Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 239: deceive the sea

"Understood," Khodorkovsky's face showed a stunned look, he curved two fingers, poked Guo Shouyun's heart, and smiled slyly, "I said, brother, with you This toughness is tough on the outside, and when he comes home, he is still a sick cat.

"There's no way, women, how can we have the same knowledge as them." Guo Shouyun slapped Khodorkovsky's finger off with a slap and said with a smile.

"That's it, in order to meet Mrs. Nina in the future, I have to help me, and I will do my part." Khodorkovsky really doesn't care about the position of the deputy mayor. What he cares about is whether Guo Shouyun is Not to outreach to the Far East. However, while he was talking, he also pondered for a while. A mere deputy mayor can't play a role at all. To put it bluntly, that thing is just idle work, and there is not much work to do with a salary. If Guo Shouyun really intends to jump outside, then it is impossible for him to use such a thing as a springboard.

Speaking of which, Khodorkovsky has been very proud of the spring breeze these two days. He is not willing to brush Guo Shouyun's face at this moment, not to mention that it is for such a **** deputy mayor. What Guo Shouyun said was Whether it's true or false, it doesn't matter, he will give him this position if he wants. Anyway, it is Sobchak's base camp, and he is not closely related to Khodorkovsky.

"Who did my brother just say? Vladimir? Director of Leningrad City's Foreign Liaison Department, right?" Khodorkovsky said, holding Guo Shouyun's shoulder, "Okay. I remember this matter. , I'll let someone arrange it this afternoon, you go back and tell him, get ready to take office."

"Hey, then you can keep an eye on me, otherwise, when I go back from Moscow this time, I might not even get a hot bed." Guo Shouyun smiled.

"Don't worry. I can't remember other things, brother, what happened in your own generation, can you still forget it?" Khodorkovsky sneered, "What's more, brother, you don't have a hot bed. Can it be drilled? What's the matter, do you want me to arrange a class for you?"

In a few words, Vladimir's promotion was settled. Guo Shouyun was relieved of his heart problem. He let Khodorkovsky lead him to the table not far away, and joked at the same time: "You still have that Grade? I've heard it from Vinogradov long ago. The grade you choose for a woman is the same as your business, it's all smuggled and inferior goods."

"Hey, don't listen to his nonsense, he's in his 70s and 80s, and his sexual function is severely degraded, so he still knows what a woman is," Khodorkovsky smiled sleazy as he grabbed Guo Shouyun's wrist. He lowered his voice and said, "How about seeing the woman sitting next to me? Is it good enough?"

Following Khodorkovsky's winking direction, Guo Shouyun glanced at him and said nothing. The woman sitting there is indeed very high-end. How can I say it? It's just two words: coquettish, with that smoky look, which makes people know that she is not a serious woman. If put in the past life. Guo Shouyun would be happy to get in touch with such a woman. But now he has a feeling of boredom with this kind of woman, which is especially important. This woman is also in the political arena. Under the current domestic situation, a young woman like her can do it in this hall, and the doorway behind her will probably make people feel sick.

"Let's be so-so," Guo Shouyun didn't express his disgust at the woman he met for the first time, he said with a light smile.

"Why, not interested?" Khodorkovsky heard the lightness in Guo Shouyun's tone, and he smiled, "That's a pity, our courtesan in East Siberia, Ms. Sginova's purpose, I'm afraid, I'm going to fail."

"Oh, what's the purpose? Why do you sound so creepy?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Isn't this lady trying to beat me?"

"You guessed it," Khodorkovsky laughed. "It's true that people are playing against you."

"Joke," Guo Shouyun said with joy, "what's the matter, the shopkeeper of the goose just ate a flat meal from me, and then someone came to the door?"

"Where do you want to go?" Khodorkovsky shook his head and smiled, "they are not trying to attack your Far East idea, but want to borrow a way out of your side, hehe, of course, and by the way. See if there are opportunities for cooperation."

"How do you say?" Guo Shouyun said in surprise. "Well, how do you say it, it's like this," Khodorkovsky didn't know what he got from others, but he was very concerned about Sginova, "Nova is from Ulan-Ude. , Ulan-Ude, you should know?"

"Nonsense," Guo Shouyun said angrily, rolling his eyes.

Ulan-Ude is very close to the Far East. This city located on the ground of the Selenga Valley of Post-Baikal is the capital of the Republic of Buryatia. From Buryatia to the east, it is Chita State, and Chita further east. , is the Far East Amur Region.

