Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 237: A step towards the abyss

?Guo Shouyun called this trip to Moscow a "harvest trip", and there are many definitions of harvest, such as harvesting benefits, harvesting foreign aid, harvesting reputation... harvesting women. , qb5. Guo Shouyun didn't take this kind of gain to heart. In his opinion today, he deserves all of these. There is no reason, let alone any reason. Deserving is deserving... .

After taking the gold medal Huadan of the national synchronized swimming team like Xie Niweijina as his golden cave, Guo Shouyun really lived at ease for two days. Different women have different styles. .

During Guo Shouyun's two days, the "All-Russian Economic Reform Forum" meeting convened by the White House Preparatory Committee for Private Ownership Reform was hastily held at the White House and was hastily closed. As Guo Shouyun said, there is no need to hold such an economic forum at all. It is a meeting to divide interests. It is a consultative meeting under the auspices of the Big Six to deprive Russia of state-owned assets. Of course, there were also some middle- and lower-level rich people from all over Russia who attended the meeting, but their interests were either linked to a few giants, or they were completely excluded. As Jovackin, an Avars timber giant from the Urals, said: "We have the right to speak, but not the right to vote, one Chinese plus five Jews and Russians, they control everything, we Not here to attend the meeting, but to sell blood...I want to file a protest with the House of Nationalities..."

Joe Vakskin is right. At this consultation meeting, his six timber mills will be taken away from 40% of the annual export share. The reason given by the preparatory committee for privatization reform is: it must be Create profit opportunities for more people. As a powerful businessman in the Yekaterinburg area of ​​the Urals, Jovakskin was naturally unwilling to be oppressed like this, so he was interviewed. He uttered the indignant words above. But unfortunately, Moscow is not Yekaterinburg, and it is impossible for the House of Nationalities to receive his protest. Because it was less than two hours after he said those words. His car had an accident on the Garden Ring Road. An illegal container truck rammed his car down the overpass. And just after the car accident of Jovackins, the Committee for the Protection of Nature and Rational Utilization of Natural Resources and the Ministry of Forestry, Pulp, Paper and Wood Processing Industries announced that they will soon set up a special investigation team to examine excessive forests in the Urals. mining problem.

"If you don't want to give 40%, then don't want it at all." Khodorkovsky's words told the whole truth.

The rise of the bourgeoisie in the so-called democratic society of the West. After more than a hundred years of primitive accumulation of capital, there is no doubt that whether it is the so-called "enclosure movement" full of freedom and equality, or the radiant "industrial revolution", the whole process is a **** road full of violence . Now, if Russia is going to transition from the original socialist system to the capitalist system, there must also be a process of accumulation of large capital, a process of primitive accumulation of capital completed in the Western world over a hundred years. It is self-evident to what extent the bloodshed and violence in Russia will be concentrated in one or two years. In a larger sense, this is no longer capital. accumulated, but plundered by capital. **Naked loot.

The death of Jovaxkin did not have any shocking effect. Faced with such a suspicious point, the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not even intervene in the investigation, which was for no one else. Just because it's not just a business fight. It is also a political contest. The White House, backed by the Big Six, needs to crack down on the emerging political forces that represent the interests of the middle and petty bourgeoisie. Therefore, they acquiesced to the life of this case, and quickly wiped out all the influence after the event. Jovakskin's comments to the record office did not appear in any newspapers, magazines and TV at all. In the eyes of the public, the tragic car accident on the northern line of the Garden Ring Road was completely an accidental accident. Car accidents happen every year, but only a little more this year. Perhaps, perhaps the traffic department should carry out Internal review.

The meeting of the Economic Reform Forum lasted for two full days. During this period, there were no less than 16 seminars and consultation meetings in different categories. In this type of meeting, Guo Shouyun only participated in the first one, and only attended the meeting. Left in less than five minutes. However, in less than five minutes, Guo Shouyun proved the existence and strength of the Guo Group to the hundreds of industrialists present with extremely simple words.

"You can talk about your business casually, but please don't involve the Far East, thank you."

From entering the venue to greet the other five giants and Chubais who presided over the meeting, to exiting quietly, Guo Shouyun said this sentence, and because of this sentence, during the two-day meeting, don't say yes The Far East, not even the issue of the two states adjacent to the Far East, is not involved. In addition, although only two representatives of the Guo Group attended the subsequent dozen or so meetings, Guo Shouyun's seat was always reserved. Sensitive people can perceive that this Chinese has reached a real compromise with the Big Five who really control all meetings, and the two states adjacent to the Far East have not been included in the scope of discussion, that is because The Big Five have scruples about the Guo Group, which is based in the Far East. They need to artificially create an economic buffer area.

