Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 225: Cinderella Makeover Project

? Guo Shouyun is not worried about whether he can train the little girl Li Shengyan well. After all, the eroding ability of "decadent bourgeois ideology" is powerful. He has strong confidence in this, because everything that happened in history has been This is confirmed. m

Take the domestic situation as an example. In the 1950s and 1960s, whoever had a foreign relative would not dare to recognize it. If anyone did, they would be despised. With the rise of reform and opening up, the kind of thinking in the past is undergoing a drastic change. Young people in the 1970s and 1980s have generally experienced a trend of thought, which is almost extreme worship of foreigners. The most practical way is that "The moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China"; in the 1990s, "Japanese-style" and "Korean-style" appeared alternately, and the young people of that generation changed from advocating Japanese animation, advocating Korean film and television dramas, to advocating sun Han's way of life and ideological structure; but in the mid-to-late 1990s, especially after the two thousand years, patriotism and nationalism began to resurface on a large scale. With the 1996 book "The Chinese Can Say No" The hot sales of the "Angry Youth" generation began to emerge, and the foreigner and foreigner were once again despised. Hari and Han became vulgar, and derogatory names such as "little Japan, Korean stick, Yankee, Lao Maozi" appeared in the mouths of young people again. .

All of these seem to have no connection and no rules to follow, but Guo Shouyun, as a shrewd businessman, can see at a glance the far-reaching influence that the economy can have on his mind. obviously. Throughout China's nearly half-century of changes in national thinking, an economic issue played a crucial role: In the 1950s and 1960s, China was almost closed to the country, so people didn't know much about the outside world. The influence of the political environment, the leading role of the confrontation between the East and the West, and the feeling of resistance to the West will naturally appear; and in the 1970s and 1980s, with the rise of reform and opening up, a developed capitalist world suddenly appeared in front of the people. , on one side is the motherland whose economy is still in a backward starting state, and on the other side is the capitalist world where the economy is advanced and material life is prosperous. In this case, young people's minds are hit, and their national self-esteem is hit hard by the harsh reality, relatively. In the 1990s, the concept of the Four Little Dragons and Four Little Tigers in Asia began to appear in the ears of the Chinese people. Although this concept is a bit outdated, people still turn their attention to the neighboring Japan and South Korea.” The economy of my own country is not good. Then look at the neighbors, they are all Asians." In the mid-to-late 1990s, with the rapid development of China's economy, especially the return of Hong Kong and Macau, the flood control in 1998, the Asian economic crisis, etc. After a series of incidents, the Chinese people suddenly realized: "I take the test, the foreigners are not that great, at least not much better than us." At the same time, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The West has unilaterally transferred all the pressure to China. Therefore, the younger generation in China is increasingly saying "no" to foreign countries when their national self-esteem and self-confidence are extremely inflated. Emotions are rising.

Guo Shouyun was a liar in his previous life, but his understanding of economic and social problems has a strong foundation. In this world, with the further deepening of political connections, his perspective on problems is no longer limited to appearances. Rather, it goes deeper into the essence. In his words, that is everything that is born in this world. can be explained from an economic point of view. The role of the economy is omnipresent, omnipotent, invincible, invincible, and invincible. It can not only control the political situation, but also influence people's way of thinking, transform a person's character, and erode a person's soul. An economist, his role and energy should not be limited only to the economic field, he can also exist as a statesman, a thinker, and even a historian. Guo Shouyun is such an existence now, although he has no monographs and no thought-provoking essays. But he stood there, and with a wave of his hand, he could make the entire Far East economy collapse or prosper; with a glance and a cough, the inclination of a large number of politicians could be influenced; a lie or two could be blurted out. **Hundreds of thousands or even millions of thoughts. And some of the inside stories he knows will be called mysteries by historians of later generations. What he has concealed can make a large number of historical elites unable to think clearly.

From this perspective, what is an economist? What is a historian? What is a thinker? It's all bullshit, and the most indifferent "dog anus" is the so-called politician -- in front of the economy, all politics are puppet-style derivatives.

