Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 235: I want to move overseas

"It's actually very simple," Guo Shouyun said, fiddling with his two fingers, since the conversation had entered a substantial stage, "I have said before that domestic interests outside the Far East are not something I do. I will consider it, but my Guo family will not let go of foreign interests. Recently, I have a new investment plan, and I plan to acquire Wang An Company, which is currently in financial difficulties.”

"Wang An Company?" Gusinsky and Berezovsky were stunned for a moment, then exchanged glances, and then asked from the back, "Brother Shouyun, you mean the king of the United States. An company? That company that focuses on the computer field?"

"Not bad," Guo Shouyun said with a smile. It's impossible for people like Gusinski to not know Wang An's company.

"Why, Brother Shouyun is still interested in such a business as computers?" Gusinski asked in surprise, "As far as I know, the prospects of this business are not very optimistic. Just look at the current market. People have made those large computer companies face some operational difficulties now. This thing has large investment, low return rate, long return period and high risk. In my opinion, Shouyun brothers should not touch it. good."

"Che, you know shit, you're talking about a mainframe, do you understand the microcomputer that is about to take off?" Guo Shouyun naturally dismissed Gusinski's statement in his heart, but he smiled lightly and said. , "The storekeeper Goose said it well. I also know that this business is not easy to do, but I am helpless. Brother, I like challenging things. Tell me, life like we are now. What fun is there? You can get what you need by playing around with it. Alas, it’s clear that the fun of fighting is no longer there. So, I’m going to find something exciting to do now.”

"Well, what Brother Shouyun said makes sense," Berezovsky smiled. He pointed at Guo Shouyun, turned his head and said to Gusinski, "Look. Young people are young people. Old man, it's too far behind."

"That's right," Gusinski greeted with a smile, and then said, "Brother Shouyun wants to acquire Wang An, does this have any necessary connection with us? Hmm. But there are some problems with the funds on hand? That's okay, It’s hard to say, but I can still take out several hundred million yuan of preferential loans.”

"Hehe, the generosity of the shopkeeper Goose. I am grateful for the name of my brother, but my problem is not the funds, I can still take out the money myself," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "The problem I am facing now is. Wang An's company is A US-controlled company involved in the high-tech field. If I want to buy it, I will definitely be blocked from the US government. I am ashamed to say it. My brother used to be short-sighted and never thought about dealing with Americans. Now It was only when things came to an end that I felt my own difficulty. Earlier, I heard that the shopkeeper of Goose has a close relationship with the Americans. Isn’t your Bridge Bank, a big person from the United States participating in shares? So, I hope that in the When it comes to the acquisition of Wang An by our Guo family, the big shopkeeper of Goose can reach out, help, and dredge on his behalf, hehe, what do you two think?"

"This..." Gusinski's face showed a look of embarrassment. To be honest, his bridge bank is indeed inextricably linked with the Americans, and behind him, there are a large number of upper-level figures in the United States who are advising and supporting him. But these Yankees are not Chinese cabbage boys. They are ambitious and purposeful. If they want to get one point from them, they have to give three points in return. Therefore, Gusinski does not want to be with them. Too much entanglement. Now, Guo Shouyun wants to acquire Wang An. As he said, this company is a high-tech company. Although Americans have always advocated the so-called free market economy, their local government has implemented strict supervision on such companies. The export of these companies must be monitored by the government; their financing plans must be monitored by the government; what kind of partners they recruit must also be approved by the government. This series of rules and regulations have tied these companies to death. Now, Guo Shouyun is going to acquire such a company, and he has Gusinski to clear things up on his behalf, not to mention whether it can be done or not. , If it is done, he estimates that he will have to pay a great price.

But now there is a problem that Gusinski has to consider, that is, Guo Shouyun made such a request at this juncture, then his intention is very obvious - this thing has been done for him, everything is done. It's easy to say, if this thing can't be done, then what kind of cooperation, sincere unity, etc., have to be considered separately. Therefore, considering the longer-term interests, Gusinski is really hard to refuse.

