Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 227: Mermaid

?In Gusinsky's Villa Strogino on the banks of the Moscow River, with the arrival of Guo Shouyun, a small-scale dinner started. Apart from Sinsky, there are only five financial giants who share his odor. \\, qβ5.\\ Maybe as a sign of understanding, Guo Shouyun went to Moscow this time, and Berezovsky paid for the reception dinner. As for the residence and the next few days, , then Gusinski is responsible for the arrangement.

To be honest, in order to arrange this reception dinner, Berezovsky put a lot of thought into it. Not to mention that the dishes and wines of the banquet were extremely high-quality, he also specially invited several girls from the former national synchronized swimming team to accompany him. , Xeni Vikina, known as the "mermaid" in the Soviet Union, was chosen as the wine girl beside Guo Shouyun. Although it is said that the current five giants need Guo Shouyun's cooperation, and everyone should abandon their previous hatred to a certain extent, but Berezovsky will never miss the occasional innocuous opportunity for revenge. The conditions are: to get Guo Shouyun drunk at the wine table, 300,000 rubles; to get him to bed and make him unable to get up before lunch the next day, 500,000 rubles; to make him restless for a day, One million rubles; he can nod in the next four cooperation intentions, and one pass is one two million.

"Boris is boring, boring. His boredom factor is inversely proportional to his height," Guo Shouyun would definitely say if he knew about the deal behind it. And for Xenivagina, it's not boring, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. as a national athlete. It seems to be a bit sad to say that it has to be sold for money, but it is also a matter of no choice. Offending Berezovsky, it is a trivial matter to not get money. I'm afraid I won't even be able to participate in the Olympics. Not to mention that the "big guys" still have generous remuneration payments this time, even if they don't give a penny, they will come. Because whether the training funds for the special training team and the full funding for next year's trip to Barcelona can be obtained depends on the reluctance of those who attended the dinner today.

The shortage of funds for the National Sports Committee is not a day or two. From last year until now, the total amount of funds allocated by the committee to the sub-committees of various sports is only less than 280,000 rubles, and I attended such a dinner. , Xenivina they will be able to get no less than 200,000 rubles in compensation. As long as a person gets drunk, he can get another 300,000 rubles, which is equivalent to the current two-year capital investment of the entire Sports Committee. In less than ten months, in July next year, the quadrennial Olympic Games will be held in Barcelona. But until now, the relevant funds of the Sports Committee have not been in place. The sports department of a country can't get two or three million funds out of its pockets, and a dinner party for six people can spend nearly two yuan at a time. One hundred thousand rubles. In the face of such an almost bizarre situation, what is the value of self-esteem?

For Guo Shouyun. Xie Niweijina also knew something before. Although they do not have deep political contact with sports, they are very sensitive to the rise of some rich people in China, and nowadays the whole Soviet Union can be called huge wealth. In addition to the original five giants, there is only this Guo Shouyun who has rarely stepped out of the gate of the Far East. Before, there were also some people who were playing on his side, but because the limelight "above" was a bit wrong, no one dared to reach out to the Far East after all. But now. The situation has obviously changed significantly, and Guo Shouyun dared to come to Moscow with confidence. This is one of the most obvious manifestations. Therefore, Xie Niweijina came to attend the banquet this time, and also planned to see how Guo Shouyun was and whether he could get a fund from him.

Guo Shouyun didn't know what the fancy and graceful **** girl was thinking at the banquet, but he knew that his alcohol intake was not very strong, especially when he was drinking Lao Maozi's so-called premium vodka, he couldn't stand the momentum. . Therefore, after Xenivkina persuaded him to drink two cups, Guo Shouyun stopped drinking. He still had business to talk to Gusinski and Khodorkovsky.

In the living room furnished almost luxuriously, Guo Shouyun wore a small white towel on his chest, and the knife and fork in his hand casually slashed the steak on the plate in front of him. His ears were pricked up, but he was listening. Conversation between Berezovsky and Gusinsky. At present, Berezovsky is still working on the idea of ​​Gusinsky's share of the six TV stations. It can be seen that the old comrade is determined to obtain this part of the shares, but because Gusinsky failed to get the Far East This compensation from the media, so he does not intend to let go on this issue now. Somewhat subtle is that Berezovsky understands the current situation, and he cannot force Gusinsky, because it is unwise for the two to go against each other at this time, and the combination of each other can more effectively resist the under the pressure of three new forces. On the one hand, what he desperately needs is in the hands of others, and on the other hand, due to external pressure, he cannot take excessive means to seize it. Under the influence of these two factors, Berezovsky did Also difficult.

