Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 241: Out of Control Crisis

?Faced with waves of attacks from the White House, Lao Getou, no matter how ignorant he is, understands that the tiger he raised has started to eat people. The right to appoint personnel to the post, and now, he is aiming at the most basic and also the most critical financial power in the country's political life. If this position is lost again, the Kremlin will really change. \\m/

Old Getou can realize the seriousness of the problem, and also knows that it is never a wise way to sit still, but as the president of the Soviet Union, he is no longer able to fight back. For a long time, Lao Getou held a very basic point of view, that is, the concept of the Bolshevik Party that always bears in mind the class distinction is backward, and the tradition of "taking class struggle as the key link, and making the outline clear" is the key to this country. The root cause of trouble. So he advocated new thinking and felt that more and more lively democratic elements should be created for the country, to bring down the political forces including the Bolshevik Party and the privileged class that united around it, and only then can the future of this country be determined. Where there is hope, there is light. But now, when the Bolshevik Party was completely overthrown, the old man suddenly realized that everything in this country, including his own authority, was bestowed by the Bolshevik Party he was dedicated to overthrowing. The subjugation of the country is also equivalent to ruining the authority of the Soviet president in his hands. In this game of competing for national power, he sadly acted as a scapegoat, becoming a murder gun in the hands of others, and a tiger-skin banner to bear the infamy.

Khodorkovsky is right. At present, Lao Getou is not willing to simply withdraw from the political arena, he wants to fight back. He wants to fight back, but then again. Is this so easy? The old bureaucratic faction of the Bolshevik Party saw him as a traitor, and they wanted to get rid of him quickly; the White House saw him as the last obstacle on the way forward, and wanted to drop a bomb and send him to the west; The big giants in his family regarded him as a genuine beggar. A beggar could only give him two coins once in a while. Who would buy land and land for him?

to be honest. In a word, Lao Getou, as an honorary president, has completely lost his political foundation after the fall of the Bolshevik Party. How long can a castle without foundation survive?

In the news room of Guo Shouyun and the others, Gorbachev made a speech, which roughly meant to let all the representatives here put the national interests first. With the interests of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as the top priority, and the interests of the thousands of Soviet people as the top priority, they prudently cast their votes. "Today's country has reached the point of life and death, and can no longer afford any sloppy slack."

How to say, play the piano to the cow? This analogy is not quite right. Because playing the piano to a cow has not been so outrageous.

After a simple speech, Gorbachev stepped down and symbolically shook hands with representatives of all parties. to be honest. It is also a manifestation of concern for public opinion. Once upon a time, people like Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev. Before each National Congress, there is also such a ceremony, and at this moment, the representatives of the Soviets elected from the locality will swarm forward in a swarm to shake hands and talk with the leader. They wished that this kind of handshake and conversation could continue for a while, so as to leave enough time for the reporters to take pictures. But now, with the same leader and the same representative of the Soviet Union, this handshake scene is a bit nondescript. No matter which state the representative comes from, it seems that the old Getou is regarded as a beast, and anyone shaking hands with him will Carefully, either it will be released at the touch of a touch, or you will simply avoid the past with a straight face. All in all, such a scene cannot be taken away by the notes behind Lao Getou, otherwise it will be a lot of trouble.

As for such a scene, Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky naturally avoided it. These two guys did a better job. Before Lao Getou entered the door, they slipped into the lounge, and after they entered the hall, But they slipped out quietly, in short, without even a chance to meet each other.

When Gorbachev ended his performance in the small lounge and walked out the door miserably, Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky were leaning on the pillars in the corridor, chatting and laughing, when they saw Lao Ge Heads came out of the door, neither of them moved.

Can the old man not hate it in his heart? It's false to say whether he hates it or not, but he doesn't have the slightest way to hate it. That is unwise. Not to mention anything else, if he really comes and goes out like that, the only result is that after he resigns in the future, he will not even want to stay behind.

Gorbachev's pre-conference canvassing trip was just a calm episode. Although his speech was very touching, even a feeling of tearing, it didn't change anything. It was touching, at best, it was a spiritual one. Shock is a kind of benign return in a short period of time, but this kind of shock, this kind of benign return, cannot affect the actual actions of representatives of all parties. After all, there is a more realistic survival problem on the opposite side of shock and benign.

