Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 247: Hornikova

"Hey, let her go!" Hearing the woman's voice, Guo Shouyun's mind flashed, and he thought of who this rash woman was.

It is said that the last time he came to Moscow, the purpose of that time was to demonstrate to the White House, and at the same time, it was also to marry Nina and return to the Far East. In order to create momentum for his trip to Moscow, Victor specially found a very famous record in Moscow. The original plan was to give Guo Shouyun an exclusive interview to expand his popularity. However, because of the change, Guo Shouyun hurriedly sneaked After leaving Moscow, the promised interview was over.

It wasn't long since I went to Moscow last time, and Guo Shouyun still remembers these things, and this woman who suddenly jumped out to attack the cordon is undoubtedly the beautiful and charming Miss Ji.

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun felt a little funny. He thought that this woman was really brave. Back then, when she was criticized by thousands of people, she dared to jump out and speak to herself. Now, she has a high status and has a large number of followers. And she , even ran out to attack the cordon of the Kremlin guards. This woman is really interesting - but what's her name? Guo Shouyun suddenly realized that he could not remember. He only remembered that the woman seemed to belong to the TASS Society, and that she helped him a lot at the beginning, but the name...

With this in mind, Guo Shouyun pushed away Polaninov who was standing in front of him, and then quickly walked to the front to stop the two guard soldiers who were dragging the woman out of the cordon.

"A misunderstanding, this is my friend." Standing in front of the two guard soldiers, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand to support the woman's arm and smiled.

The two soldiers looked back at Guo Shouyun, then hesitated. Honestly, don't care who's friend. It is also a crime to forcibly break through this guard cordon, and there is no serious penalty, but at least it must be handed over to the security department so that their identity can be strictly investigated. But then again. Guo Shouyun's identity cannot be solved by just "who". As soldiers of the Kremlin's guard, both of them know who is the least likely to be provoked among the representatives attending the meeting. If you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, if you talk about it in a small way, then you have to pack up and take people away. If you talk about it in a big way, it will be difficult to save your life.

The two soldiers hesitated for six or seven seconds. Then they exchanged glances with each other, just straightened up like that, and gave Guo Shouyun a salute. Quietly stepped aside.

"Mr. Guo Shouyun, the representative of the Far East, is concerned about the freedom of the press and the demonstration of civil rights awareness," the woman who had just finished arranging her clothes laughed softly while the soldier stepped aside, "This is another living propaganda material, um, And it is also close to the current direction of public opinion.”

"Oh?" The woman drew Guo Shouyun's attention in a few words, "You, where is this acting?"

"Don't Mr. Guo know that using you to address a lady is not a gentleman?" The woman stretched out her hand. He held Guo Shouyun's arm honestly and politely, and said intimately, "Why, did you forget my name?"

"Hehe, this..." Guo Shouyun rubbed his nose. Not without embarrassment, he said, "If the lady doesn't mind, let's get to know each other again."

"Of course I don't mind, that's my honor," the woman clasped Guo Shouyun's arm with her left arm. At the same time, he stretched out his fair and slender right hand. With a smile, he said, "The original TASS news agency. Today's Progress Daily is an independent writer. Hornikova, if you don't mind, you can call me Misha."

"Oh, Miss Misha," Guo Shouyun then remembered, her name was Hornikova.

"Sir, it's not convenient to talk here, let's go in." At this time, Polaninov, who was standing at the back, stepped forward and said in Guo Shouyun's ear.

As for what Polaninov said, Guo Shouyun naturally realized that from the moment Hornikova stood beside him just now, there was an endless stream of camera snaps in the surrounding area, like As a public figure like him, even the slightest scandal can be the best thing to talk about after dinner. Of course, Guo Shouyun doesn't mind these things. Today Russia is talking about sexual liberation, and the younger generation directly links this thing to Western democracy, so things like scandals are not for a young businessman like him. what a bad thing. Like Khodorkovsky, his scandals continue one after another, but because of this, he has a high support rate among young people - lustful promiscuity is not good, but occasional innocuous scandals, But it is a manifestation of affinity, because people can directly feel the humanity of this type of public figure, and they will realize that this type of high-ranking people is actually no different from themselves.

"How about it, Miss Misha, if you think the limelight is enough, don't mind chatting in another place?" Guo Shouyun is a little shorter than this slender Khornikova in stature, so he can't Don't get close to people to talk.

