Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 248: Democratic revival at the plenary

?With Guo Shouyun's help, it doesn't matter whether Hornikova has an interview certificate or not. She and the two shareholders of the newspaper office got a spacious place on the press table at the back of the venue as they wished. The interview machine was also dignifiedly placed on the speech table of the rostrum. . qβ5,

I have to admit that Hornikova is a very discerning woman. She had been eyeing this man when Guo Shouyun came to Moscow last time, but now her actions have put her on the road to success again. A step forward. The darker the world is, the more valuable it is to report on public opinion, and if you are in the side of a person who manipulates the darkness, no matter how insensitive a media person is, he may become a world-renowned "reporter". Perhaps for now Hornikova, she herself could not imagine how crucial this step was, but half a year later, she was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting as the first international reporter to report in depth on the current situation of North Korea. She realized how wise she was when she was on the list of winners.

The time with beautiful women by my side always goes by so fast, less than an hour, it passed so dazzlingly.

Accompanied by Hornikova, Guo Shouyun entered the venue of the Great Kremlin Palace at two o'clock sharp. At this time, the officials on the rostrum were already seated, and the representatives of all parties were also ready for new A round of battle.

The moment he walked into the big conference hall, Guo Shouyun saw Khodorkovsky winking at him at a glance. But he ignored it, pretending he didn't see anything, just said a few words to Hornikova, and then walked back to his seat on his own.

The atmosphere of the venue this afternoon was obviously different from that of the morning. The venue was actually a ***, inside the ***, news circulated very quickly, and outside the ***, there was no change at all. The news of the collapse of the Big Six at noon. It was impossible to hide the presence of the representatives of the Soviets in these states, although they did not quite believe what they knew. But I also heard rumors that Guo Shouyun left the table angrily, and Berezovsky turned the table in a rage. What does this news mean? no doubt. This is the wind direction. The wind direction has changed. If the attitude and position are not clear, it will be swept away by the strong wind. Affected by this "good news", the venue this afternoon was extremely quiet. The representatives of all parties were sitting on the ground clearly, and who did not talk to people from the other camp, even a basic polite smile was avoided.

It was still Chubais who presided over the meeting, although two or three White House ministers were absent for various reasons. But he can't escape, and he has to come if anyone doesn't come, otherwise it won't be able to open. But what Chubais could never have imagined was that he was here as the chairperson of the meeting, but it would still not go on.

After Chubais finished his three-minute preface. According to the rules of the meeting, the main person in charge of the central bank will take office. On the one hand, he will explain the central bank's major policies in the recent period and the main work direction for a period of time in the future. On the other hand, he must also accept the questions of the Soviet representatives.

The speech by the head of the central bank lasted for twenty-five minutes. Subsequently. It was also when the Soviet representatives questioned that a very strange scene appeared.

Cold field! Complete, naked cold field!

A full thirteen minutes to time. In the conference hall with thousands of people, apart from the sound of the reporters taking pictures and the occasional coughing sound, let alone the questioning from the Soviet representatives, there was not even a single person who stood up to speak.

The person in charge of the central bank stood alone on the stage, staring eagerly at the representatives who kept silent all the time, and the cold sweat on his forehead came out. He finally understands a little now that sometimes it is a blessing to be attacked by a crowd.

Faced with the thirteen minutes of silence in the venue, the attendees went crazy, and all kinds of speculations came one after another, and one of the most reliable and well-recognized ones was that the representatives of the Soviets were using silence to communicate with the Kremlin. The confrontation between the power layers is a silent, but the most fierce confrontation, between democratic freedom and corrupt society.

As time passed by in silence, more and more demonstrations gathered on the Red Square. In order to reflect democratic thinking, this enlarged meeting was broadcast live. Those who care about current affairs can get the media as soon as possible. News from the venue. Of course, these news were all artificially processed. Those newscasters obviously added too much water to their speculation. They directed the protests of the Soviet representatives to the precarious Kremlin. thing, but no one will mention it again.

Three minutes of silence, the meeting room is boiling, thirteen minutes of silence, that is the boiling of the whole of Moscow. Countless people flowed from all corners of Moscow to the Red Square. The original 10,000 to 20,000 demonstrators swelled in a very short period of time, expanding to 60,000 to 70,000 people. Holding up various banners and chanting various slogans, they cheered the silent Soviet representatives and supported them to continue on the road of resistance.

"Long Live Russian Independence!"