Now, Guo Shouyun wants to change Li Shengyan's thinking, to let her see the world clearly, to truly understand what a so-called capitalist is, to reverse her naivety, to get rid of her ignorance, and to transform her Yumu's head, for Li Shengyan, whether it is a blessing or a Huo, I am afraid it is still difficult to tell. But at least one thing is certain, that is, in this game, Li Shengyan will definitely not be able to play, Guo Shouyun's little finger, it is estimated that she can play from Jiayuguan to Shanhaiguan, for thousands of miles, and it will arrive in an instant, and the level is fast. Say.

But then again, from this little girl, Guo Shouyun also felt a kind of innocence that he had not seen for a long time, very pure and very pure, pure like a bucket of clear water, clear and clear, not stained with dust. If you put aside his distracting thoughts and talk to such a little girl, it is not a kind of enjoyment. You don't have to worry about what others will do to you, and you don't have to worry about what others expect from you—if there is , the only point is that Li Shengyan hopes to get the help of the Guo brothers, and she will not need to buy a ticket from the Far East to Moscow in the future. She can't afford the fare of several hundred rubles, no soft sleeper, hard seat is fine...

It is precisely because of Li Shengyan's innocence that Guo Shouyun fell in love with her for the first time without any emotion. Of course, this love has no other meaning, just appreciation. He is looking forward to seeing the relationship between this girl and Shoucheng. There are further exhibitions. Guo Shouyun knows that Shoucheng's disposition is not extremely evil. He is different from himself, and it is not a good thing for people like him to be exposed to the dark side all the time. This will make his temperament go into depression. on depression. Extremely evil people are not that easy to do. This requires great psychological endurance. Imagine that when a person is in contact with a stranger, he will first look at the other person's heart and check whether the other person will give him Make a threat, always thinking about whether it is necessary to get rid of others, can such a life be easier? Guo Shouyun is used to it. He can take it as fun and as an indispensable element in life. As a normal person, he always calculates the past like this, and he can see the core at a glance. , can see all the dirty things at a glance, that will be crazy in the long run.

But now a pure Li Shengyan has appeared, and let her and Shoucheng make a pile, as a kind of adjustment for the dark side, this may produce better results.

Sometimes life is full of so many grotesque miracles. An innocent little girl who was born under the red flag and grew up in the revolution, carrying the teachings of Marxism-Leninism and holding high the banner of the proletariat, boarded a train from the Far East to Moscow. Then he met two typical representatives of the bourgeoisie who got up to speculate and did everything, and then they had an inseparable connection with each other. to describe it? The romance of Cinderella and Prince Charming? This seems inappropriate. After all, Guo Shoucheng is not Prince Charming. He is a headless knight at best. As for Guo Shouyun, hey, he is not Prince Charming anymore. He is more like a soulless star holding a mourning stick. How unlucky, it is no exaggeration to say that he "lives in the same place and is a disaster". In the face of such two realistic characters, whether Cinderella, who came from the spring, will become Snow White, or will she evolve into a nightmare old witch, it seems worth looking forward to. .

The conversation between the Guo brothers and Li Shengyan lasted for a long time, and during their conversation, the roaring train passed through the tunnels, and when the night fell, it entered the long outer Xing'an Mountains. For dinner, the Guo brothers used it in their sleeping car compartment. As the invited object, Li Shengyan realized for the first time what kind of privileges the so-called capitalists can enjoy: a sumptuous dinner, the materials were brought by Guo Shouyun and the others. , The production is made by a special chef, and the bodyguard is responsible for serving the food. As for the conductor with a ardent smile, he can only greet him from a distance at the door of the carriage. .

"The decadent way of life of the capitalists really makes people..." Enjoying a sumptuous dinner and tasting foreign wines that he had never seen or even heard of, Li Shengyan, who was rather cramped, gave this half evaluation.

Really what? Li Shengyan couldn't explain it herself, but at least one thing, when others put the knives and forks in front of her, and then respectfully asked, "Do you need anything else from Miss Li?", she felt a kind of The pleasure of being respected and valued, this pleasure is indescribable, but it is very obvious, and it is even more certain that this respect comes from the two capitalists around her. If it weren't for these two capitalists, her worshipping A woman who believes that "the world's proletariat is one family" may not even get on this train.

Facing Li Shengyan with a worried face, Guo Shouyun was overjoyed. He knew that through substantial contact along the way, he, a capitalist, could make the "proletarian sister" in front of him completely lost in his original beliefs. ----The transformation starts from this moment.

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