"Hey, joking, just joking," Khodorkovsky smiled, and then continued, "Nova's family is very powerful in Buryatia, she is descended from Cossacks, and she used to live in Buryatia. They are mainly engaged in fishing and meat business.”

"What does that have to do with me?" Guo Shouyun said with a frown, "No matter how domineering I am, it's impossible not to let people cross the ground in the Far East? She wants to export fishery, so she can deal with the railway transportation department. , what are you looking for me for?"

"Look, look, are you a little patient?" Khodorkovsky said angrily, "I haven't finished my words yet."

"Okay, tell me, I'll listen." Guo Shouyun shook his head helplessly and said.

Khodorkovsky leaned over again with a smile, then attached to Guo Shouyun's ear, and said a word in a low voice.

"What?!" Not knowing what Khodorkovsky said, Guo Shouyun exclaimed as if someone stepped on his tail.

Khodorkovsky obviously anticipated what kind of reaction Guo Shouyun would make, so. After he finished speaking, he took a step to cover the other's mouth. Unfortunately, his movements were still slow, and Guo Shouyun's exclamation went out without any hindrance.

At this time, although the rest room was full of people number 10, the atmosphere was quite quiet, so Guo Shouyun exclaimed. It can be regarded as startling everyone. But fortunately, in addition to the representatives of the Far East, the vast majority of these people are Khodorkovsky. Facing Guo Shouyundi's exclamation, everyone glanced back in unison, and then turned their heads in unison, as if nothing had ever been born. Of course, there are exceptions, that is, a few people at the table at Sginova. They looked at Guo Shouyun and seemed to want to see something from him.

Guo Shouyun obviously also realized that he had lost his way, but what Khodorkovsky said in his ear was really shocking, let alone him, even if someone like Victor listened to it. I'm afraid they will all react the same way.

With a smile on his face, Guo Shouyun glared at the man with a pair of beautiful eyes. The woman who looked straight at him gestured, then grabbed Khodorkovsky's arm and dragged him out of the lounge. The corridor outside the lounge is very quiet, there are no idlers, only a few guards. Standing on the corridor in the distance.

"I said, bro, when did this happen? Why isn't there any news from the State Mining Management Committee?" Standing at the door of the lounge, Guo Shouyun said with a serious face.

"It was only six days ago," Khodorkovsky said with a half-smiling smile, "now the Vitimsk Mining Federation has put this matter down. They are considering whether to report to the mine management committee or not. Announcement. You know it. Vitimsk has always been the main producer of iron ore. Although there were lead, zinc, chromium and other associated mines before, but this thing has never been found. The Timsk Mining Federation has organized four explorations, and they have obtained data that this is not an associated ore, but a small ore belt 700 meters long, 16 meters wide, and 12 meters deep. The amount of ore available for mining is not less than 3,700 tons."

"Then what are their plans? Keep it a secret? Brother, if this was put in the first two years, it would be a big crime of looting and annihilating the family." Guo Shouyun said worriedly, but in his eyes, there was a kind of It's called adventurous brilliance.

"It's a big crime, but isn't there another sentence that says that wealth is at risk?" Khodorkovsky took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and handed it to Guo Shouyun, and then took out a cigar himself. On point. He knew that Guo Shouyun didn't smoke cigars, and this time he prepared a pack of cigarettes, obviously he came prepared.

"Then what are your plans? It's not easy to hide this thing. From mining to smelting to bleaching, if there is any flaw in the whole process, everyone will be **** and finished." Guo Shouyun said while smoking a cigarette, squinting his eyes.

"That's why we came to discuss with you, brother," Khodorkovsky laughed. "Brother, you want people and soldiers in the Far East. As long as you join in, then we can do a lot. The mines are not big, As long as there are people and equipment, it can be produced in a few months. We can use railway transportation to cross the sea and pull the ore to your ground for smelting. On your ground, brother, it should not be difficult to bleach these things. As for the miners who knew about it...hehe, a mine accident can be solved. Afterwards, we will make a profit of 30%, you and my brother will get 40%, and the Vitimsk side will get 20%, and everyone will benefit. , no one has anything to say. As for whether the news will be leaked after the incident, hehe, there is nothing to worry about, as long as we don’t get caught, who can treat our brothers?”

Guo Shouyun was a little hesitant in his heart, this thing is not a joke, if there are other things to say, such as iron ore, it doesn't matter how much smuggling, but at the moment, Khodorkovsky wants to hide nothing else, but the real thing. The----gold

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