Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 243: The truth of spring

?Moscow State Department Store, also known as GUM Department Store, a state-owned department store established at the end of the 19th century, is located on the east side of Moscow's Red Square, next to the Kremlin. It is such a three-story state department store. It is one of the ten largest shopping malls in Europe. w

Due to the convening of the enlarged meeting of the Soviets, the State Department Store is open today from 12:00 noon to 2:00 pm, and from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm, in order to provide a shopping and leisure place for delegates from all over the world who come to Moscow. Quiet space.

What Smolensky ordered in the shopping mall was a casual dining seat on the third floor. Its exact location was exactly on the suspended beam bridge of the shopping mall. From this place, the luxurious and spectacular glass ceiling was immediately visible. Looking down is the central fountain located under the two floors.

Perhaps it is true to the saying: "The more powerful people are, the more timid they are." Although the entire department store has been blocked by the Kremlin and the White House guards, people entering and leaving must be strictly scrutinized, but When they came to eat here, Smolensky and his group were still accompanied by the bodyguards of the brigade. In contrast, Guo Shouyun, who only brought a secretary and a driver, looked a little shabby. Of course, this is only the opinion of a layman. Only those who really know the way can think that in such an occasion, the fewer bodyguards are accompanied. People who are more powerful are the ones who have the right to speak.

The group sat down at the table that had been returned long ago. Guo Shouyun looked at the driver and secretary standing more than ten meters away, rubbed his chin, then stretched out his hand to tug at the hem of Smolensky's clothes, and said with a smile, "Hey, I said, you are not so particular about your lunch."

"Oh? What's the matter, is there anything that Shouyun is dissatisfied with?" Smolensky has always had a fear of Guo Shouyun. Hearing this, he smiled intuitively.

"That's all for eating with my brothers, isn't it inappropriate to let people stand like this?" Guo Shouyun pointed at the two people he brought with him, and said with a smile, "Otherwise, you can get the manager, brother, myself. Pay for the tea and let them arrange another table?"

Smolensky is so sweaty, he said that it is not enough to treat you alone, and even those insignificant people must be counted. Of course. He didn't care about paying the extra money. But what Guo Shouyun said was too hurtful. Isn't this a slap in the face.

"Hehe, this is my negligence." Although he felt embarrassed, Smolensky did not dare to express any dissatisfaction. He knew that the relationship between the several giants was very delicate, and Guo Shouyun had become two forces. The bargaining chips that are vying for the first, and these uncles. He couldn't afford to offend a single one.

At this time, a waitress wearing a black vest, white lining, and a red bow tie around her neck came over. She was holding a humidor in her hand, and she seemed to know that she was here to deliver cigars. land.

Taking this opportunity, Smolensky whispered a few words in the ear of the waitress, as if he was instructing to add a table.

"Well, good cigarettes. Authentic Cuban handmade goods," Berezovsky said, taking a cigar from the box brought by the waitress, sniffing it across his nose, and then smiling lightly. "Smolensky, I heard that you have made a lot of money in the past two days. Have you emptied the agricultural and industrial bank in the south? To be honest, how much did you earn?"

Guo Shouyun also heard about what Berezovsky said. He heard that during this time Smolensky's capital was running wildly in the South Caucasus. In the name of joint investment, they borrowed huge sums of money from local agricultural and industrial banks. As for the projects he invested in, it was a few small farms. Smolensky is very timid, and he usually dares to play such "little tricks" of fraudulent loans. Although he said that he has extracted a lot of money, he does not get involved in industrial projects.

"Nothing, it's just a small fight, just a small fight." Smolensky took a cigar, and while speaking, got up and handed it to Guo Shouyun opposite.

"You can earn 240 million by making small troubles. Then there will be opportunities for small troubles like this. Don't forget us." Gusinski held the pliers handed by the waiter in his hand. He sneered as he removed his cigar's attire.

If you are weak, you will be deceived. It is an eternal truth. Smolensky has money. He can be said to be the one with the strongest financial strength among the giants, but his cowardice and cowardice have become His most fatal key, these bad guys, no one can forget to pinch the soft persimmon all the time. But is this soft persimmon poor? That's not necessarily true. Although Smolensky is weak and deceiving in the eyes of the three people in front of him, he is an unattainable existence to those ordinary people. Take the waitress at the table, she's going to be out of luck today, and I'm sure she'll somehow disappear from the world tonight - Smolensky will never allow her to live. .

