Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 249: grab the fig leaf

The confrontation between the six giants caused an unprecedented cold scene at the enlarged meeting of the Soviets. Facing such a cold scene, Guo Shouyun was not in a hurry, and the other giants were also not in a hurry. In a small game, let's play each other and test how firm the opponent's position is, and then the concessions that should be made, the compromises that should be compromised, everyone is doing it for the sake of face, and there will be no real loss of interests. , qβ5. c0m/ As for whether others will suffer any losses other than them, that is not something that Guo Shouyun and the others have to consider.

Thirteen minutes after the meeting was cold, no one stood up to ask questions, no one jumped out to criticize, and no one even yawned loudly. Chubais, who was the host, understood that this expanded meeting was not to be thought of until the differences between the Big Six were resolved. In desperation, Chubais, as the representative of the White House, held emergency consultations with the Union House, the House of Nationalities, and the Soviet Supreme Presidium. Everyone unanimously decided to temporarily adjourn the meeting and change the agenda of today's meeting to tomorrow.

In this way, the originally scheduled three-hour meeting ended like a farce in less than an hour. Following Chubais’s decision to temporarily adjourn the meeting, the representatives of all parties withdrew one after another. Outside the Kremlin, these puppets They will receive heroic cheers and support from the people, but in the face of the media, they will not say a single word except "no comment", because they don't know what to say, and the "superior" order also Didn't come down yet.

after the meeting. Guo Shouyun did not leave with the representative of the retreating venue. He sat in his seat and looked at the note with a faint aroma in his hand with relish. The note, handed to him by Hornikova, contained only a short question: "Is there any free seat in the car, sir?"

This woman is very interesting. When Guo Shouyun first saw the note, he thought that she was not afraid of eating her, maybe she just sent it to her door to let herself eat.

Believe in the eyes of any man. A woman with an elegant temperament, a flirtatious appearance, and a tall and modest figure like Hornikova is very attractive. And Guo Shouyun feels the same way, if the timing is right. He never mind having a little more intimate contact with this woman. But unfortunately, the current situation is there. After the meeting today, there may be many vacancies in his Lada sedan, but he may not have the opportunity to sit on it himself.

Guo Shouyun spread the note he had read on the table, took a dip pen specially prepared for conference delegates, and after a little thought, he added a sentence under the sentence: "Not only are there vacancies in the car, but also in the bedroom. There are empty beds."

After writing this sentence. Guo Shouyun twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled lightly, then folded the note and handed it to Polaninoff beside him, and said casually, "Give this to Miss Misha. If she has any other requirements, you can just do it. "Yes, sir," Polaninov still looked so cool and dead. He took the note and put the record book in his hand in front of Guo Shouyun. He said, "Minutes of the meeting. You see. "

"Very good, it means that we saved 1.74 rubles today," Guo Shouyun flipped through the record book, there was no word on it, the white brush was neat. He closed the record book, threw his hand into Polaninov's arms, and said with a serious expression.

"But you've wasted the 350,000 rubles of the national budget for the conference preparations!" At some point, Chubais quietly walked to the chair behind Guo Shouyun. He obviously heard what Mr. Guo Dagui said just now, so said annoyed interface.

"Really? Why didn't I think it was a waste?" Guo Shouyun didn't seem surprised at the sudden appearance of Chubais. He covered his mouth with his hands, yawned heavily, and then stood up unhurriedly. , said lazily.

"Because the money doesn't need to be paid from your account," Guo Shouyun's simple words seemed to have shattered Chubais' anger. He pondered for a moment before saying forcefully.

"Hehe, don't play with me about the concept of stealing," Guo Shouyun turned around and looked at the almost empty venue.

At this time, there were only seven or eight people left in the venue. In addition to their several giants and their entourage, there were also a few Kremlin guards. "Could it be that this afternoon's big cold show is not enough for your White House to break the news?" Guo Shouyun stepped out of his seat and said shyly as he walked out, "As far as I know, the Kremlin now is not even a media outlet. I can't control it anymore. If you lose your mouthpiece, you will lose everything. This afternoon's big cold scene, isn't it just what you want to say?"

