Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 240: Fallen tree hozen scattered

? Very courageous, Khodorkovsky is indeed very courageous, at this point, Guo Shouyun also had to resign.

Although Guo Shouyun did not study geology, he also had a certain understanding of gold mines. He knew that the small veins mentioned by Khodorkovsky were actually small-scale rock gold deposits. The Soviet Constitution stipulates that such natural mineral deposits with extremely high economic value are all owned by the state, and private mining will be subject to extremely severe penalties. This so-called "extremely severe punishment" doesn't mean how much fines or years in prison, but rather shooting.

Now, Khodorkovsky is going to move this small rock gold deposit that has just been discovered and has not yet been declared to the central government. This is equivalent to a blatant challenge to the national constitution-although this constitution has been invalidated. The day is not far away.

As for why this daring guy found himself to cooperate, Guo Shouyun is also very clear. In any case, Khodorkovsky has no influence in the Eastern Siberia region, and the just-concluded Economic Reform Forum meeting has also turned Chita and Buryatia into a certain extent. The economic buffer area is a compromise between Guo Shouyun and the Big Five. And now, if Khodorkovsky wants to infiltrate Buryatia, he must first live with the approval of the Far East.

In addition, it is not so simple to open a gold mine privately. From ore mining to smelting, and then to the bleaching of finished products, this series of processes must be strictly blocked, so there are many issues involved, such as: where do the workers come from; where do the relevant equipment come from? ; where the ore is smelted; where the finished gold is bleached so that it can enter the market smoothly, and so on. None of this is so easy to do. Say without hesitation. He Khodorkovsky does not have so much earth energy near the Far East. In contrast, Guo Shouyun is easier to do these things, so Lao Huo will come to the door and honestly distribute 40% of the profits to the Guo Group.

Is Guo Shouyun tempted? Humph, it's a lie to say that you don't mind, gold, and it's not an ounce or two. It is calculated in tons. This thing is placed at home, and that is a currency that will never depreciate. Isn't there a saying in economics - "Gold is inherently currency". At present, Far East Commercial Bank is still a shell bank, and there is a lack of capital reserves within the bank. As for gold reserves, it is not to mention. Now, a large amount of gold has suddenly piled up in front of me. If I get this gold, what does it mean to Guo Shouyun? Undoubtedly, that means the huge sum of money he put into the international currency market to speculate in foreign exchange. With strong support from gold reserves. At that time, his Far East Commercial Bank will no longer be a shell bank. He can make the bank international and compete with those commercial banks with sufficient reserves abroad.

But then again. This kind of thing is too risky. Gold cannot be handed over to private mining in any country, because it is a strategic economic resource related to the country's destiny. Once the inside story of private gold mining is revealed, let alone Victor, even Victor and the White House will not be able to keep his little life.

"How is it, brother, are you interested?" Khodorkovsky looked at the gloomy expression on Guo Shouyun's face, but he was not in a hurry. After smoking a small half of the cigar in his hand, he took a step forward and said with his arms around Guo Shouyun's shoulder.

"Brother, you are giving me another problem," Guo Shouyun pondered for a while, the cigarette in his hand still had a cigarette left, and he had not made up his mind. This is no child's play. Making an idea in a hurry will kill people. What's more, he is still not sure if there is any conspiracy in Khodorkovsky. If the other party sets a hole for him, he will jump in. , then it won't come up again.

"This is not a trivial matter," Guo Shouyun snorted and frowned as he threw the cigarette **** in his hand to the ground, "I think so, you allow me to think about it, I'll think about it later, and I'll give you another answer."

"Then you can hurry up, I can't control it here. Since the matter has already come out, it can't be covered up for a long time. If we don't come, the Vidymsk side has to hurry up and report the current report. Life is not easy." Khodorkovsky's tone was unusually relaxed, it sounded like he was talking about two pounds of eggs, and this also made Guo Shouyun realize for the first time the daring of the guy in front of him.

"Hey, speaking of it, everyone wants this thing, but it's a real mine, but they all regard it as a hot stone. They are reluctant to throw it away, and they are timid when holding it. Why bother to come here?" Huo Dolkovsky said something to himself, and when he turned his head, he saw that Guo Shouyun was looking at him in a strange way, so he said in surprise, "What's the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I said big brother, I think your tone is a bit wrong," Guo Shouyun poked Khodorkovsky's armpit with the index finger of his right hand, and said with a smile, "Tell me honestly, are you going to plan? Are you ready to bury my brother and me in a nest of bones and flesh?"

