Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 242: bombarding bulls, ghosts and snakes

?If the representative of the Republic of Karelia bombarded the Ministry of Defense, which was the beginning of the whole meeting, then the bombardment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by the representative of the Republic of Dagestan became the most important part of the two-hour meeting. . /w

The Republic of Dagestan is located in the eastern part of Russia, adjacent to Georgia and Ingushetia, Chechnya. During this period of time, the rebellion in Chechnya has not been suppressed, and a large number of refugees have poured into Dagestan, which has caused a serious impact on the security here. . There, the crime rate continues to rise. Take Makhachkala, for example, violent crimes such as homicide, robbery and **** are committed almost every day. Of course, it is very unreasonable to blame the Ministry of Internal Affairs for such a situation, because the current social environment is like this, and a department like the Ministry of Internal Affairs is simply powerless.

However, the representatives of Dagestan obviously did not care about this. They seized on this issue and attacked the Ministry of Internal Affairs led by Barannikov. Became a rice bucket, a bad and bad element of a vegetarian meal. Looking at the posture, if this guy doesn't step down, if he doesn't get out, Dagestan will rebel.

Guo Shouyun was doing it in the venue, watching the wonderful performances of this scene, and doing some scratching from time to time, especially when the delegates smashed the table with a "bang", his expression looked like that. Even more so.

Wonderful, what is democracy, this is called democracy, doesn't the White House want democracy? Alright, democracy is here. Although it came a little late, it came very quickly. Ministers, sit tight and don't lie down.

Shaposhnikov is a veteran general in the army, and he sat on the podium for nearly 40 minutes. He was criticized by a group of people below, and he didn't even have a chance to retaliate. Think about it and know how he feels. Barannikov looked a little better. After sitting for forty minutes, he was able to walk down the stage politely, but even so, his face was blue and scary.

The entire meeting lasted for two hours, during which, except for Gorbachev's opening, this meeting seemed to be a denunciation meeting. The two ministers who were directly affiliated with the White House were treated as "bulls, ghosts and snakes" and were severely criticized and fought, causing them to lose face and prestige. On the rostrum, sitting next to these two people are Bakatin and Lukin, who is the chairman of the Russian State Council. These two people have obviously realized that the situation is not right. Therefore, in Barannikov when fighting. From time to time, the two wiped off a sweat, lest the representatives have too little time to criticize Barannikov.

The two guys who were caught out and criticized were both direct descendants of the White House, and the ones who started the fight were all from Khodorkovsky. Before this, this kid didn't say anything about this, Guo Shouyun felt that there was something unusual in this. During the meeting, Guo Shouyun once looked back at this kid several times, but he always sat on his seat with a smile on his face. from him. There is not the slightest bit of unusual breath to be found. Guo Shouyun also took the opportunity to exchange some glances with Vinogradov who was sitting in the distance, but what the other party returned to him was a look of confusion and helplessness. Obviously, he didn't know about it either.

Comrade Xiao Huo's ambitions are too big. He wants to stand out and be innovative. He wants to grab the top spot among the Big Six, Guo Shouyun guessed in his heart.

The "Criticism Meeting" was exactly twelve o'clock, and with the twelve bells from Ivan's Great Bell Tower, everyone on the rostrum was relieved, and for Chubais, his hanging The mind finally fell to the ground. He knows that the atmosphere of today's meeting is really unusual. If it goes on like this, then don't want the authority of the White House. You can go back and disband for re-election. Of course, he thinks more about the White House. , Victor and the others, everyone underestimated the ambitions of several giants. This time the Soviet expansion meeting, the White House is equivalent to making wedding clothes for others.

According to the arrangement of the meeting, there is an hour for lunch at noon, and then, the delegates have to rest for an hour. The afternoon meeting will officially start at two o'clock and last until five o'clock in the afternoon, lasting three hours.

Undoubtedly, in the two hours at noon, the White House must hurry up. The meeting will not go on like this. This morning, Khodorkovsky was the only one who started the operation, and the two major departments controlled by the White House were sunk. There are still five uncles left, and God knows what they will do next. Chubais felt that he had to make an appointment with the six-party giants to see what they were thinking about. The situation facing the White House now is that those who can compromise must compromise, and those who cannot compromise must also negotiate compromises. Otherwise, this expanded Soviet meeting will not only fail to achieve the goals of the White House, but will even worsen the situation.

