Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 233: conspiracy

"Brother Shouyun," and Gusinsky exchanged a wink, Berezovsky said with a smile, "The garden and the car are trivial matters, you don't have to take them to heart, what should I say? , The two of us are here today, and we actually have something to ask for, I hope you can reach out and help, brother."

"Hehe, what, the two big brothers are interested in which girl from the Far East?" Guo Shouyun looked like an old bustard, he chuckled, "It doesn't matter, just open your mouth, as long as you like it, I promise to wash them clean and send them back. The two of you go to bed. Well, I have quite a few houses in the Far East, hehe, by the way, I can also help the two build a gentle cave or something."

Guo Shouyun's words sounded like a joke, but in fact it had a profound meaning. Whether it is Berezovsky or Gusinsky, he is implying that it is a small matter to send a house or a woman, and it will not have any impact on the big interests between the three of them. .

"Hehe, brother Shoucheng is joking, women are just a concoction when we are bored. How can we keep this kind of thing on our minds all the time," Gusinski laughed, "We need my brother's help this time, It's a big deal, of course, as long as my brother is willing to help out, we will never let you suffer."

"Oh, let's hear it, what's the big deal?" Guo Shouyun leaned on the sand and said calmly.

"It's like this," Berezovsky took over the conversation and said, "You know, brother, there has always been a conflict of interest between me and the old guy Gusinsky, that is, I want to buy Most of the shares of Moscow TV 6, and now, this old guy is holding that part of the shares as a treasure, and he won't let go of anything."

"Hehe, of course I know that. Some time ago, the conflict between us...hehe, Brother Boris continued to talk about the past. Let's not mention it. How do you say that sentence, based on interests, Look to the future. Haha." Guo Shouyun said with a haha.

"Based on interests, looking to the future? Haha, Shouyun brother said this well," Berezovsky said, "Actually, Gusinsky and I have also considered it. At present, we have six companies. That is the two of us. Brother Shouyun, as well as Smolensky, Vinogradov, and Khodorkovsky, the six of us should cooperate sincerely and truly join hands to conquer the world.”

"Yeah, the country is very big. There are many undeveloped fields, and there are many places to make profits. In this case, there is no need for us to stare at each other's things and keep fighting each other's prices all day long. Blind calculations, every inch and every inch of gain and loss." Gusinski said, "That kind of infighting is not good for the six of us. It's a foolish thing to pick up sesame seeds and throw watermelons."

"Well, I like to hear the words of the goose boss," Guo Shouyun pointed at Gusinski, turned his head and said to Berezovsky. "We should have done this a long time ago. In such a big country, how could one family and two families eat up all the benefits? That would be deadly. So the six of us should really unite to achieve a long-term, certain A binding framework for cooperation. Hehe. Everyone's interests are shared, don't you think?"

"Brother Shouyun, it would be great to think so." Berezovsky clapped his hands. Said, "Of course, it would be better if Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov could think the same, but from the current situation, hey, they still have strong resistance."

"Oh, how do you say it?" Guo Shouyun knew that the conversation had entered a crucial part, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one for himself, and said slowly.

"It's like this," Gusinski said, "there is now a chance to turn around the conflict between me and Berezovsky. As for me, I can consider transferring my six shares to Boris. , but the premise is that I want to get the Voice of Moscow radio. Brother Shouyun should know that this radio station is still in the hands of the state, and no one has set foot in it, either Vinogradov or Khodorkovs Regardless, they are not interested in it, so the thing I want to take shouldn't harm the interests of others, right?"

"Yes, you can't infringe on the interests of several of us." Guo Shouyun didn't speak, but thought in his heart.

"It is not an easy task to win the Voice of Moscow radio station. The radio station has a great influence and covers the six states around Moscow. At present, whether it is the White House or the Kremlin, all There is no intention to turn it private." Berezovsky said, "I also tested the White House's tone before, they have no intention of taking out the radio station and converting it."

"Without a certain amount of pressure, those people will not come up with anything." Gusinski sneered and said, "So, what we need to do now is to put further pressure on them and let them understand that now this country, Who should have the final say."

