Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 244: bad nose

?Because of the location, when Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov walked into the main entrance of the mall, Guo Shouyun was the first to see them.

"Look, isn't our busy person here?" Guo Shouyun said with a smile when he stretched out **** and tapped on the table in front of him.

Despite the appearance of these two people who are now reluctant to see, Gusinsky and Berezovsky still made a "cautious" welcome.

"I hope he can give a reasonable enough explanation," Gusinski said in a cold tone, raised his arms and greeted the two people who were looking downstairs.

"You guys are too boring," Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov walked upstairs together in about two or three minutes, before they were more than ten steps away from everyone. He shouted loudly, "Vinogradov and I thought you would be waiting at the palace gate, but I didn't expect you to come right here."

Seeing both Gusinski's gloomy faces, without saying a word, Guo Shouyun didn't say a word, he smiled slightly, picked up the teacup in front of the table, and sipped it gently on his lips.

"How is it, the play I arranged in the morning was wonderful, right?" Khodorkovsky didn't mind the reaction of the two of Gusinski, he went straight to the seat on the right of Guo Shouyun and sat down, and then Leaning over, he leaned close to Comrade Xiao Guo's ear, and said with a smile, "Guess what, are those bosses in the White House busy wiping away their sweat now?"

"I don't know if they wiped the sweat, but I really wiped the sweat," Guo Shouyun put down the cup in his hand, then glanced at the daring fellow beside him, and chuckled, "Didn't you see it? There are two big brothers here, but they are full of fire."

"Oh?" Khodorkovsky naturally knew who Guo Shouyun was talking about. He turned his head to look at Gusinski, then at Berezovsky on the other side, and then chuckled lightly. , said incredulously. "What's so hot about this? I'm just a reminder to the White House. They've been a bit aggressive in asking for money these days, and it wasn't a small amount when they reached out. I don't care. But this loss will also be exposed. I tell them, if you want money, we have it, but this money is not free, and it is not something they can take if they want. , then my money can burn their hands too. Hey. I said the elders, I did this for everyone's sake. It can't be said that I am selfish, right?"

"You don't have to give them the money they want," Gusinski said casually with a snort.

"Why don't you give it?" Khodorkovsky smiled, and he said sarcastically, "If I don't give it, someone will give it, and this benefit is cheaper than others. Why can't I eat it? Oh, is it possible that this kind of thing can only be done by your Bridge Bank, and we can't even reach out?" "The problem now is that you provided three consecutive loans to the White House in the previous stage, which has damaged the relationship between us. Rules." Berezovsky said gloomily.

"Rules? What rules? Who set the ground?" Khodorkovsky smiled casually. Then he stretched out a finger, aimed at a few people on the table, and clicked one by one, "You? You? Or are you..."

Guo Shouyun saw that his fingers were pointing at each other, and he was about to stab himself in the forehead. So reach out. Grabbing the cigar tongs from Smolensky's face, the tongs in his hands rattled. That meant a warning to Khodorkovsky that if he dared to stab his finger, he would wait for a pincer.

However, Guo Shouyun obviously thought too much. Khodorkovsky's finger only pointed to three people. Among these three people, Vinogradov and Guo Shouyun, who were in the same camp as him, were naturally not included.

"The so-called rules are nothing more than what people have set, and now and then, the times are different, the rules naturally have to be changed, don't you think?" Khodorkovsky obviously guessed Guo Shouyun's intention, he said After these words, he turned his head and looked at the claws of the cigar tongs, and said with a smile, "I said Brother Shouyun, don't mess with this, it's scary."

"It's good to know it's scary. It's okay for you to be arrogant, but don't be arrogant to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Of the six people, you will be the one to call the shots?" Gusinski laughed instead of anger, he said.

"Why, is this a proposal?" Khodorkovsky came to a **** for tat.

"If it's my suggestion, then you won't have a chance in this life." Gusinski almost popped out such a sentence from his teeth.

"Hehe, can this thing depend on turns? It should be robbed." Khodorkovsky sneered, "Didn't you and Boris rob like that?"

This dinner has not yet started, and the battle has begun. Although there are only six people at the table, the smell of gunpowder is strong and scary.