Caught in the crowd of many delegates, Guo Shouyun walked out of the venue of the Greater Kremlin unhurriedly. In the corridor, he lit a cigarette for himself. He seemed to be pacing leisurely, but his heart was "crackling". Turning the small abacus. He believed that with the dramatic scene this morning, the meal at noon would definitely be bad. People from the White House would probably come to the door soon, and Gusinski and the others would definitely come to meet him-- -- Khodorkovsky's approach, even Vinogradov is not clear, let alone Gu, other two. As for Khodorkovsky, he must also come to explain, otherwise, Guo Shouyun decided to spoil him in the afternoon. Didn't he grab the White House and beat him hard? In that case, the representative of the Far East jumped out and accused Hasbulatov or Gorbachev. If Khodorkovsky changed his target, he should attack Hasbulatov, then Also, the representatives of the Far East went to attack the White House. Anyway, everyone is playing against the stage, and I will not let you do what you want. He said that the interests were shared, but he was doing this kind of tricks behind his back, how could Guo Shouyun still do it? Judging from the situation in the morning, Guo Shouyun is also certain that as long as he comes forward and plays against Khodorkovsky, then Vinogradov is hard to say, at least Gusinsky and Berezovs The Foundation immediately came to his side, and this bad battle would have been fought.

"Brother Shouyun. You are very leisurely." Guo Shouyun had just smoked two puffs of the cigarette when Gusinsky and Berezovsky searched for it one after the other. Before hitting haha, speak first.

"Haha. Some people are busy and naturally others are leisurely," Guo Shouyun said with a cigarette on his shoulders with one hand, "I think the two big brothers are also very laid-back."

Smart people speak so happily, Gusinsky and Berezovsky understood what Khodorkovsky was doing when they heard this, but Guo Shouyun didn't know it.

"Oh. What? My brother doesn't know what our busy people are busy with?" Berezovsky raised his eyebrows and said with a half-smile.

"Hey, if I want to say that I know, wouldn't I be deceiving myself," Guo Shouyun said with a stray smoke ring, "To tell you the truth, I just had an exchange with the busy man earlier today. It's a pity, they didn't tell us what they were busy with at all, and I'm still confused here."

"In this way, our busy man's ambition is not small. He wants to be in the position." Gusinski smiled indifferently and said, "How about it, brother, I still want to help him now." I haven't decided yet. I'll take a look at it in the afternoon and talk about it. "Guo Shouyun stood up the cigarette in his hand. With a puff, he blew off the ash from the cigarette butt, and then said absently.

"Yeah. That's fine, then, brother, you can make up your mind. As long as we see someone moving on your side, we will move, and we will support you." Berezovsky smacked his lips and said.

"Hey, that's good, but why do I feel like I'm a big head?" Guo Shouyun sneered and said, "But then again, I said that the big shopkeeper, how did you do with my business? Here I am. Still waiting for your reply."

"Then can I neglect your business, brother?" Gusinski stepped forward, he pulled Guo Shouyun's sleeve, and whispered, "You can go and get in touch with Wang An, as long as it's settled, The acquisition can go ahead. There must be opposition in the US Congress, but don’t worry, there will be more people there to speak for you.”

"That's good, this thing is done, I have to repay you, the big shopkeeper," Guo Shouyun said with a smile.

"You don't need to say anything in return, brother, you just need to understand that we should work closely together." Gusinski said with a smile, "And now, what we have to do is to figure out the purpose of the busy person. What, he played a bit too much this morning, if we don't understand his intentions, we may all be calculated by him."

"Didn't I just say, give him two hours to explain, if he still doesn't believe it at noon, then we'll sing his opposite in the afternoon, so that he can't do anything." Guo Shouyun said.

"Well, this method is generally the safest," Berezovsky nodded and said, "Then it's settled, let's see the situation."

While the three of them were talking, the representatives of the Greater Kremlin had already left for six consecutive years. In a flash, the tall and burly figure of Smolensky appeared in the corridor. He saw the three people standing in the corner of the corridor at a glance, and then walked over quickly with that usual smile.

"Hey, the three of you are here, how about you, what's the plan for noon?" Smolensky smiled when he came to the three of them, "I reserved a room on the top floor of the department store opposite. If you dislike it, let's go there and sit together?"

"What about our busy guy? Why haven't he come out yet?" Gusinski asked with a gloomy face.

"Oh?" Although Smolensky was a little timid, he had a lot of insight. With Gusinsky's words, he knew who the "busy man" was referring to.

"Hehe, I also made an appointment with Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, and they are inside now... that's a bit of a quarrel," Smolensky said with a smile, "In my opinion, , let's go first, they'll be there in a while."

Guo Shouyun and Gusinski exchanged glances. Everyone understood why the dispute between Huo and Wei came about. Comrade Xiao Huo was playing with fire. If he did not clarify the problem at noon today, then the next It is estimated that the five giants will jointly exterminate him.

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