Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 232: Friendship that is obvious to all

Wearing underwear and putting on a brand new pajamas prepared by Gusinski, Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand in satisfaction, took a handful in the obedient Xenivagina's chest, and then turned around gently and skillfully. , walked towards the bedroom door. . qβ5,

"Are you hungry? Want something to eat?" When he reached the door, he stopped and asked back in thought.

"Sir, make the decision for me, I can eat anything." Anyway, she was destined to be a canary in a cage, and Xenivagina also looked away, and she said without looking back.

"Well, I'll have someone bring it to you in a while. You don't want to go anywhere today, just rest here." Guo Shouyun said that, and then walked out the door.

Gusinski's garden is very characteristic. Outside his bedroom, there is a small hall with fourteen oil paintings hanging on the left wall. To be honest, these oil paintings are really a pile of dross in Guo Shouyun's eyes. But their value is probably not less than ten million rubles when combined. On the right wall of the small hall, there is a large screen. The screen is divided into 24 frames, each frame is a small screen, and the footage played on each small screen is Whether it is in the garden or in the corridor of the building, to put it bluntly, this is a monitoring center. Coming out of the small hall is the living room where Guo Shouyun and Xeni Vikina talked last night, and the door connecting the small hall and the living room is a serious steel armor door. The thickness of the steel plate on the door body is full Ten centimeters, if this door is closed, it is really difficult for people outside to enter. It can also be seen here. Gusinski has a strong sense of defense, and he is also afraid that someone will run in and assassinate him.

Guo Shouyun walked through the small hall. Stepping out of the hall, all the way out of the entire bedroom.

"In the corridor outside Mr.'s door, Guo Shouyun's four bodyguards are guarding there, and they all laughed when they saw Guo Shouyun coming out of the door.

"It's early for you guys," Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "What time is it? It's still early, and compliments aren't like this, right?"

"Hehe." The big man closest to Guo Shouyun was kicked in the ass, he scratched his scalp, and let out a silly smile.

"Hey what? No one compares your teeth with you," Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile. "Hurry up, let someone give me a breakfast... Well, when lunch comes up, my stomach has rebelled long ago."

Guo Shouyun said such a sentence, turned around and was about to go back, but the smirking bodyguard stopped him aloud.

"Sir, Mr. Berezovsky and Mr. Gusinsky are here. They said they want to see you. This time, they have been waiting for almost two hours." The bodyguard said.

"Oh?" Guo Shouyun stepped inside the door and said stunned, "They came fast enough. That's why you can't stand it?"

How could the bodyguards know what he meant by what he said? Besides, this is not something they are willing to care about.

"Well, that's fine, I'm just about to ask them to discuss something." A wicked smile flashed across Guo Shouyun's face. He retracted the foot he stepped into the door and asked casually. "Where are they now? Downstairs in the living room?"

"Yes sir," replied the bodyguard.

"That's it, I'm going to meet them now. You guys will send me lunch to the living room downstairs. Well, by the way, send a copy to Miss Weina." Guo Shouyun thought about it for a while and quickly made it Decided, he said these words, then turned around, and walked downstairs in his pajamas without changing his clothes.

The four bodyguards followed him and walked downstairs together. Their responsibility is to protect Guo Shouyun. As for the woman in the room, they don't care, and it's not their turn to care.

When Guo Shouyun walked all the way to the living room on the first floor, Berezovsky and Gusinsky were sitting on the sand in the middle of the living room and talking. Judging from their expressions, they did not seem to be impatient. , as if the two hours they waited here were only a few minutes.

"Oh, two big brothers, when did you come? Why didn't you let someone up and call me?" As soon as Guo Shouyun came out of the corridor and was a dozen meters away, he said aloud, "Hey, it's really a sin, Brother, I'm a little late here, let the two big brothers wait, what do you say?"

"Hehe, Brother Shoucheng, don't worry about it, both of us have come here, we can understand, understand," Berezovsky stood up from the sand and said with a smile, "Young man, romantic, intoxicated and gentle, this It's normal, it's normal."

"Yeah," Gusinski echoed, "not to mention a young man like Shoucheng brothers, even if it's my old goose, hehe, why not. To tell you the truth, I was just two days ago. I saw a young and beautiful girl, and I have been thinking about how to get her for the past two days."

"Oh? The woman that the shopkeeper was looking for is not easy to capture." Guo Shouyun walked to the sand, took out the master's style, motioned the two "big brothers" to take their seats, and then sat down in the sand, Erlang's legs twitched, Hey ** Road.