When he said this, Gusinski was very strong, and he seemed to have a taste of scolding Fang Qiu and pointing the country, but when he turned his face, he saw the faint smile on Guo Shouyun's face, and immediately, the whole person seemed to be bulging. The balloon was pierced with a hole and suddenly collapsed.

"Hey, having said that, if you want to put enough pressure on the White House, Boris and I alone are no longer enough," Gusinski said with a sullen chest, "Before, the White House was spending money on funding. The government is very dependent on us, and Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky did not dare to unilaterally lend to them. But it is different now, my brother may not know that just yesterday morning, the White House had Dolkovsky got forty-five million rubles in political money, so the people in the White House don't have to look at me and Berezovsky, and ask them to make a statement on the issue of the Voice of Moscow radio. Compromise is not that simple.”

"Hehe, the root of the problem has finally come out." Guo Shouyun was overjoyed, he finally knew the trouble Gusinsky and Berezovsky were facing now. In general, the fundamental reason why they were able to continuously extract benefits from the White House before is that the White House is very dependent on them in terms of funding. Therefore, on many issues, the White House has to bow to them. But now, because of their participation, Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov no longer look at the faces of the two "bosses", they can independently contact the White House, and the White House, in the funding In terms of sources, there are also many more choices, so this is enough. In a word, that is, with the dismantling of Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov, the days of Berezovsky and Gusinsky are not as good as they used to be.

There is no doubt that in the whole of this farce of "digging a wall and destroying each other", the real benefit is the White House. They can choose from many paths, and their attitude will be tougher. They can not buy a separate one party's account.

Faced with this situation, Guo Shouyun had two choices. First, he could not intervene, just watch Gubie and Huo Wei go on, and then let the White House profit from it. Second, he can choose to intervene, coordinate the contradictions between the four giants, truly integrate the interests of the six giants, and make the White House completely reduced to a puppet and a toy in the hands of their six giants.

choose? What else is there to choose from? Today's Guo Shouyun has evolved into a figure like the Big Five. What conscience, kindness and other things have long been completely decoupled from him. Faced with these two choices, what else can he hesitate? A plaything-like White House is what truly serves his interests.

But then again, having your own choice doesn't mean you have to show it right away. It's something you can sell at a price. If you sink your head and put on a pretense, then maybe there will be a lot of benefits to be gained.

"I understand what the two big brothers mean." After listening to Gusinski's words, Guo Shouyun waved his hand and said, "You want me to get together with you, and then put pressure on the White House? Let them accept this , the restructuring plan of the Voice of Moscow Radio..."

"No, no," Berezovsky said, "before Guo Shouyun finished speaking, Berezovsky said, "Brother Shouyun didn't understand what we meant. In fact, in the final analysis, this matter is still an internal matter of our six families. Imagine that if the White House does not receive support from Khodorkovsky and the others, how can the situation we faced before have changed in the slightest? So fundamentally, the only problem we are facing right now is internal disunity, which gives outsiders an opportunity to take advantage. "

"Oh? My brother means, let me and Khodorkovsky and the others..." Guo Shouyun said with a gesture that everyone understood. "That's right," Gusinski nodded and said, "Brother Shouyun, we all know that we don't speak secretly. The previous conflicts were just out of interest. Anyway, the past has passed, and we will continue to investigate. It's not necessary at all. And the current situation is here. If the six of us work together, at least there will be a lot of potential in this country, but if they are to destroy each other like they are now, it is really meaningless. It is nothing more than everyone's interests. Common damage. Needless to say on Smolensky's side, he is as timid as a mouse, he thinks about everything before and after, cringes, and Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky, they used to be But I don't dare to be so arrogant as I am now. As for why we have come this far, we are tacit to each other. And in the current delicate situation, your decision is very important. Boris and I have no other opinions, just want to We must unite with everyone and seek common interests, so we hope my brother can persuade the two of them, Khodorkovsky, to stop playing their own small calculations and let them get back on the right track."

"Hehe, it looks like the two big brothers have eaten with them, right?" Guo Shouyun didn't say what he meant directly, he laughed.

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