Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 228: Tigers seek skin

?The words of flattery are good, and the fresh and delicious "baby spinach" is also very tempting, but there is one thing, if you sell your own interests for two words of flattery, or for a "small spinach out of water", then This flattery and "baby spinach" are sugar-coated cannonballs. \\m\\

The danger of sugar-coated cannonballs is very great. The great man proposed as early as the Second Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee: We must be vigilant against the attack of bourgeois sugar-coated cannonballs. Guo Shouyun remembers this famous assertion. Although he said that he has also entered the ranks of the bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie is also divided into camps. He has to beware of the calculations of the hostile camp.

"Is Miss Wei Na's remarks sincere?" Guo Shouyun's face flashed a hint of playfulness. He put Xie Niwei Jinna's tender hand in his palm, leaned over, and whispered in her ear, "I'm really flattered. Well, if you're willing to perform a water solo for me, ma'am, I might be able to stay a few more days in Moscow."

"Of course what I said was the truth, but Mr. you, I don't know how much of what you said just now is true." Xie Niweijinna's pale face flushed, she could sense Guo Shouyun Her gaze was digging into her collar without concealment, but she didn't dodge, what did she do here today, the bed was ready, are you afraid of being seen by others?

"Hey, it's true, every word is true, and it's really very," Guo Shouyun laughed sullenly, he played with Xenivina's little hand carefully, while feeling the smooth texture of other people's soft skin, while he was pondering With clichés from other people's mouths.

Guo Shouyun made small moves here. Opposite Khodorkovsky all looked at him, not to mention that he had been molesting the girl beside him. But the real attention is not on women. He and Guo Shouyun are the same kind of people, and many of them also like to gag, pretend to be stupid, and they are typical characters who pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

Taking advantage of Guo Shouyun's chance to look up, Khodorkovsky winked at him, nuked his lips, and made a very weird expression, which meant that he asked him to propose to withdraw the banquet. After all, Guo Shouyun is today's guest of honor. The owner of the family doesn't speak, and he, the guest of honor, doesn't speak. When will this dinner go on?

Guo Shouyun saw the wink from the other side, but he avoided it by teasing Xenivekina. He is a person who eats everything, but doesn't suffer any losses. Like this kind of thing that clearly offends people, whoever likes to do it, he will not quit it anyway. The two Berezovskys love acting, so let them act well, anyway, there will always be times when they feel boring, and when they feel that they can't continue to act. Naturally, it's time for the show to end.

"But Miss Weena, you probably don't know my hobbies," don't overdo it, ignoring Khodorkovsky's hint. Guo Shouyun tugged his chair, then sat down next to Xenivagina, almost biting her small ear and said, "As for me, I have never felt pity for women. You have to go with me. Too close. Not a good thing."

Guo Shouyun's tone was very cold when he said these words, but at the same time. One of his big hands also quietly stretched out under the skirt of Xenivagina, and unconcealedly reached between the legs of the woman. At this moment, he clearly felt that the very elastic thigh suddenly slammed. A stiff, smooth and delicate skin, you can even feel a slight twitch.

Obviously, this woman is definitely approaching her deliberately, and behind her, it is definitely Berezovsky's instruction. "Don't be an old man" is quite creative to take such a woman as a gift, but what exactly does he want? Want to take something from your own Far East? This is obviously impossible. "Ancient Head" has just knocked off the front teeth. It is impossible for him to make trouble at this juncture. Since it is not his own idea of ​​the Far East, then it must have something to do with Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov. At least one thing is certain, that is, don't plan on the old man. Without your own support, it would be impossible. Pass through Huo and Wei. Because of this, he will throw out such a charming woman - of course, this woman is just a "dessert", a woman who has come to this point with Berezovsky, a woman can never be them A bargaining chip for compromise. If Berezovsky intends to get a benefit from himself by sending a woman, it will not only insult him Guo Shouyun, but also insult him by "don't be an old man". Guo Shouyun's mind was moving very fast. There were so many above, he only thought about it in an instant, and when he was thinking about these issues, Xie Niweijina, who was beside him, hadn't recovered from that piercing piercing. recovered from the cold.

How should I put it now, when it comes to scheming, Guo Shouyun is not afraid of anyone. With the bizarre interpretation of past and present lives, and the repeated situations from life to death and from death to life, he has lived a very transparent life. In terms of intellectual competition, since he entered this era, the only thing he has admired is Victor, and no one else can be seen except him.