As the host, Smolensky sat on the side and complained secretly in his heart. He glanced at Guo Shouyun, who had been sitting next to him and laughed without saying a word, and thought to himself: This yellow boy is really a disaster. Wherever he goes, he is kind and gentle, but now that he is here, there is no time for him to not fight every time he meets.

Although he said so in his heart, Smolensky also knew that the reason for such a situation among the six was for no other reason, because because of Guo Shouyun, the original power structure had changed. No matter how strong, the weak is no longer weak. In this case, a new round of benefit distribution structure is bound to be re-integrated. And since it involves the distribution and integration of interests, it is obvious that fighting is inevitable.

Guo Shouyun sat in his seat, with sharp pliers in his hands, listening to the fight between the two giants, not to mention his heart. Just when he was moisturizing, he suddenly felt that someone was kicking his shoes under his feet.

Needless to say, the unfortunate one is Smolensky. Today he is the host. The big guy has been sitting for nearly forty minutes, patronizing and quarreling. The banquet has not yet been ordered, and there will be more than an hour. The afternoon meeting is about to be unveiled. If the quarrel continues, don't eat lunch.

At this point, Smolensky did not dare to speak, and Vinogradov, who was opposite him, did not have such a big face, so he had to turn to Guo Shouyun for help, hoping that the overlord of the Far East could stand up and say In a word, persuade the three quarrelsome uncles. But then again, Smolensky didn't dare to say anything on the table, he had to make some small moves under the table, so he was kicked by Guo Shouyun.

Guo Shouyun kicked someone, and when he looked up, he saw Smolensky looking at him with a wry smile, and there was a certain pleading in those eyes.

To be honest, Guo Shouyun really has this kind of sympathy for this rich man. He has so much money under his hand, and even if he is a little bold, the few people in front of him may not dare to touch him. Trillions of savings, throwing out something that can kill a lot of people. It is a pity that people are destined for fate, and Smolensky is such a character. As the saying goes, "the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change." This person's courage does not simply depend on the amount of property.

"Cough!" With a dry cough, Guo Shouyun slapped the cigar tongs in his hand on the table with a "snap", and then without looking at the three people who were arguing, he shouted to himself, "I'm hungry, eat!"

"Ah yes, order food, order food, people, where did people die?!" With Guo Shouyun's words, Smolensky jumped up from his seat and turned his head to face the man hiding in the distance. shouted the waiters.

"Brother Shouyun," Gusinski said angrily, "Do you think it is necessary to continue the cooperation between the six of us?"

"Yes, of course there is." Knowing that he cannot stay out of today's dispute, not to mention Guo Shouyun also knows that this Khodorkovsky should be beaten, otherwise his ambitions will become increasingly uncontrollable , may threaten their own interests in the future.

"Didn't we just agree that if the busy person doesn't give a proper explanation, we'll show him a scene in those few afternoons to let him know what it means to be confused and unaccountable." Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand in Khodolko Vsky patted on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Although Khodorkovsky is young, his mind is very dense. He must know that Guo Shouyun is dissatisfied with himself. If this matter is not settled, his future is doomed to be difficult. Khodorkovsky is arrogant and arrogant, but he is not arrogant. He understands what he can rely on today. If Guo Shouyun falls to Gusinski and the others, then he will not be far away from death.

"Brother Shouyun, what's the confusion between us?" Khodorkovsky took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and handed it to Guo Shouyun, and then personally took a lighter and lit it for him. Only then did he smile, "I know that what I did this morning was wrong, but brother, think about it, if I greeted you and Vinogradov in advance, you can let me do this. But if we don't do this, we still don't know when we will be able to raise our heads and face the White House. To be honest, I'm definitely not thinking about myself alone. If it's not for everyone's benefit, I'd risk it Is it a big risk?"

Khodorkovsky's words undoubtedly confirmed Guo Shouyun's previous speculation that this kid was playing "first cut and then play".

"Of course, I can understand your thoughts and difficulties," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "but there is one thing you have to remember, bro, the six of us are on the same boat, and no matter who we leave, there will be five people left. It's not easy. This time, you put aside the big guy, and you are trying to get ahead. What kind of purpose is this? Anyway, the fact is here, you can't deny it? "

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