"Long live democracy and freedom!"

"Hold on, we're behind you!"

For ordinary people, supporting the representatives of the Soviets means supporting themselves. This silent struggle is their own struggle. To a certain extent, through their support for these representatives, ordinary people like them can be regarded as participating in politics. . But what they didn't know was that it wasn't them who stood behind these representatives. They couldn't play any role. What really stood behind these representatives were six greedy giants.

Khodorkovsky was very smart. He knew that he had offended Guo Shouyun at noon today. The matter was not resolved. He would not get any advantage at the afternoon meeting. Lively. Therefore, he thought of a way: don't you follow me? ok, my people said no in the afternoon, so you can't find a target to strike. When the meeting is over in the afternoon, there will be one night. He can take advantage of this time to be busy, admit a mistake to Guo Shouyun, and let him be discouraged. Everyone has reached a consensus, what's the matter? We can continue to talk about major events at the meeting tomorrow.

In this way, Khodorkovsky and the representatives of the Soviet he controlled kept silent. For them this afternoon, the only thing to do was to watch the play, and never to perform on stage.

As a result, his decision attracted a series of reactions. Guo Shouyun was waiting for him to come forward and hit the hammer, while Gusinski and the others were waiting for Guo Shouyun's reaction, and then followed suit. In this way, a strange circle emerged. Khodorkovsky didn't move, Guo Shouyun didn't move, Guo Shouyun didn't move, and Gusinsky didn't move. Of course, the White House and the Kremlin also had their own people at the venue. , but it's too late for them to hide, how dare they speak at this time? That's good or bad, it's going to cause big trouble.

What does the cold field of the enlarged meeting of the Soviets mean? Undoubtedly, that means that many major national issues cannot be resolved; it means that a series of political issues that need to be solved cannot be discussed; it also means that the meeting time will be delayed, and for the White House, this is hundreds of thousands of rubles a day. burden. Tens of thousands of Moscow citizens are supporting the silent protest of the Soviet representatives, but they don't say what their support is. The incident itself is unreasonable, because the meeting costs hundreds of thousands of dollars every day. Taxes they get paid for. If the meeting is held for another day, the Moscow government will pay hundreds of thousands more. Now the severe winter has come, the heating problem of the urban residents in Moscow has not been solved, and there is still a gap of nearly 200 rubles in funding, which means, If the meeting is held for two or three days less, the funds will be saved. But no one thinks about that now. Everyone is very enthusiastic, even dozens of times more enthusiastic than the giants who really control the overall situation in the venue.

Sitting in the first row of seats at the back of the conference hall, Hornikova always had a charming smile on her face, because the two newspaper directors beside her had given her a new commitment, as long as she was in the next two years. If she doesn't quit, the newspaper will give her 20% of the shares. In addition, she can get another 3% of the annual profit of the newspaper.

Hornikova is very snobby, but she is very discerning. She entered, and with the performance on the Red Square today, invitations from various media organizations may not be delivered until tomorrow morning. In front of her, this must also include TASS, which fired her not long ago. At such a juncture, how would she choose? Leaving the obscure Daily Progress? No, she won't, she's going to stay, she's going to show everyone, she Hornikova is by no means an external vase.

The silence in the venue made this woman with a high degree of news sensitivity smell unusual. As a once well-known reporter, Hornikova certainly would not believe that these so-called Soviet representatives were silently boycotting the Kremlin. Gong, there must be tricks in it, and where there are tricks, there are news clues---whether the news clues are true or false, they can attract the public's attention.

With such an idea in mind, Hornikova paid close attention to every anomaly in the venue. After such observation, she found a wonderful place, that is, the people on the rostrum looked nervous, anxious and even a little helpless. And on the delegate stand, the silent delegates were not very relaxed. Almost every tens of seconds, they would turn their heads to look in a fixed direction, and in the direction they were looking, there would be a The existence of prominent figures----Guo Shouyun is one of these prominent figures.

"The Big Six manipulated the enlarged meeting of the Soviets, and all the representatives became puppets." Almost at the same time as this rule was discovered, such a news headline appeared in Hornikova's mind, and the appearance of this news headline made her both Excited and shivering.

After some careful consideration, she wrote a paragraph on her notebook with a pen, then tore the page, folded it neatly, and wrote Guo Shouyun's name on the back of the paper, and then quietly put the note away. Silently handed it to the security staff on the sidelines responsible for vigilance.

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