"Why, you're scared?" Fumbling his hand into the woman's narrow panties, Guo Shouyun felt the warmth coming from the tender part, still attached to Xenivagina's ear, and said in a low voice, "Oh, in fact, you don't need to be afraid of me. I'm still very gentle towards well-behaved women, at least much stronger than Boris. What I'm curious about now is what is the relationship between you and Boris? I don't think you'd mind discussing this with me in detail for a while, right?"

Hearing these words, Xenivykina subconsciously wanted to turn her head to look at Berezovsky on the right, but Guo Shouyun had already guarded against this step. With his right hand behind the woman, he pulled it hard, and while Xenivagina turned her head away, he pulled her into his arms, and then with a single probe, he firmly kissed her two Slices on soft little lips.

The movement that Guo Shouyun made here, but it alarmed several giants at the banquet. Berezovsky and Gusinsky, who were acting dry-mouthed, turned their heads almost at the same time. And the scene they saw was the scene where Guo Shouyun hugged Xenivina in his arms and kissed passionately.

Quietly looked at each other and smiled. Berezovsky and Gusinsky knew that they were handed a ladder to get off the platform. They naturally wouldn't believe that Guo Shouyun was lecherous because he was young and vigorous. Of course, people like them were inevitably lecherous, but they would never indulge in such a degree. This move was a hint: This dinner party should end, Let's talk about something later.

"Hehe, Shoucheng brother, our Miss Weina still has your appetite, right?" He waited until Guo Shouyun raised his head. Berezovsky said with a smile.

"It's not bad," Guo Shouyun put one hand under the woman's skirt and pressed the other hand on her chest, and said honestly, "I didn't expect Brother Boris to be so polite. You're lest brother, I'll be lonely during this time in Moscow. , so we have prepared such a wonderful person specially for us? Hehe, this kindness... I'm disrespectful, ah, haha..."

"Well, it's good that my brother is satisfied, and there is no need to say other polite words." Gusinsky was obviously on Berezovsky's side, he interrupted and laughed. "Vina, it's rare that the old guards value you so much. You have to perform well in the next few days. Don't lose face for us Muscovites." Xenivkina naturally knew the meaning of Gusinsky's words. . She got up from Guo Shouyun's arms, and didn't even bother to pack up the slightly messy evening dress, so she squeezed out a smile as an answer.

"Okay, since Brother Shouyun is satisfied, there is nothing to say." Berezovsky clapped his hands. Standing up from his chair, he shook his huge head. With a smile, he said, "I think it's not too early today. Brother Shouyun has been on the train for a few days, and his body is tired. If there is nothing else, I think we will leave. Bar."

"Hehe, Brother Shouyun can rest assured to live here," Gusinski continued, "Although my house is far from the city center, the security work is absolutely done..."

Gusinski wanted to say that his security work was well done, but he couldn't go on talking about it. After all, the "new host" in front of him just ordered someone to serve him seven places overnight. Old nest, praising the security of the villa in front of others is not the same as slapping oneself in the face.

Guo Shouyun can naturally understand the embarrassment of Gusinski's base. After all, he ordered the bad thing to be done. However, if he has experience, he will have experience. If he has a chance to embarrass this old boy, he is more willing to do it. Do.

"That is, that is, I'm not worried at all about the safety of this Strogino Manor," Guo Shouyun laughed, "What I'm really worried about is that you must not put anything in this bedroom. Bugs and the like, if one day Miss Weina's voice begging for mercy reaches Nina's ears, hehe, brother, brother, I will turn my face."

"Hey, that's too despicable, let alone Shouyun you, then, I will never sit back and ignore it." There will be turf attached. Guo Shouyun was always thinking about giving Gusinski some embarrassing oil, and of course Khodorkovsky also came to join in the fun.

A trace of annoyance flashed from the corner of Gusinski's eyes, but his extraordinary self-restraint made him calm down in just one breath.

"Where did Brother Shouyun say, this is the garden where Gusinski lives most often, think about it, can I put those things in my bedroom?" Gusinski said with a smile.

"Just kidding, it's definitely a joke, don't take it seriously." Guo Shouyun was overjoyed. His concept was that he would never suffer. Some time ago, Gusinsky bore him in the Far East. Eventually it will come back little by little.

"That's natural, how could I take my brother's jokes to heart," Gusinski said with a sincere smile, "don't forget, the six of us are in the same boat now, and we are all in the same boat. Let's help each other, ah, haha..."

"Together in the same boat?" This is an excellent word, and Guo Shouyun and several people naturally agree in a mess.

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