People can really be mad at people more than people, and sometimes it's impossible to believe this. The world speaks by strength, and other races, races, nationalities, etc., are all nonsense: Fujimori can be the president of Peru as a Japanese, and twenty years later, a black man can be elected as the president of the United States. this all so ridiculous? The most realistic one is in Russia, where great-power chauvinism and great-Russian nationalism are prevalent, and there is also a Stalin from Georgia. A few decades back in time, in the whole of Russia, who would dare to go to Red Square and shout: Georgian pigs get out of Russia! Well, the great Comrade Trotsky dared, so even if he escaped to Mexico, he did not get a good death. It turns out that his brain is not as hard as "steel" after all.

If the strength of Guo Shouyun showed the existence of the Guo Group to all the businessmen who participated in the "Economic Reform Forum" meeting, then the death of Jovakskin is tantamount to the rise and growth of the Russian middle-class bourgeoisie. death knell. These people who became wealthy during the disintegration of the Soviet Union suddenly realized that the disintegration of the state system would not allow them to get real benefits. In the biological chain, they are unfortunately in the position of "small fish". As a few oligarchs of "big fish", it is impossible for them to like "shrimp rice", and it is difficult to fill their stomachs by eating such small things. In the face of this impending crisis, more than 100 middle-class rich people who attended the meeting felt the guillotine hanging over their heads. what to do? wait to die? That obviously doesn't work. If you have some thoughts, you will find a powerful party to rely on. If you have no ability, you will quickly transfer assets overseas.

It was with this Economic Reform Forum meeting as a watershed that the Russian national economy fell into a worsening quagmire. A large number of middle-class rich people, who were rejected and squeezed by several major economic oligarchs, began to flock to their coats, and their wealth in rubles was wiped out. transfer overseas. The emergence of this situation has prompted the further deterioration of the national economy, the substantial reduction of national tax revenue, resulting in a further increase in the government's fiscal deficit. In this case, in order to survive and continue, the government representing public power, Had to submit further to several oligarchs. On the other hand, several oligarchs will use the public power of the government to further squeeze the wealth of the middle-class bourgeoisie... The three procedures of flight, dependence, and squeeze form a vicious circle of vicious circles. The deterioration of the Russian economy, Start here.

However, at this time, the White House obviously did not realize that it had fallen into the trap of several oligarchs. They thought that as long as they benefited from the economic reform, they would support themselves in power wholeheartedly. Once you have a firm seat in the seat of national power, you can eliminate these economic cancers step by step. Tumors are easy to grow but difficult to remove, let alone a tumor? When it comes to politics, a few oligarchs may not be the opponents of those in the White House, but when it comes to economics, the White House's countermeasure experts are probably not as good as these doers. The theories of countermeasure experts are only obtained from books, but the ideas of these oligarchs are obtained step by step in the market. One theory and one idea, which one is more realistic? In one sentence - "Practice is the only criterion for testing truth."

The White House has its own political considerations. They want to consolidate the regime and fight against emerging political factions. The Economic Reform Forum was held to win over several giants and gain their support on the one hand, and also to fundamentally source of power against emerging political factions, destroying their political base. To a certain extent, the decision of the White House was correct. They wielded the "knife" very well and played beautifully. Unfortunately, they did not realize that what they were playing was not a "knife", but a A genuine "sword", and the biggest difference between a sword and a knife is that the knife is single-edged, while the sword is double-edged.

In the past two days, Guo Shouyun, on the one hand, has a love affair with the "mermaid", and on the other hand, is also closely watching the development of the situation. He knows that the convening of this economic forum meeting means the arrival of an era, which is An era that belonged to him and several giant big brothers, an era of crazy accumulation of wealth, an era of evil ravaging justice. The only thing he has to wait for now is the convening of the Soviet Plenary Session, and as soon as this meeting is over, the country will really take its steps—to the abyss.

Just like what Yeh said after the overthrow of the Bolshevik Party: "For many years, under the Bolshevik rule, our country has been on the brink of a cliff. Now, I can finally proudly announce that the Bolshevik Party has been overthrown. , our motherland has finally taken a big step forward..."

Now, this step to the abyss has been taken.

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