"That's hard to say," Gusinski said, bending over to sit in the sand, smacking his lips, and saying regretfully, "You may not believe that in this world, there are women who are not controlled by money. The people I sent have hit the nail four times."

Speaking of this, Gusinski's expression changed and he continued in an indifferent tone: "But it doesn't matter, I don't believe that there are people in this country that we can't deal with. The little girl works in the city performing arts troupe, In the past two days, I will explain, hehe, I want to make her have nowhere to go, so obediently crawl onto my bed and beg me."

"It's so troublesome," Berezovsky disapproved, he shook his head, and said dismissively, "It's just a woman, it's just a matter of getting someone to take her away, there are people all day long these days. Missing, who will pay attention to this."

"Hey, Brother Boris, don't you understand this? How can you use force on women?" Guo Shouyun stroked his chin. With a smile, he said, "How irritating is that? This is a matter between men and women. It is also said that the taste is only when you and I are willing. Do you think so, the big shopkeeper of the goose?"

"No," Gusinski laughed. "I don't think Boris is a rude man, and he has no mood at all."

"Hey, that's what you call flirting?" Berezovsky laughed, laughing, "I can't see the difference between your approach and mine."

"That's why you are said to be rude. If you can see the difference, what kind of rude are you?" Guo Shouyun teased.

Berezovsky was speechless. He knew Guo Shouyun's eloquence. His jumping thinking allowed him to grasp the flaws in his words from all angles.

"Okay. Okay, don't talk about that stinky girl who hasn't got the old goose yet." Waving his hand, Berezovsky changed the subject and said, "How is it, brother Shouyun, last night. Hey, Wei Wei. Na is fine, isn't she?"

"Well, it's pretty good," Guo Shouyun said with a **. "To be honest with the two big brothers, I really went crazy last night, hehe, this little girl is so tender and tender, even when she screams, it's so bone-crushing. I like it. Haha. This No, I'm considering whether to arrange a house for her in Moscow. When I have a chance to come back, I can have more fun."

"Hey, what else are you looking for? Isn't my garden ready-made?" Gusinski said, "I'll have a lawyer come over and change the garden to your name, right? Oh, Of course, if my brother dislikes it, that's another matter."

"Oh, why are you so embarrassed?" Guo Shouyun pretended to glance around, and then smiled, "I think Mr. Goose's garden may be expensive, um, otherwise, you can ask a lawyer to come over and move the hukou to Victoria. Under the name of Nadi, as for the garden, I will also estimate the price, and I will give you the money."

"Brother Shouyun, are you looking down on me? Or do you mean that you didn't take me Gusinski as a friend at all?" Gusinski said with a face and a dissatisfied tone, "It's just a set of gardens, and it's not worth a lot of money. Even if it is expensive, can it be compared with the affection between our brothers?"

"Affection? Hehe, how affectionate our brothers are, that's for all to see." Guo Shouyun sneered in his heart, but a hesitant expression appeared on his face.

"Gusinsky is right," Berezovsky also said, "Brother Shouyun, don't dwell on this issue. Go back and wait for Gusinsky to transfer the Yuanzi account. Let someone go to my car shop and pick up a few cars, um, I still have a few Bent1ey's latest a1r's this year, which are pretty good. I'll let them keep it for you, Shouyun can bring it when he has a chance Vera, go take a look."

"How do you say this," Guo Shouyun rubbed his hands together, and said falsely, "Brother, I came to Moscow with empty hands, but let the two big brothers spend so much money. This is a bit unreasonable. But since the two big brothers I can’t say no to such Shengyi Quanquan, um, let’s do it, next time, next time the two big brothers have the opportunity to go to the Far East, I will definitely repay my brother.”

Okay, as an opening remark, Guo Shouyun got a set of magnificent manor, not only that, but also got a few Bentleys. Of course, he also knows that for ordinary people, these things may be hard work for a lifetime, even if they don't eat or drink, they can't make money, but for the two tycoons in front of them, these things don't matter at all, it doesn't matter. No, if they roll up their sleeves and work hard, I'm afraid it will take time to talk, and several gardens will come out.

Things are not free, and friendship is not in vain. The delivery of the house and the car, as well as the previous experience of women, are just the opening remarks. Let’s talk about Berezovsky and Gusinskiku. When I was young, just to talk to Guo Shouyun about women, and then send the house to the car, I guess no one would believe it. They have bigger goals, more ambitions, and more places need Guo Shouyun's help. Before entering the topic, they need an introduction to lead the topic to the right path smoothly, and now, this opportunity has come.

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