As for Berezovsky, he and Gusinsky also have the same considerations, but in addition, he also thinks of something else, that is, if this thing is done, it will be great for them. helpful. Guo Shouyun wants to acquire Wang An, what does this matter itself show? There is no doubt that this means that the Guo family is going to send troops overseas. He Guo Shouyun is going to go abroad to make wind and rain, so his attention at home will obviously be distracted. The promise of domestic interests outside the Far East” has 90 percent credibility. This is a great thing for the remaining five giants, and it is really worth celebrating with champagne. After all, although this country is big and has many interests, the fewer people who participate in the division, the better.

"What? Is there any difficulty?" Guo Shouyun smiled and asked softly, seeing Gusinsky's embarrassed face and Berezovsky's contemplative face.

"It doesn't matter if you have difficulties, I'm just talking about this matter. If the two big brothers are really in trouble, it can be regarded as a joke," Guo Shouyun said, and picked up the white towel that he had just put away. It was spread on his lap lightly and skillfully, and then he reached for a knife and fork - he was going to continue enjoying his lunch.

Looking at Guo Shouyun's posture, Gusinsky and Berezovsky understood that if they didn't help Guo to settle the matter of acquiring Wang An, then the so-called cooperation would not be negotiable.

"Brother Shouyun, this, do you think it is feasible to acquire Wang An?" Before Guo Shouyun picked up the knife and fork, Gusinski said, "I heard about Wang An's current decision, um, that Wang Lie, he He is a stubborn person, and Wang An's company implements a very traditional family management method. In other words, if he does not intend to change the company's hands, even if there is no resistance from the US government, you may not be easy to succeed. Bar?"

Guo Shouyun laughed, he retracted his two hands that were reaching for the knife and fork, and seemed to be a little absent-minded: "For this, the two big brothers don't have to worry about it. To be honest with you two, this time I will After finishing the work in Moscow, it is very likely that they will go to the United States immediately. In my opinion, the current business situation of Wang An Company has reached the point of exhaustion. Without the injection of huge funds, they are unable to carry out New technology research, on the other hand, cannot cope with the increasingly serious market shrinkage. Under such circumstances, even if Wang Lie is self-willed and has no vision, he may not be able to understand the situation. Not to mention Wang An Although the company is managed by a family system, it is not a single word. Their board of directors still holds great power. Now, they are short of funds, and the company is facing the crisis of bankruptcy. As for me, I have funds in my hands. Just imagine, Under such circumstances, what choice will their board of directors make? Follow the old master who did nothing and lose all his shares, or choose another master to protect their interests?”

Yes, Guo Shouyun is right. In the face of interests and friendship, this person's choice is easy to make. Businessmen, after all, they all act on the basis of interests. When they consider problems, the first consideration is "how much is it worth?" money", rather than some illusory "whether to compound friendship". Guo Shouyun entered Wang An with a huge amount of money. From a commercial point of view, it is impossible for the board of directors of Wang An's company to shut him out.

"Well," Gusinsky pondered for a moment after hearing Guo Shouyun's words, and then heaved a long sigh and said, "Since Brother Shouyun insists on acquiring Wang An, it's impossible to say, big brother, I have to do my best to help. I'm busy helping. But dealing with Americans is not so easy. Brother, you should also know that taking junk as a treasure is a common problem for Americans, so it's hard to say whether you can convince them, but I can guarantee you, big brother. I will try my best to handle this matter. The advantage now is that the Americans have something to ask of Big Brother, so in this matter, although I can’t say that it can be done 100%, I can still get it with 60-70% confidence. I can get it, as long as Brother Shouyun gives me enough time."

"Hey, the big shopkeeper Goose is doing things, brother, I'm naturally relieved," Guo Shouyun knew that this thing could basically be done, how much energy Gusinski has in the United States, others don't know, can he still know? This old Jewish ghost is very well-known in the Jewish community. Behind him is the support of American Jewish groups and the secret support of the Israeli government. Guo Shouyun didn't believe it at first.

"I think so," Guo Shouyun pretended to think, was silent for a moment, and then said with a smile, "It's been a bit rushed these two days, after a while, when there is further news from the shopkeeper Goose, I'll be right here, brother. Let’s have a big banquet, let’s call Smolensky and Khodorkovsky together. On the one hand, we will celebrate my brother’s move overseas, and on the other hand, we will also discuss the issue of sincere cooperation in the future. , what do you think?"

"This little **** who can't see a rabbit but not a hawk!" Gusinsky and Berezovsky almost invariably cursed in their hearts.

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