Khodorkovsky was stunned at first, he didn't understand what Guo Shouyun meant.

"You said such a big thing so easily. I doubt if you are planning to harm me," Guo Shouyun was still smiling, but the meaning behind his words was bloody.

Where do you want to go?" Khodorkovsky laughed, "If I wanted to kill you, you wouldn't choose such a thing. Isn't that the same as throwing real money into the water? If you don't trust me, then there is a way, when the Moscow business is over, let's go to Vitimsk together, and then take a group photo on the top of the mine, um, isn't everything settled? problem occurs. If you can't run away, you can't run away from me, and everyone has to be stuffed into a caviar jar. As for why you said such a big thing, why do I have such a relaxed tone, it is also very simple, what is it? What is the difference between what our brothers did before and this? Hey, it was the Kremlin that mined the gold and refined it. Then we go grab it. Now, let's go straight to grab the mines, and there's still an investment left by the Kremlin. From this perspective, we are not saving money for the government. "

"Well, it makes sense," Guo Shouyun was delighted. He had never imagined the greedy young giant in front of him. There is actually such a scientific bandit theory. Compared with the genius Chubais, he is really better than him.

But if you think about it carefully, Khodorkovsky is a talented person who really conforms to this era. He is bold and careful. And never fall behind. More than ten years later, several oligarchs who were once all-powerful have gone bankrupt, went bankrupt, and fled. Why did they survive to the end? Maybe this has something to do with his character?

Guo Shouyun pondered that he actually still had a lot to learn. Take a few giants as an example, Vinogradov's old-fashioned and prudent, full of joy and anger; Berezovsky's calm, old-fashioned and cruel; Khodorkovsky was bold and careful, quick-witted and quick-witted; even Smolensky was conservative and cautious. These kinds of "advantages" in character should be learned. In this era, their character characteristics. It's what makes them successful. Take today for example. Khodorkovsky can easily deal with it, and he doesn't even take private gold mining as a big deal at all. This can certainly be said to be his daring act, but from another point of view, it may be that people see this era more clearly.

Just as the two of them were standing opposite each other, each thinking about it, a burst of noisy footsteps came from the right side of the corridor. Guo Shouyun took back his full of thoughts, turned his head and glanced in the direction where the footsteps came from. I saw that at the corner on the right side of the corridor, a group of people was rushing towards this side, surrounded by a slightly bald, stout man. This bald old man, Guo Shouyun, knows and believes that apart from him, most people in the world who care about international politics know him, because he is the current and, of course, the last President of the Soviet Union of Socialist States Gorbachev husband.

From the corner of the corridor to the entrance of Guo Shouyun's lounge, there is a distance of 20 to 30 meters. After Gorbachev turned around, he saw Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky at first sight. A faint smile appeared on his face, and it seemed that he was coming to say hello.

"Hey, let's go in." At this juncture, Khodorkovsky reached out and grabbed Guo Shouyun's arm, because he was much taller than the latter, and Guo Shouyun didn't want to have **** with this nameless man. The president's suit was close, so the two avoided Gorbachev and his party one after the other, and returned to the lounge rudely.

Soviet president? What is the president of the Soviet Union? Now on the ground in Russia, everyone only knows that there is the White House, but who knows that there is a Soviet president? What's more, these two guys in front of them may not even be in the eyes of the White House.

"Let's go, let's sit in the back," Khodorkovsky still held on to Guo Shouyun when he entered the lounge, he said with a smile, "The old guy is still not giving up, he has been lobbying around for the past two days, I hope I can take the opportunity of this National Congress to turn over the White House, hey hey, he doesn't even look at it, what time is it now, the day when he can call the shots has long passed."

Guo Shouyun smiled and didn't say anything. Following behind Khodorkovsky, Shi Shiran walked to the back of the lounge---now that the White House is in power, whoever is close to Lao Getao is uncomfortable. . It is said that the hozen scatters after the tree falls. This is human nature. If the tree falls and the hozen does not disperse, then it is the hozen's fault that human life is lost.

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