Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 226: six big men

?With Li Shengyan's participation, the nearly one-week itinerary is no longer lonely. From the first conversation with her, the headache, to the excitement later, Guo Shouyun's way of thinking has also undergone an invisible change during this period of time. This is how the relationship between them is. Although Li Shengyan's way of thinking seems childish and ridiculous in Guo Shouyun's eyes, she also has a lot of things to learn from her. For example, this little girl's research on Marxism-Leninism is very good. . w/

Along the way, Guo Shouyun and Li Shengyan involved many issues in their chats. To a certain extent, the former was the follower of Adam Smith, and then, it was the belief in Marxism-Leninism, a century-long conflict of consciousness between the East and the West. , which can be reflected in miniature to these two people. Of course, only from the point of view of debate, how could Li Shengyan be Guo Shouyun's opponent? One's idea is based on reality, and the other's belief is based on longing. It is natural to know what the result of the collision between reality and longing will be.

Perhaps at this moment Guo Shouyun and Li Shengyan did not realize that their conversations with each other would have a profound and chain-like impact on their future destiny: from Li Shengyan, Guo Shouyun learned the most pure Marxist-Leninist economics analysis, which This kind of macroscopic thing urges him to think about the problem from an open angle. From Guo Shouyun, Li Shengyan gained more. For the first time, she broke away from the dogmatic framework and came into contact with some realistic and indisputable essence, and these essences have been to some extent. Destroyed her original set of complete ideas. It made her realize that in addition to vague theories and illusory dogmas, there is something more worthy of attention in this world, and its name is "reality".

The train, rolling westward, entered Moscow after nearly a week of running, and stopped at the lower Kotray station.

In the past two days, Moscow has been hit by cold and wet air from the Arctic Ocean. The impact of low pressure brought the first heavy snow to the entire city this winter.

"If I remember correctly, Moscow University is on Mozhaysko Road, right? Well, it seems to be closer to the northern ring road in the city center." Wearing a woolen coat with a fur collar, Guo Shouyun was in With the support of the bodyguard, he jumped down from the door of the carriage, and said to Li Shengyan who was closely behind him without looking back.

"Yes. Brother Guo," Li Shengyan immediately jumped out of the car and replied without waiting for him to stand firm.

"I think so," Guo Shouyun looked around. A few people were walking over from the opposite side, so he quickly made a decision, "In a while, let Shoucheng take you there. I originally wanted to have dinner with you at night, but now it seems unlikely."

He said, and pointed at the guys who were walking quickly towards this side.

"No, I can go there by subway. It's very convenient." Li Shengyan hurriedly declined. She knew the few people on the opposite side. Of course, this knowledge was only her one-sided. People don't know her.

"Brother Shouyun!" Li Shengyan had just finished speaking when the person on the opposite side had already shouted.

"You're welcome, Shoucheng is fine anyway," Guo Shouyun said in a low voice, with a smile behind him. The approaching person with big strides greeted him.

"I said you came so far from Khabarovsk. How can you sit on this thing?" He honestly gave Guo Shouyun a warm hug, and Khodorkovsky glanced at the train opposite. He frowned and said, "Slowly, how inconvenient it is."

"Yes," followed Khodorkovsky, Vinogradov gave Guo Shouyun a hug, then took his hand and said, "We received a notice six days ago, saying It's because you've already come, and I was thinking of meeting you earlier, hey, I didn't expect you to come by train."

"Hey, don't hide it from the two big brothers, brother, I..." Guo Shouyun made a gesture and said, "Brother, I'm afraid of heights. We can't enjoy the modern means of transportation like airplanes."

The two of Khodorkovsky were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Shouyun, I haven't seen you for a while, and it looks like you're getting better." Berezovsky, who was wearing a fur coat, didn't speak until this time. He spread his arms and made an embracing gesture. Said with a big smile.

This black and white tycoon has a short stature. Standing in front of Guo Shouyun, he is almost a head shorter. Therefore, to do such a warm hug with him, Guo Shouyun has to bend over. At this moment, next to Berezovsky is Gusinsky, who is also smiling. This old guy's smile is quite sincere. To be honest, if you don't know the inside story, you will never imagine that he has Had a life-and-death struggle with Guo Shouyun.

"Brother Boris, I think you're flattering me," Guo Shouyun smiled very sincerely. He stepped forward, hugged Berezovsky, and then took the initiative to talk to Gusinski. After making a firm hug, he grabbed his back arm and said with a smile, "The bumps along the way have made me pale and haggard. Let our goose shopkeeper tell me, there is no point in my brother's face. Spiritual appearance?"

Gusinski's name has the same root word as "goose" in Russian, so some people call him "goose shopkeeper". There are two ways to understand such a nickname. One is a nickname among friends, and the other is a nickname. Irony. As for Guo Shouyun calling him that at this time, Gusinski has to understand the specific intention.

"I don't think Boris is flattering," Gusinski obviously didn't take Guo Shouyun's call himself "the big goose shopkeeper", he said with a smile, "Brother Shouyun is obviously very spiritual, I can prove this. Well, it's good to be young and have energy. Now it seems that I can't accept my old age. Smolensky, what do you think?"

Smolensky, who had been standing at the back, only stood up at this time. He smiled, hugged Guo Shouyun, and then said, "Yes, yes, in my opinion, Brother Shouyun is much more energetic, he is more like a few years younger now, compared to him, we Really old, uh. Really old."

Guo Shouyun smiled, but there was no interface. He knew that Gusinski's words were equivalent to bowing his head to himself and admitting defeat. He and Berezovsky came to the station together to meet them today, which is itself a performance of seeking peace. As for Smolensky, he is just a poor big-headed fish.