"I said dude, are you kidding me for being old-fashioned? I don't know if I'm not used to smoking this stuff?" Facing the cigar handed by Smolensky, Guo Shouyun didn't reach out to pick it up, he turned to the secretary and driver in the distance. He raised his chin and said, "Send it to them. I remember that these two boys like this stuff. Unfortunately, brother, I am poor, and I don't have the financial resources for them to absorb this. Today, let's borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha."

"Oh, don't you mind?" Guo Shouyun added with a smile after looking at Smolensky again.

"Don't mind, don't mind, what's the matter," Smolensky sighed, although Guo Shouyun's remarks made him feel embarrassed, but it also allowed him to avoid the other side of the conversation, or else , Gusinski's two words, he is even more difficult to deal with.

Actually, Guo Shouyun, Gusinsky and Berezovsky, they don't mean that they like to bully people that much. Good shock this guy. Human nature is like this, no matter how timid a person is, he will dare to go to the house without beating him for three days. Therefore, for a coward with such a wealth of money as Smolensky, several giants have to beat him from time to time. Lest he really go to the house to uncover the tiles, that would be really troublesome.

"Hey, I said the old ones." After torturing Smolensky enough, Guo Shouyun took out a cigarette from his pocket and said thoughtfully while angering himself, "What do you think about today's day? What do you think about this? What the **** is he doing, Khodorkovsky?"

"It's hard to say," Gusinski breathed out a cigarette, perhaps because he didn't have lungs, the smoke was a little thick, he ducked to one side, and then said with narrowed eyes. "In my opinion. He is unwilling to be lonely and wants to be our leader. He made this play in the morning, it seems that he is stumbling on the White House, but in fact, he does not mean to protest against us. ."

"Indeed," Berezovsky said with a smirk, "he doesn't even care about the White House now. The Kremlin doesn't even matter, let alone us."

Hearing these two big heads say "we, ours" one by one, Guo Shouyun felt a little funny, when did everyone get so close? There is no doubt that each of these "we" has a taste of alienation. The current situation is obvious, without him Guo Shouyun and Vinogradov, Khodorkovsky would never dare to be so arrogant, Gusinsky and Berezovsky combined. It takes a little effort to drive him into the Arctic Ocean like a bear, but it will not be too difficult. Therefore, Guo Shouyun believes that Khodorkovsky's play this morning may be a bit of a demonstration. But it was definitely not against him and Vinogradov. As for why he didn't say hello before, it might be because he Guo Shouyun, especially Vinogradov, tended to be conservative in temperament and not so arrogant. So Lao Huo is probably afraid that his approach will not be recognized. So I didn't say hello.

When he came out of the Great Kremlin venue just now, Guo Shouyun was full of anger. He didn't think much about it at the time, but now that he calmed down, he guessed the reason so much, so the provocation between Gusinsky and Berezovsky could not gain anything from him. In general, Guo Shouyun will not consider changing the established policy of uniting the two weak and resisting the two strong in order to achieve a certain degree of cooperation between the six giants, otherwise no one will have good fruit to eat.

"It's not a bad thing to be ambitious, but if it's too big, it's not good," Guo Shouyun said with a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the soldiers of the guards patrolling downstairs, "I think about it, Khodorkov Skye may be thinking of ringing the bell to those in the White House through his morning move, telling them that times have changed, and the time has passed for them to make their own decisions. Yes, but for us, there are advantages and disadvantages. What I am most dissatisfied with now is that he did not tell us anything about this matter in advance, which is very bad and is not conducive to our future cooperation. So Well, I'm thinking, if he doesn't give us a face-to-face explanation for the two hours at noon today, let's not start the meeting in the afternoon, let's just throw the plate and drag our feet."

Gusinsky and Berezovsky exchanged a wink, and they both could see a satisfactory answer in each other's eyes. To be honest, before they were looking forward to Khodorkovsky to explain, now, they are looking forward to the little guy not to come, because only then can the play be sung in the afternoon, and now they even Can't wait for that kind of pomp to happen.

Just when the three unscrupulous giants were planning to further control and expand the meeting, tens of thousands of people gathered on the Red Square outside the shopping mall were shouting slogans in unison, and they were coming to various places. The local Soviet elected representatives cheered. The scene in this morning's meeting, which has already spread through the media, and the attacks on the two ministers by representatives of various parties, has cheered most of the people of Moscow, who feel that the spring of democracy has really arrived. And in this burst of cheers, Khodorkovsky, who was proud of the spring breeze, and Vinogradov, who was smiling, walked into the main entrance of the National Department Store one after the other.

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