To be honest, Hornikova had a miserable life during this time. What is the "Progress Daily"? A third-rate tabloid, and it has just started, with a total circulation of less than 50,000 copies. This time the Soviet expanded meeting, "Progress Daily" did not even get a ticket for an on-site interview. And the reason why Hornikova played such a risky hand this time was a last resort. The shareholders of the newspaper gave her a promise that if she could get first-hand news, even if it was one, the board of directors would Will give her ten percent of the newspaper's shares. The newspaper is a tabloid, but getting 10% of the shares is enough to solve Hornikova's current difficulties in life, not to mention that she would have taken this opportunity to establish a further relationship with Guo Shouyun. In these days, the entire Russian economy is stagnant, and it is difficult for ordinary people to find a way out. For Khornikova, who has an outstanding figure and appearance, it is not difficult for her to live a comfortable life. After all, her body is The best competitive weapon. But this woman has been very ambitious since she was a child. Her wish is to be a world-famous memoir, not a tool for men to play in bed all day long.

In fact, Hornikova has been playing Guo Shouyun's idea for a long time. After she was expelled from TASS, she went to the Far East once. On the one hand, I want to meet Guo Shouyun, and on the other hand, I also want to join his Far East Media. But what to say about this thing, a beautiful woman is not necessarily a good thing. In the Far East, there were Shana Riva, Nikita and Larissa sitting. She was such a charming woman, don't even think about going to Guo Shouyun's side. Nikita beat her with a bill of 100,000 rubles. And the bill was torn to shreds by Hornikova. After all, she was not interested in money, and she felt that it was an insult to her.

Good this time. Guo Shouyun came to Moscow, but those **** women didn't follow, and Hornikova found an opportunity. She would do anything to get on the "big tree".

"Of course I don't mind," Hornikova held Guo Shouyun's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that if she let go, the living person would fly away, "but I hope that place is the venue of the Great Kremlin, and I also There are two assistants outside."

Hornikova said, and pointed at the two middle-aged people outside the cordon.

"Hehe, those two are your assistants?" Following the direction of Hornikova's fingers, Guo Shouyun glanced at the two middle-aged men whose faces were flushed with excitement. To be honest, although these two people wore the regular multi-functional interview vests, Guo Shouyun still saw it at a glance. These two guys are definitely not memorizing this business, they are more like petty rich people.

"At least for the next few days," Hornikova said with a cheerful disposition. "Actually, that's my boss, Mr. Guo, please help."

To be honest, Guo Shouyun doesn't have any crooked thoughts about this charming woman beside him now, and he is happy to help others. After all, people had helped him before.

"It's just this time. I won't do it next time." Guo Shouyun said with a smile, then turned his head and gave Polaninov a few words.

Take a few random people into the Kremlin. That is impossible. No matter how great Guo Shouyun is, he must follow the rules. Hornikova and her two "assistants" had to undergo a series of scrutiny by the defense officer if they wanted to enter the palace because they did not have access cards for intra-uterine methods and interview cards issued by the Preparatory Committee for the Expanded Conference. This includes verification of identity, verification and inspection of carry-on items.

Fortunately, Guo Shouyun was not in a hurry to go to the Great Kremlin, because he had to wait until after the official opening of the meeting, and did not reserve time for Khodorkovsky to make a peace. Bad battles must be fought. If you don't fight Lao Huo, you won't be able to remember the lessons. He will be even more arrogant in the future. It is out of this consideration that Guo Shouyun personally accompanied Hornikova in the examination of the entrance to the palace. There were many procedures that could be simplified, so all of them were simplified. Otherwise, these three people would have to rush Tomorrow's meeting.

As for Guo Shouyun's approach, it is obvious that the two shareholders of "Progress Daily" had misunderstood. As media people, although they did not do any deeds, they knew what kind of person Guo Shouyun was. Hegemony in the sense of the word, in the previous stage, Gusinski, who was famous and had a wealth of tens of billions, suffered a lot from him. Before, everyone knew that Hornikova had some connection with Guo Shouyun. After all, the reason why this woman was removed from TASS and banned for a period of time was that she did a report that favored Guo Shouyun's side, but everyone didn't know. Yes, this woman is so close to Mr. Guo Dagui, this... This issue seems to be worthy of careful study by the board of directors.

The media, what is the media? How does the media survive? There is no doubt that the survival of the media depends on accurate and timely news broadcasts. And a first-hand, exclusive report can greatly increase the fame of an otherwise humble news organization, and then it will be followed by a huge increase in sales, the spread of influence, and the capital investment of a large number of advertisers. Where does first-hand, exclusive reporting come from? There is no doubt that it depends on the big name, and how does it become a big name? Needless to say, it depends on the relationship. An irrelevant Hornikova is at best a beautiful woman who can make men's eyes shine. It's okay to say she remembers her, but it's okay to say she's not. But now...she apparently is.

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