Just make peace. After all, it is not good for anyone to continue fighting. As for how many mistresses you died before, a few villas were destroyed, how many buildings I collapsed, and how many people died, these are all secondary, everyone is doing it For people with important events, it is meaningless to be overly preoccupied with all kinds of things in the past. There was this warm hug when we met, and it was all revealed. Of course, in the future everyone will cooperate, and there may be times of conflict. It doesn't matter. When the time comes, everyone will fight again, cooperate after the fight, and fight again after cooperation... The brothers on the benefit field, that's how it was originally.

"This is Shoucheng, right?" Wait until Guo Shouyun and Gusinski's courtesies come to an end. Khodorkovsky first turned his attention to Shoucheng. But this time he didn't make a hug, just shook hands with others. In his opinion. There is only one head of the Guo Group, and from his status, only Guo Shouyun can accept his hugging etiquette. Where everyone's position is, the pros and cons of this etiquette must be clearly distinguished.

"Yeah, the last time the brothers went to the Far East, he was out on business, so he didn't catch up to meet you. No, I'll bring him here this time. For one thing, let him meet the brothers. Let's meet, and secondly, I also hope to give him a long experience." After dragging his body a little stiff, Guo Shouyun said with a smile, "This brother of mine has not seen any big things in the world, if there is any rudeness in the future, old man Brothers, you need to take more care."

"Hehe, Shouyun is too outrageous to say that," Gusinski rushed forward this time, he took Shoucheng's hand, and said with a smile, "Brother, your brother, isn't that our brother? We don't like to hear what to say about this."

Being held by the old guy in front of me, I got goosebumps. He is well aware of the grievances between Gusinski and his eldest brother, and after forming such a deep feud, it is too much for this group of people to be so affectionate when they meet. Hypocrisy.

Of course, Shoucheng is young at this point. He can't "laugh at the situation" like Guo Shouyun. What is a grudge? For Guo Shouyun and Gusinski, is there any grudge between them? It doesn't exist at all, there is only interest between them. It's like an apple buyer and an apple farmer. Buying apple farms hopes to keep prices down, so he can blame others for how bad the apples are, bugs, pesticides, etc., but the apple buyer , Naturally, it is shameless to brag about the good products, but it is not to suppress the price anyway. In this process, whether they are buying apples or buying apples, they slandered apples and praised them. The real damage to the reputation and interests is only the apples that can't speak. As for the buyers and sellers, what do they have? grudge? After negotiating the deal, the deal is successful, but the deal collapses when it cannot be negotiated. In the final analysis, there is no substantial loss for both the buyer and the seller. Where do the grievances come from? As for the apple, cut it, who cares if it lives or dies.

Guo Shouyun can recognize this, and so can the Big Five, so they can meet and smile, and they can stand together and become a big man who really turns the clouds and rains, but Shoucheng can't recognize this, which makes him only in the second line.

After introducing his younger brother to the Big Five, Guo Shouyun briefly introduced Rilke and the soon-to-be-strong Li Shengyan. To be honest, the Big Five didn't care about Li Shengyan's identity, but Rilke's appearance made them pay attention. For this unremarkable old man, the Big Five paid even more attention than Shoucheng, because they knew that this old man was equivalent to a think tank beside Guo Shouyun, and Shoucheng's decision could not have an impact on Guo Shouyun, but this old man could.

To be honest, for people like the Big Five, their perspective is destined to be different from that of ordinary people. Of course, Shoucheng is Guo Shouyun's younger brother, and the relationship between the two is also very close, but if you want to move Guo Shouyun, the Big Five. They will not start with Shoucheng first, because that is not worth the loss. If you move the defense, it means that even if the deadly feud with Guo Shouyun is forged, there is no room for reconciliation between everyone. This obviously does not conform to the principle of "leaving a way back". At the same time, Shoucheng doesn't have the ability to stand on his own. As long as Guo Shouyun is eliminated, his younger brother will also fall. Therefore, for such a person, wouldn't it be wise to touch him first?

In contrast, Rilke, as a think-tank, does not belong to Guo Shouyun's blood relatives. If he gets rid of him, everyone may not be able to reconcile. At the same time, with the full assistance of such a person, without Guo Shouyun's blood The Guo Group may have the ability to fight back. To this end, increasing the attention to Rilke is naturally considered by the Big Five.

Of course, the Big Five are now thinking this way, it does not mean that they plan to turn against Guo Shouyun again, this is just a precautionary measure - the relationship of hostility is temporary, and the relationship of friends may not be long-term. Raise the glass in one hand, hold the dagger in the other, and prepare to be hard with both hands. This is the way to get along in the field of interests.

As for how the Big Five could see that Rilke was Guo Shouyun's think tank, this is very simple. Intuition and careful observation can make them make judgments in the shortest possible time. A person with far-reaching ingenuity and an experienced person have completely different performances in dealing with people and things. For those who have been rolling around in conspiracy all day long, even those who have no goods in their stomachs are rhetorical. It can also be seen through at a glance, and this kind of vision comes from personal experience.

The five giants braved the wind and snow to pick up the station together, which can be said to give Guo Shouyun enough face. If nothing else, even if Victor came to Moscow from Leningrad, these five people may not come to meet him. Now that they have come together, it means that the situation where the six giants stand on one foot has been formed, and no one can eat anyone. The share is large enough for everyone to share. On the premise that the interests are shared, what can't be discussed?

The snow in Moscow is really heavy, and the new meeting of the six giants at the Lower Kotley Railway Station is bound to bring a bigger snowstorm to the entire Russian land from another aspect. "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Ah, the gathering of six "big people" means that they are going to add fuel to this catastrophic alternation of rise and fall.

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