The banquet has been going on for nearly forty minutes now, and in such a long time, Berezovsky has given all the benefits he can give, and he even offered to use the entire Stalingrad public television station under his control in exchange. , and Gusinski, just made up his mind not to let go. The conversation between the two was very stiff. If it wasn't for each other's status and status, it is estimated that this would have started early.

As for Guo Shouyun and the remaining three giants, none of them interrupted, everyone just listened and watched the fun, eating and drinking, the most excessive is Khodorkovsky, who hugged him early in the morning. The woman beside me became intimate, my good fellow, it was a real joy to go up and down.

There are six sensible people sitting at this dinner table, what is there to pretend? Whether it is Guo Shouyun or Khodorkovsky, or Smolensky and Vinogradov, they all understand that the two former bosses are acting. To put it bluntly, these two must have already had an idea on how to resolve the conflict of interest between them, but this idea cannot be done by the two of them alone, and they need the help of the big guys. I need the help of the big guys, but I can't speak directly. What should I do? These two pieces of goods will act as accompaniment to such a double reed, as long as anyone in the audience can't see it, they will immediately roll on the snake and say what they ask for everyone's help. Neat.

But having said that, Bie and Gu are shrewd, and Guo Shouyun and four are not stupid---you want to act? Okay, let's act, this dinner is here today, eat yours, drink yours, play with you, and I can still watch you act when I look back. In this way, Berezovsky and Gusinski quarreled for nearly 40 minutes, and Guo Shouyun and the others stared at each other for 40 minutes, during which no one persuaded anyone.

"Mr. Guo, how many days will you stay in Moscow this time?" Always thinking about her 300,000 reward, Xenivekina would raise a glass to Guo Shouyun as soon as she seized the opportunity. At this moment, when she saw the young rich man beside him put down the knife and fork in his hand, she approached impatiently and said.

Hearing this, Guo Shouyun turned his head and looked at the famous "mermaid" beside him. From the point of view of a normal man, Xeni Vikina is definitely a stunner. How should I put it, she doesn't need to be coquettish, let alone coquettish, just sit there, two slender and round thighs Stacked up and down, any man who sees it will first think of a warm and comfortable big bed. Especially tonight, she was wearing a black evening dress with a low open chest and high side slits. Guo Shouyun only had to turn her head slightly to see her deep cleavage embedded in the white tender breasts, and her eyes moved slightly down. , you can see the two slender thighs that are exposed outside the skirt and wrapped in brown mesh stockings. This is a temptation, almost naked temptation, especially unbearable, this woman clearly is the meal delivered to the door, although now Guo Shouyun has gotten rid of his obsession with women, but when he thinks of this woman He still has a feeling of itchiness. From the other person, he can always think of a female star who will appear in the sports world in the near future. That is a woman he has been obsessed with for a long time in his previous life. .

"About two or three days," Guo Shouyun was very restrained despite the evil thoughts in his heart, he said with a light smile, "The specifics depend on the situation, maybe one day earlier, maybe one day later, I'm not sure."

"Oh, the time is so short?" Xenivekina gestured to Guo Shouyun with a wine glass, then leaned back on her slender neck and drank the red wine in the glass into two pink lips, "That's a pity. already."

"Oh? Sorry, what do you say?" Guo Shouyun picked up his glass, took a sip, and smiled.

"What do you think?" Xenivekina asked without answering. She blinked her pale blue eyes and looked at Guo Shouyun with a smile. At the same time, she stretched out her hand and gently attached it under the table. man's thigh.

"Interesting," Guo Shouyun felt a little funny in his heart, he could see that this woman was seducing him, and to a certain extent, her skills in this area were still very jerky, at least by no means an expert --- originally Well, how can you touch someone's knee to seduce a man, can this play a seductive role? This requires a small hammer in hand, and it is quite appropriate to do a stress response test.

What does it mean when a woman who is not very good at seducing men suddenly makes such an artificial seduction in front of her? Could it be that he is so charming that he makes a woman who has just met suddenly become passionate and unstoppable? This is clearly not possible. Guo Shouyun is very self-aware. He knows that although his appearance is not ugly, it has nothing to do with handsomeness. When it comes to being tall and burly, none of the bodyguards behind him are stronger than himself. The woman in front of him has neither exchanged much thought with him, nor is it possible to take a fancy to her appearance, so there are two reasons behind the fact that she came to seduce him. First, she took a fancy to her own worth, and second, she had a shady deal with Berezovsky.

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