"You're right, it's true that we can say what we want," Chubais shook his head helplessly and said, "But God knows if this is a trap set by the few of you. If today's inside story is exposed, then It's not going to be solved by a political change."

"Exposing it? Ha, why do we want to expose it?" Guo Shouyun turned out of his row of chairs and stood on the steps beside the wall with a smile, "At least you should trust me, I won't say anything nonsense outside. , because that's not in my interest, what do you say, isn't it?"

In Chubais' eyes, no matter whether Guo Shouyun at this time or the remaining five giants, they are all rogues, downright rogues. The silence in this afternoon's meeting is less the result of a struggle between the Big Six and more a sign of their solidarity and collaboration. The silence of the Soviet delegates for more than ten minutes pushed the White House into a dilemma - either, die with the Kremlin, or use the media in their hands to fabricate lies to the public, in order to Hit the Kremlin and distance yourself. There is no doubt that no one would choose the former path, but what about the latter path? The birth of a lie may not be important in itself. What matters is who told the lie. It doesn't matter if an ordinary person tells a lie, but if a democratically elected government tells a lie and it is exposed, it will be a big event. .

Today, in the face of the crisis caused by the Big Six, the White House lied to the people of the entire Soviet Union. They artificially covered up the truth and shaped the Soviet representatives controlled by the Big Six to defend democracy and freedom, and work with the Kremlin. Heroes who fight to the death, if this matter is exposed to the public, it may be easy to fool them, but since they have fooled them, they must be kept sleeping in a lie, and don't give them a chance to wake up, otherwise , then it will kill people, and it is not enough to kill one and a half.

From ancient times to the present, the reason why political gangs have authority, to a large extent, is because they are covered with a mysterious veil. Only then can they not be known by outsiders, and those politicians with upright faces and their heads held high can speak generously in front of the public. Once this veil is removed, everything will be over. Political ***, a tool prepared for the minority to rule the majority, will not be able to sustain it. The "sea of ​​people's war" is enough to drown everything. And now, through such an inadvertent game, through this big lie told by the White House, the six giants have not only successfully lifted the so-called mystery of power, but also taken away their last fig leaf, so from now on, in this In the confrontation between politics and economy, who will be in the leading position? The answer seems self-explanatory.

Originally, Guo Shouyun didn't think about this, he simply wanted to suppress Khodorkovsky and his arrogance. But as the current situation unfolded, especially the ten-minute silence, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. The shock wave brought by this silent meeting place was powerful. It could not only shock the Kremlin, but also shock the Kremlin. The White House, especially after the lively performance in the morning, will bear the brunt of the impact. So in this case, the White House, which controls its own media power, will never remain silent. They want to guide public opinion in a direction that is beneficial to them, and the process of this guidance is a process of lying. Lies can't be taken back. Facing the six giants who know the inside story, the situation the White House will face in the future will be quite passive.

Was this situation caused by Khodorkovsky intentionally? Guo Shouyun is not sure, but he can be sure that if the occurrence of this situation was in Khodorkovsky's expectation, then this person is too scary, he is equivalent to using a weak The small wooden sticks have transferred several giants and the three forces of the White House and the Kremlin.

Of course, for Guo Shouyun now, it is not the issue of Khodorkovsky that needs to be considered, but the issue of consolidating and expanding the position next. The White House lied, and they must be uneasy now. If the giants keep secrets, they will have to pay enough profit to buy the "fig leaf". Well, as long as the six giants hold on to this fig leaf, the leadership of the White House will not change for a day, and they will be able to control the overall situation and bring the so-called national politics to applause.

"Tonight, don't leave any of you," Chubais said with a gloomy face, knowing that it's useless to chat about these things with Guo Shouyun and the others.

"What are you doing? You want to eat people?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"National Theater, Room 14, I want to have a good talk with you guys," Chubais said angrily.

"Is there a woman?" Khodorkovsky came over at this time, and he leaned in front of Chubais and said with a smile, "You know my temper, I don't have the scent of a woman's body. At nine o'clock, I can't get my spirits up."

"I don't care if you have the energy or not. If you can't solve your problem tonight, no one will want to go back!" Chubais yelled, and then no one paid any attention, and just turned around and left.

"Ha, it's still so rude." Guo Shouyun stood by the opposite wall, shrugged and smiled.

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