Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 230: pleasure of life

? Playing with the fingers with the fragrance of a woman's body, Guo Shouyun leaned on the sand, turning over and thinking about the past in his heart.

Before, he wanted to go both ways when it came to building the group's influence. There is nothing to say about a path. Just as Rilke suggested, the group should expand overseas markets, increase foreign investment, and let the Guo Group have a place in the world. Interference at the domestic political level; as for this other way, that is to base itself in Russia and build the Guo Group into a "brand"-like existence in Russia through various means of public opinion, so that the "Guo Group" The name is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, at least when ordinary people mention it, they must know that there is such a corporate group village.

Obviously, to take this second path well, it is a process of burning money, which is no different from advertising. As we all know, it is impossible for any merchant to directly see the real return on the investment in advertising. This kind of thing is very imaginary, but the things it can bring are often quite rich. How to take this second road well, Guo Shouyun still has no real concept in his heart. Product advertisements are definitely not to be played. There are no first-line production enterprises under the Guo Group at all: Far East Commercial Bank is a financial Institutions, which take deposit-taking and outward investment as their main business methods; Far East Media is a news media organization, and its product is public opinion. How to advertise this thing? As for Far East Trading, it is an import and export trade group. Xiaoli said that it is a second-order dealer, and it has less contact with ordinary people. Of course. There is a big connection, Guo Shouyundi Far East Gang, which is closely related to the lives of the people in the Far East, but can it be launched as a brand? Guo Shouyun is going to take it to the front to promote it, and it is estimated that Victor will be scolding his mother.

Therefore, taking everything together, if Guo Shouyun wants to launch his own Guo Group, he will have to come up with a bundled publicity, integrating the entire Guo Group into one, so that people can talk about the name Guo Shouyun. It is directly associated with a large-scale multinational group that integrates the two major categories of industry and commerce. As for how many departments are behind the group, and what each department is mainly engaged in, there is no need for ordinary people to know about this kind of thing. So clearly, the more they know, the more troublesome it becomes.

Before that, Guo Shouyun had thought a lot about this road. He thought about investing in film and television dramas, but he felt that although that thing could be profitable, the publicity effect was very slow. He thought about doing charity, but in the face of the current situation in the Soviet Union, it is still a little early to do such hypocritical work. It is estimated that even if a few million are donated, I am afraid that there will be no substantial effect. Although he would not put millions in his eyes, he would never throw them into the water for no reason. He even thought about using the group to implement a series of rebate activities, but the influence of this thing was too small, and he didn't like it.

Now, a young and tender Aries-like Xenia Vikina appeared in front of her. As a national-level synchronized swimmer, she could sell herself for the mere hundreds of thousands. This made Guo Shouyun's little head have a flash of inspiration.

Indeed, the disintegration of the Soviet Union has become inevitable, and this disintegration will make the subsequent Russia. It completely lost its status as a great power and became a third-rate country in a realistic sense. There is no doubt that this dramatic change in reality will bring long-term psychological imbalances to the Russians with strong chauvinist ideology. under these circumstances. They are bound to need a kind of spiritual sustenance, and in all the nooks and crannies. Search for anything that will give them even a shred of self-esteem. Soon, they discovered a strength that they could keep a little bit -- sports, so all the Russians seemed to have become "sports fans" for a while, and as long as they could get a medal, they all liked it. This is a kind of self-satisfaction under the condition of inferiority, which is the normal state of human beings.

"Can be used a lot?" Yes, it can be used a lot, at least in Guo Shouyun's eyes. Imagine that when most Russians focus on their sports strongmen, these strongmen keep talking about the benefits of the Guo Group. What kind of effect will it have? At this time, Guo Shouyun had even begun to conceive, and a touching picture emerged in his small mind: a large number of Olympic heroes holding flowers and gold medals around their necks, in front of the eager crowd and many media, burst into tears and opened their mouths for the first time. The words are a series of thanks, and the first one is the generous and selfless Guo Group who provided them with huge financial support.

"Hey, it's interesting, this is really interesting." Thinking of all this, a longing smile appeared on Guo Shouyun's mouth.

How much investment do these athletes need, five million? Ten million? This money is really a drop in the bucket for Guo Shouyun, and now this small privatization reform is about to start. The benefits that his Guo Group can obtain from it are estimated to be calculated in tens or even tens of billions. Take it out and throw it to the Sports Committee. It is estimated that they can use it for more than ten years.

