Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 231: people will change

? Guo Shouyun has changed, completely changed, at this point, maybe he didn't even notice it himself.

Guo Shouyun, who was in the Far East when he first came to the Far East, although he was lackluster, at least there was still a bright spot in his heart. He was somewhat unbearable when the Soviet regime gradually disintegrated and ordinary people stepped into the abyss. Even moved with compassion. But with the subsequent development step by step, especially after the attack of Sun Hongyu and the appearance of Victor, his inner world was shaken to a certain extent, which also led to a huge change in his personality and personality. When Sun Hongyu was attacked, Guo Shouyun understood one thing. He was an outsider in the Soviet Union. In the face of the xenophobia in the Soviet Union, there were only two ways for him as an outsider to gain a foothold: one is to win the respect of others, the other is to gain a foothold. is the fear of earning others. It is really difficult to win the respect of others. This is not to say that you can get it by doing good deeds and being strict with yourself. Guo Shouyun doesn't want to and has no time to go down this road, so he can only do one The villain who makes others fear. The appearance of Victor made Guo Shouyun fully aware of the horror of this world—humans also have animal nature, and the laws of human society are, to some extent, a hidden law of the jungle. Darwin's The theory of evolution is by no means a lighthearted and humorous textbook, but a **** history of the jungle. Under such circumstances, Guo Shouyun, who had died once, understood a truth. The reason why he failed miserably in his previous life was not because his deception was not subtle enough, nor how shallow his wisdom was. The reason why he failed was because of him. Not strong enough, not ruthless enough. The heart is not poisonous enough. See you now. He has a chance to start all over again, so he will stop being a poor man, he will be meat at the top of the food chain.

In this way, Guo Shouyun inadvertently had the first change in his inner world. His heart became hard, his methods became ruthless, his courage became bigger, and his vision became wider. The mind has matured. His own black property is no longer dazzling, and the suffering caused to others is no longer in his sight.

And after completing the first transformation of his mind, Guo Shouyun has power in his hands and a huge wealth that others can't match. With the vast base in the Far East, there are forces that can be manipulated at will. All of this made him realize that his idea was right, and he carried it out very seriously. When the five Gusinskis went to the Far East to put pressure on him and Guo Shouyun stepped forward to fight and won the victory, his mentality was undergoing a further change unconsciously, and he was already at the top of the food chain within the Soviet Union. Therefore, his role will also change. The lamb that was once dressed in wolf's clothing will be transformed into a wolf in sheep's clothing after going through the transformation from sheep to wolf. Completely black-headed businessman. Now it's time to make a hypocritical dread and fool the world. And the careerist who once showed a small amount of sympathy for the collapse of the Soviet Union has now officially become the executioner who subverted the country and cut off the last line of life of the country.

But looking back and looking at it carefully, it may not be difficult for people to realize that Guo Shouyun has changed layer by layer. It's not that he himself is taking the lead. But this world, this country. The people of this country have given him the vicious force in his heart. Therefore, from this point of view, the Soviets, through their own hands and their own strength, have created a disaster for themselves. In fact, it's more than Guo Shouyun alone. Which of the remaining five oligarchs didn't come here like this?

The night of madness passed quickly. Because of the continuous train ride for nearly a week, Guo Shouyun, who had fully enjoyed the gentleness of the "mermaid" last night, was overworked, which completely broke Berezovsky's wealth. When it was close to one o'clock in the afternoon, he suddenly woke up from a sound sleep.

He had a nightmare. In the dream, for some unknown reason, the well-run Guo Group suddenly went bankrupt and closed down in an instant. There was no reason, and there was no reason. Anyway, this group with tens of billions of assets, Just fell down like that. At that time, he was standing in front of the dilapidated main building of the Far East Guo Group Building. The street in front of him was full of dead leaves and shreds of paper. In a trance, a police car drove up to him. In front of him, the police who got out of the car turned out to be Liu Jing and Josbayev who had been dead for a long time. He was taken into the car in a trance, and then suddenly appeared in a court that accommodated thousands of people. The seat of the dock belonged to him, and the prosecutor's seat was actually sitting with an expressionless Victor, the presiding judge was Mrs. Ye, who was in the White House, and the jury hearing was Vladimir. On the jury's seat, there were five guys of different heights, shorts, fats and thins. Who else would they be if they weren't Berezovsky? With the heavy hammer of the judge, the hearing began to give a speech. Then, under the testimony of Victor, witnesses were brought to the court one by one, Shoucheng, Shana Riva, Nina...they were one of them. The man appeared in court like going through the motions, accusing his relatives of the crime with a cold expression. The situation in the dream was so real, Guo Shouyun broke out in a cold sweat, he looked around for his lawyer, hoping that the lawyer could defend him, but in the entire court, no one was on his side. He wanted to defend himself, but when he was about to open his mouth, he found that he could not speak at all. He struggled desperately, trying to escape from the dock and escape from this court that was absolutely unfavorable to him. But at this moment, he woke up from the dream, and he returned to reality. Guo Shouyun, who was alone and helpless in the dream, disappeared all of a sudden, and all that was left in front of him was a gorgeous ceiling and a warm and Full of charming rooms.