The opening ceremony of the enlarged meeting of the Soviets was held on time at ten o'clock in the morning. The entire main hall of the Grand Kremlin was full of people: more than 140 delegates from the participating republics. They did not have the right to vote, but they could. Take minutes of the meeting; more than 600 Soviet representatives of the Russian Socialist Republic and their entourage; more than 120 delegates from the Union House of Soviet Socialist Republics, the House of Nationalities, and the Joint Council of Ministers. These people are more interesting, especially the representatives of the Joint Council of Ministers. They will be questioned by the elected representatives of the Soviets in person during the meeting in the next few days, which is actually shelling; more than 60 representatives of various ministries and commissions of the Russian Socialist Republic; one More than 170 representatives from industrial and commercial associations, agricultural and commercial associations, local garrison troops, border defense forces, and various scientific research institutes. In addition to these people, there are other secretaries, servants, clerks, media reporters and the like, and there are hundreds of people. Of course, a scale like this is not the most powerful lineup in the history of the Soviet expansion conference. When Khrushchev seized power, he once convened an enlarged conference with nearly 6,000 people at one time. It's lively.

The layout of the entire venue is a semi-circular structure. There are more than 60 seats on the rostrum at the core position. In the past, everyone broke their heads to fight for the seats. Now, the seats are placed on the top. Only the unlucky ghosts are qualified to sit there.

On the opposite side of the rostrum, there are representatives from all sides. The seats are arranged in an arc, forming a semi-enclosed shape for the rostrum. 's leadership. Now, it seems to have another meaning: the localities are closely united, and they join forces to besiege the center.

Guo Shouyun's seat was arranged in the fourth position in the third row on the far right of the delegate's seat. To be honest, he was very dissatisfied with the arrangement of this seat. The angle was so skewed, how could he watch the show? ! You know, it is not an easy thing to have the opportunity to see such a big scene with your own eyes: thousands of people participated in the performance, and the leaders of various ministries and commissions acted as actors, and they were also acting as villains. How interesting.

In the vicinity of Guo Shouyun's seat, representatives from the Far East are arranged. They are a truly united whole, a small center that is separated from the large center. The large center will be bombarded in the next few days. , and the small central government will further consolidate its power base. How can this trend be described as a turbulent situation.

According to the normal meeting arrangement, the first meeting of this plenary meeting should be completely transitional, without talking about any practical issues. There is also a summary analysis report on the domestic economic and political situation in the previous stage. Then the two-hour meeting time passed, the representatives of all parties had lunch, and then everyone visited the Kremlin in an orderly manner and visited the main attractions in Moscow. This is the meeting schedule for the first day.

But this time the plenary session was different. After Gorbachev, the president of the Soviet Union, finished his opening speech, Chubais, the White House spokesman, had not had time to take office. More than a dozen people from the Republic of Karelia A representative came forward and directly bombarded the Ministry of Defense with regard to the armed riots in the Republic of Karelia in the previous stage.

This headless bombardment obviously exceeded the expectations of the representatives of the two houses and the ministerial contact meeting. Who was the Minister of Defense at this time? That is Shaposhnikov, he is a member of the Ye family in the White House, and he is a direct descendant of the Ye family, while the representative of the Karelian side is controlled by Khodorkovsky. The appearance of this wonderful scene made Guo Shouyun, who was originally in low spirits and was counting the lamps on the ceiling, suddenly lifted his spirits. He could see that this time the plenary session was going to get out of control, and the White House was going to miscalculate.

As Ye's direct descendant, as Defense Minister Shaposhnikov, he was not prepared at all. He never imagined that Khodorkovsky, who has always maintained a good relationship with the White House, would be at this time. Backwater. Compared with his unpreparedness, the local representatives in Karelia were obviously well prepared. They raised quite sharply and pointed directly at the internal problems of the core Ministry of Defense of the military. Faced with these problems, Shapo, who hastily challenged them. Shnikov simply could not give a calm and accurate answer.

Why are local representatives so powerful? Indeed, if there is no plenary meeting, these people are nothing, at best they are little people who have the right to speak but have no decision-making power, but the problem now is that the plenary meeting is held, these people are gathered together, then the next step of the situation will be It is up to the center, which cannot be the convenor of the meeting, to decide in which direction.

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