Invest, what is investment? Investing is about fooling as many people as possible with as little money as possible, and then seeking the greatest possible return. The well-known "good people" are well-known, and the famous "bad guys" are also well-known. No matter good people or bad people, they have to go through a "mouth" to kill their reputation, and this "mouth" is the Can be bought by investment. To Guo Shouyun, 180 million is not a lot of money at all, but now he has decided to use this money to take the first step in building the domestic influence of the Guo Group, to buy some "mouth", and then Bring a well-known reputation to the group.

When Guo Shouyun was thinking about these questions, Xie Niweijina sat next to him without saying a word. She didn't even dare to breathe too hard. She didn't know, and couldn't possibly know what the man beside him was thinking, but in the Subconsciously, she felt that what this man was thinking must have something to do with her.

"Okay, you don't have to be afraid anymore," retracting his thoughts. Guo Shouyun glanced at the uneasy pretty woman sitting beside him, smiled and said, "Don't worry, for your obedience, I won't treat you like that. Well, not only will I not treat you like that. Well, I might even consider helping you out."

"Oh," Xenivykina was relieved, and she tilted her head. Looking carefully at Guo Shouyun, waiting for him to continue speaking.

"If I remember correctly, Makonolev is still in charge of funding projects from the National Sports Commission, right?" Guo Shouyun stretched his hand to Xenivagina's chest, following her low-cut neckline Reaching down, pushing away the bundle of silk bras wrapped around the plump cock, rubbing against the soft and elastic cock. Said with a smile.

"Yes, sir." Guo Shouyun's movements were a little rough, and Xie Niweijina felt a little pain. However, she did not evade, instead she slightly raised her chest to facilitate the movements of the man's hands.

"Well. Very good," Guo Shouyun said while playing with the woman's beautiful breasts, "Tomorrow... ah, no, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will go to see him, for you now The financial difficulties faced. Our Guo Group is willing to help to a certain extent.”

"Really?!" A surprise flashed across Xenivagina's face, and she said in a voiceless voice.

"Do you think I'm someone who likes to joke around?" Guo Shouyun squeezed hard in his hand, and sneered when the woman cried out in pain.

"That. Then Mr. Guo should build a foundation first, otherwise, otherwise..." Xie Niweijina said worriedly, holding back the pain in her chest.

"What else? Otherwise, the money I put in will be divided up, right?" Guo Shouyun snorted. said. "Don't worry, someone dares to divide your money. My money... hehe, I lend them the guts, and they don't dare to touch it."

Xenivykina also thought about it. Now there are almost no places where the leech is afraid to bite, but no one has ever touched the funds invested by Berezovsky. He said that it is where it is used. Where to use, when there is no ambiguity. As for Guo Shouyun, he and Berezovsky are the same kind of people. Naturally, no one would dare to be greedy for the money he invested. Wanting to understand this, Xie Nivitina felt a little confused in her heart. She couldn't figure out what was going on in the world, why the clean money in the country would be divided and eaten when it arrived at the place, and these wicked people The "dark money" in his hand, but no one dares to touch it----this is really a strange circle.

In Xenivekina's heart, Guo Shouyun is a villain, but she dare not say so, after all, these people will depend on "villains" to support them in the future.

"Then, then I thank you sir." Throwing out the messy thoughts in her mind, Xenivekina squeezed out a smile and said.

"No need to thank you," Guo Shouyun made a clear gesture and said with a smile, "It's enough to do what you should do yourself."

Xie Niweijina naturally understands what the men around her mean. She has already made plans for this when she comes this time.

"Just, right here?" Hesitating for a while, Xenivkina whispered.

"Of course it's here," Guo Shouyun stretched out his hand and stroked the woman's soft red lips, and said unhurriedly, "Why, haven't you served a man before? I don't know what to do first?"

Xie Niweijina was stunned. She held out her small hand tremblingly, loosened the belt for Guo Shouyun, and gently removed his trousers for him. buried.

Seeing his strong symbol appear and disappear in the two red lips of the woman in the crotch, and savoring the pleasure brought by the woman's small mouth, Guo Shouyun's heart was filled with the thrill of conquest----afterwards, this Zhang Xiaokou still has to sing praises for herself in front of the public, but now, she has to serve herself first. What is the joy of this rebirth? Maybe that's what it is?

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