered around. With the two protagonists floating back and forth, doing all kinds of fancy movements.

"This is also a prince?" Guo Shouyun stood at the table in the small hall, while wearing a coat on his body, he said dismissively, "It's just a few white ducks, call the guards, won't one big net bag solve it all?"

His words attracted a series of snickers from a few boring people, but the elegant Chubais couldn't laugh. He frowned and said nothing.

"Brother Shouyun, let's go, I'll take you back today," Khodorkovsky put his black fur coat on his arm, walked to Guo Shouyun with a smile, first reached out and patted his shoulder, then laughed.

When he came, Guo Shouyun came in Berezovsky's Mercedes-Benz. He couldn't get his little Lada out, so he called the driver and went back to the villa early with Polaninov.

Guo Shouyun looked at his watch, it was half past nine.

"Why, there are no other activities tonight?" Guo Shouyun put down his arms, squinted at Chubais, and said with a smile, "I thought Brother Chubais would arrange some entertainment projects in addition to inviting us to a meeting. Yes, disappointed, disappointed."

Chubais rolled his eyes and ignored him. The old man thought to himself: You guys spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for entertainment, and my salary for 20 years is not enough for you to build it in one night.

"Why, my brother still has such leisure and elegance?" Gusinski was in a surprisingly happy mood tonight, and it was also that he finally got the thing he had been waiting for for a long time, and it couldn't be said if he was in a bad mood, "That's good. , if you don't dislike it, everyone will come to my Zigelhao club to sit down?"

Gusinski opened no less than seven clubs in Moscow. These clubs are similar to the kind of private clubs made by Little Japan. , the Zigel Howe Club can be regarded as one of the best. In one sentence, it is described that here "there is only what you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't enjoy". Of course, in a place like this, ordinary people can't get in. If nothing else, when the club was first established, even Yakov's desire to go in and see was blocked.

"I won't go," Chubais shook his head and said, "The White House is still waiting for my reply, and mine will rush over immediately."

Chubais was in a very depressed mood today. He didn't have the heart to play those "flower jobs". What's more, although he fully supported the giants to divide up the country's wealth, he was quite honest and self-disciplined, otherwise the Western media said he was a What about "real **".

"I'm not going either," Vinogradov said with a smile, "I've been busy for a day today, I'm too tired, go back to rest early."

"That's right," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. In fact, he was just making fun of it just now. What kind of arrangement is there really? He is probably the first to reject it. After all, after all, there might be a washed woman waiting in the villa.

"Then let's go," Guo Shouyun clapped his hands, picked up his white leather gloves from the table, and said casually, "I said, Brother Boris, let's go, find someone to send me, don't bother Huo again. Dolkovsky, maybe there's something else... ah, right, maybe there's a lover waiting."

"Well, that's good, I'll arrange it right away." Berezovsky agreed very happily, after all, this matter was in his mind. To be honest, he is now frightened by Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky. If these two get together to walk all the way, there may be another "moth".

Several people said, and walked out from the box. Khodorkovsky walked at the end, and he muttered: "What are you doing? Gusinski finally put the blood back, and you still don't give face. Hey, I said old goose, I will do it myself. no......"

"Excuse me," Gusinski said without looking back.

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