Everything in the dream was so real, so real that Guo Shouyun not only broke out in a cold sweat, but also his heart was beating wildly. He even felt that his breathing had become so difficult, as if someone had weighed dozens of pounds on his chest. sacks.

Turning to look, the woman who let her ask for anything last night was still lying there. Judging from her long eyelashes that were shaking frequently, this woman was obviously awake long ago, and she was just pretending to be asleep.

Take a deep sigh. Guo Shouyun grinned like a self-deprecating grin. Then struggling to sit up from the bed, he took a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

People say that every day I have my thoughts and I have dreams every night. Guo Shouyun pondered that he thinks about too many things every day. He is suspicious of this, and he can't trust that. Small actions, beware of such thinking all day long. That's why it's not a nightmare. Well, everything has to be based on science. A nightmare is a nightmare, and it has nothing to do with his real reality. Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams is nonsense. There is no reference value at all.

With this thought in his heart, Guo Shouyun exhaled a puff of smoke, and in the haze of blue smoke, he thought again, no, everything in the dream is too terrifying, and he can't let that scene come true no matter what, it seems. It seems that this matter of expanding the influence of the group must be done as soon as possible, and it cannot be delayed for a moment.

If this person walks too much at night, he will inevitably run into ghosts. Why do you say that? Because he has a ghost in his heart, and his state is born from his heart. If he has a ghost in his heart, he can't see a ghost, right? As for Guo Shouyun, there are too many ghosts in his heart, too many to count. Much chilling. So it's perfectly normal to have a few nightmares.

"Don't pretend to be asleep. I know you woke up early. Get up quickly, go get me a glass of water, I'm a little thirsty." After taking two sips of the cigarette, Guo Shouyun turned his head and glanced at the woman lying beside him pretending to be asleep, and then She stretched her legs, kicked her calf, and said in a dissatisfied tone.

Look at this eyesight, who the **** said that home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers? It's nonsense. This is at home. As soon as I open my eyes, the warm milk is already on the bedside. Now it's fine. If I want to drink a glass of water, I have to explain it.

She was shocked by what Guo Shouyun said, and Xenivekina didn't pretend to be asleep anymore. As soon as she turned over and got up from the bed, she ran out of the house with her bare feet and bare feet. It was Xie Niweijina's first experience with a man last night, and Guo Shouyun's movements were not so gentle, so this little woman was really hurt.

When Xenivekina walked back from the bedroom with a glass of water, Guo Shouyun had already put out the cigarette he had just smoked, and he was holding his underwear over his body.

"Sir, the water you want." Xenivekina carefully rubbed to the bedside, put the water glass in her hand on the bedside table, and whispered Ai at the same time.

"Well," Guo Shouyun's voice came from the collar of his clothes. "I'll help you," Xenivekina obviously became smarter, she stepped forward and helped Guo Shouyun to hold the pullover of his underwear, as if peeling off the skin to help him pull off the underwear.

"Last night for the first time?" The woman beside her was obviously not good at serving people, and the clothes she helped put on were very uncomfortable. But Guo Shouyun didn't bother to pay attention. He put on his sleeves, drank the glass of water on the table, glanced at the dry blood on the woman's crotch, and asked casually.

"Yes," said Xenivykina in a low voice, her head bowed.

"What do I say," Guo Shouyun smiled and said, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"There is one, I'm still talking about it." Xenivagina hesitated for a while, and then replied.

"What to talk about? Go back and leave. If he dares to entangle, you can tell Khodorkovsky and he will help you deal with it." Guo Shouyun said casually.

Xenivagina didn't dare to speak, she just stood there listening with her head down.

"I may have more chances to come to Moscow in the future. Well, every time I come, I have to have a place to live," Guo Shouyun said to himself, dressed in his own clothes, "I see this garden from the goose shopkeeper. Yes, I will tell him when I look back and let him pass under your name. Next time I come, I will come here to rest. In the future, if you want to play, you can play, and if you want to work, you can work. I will not stop you. You. As for what you need in your life... There are so many banks in Moscow, you can't be poor anywhere. But let me say one thing first, don't let me hear some mess things. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir, I understand." Xenivagina twitched her lips and said a word after a long while.

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