Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 236: money is good

?Never do anything disadvantageous, don't throw eagles without seeing rabbits, this is Guo Shouyun's foundation of being a human being, and it seems that it is not too late for Gusinsky and Berezovsky to realize this now.

Taking advantage of such an opportunity to meet, Guo Shouyun revealed his intentions to the two powerful giants. He was not worried that the matter could not be done, but only worried that Gusinski would not do it with his heart, but wanted him to do his best. If you want to go to work, you must put some pressure on him. The old guy is cunning, there is nothing at stake, how can he be willing to take the next effort?

After reaching a verbal agreement with the two giants, Guo Shouyun had a bottom line in his heart. After sending Gusinski and Berezovsky away, he carefully considered the details. As Gusinski said before, Wang An Company is a family-owned business. To acquire it, it must pass the Wang family. Since he didn't know much about the situation of Wang An's company, Guo Shouyun felt that he should communicate with Rilke more in this regard, and start as soon as possible to do some necessary work in the United States.

Without the living room of the two giants, it seemed a little deserted. Guo Shouyun sat on the sand alone for a while, thinking about it for a while, and then ate the lunch that was already too cold. Then he reached out and summoned a bodyguard who had been standing in the corner of the living room and asked. Said: "Where's the old man? Why didn't I see him for so long when I got up?"

"Old man" is the honorary title given by the Guo brothers to Rilke, and many bodyguards in the group know it, so the burly man replied: "Old man went out early in the morning, saying that he was going to meet a few people in Moscow. Old friend, I haven't come back yet. But he left an address and said that if there is an urgent matter, he can go there to find him. What, sir needs us..."

"No. No, no need, I just asked casually." Guo Shouyun knew. Rilke has his own Jewish ***. He came to Moscow from the Far East, and it was normal for him to visit his friends, no fuss.

"Well, where's Shoucheng? Where did he go?" Guo Shouyun asked again casually.

"Mr. Shoucheng also went out early in the morning. He left a message saying that he was going to Moscow University. He made an appointment with that Miss Li Shengyan yesterday and wants to have lunch together today." The bodyguard replied without hesitation.

"Hey. This kid," Guo Shouyun smiled. He rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "Emotional relationship is quite fast. It's only been a few days, and there is a small date."

"Hehe, do you want to go take a look, sir. I know where they are." The bodyguard said jokingly.

"Look at your size, do I look like such a boring person?" Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile.

After scolding this sentence, Guo Shouyun seemed to have thought of something. He glanced at the big man beside him and asked, "Oh. I remembered, you all seem to be from Moscow, right? Why? Don't you have anyone to visit?"

"Thank you sir for remembering, you are right." The big man hesitated for a while. He said, "Me and Kolev are both Muscovites. We can't talk about relatives here, but we also have a few friends. Let's reconcile, and when Mr. has been busy in the past two days, we will take another leave. Go take a look."

"Well, it's human nature, understandable," Guo Shouyun stood up from the sand, reached out and patted the bodyguard's shoulder, and then walked in the direction of the corridor, saying, "Come, follow me upstairs."

The big man nodded and followed Guo Shouyun to the corridor.

From the living room on the first floor all the way upstairs, Guo Shouyun walked straight into his bedroom. Because he knew that there was a woman in the room, the bodyguard did not follow, but stopped at the door.

Guo Shouyun did not enter the bedroom. After entering the door, he went straight to the clothes rack in the living room of the bedroom, took out a ticket folder from the coat hanging on it, then walked to the sand and sat down, beckoning to the big man standing by the door. He said, "Come here, what are you doing?"

The big man hesitated for a moment, then stepped into the room. He walked in front of Guo Shouyun without squinting, and then stood like a telephone pole without moving.

"In my opinion, it doesn't take these two days. Anyway, I have nothing to do today. Please explain my work. Those who should visit relatives and friends who should visit friends, all go to me." Guo Shouyun lowered his head. , used the dipping pen on the table to draw on the bills in the ticket folder, and then pulled off a bill with a "hiss", handed it to the big man standing in front of him, and said, "But we have a word in advance, before noon tomorrow, we will give everything to I'll come back, who's coming back late and I'll pull the skin, remember?"

"Remember, thank you sir." The big man looked at the bill in front of him, did not reach for it directly, but said gratefully.

"Take it," Guo Shouyun said, putting the bills in his hand into the big man's hand, "go to the central bank to exchange the money and give everyone a cent. It's not easy to come to Moscow, so buy some when you visit relatives and friends. The gift has passed, and if you don’t have relatives or friends here, you can go out for a walk. Well, Huahua World, wouldn’t it be a big loss if you don’t have a good time here.”

"Yes, I understand sir," the big man did not refuse, he folded the bill and stuffed it into the pocket on the top of his jacket. Bodyguards eat with their employers. If the employer has a good temperament, the bodyguard will work hard. If the employer has a bad temperament and treats people as human beings, it is difficult to say. For the big guy at the moment, he accepted Guo Shouyun's kindness, and verbally thanking him was secondary. The key was a person's heart. As a bodyguard, guarding a character like Guo Shouyun, he believed that he would have the opportunity to perform and repay in the future.

"Go ahead when you understand," Guo Shouyun threw the ticket folder on the table, then stood up, glanced at the door leading to the inner bedroom, and whispered, "Hehe, bring me the door Go on, I'm going to have a good time... Well, take a break and look at Guo Shouyun's ** expression, who doesn't know what he's thinking. He walked out the door without looking away.

Speaking of which, Guo Shouyun during this period of time has rarely had a free time. Group affairs, political affairs, and intrigue in the shopping mall are piled up in front of him one by one. It was very difficult for him to take a breath.

This time, I came to Moscow to participate in the so-called "All-Russian Economic Reform Forum", which is a good opportunity for vacation, "Forum. Forum". What is there to talk about, what is there to talk about, everyone is just sitting down to cut the territory and divide up the benefits. And because of Guo Shouyun's Far East policy considerations, this kind of division has basically nothing to do with him - he will not agree to anyone who divides the Far East, and outside the Far East, he will not interfere, so that's why. He is very free now, and he can take this opportunity to have a good time and have fun.

"Walking through the forest, crossing the snowfield..." With a hoarse voice, Guo Shouyun hummed a little tune, swaying from the living room all the way into the bedroom.

"Sir," in the bedroom, Xenivagina, wrapped in a white bath blanket, was sitting in front of the dresser where the original owner didn't know who it was. Combing the wet golden hair. Seeing Guo Shouyun walking in, she put down the comb in her hand, stood up and said.

"Well, have you eaten lunch?" Guo Shouyun glanced at her and walked straight to the bed. First, sit down on the bed. Then he reached for the cigarette case on the bedside table, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Ding," Just as he was about to reach out to grab the lighter, a faint fragrance like a mist of musk blew over with a gust of breeze. Immediately after. After a soft sound, a flame of moderate size appeared in front of his eyes.

He looked up at Xenivagina, who was standing in front of him with a lighter in hand. Guo Shouyun smiled. He leaned forward and put the cigarette in his mouth on the flame and lit it. Then he took a sip of the smoke and said, "Yes, there is progress, you know? Only Women who can serve men will be more favored, at least I think so."

"Yes, sir, I get it." Xenivagina had an unnatural smile on her face. She kicked off the small printed slippers on her feet, rolled over and climbed onto the bed, then knelt behind Guo Shouyun and said while massaging his shoulders for him.

"Tell me, what's going on in that little head of yours," Guo Shouyun said casually with a cigarette in his mouth, reaching out to untie the straps of his pajamas.

"No, no." Xenivekina said in a flustered tone with a trembling hand.

"No?" Guo Shouyun lifted his pajamas from his shoulders, cocked his body, and said with a sneer, "Ha, did you tell me? Do you know what I do? Such a woman who has not even grown her hair is also playing tricks in front of me? Well, no, no, don't talk about it if you don't."

"Ah, no, no, it's a little thing." When it comes to playing tricks, the ten Xenivina are probably not Guo Shouyun's opponents. She was cheated by this thoughtful man in front of her. She is a simple-minded little boy. Woman, it was a complete failure immediately.

"If you have something to say, don't hesitate," Guo Shouyun backhanded and pulled Xenivagina, who was kneeling behind him, into his arms. said impatiently.

"I, ah, I want to ask Mr., you, when will you transfer the funds to us..." Huddled in Guo Shouyun's arms, Xie Niweijina let the rude team His big hands raged in front of his chest, and he asked panting at the same time.

"When it's time to dial, I'll dial it naturally. Is this also your responsibility?" Guo Shouyun said in an unpleasant tone before Xie Niweijina finished speaking.

"Yes, I know I shouldn't intervene," Xenivagina looked aggrieved, she didn't know what the man in front of her regarded herself as, was it purely a **** toy?

"It's good to know if you shouldn't ask," Guo Shouyun said indifferently, "but, if you can satisfy me, I can consider doing this as soon as possible, and I can even consider investing in the construction of one or two comprehensive complexes in the Far East. Training grounds..."

Guo Shouyun's words could no longer be said here, because the woman in her arms had already slipped to the ground, and her petite head had been brought into the man's crotch.

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