Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 217: reach a consensus

?The Honghe Street under the night is quiet and serene. The peaceful Heilongjiang River walks along the street and flows slowly eastward. Across the open river and the Heixiazi Island in the center of the river, you can see Wanjia in Fuyuan, China.* **. , qв5.

Under the bright street lights, Guo Shouyun and Khodorkovsky walked side by side. Several people were chatting and laughing. At first glance, they seemed to be close friends who had known each other for many years. A few days ago they were rivals in a slaughter. Of course, those who are wandering on the streets and under the streetlights would never have imagined that just tonight, on this Red River Street, four people walking side by side will be the key to the fate of everyone in Russia in the future. sexual characters.

Whether it is Khodorkovsky, Vinogradov, or Guo Shouyun, they are undoubtedly ruthless and benign evil people, but these evil people are human after all. From the current Guo Shouyun's point of view, the three influential figures around him are no different from ordinary people. Especially the young and vigorous Khodorkovsky, the billionaire rich, even commented on the beauties who walked by, and he was not tired of it. Of course, Guo Shouyun also knew that the easy-goingness of the three people around him was not so good. If he wanted them to talk and laugh in front of him, he had to be able to carry it out. Otherwise, he would not even have the chance to talk to them. There will be.

"Hey, I haven't been this relaxed for a long time. Relaxation is not a good thing. It always reminds people of a lot of unrealistic things." Three rich people, plus a reformer. Four unemployed fellows, walking from the streets of Honghe Street to the end of the street, Chubais stopped in front of an unremarkable bakery. He is across the clear window. Looking at the fresh brown bread inside, he said with emotion, "Do you know what my biggest ambition was when I was a child? You may not believe it, but my biggest ambition when I was a child was to be like Leonor. A heroic pilot like the husband, flying his own plane, soaring in the sky, defending our country. Defending the Soviet Union."

"Leonov? Is there such a person?" Khodorkovsky looked at the bread in the window and said without looking back.

Asked such a sentence, Khodorkovsky obviously didn't want any answer. He patted the window and pointed to the inside. "Hey, who of you has money, buy this for me... ah, and this, well, and that one."

Facing Khodorkovsky's request, Vinogradov shrugged, and then looked at Guo Shouyun again, the meaning was clear, he was penniless. You have to find a way to pay the bill.

Guo Shouyun smiled, took out his wallet from his pocket, and took out two pieces of change. Enter the store through a small window. In the bakery was a little Russian girl with a few freckles on her face. According to Khodorkovsky's request, she packed three pieces of noodles in a paper bag and handed them out through the window. Neighbors, and gave him a big white eye for free: looking at five people dressed in six people. But they didn't even have the money to buy a few pieces of bread. A poor man and a miser.

"Yeah, who is Leonov. Not many people know about it now. People are forgetful. They don't know what happened in the past, so how can they remember others?" Chubais smiled and said from Huo Dolkovsky squeezed a piece of bread into the paper bag that he handed over, and said at the same time, "That's right, Shouyun, I only know that you and Shoucheng are three brothers and sisters, and I also know that you had a hard time when you were young. As for the rest , I don't know. Anyway, I have nothing to do today, if you don't mind, just take it as a small talk, let's hear it. Well, everyone talks about it, just take it as... the memory of the Chinese people It's bittersweet."

"Hehe, there is nothing to say, it's all about Chen Zhi's rotten millet." Guo Shouyun shook his head and smiled.

It’s funny, that’s ok, I’ll talk about myself first,” Khodorkovsky said vaguely, chewing bread in his mouth, “Just now Chubais said what he wanted to be when he was a child. An Anovian pilot, and I, my only ambition when I was a child, was to be the manager of my father's leather factory, because only then would I not go hungry, get more tickets for necessities, and don't Grab a hard loaf of brown bread and get up early to line up in front of the store. Hehe, that ambition seems ridiculous now, but... I've at least achieved it now. "

"Hehe, I don't have anything to say," Vinogradov continued with a smile, "I remember my only ambition when I was young was to be rich, a lot of money, at least, as much as the girl who lives next door to my house. The child can look at me once in a while. Hey, what's that girl's name? It's been so long, I forgot her name, I just remember that she later married someone in the town. Okay. Speaking of it now, I not only forgot her name, I don't even remember what she looked like, but I firmly remember one thing, that is, to have money, to have a lot of money, because Only then will others give me more attention."

"Two snobs destined from childhood," Chubais pointed at the two of them with a smile after listening to Khodorkovsky and Vinogradov's words.

"Whatever you want to say," Vinogradov took two steps away, walked to a tree trunk by the side of the road, leaned on the tree, and said, "you are here, Shouyun, tell me, what was it like when you were a child? ambition."

Guo Shouyun put a small piece of bread into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it, then smiled lightly, and said, "Actually, I am the one who has nothing to say, because from the day I was sensible, the only one who can be considered as ambitious, I just wanted to find a way to live. For me at that time, living was the greatest ambition, and it was also the most worthwhile ambition. I have not experienced what the brothers have experienced, but what I have experienced I'm afraid it should be something that you can't imagine. It's very simple, just to live. I've done everything, and now that I think about it, those lives in the past are like a dream, and I look back. I even feel like I'm on the sidelines A person's life. Nina once satirized me, she said that I was born the blank of a wicked man, and when God forged me, the land was all scraps, so my ambition since I was a child was to be a complete villain. In fact, there are scraps What's not good? At least it's based on real materials. My brain may be the most suitable for being a villain, but I don't want to be a villain just to be a villain. I haven't changed since I was a kid."

Guo Shouyun's remarks caused serious expressions on the faces of the three people present. Don't think it's just small talk. For people like Guo Shouyun and the others, there is no chance for small talk at any time, and their words and deeds in their spare time outside are either pretending to act or detouring.

From the time Chubais talked about his childhood, Guo Shouyun had already speculated about his purpose. The old boy's seemingly emotional remarks actually expressed his heart: he is not for money or power, Just want to get a good reputation for hard work. But at the same time. He was also worried that no one would pay attention to what he was doing, and that his name could only be left behind, but not in front of others—who was Leonov? Khodorkovsky did not know. But Guo Shouyun knew that this Leonov was a hero of the Soviet Air Force in World War II, and also the only pilot in the history of human warfare who was still flying with a residual limb after being amputated. But for such a character, he didn't even get a medal. WWII ended. He faded out of people's sight and became a national hero buried in history. Chubais mentioned such a man in his childhood ambitions. Wasn't his intention too obvious?

Look at Khodorkovsky again, what is his ambition? To be the manager of a leather factory, you don’t need to be hungry, you need money; to get more tickets for necessities, you need power; you don’t have to queue for shopping, you need power. The money and power are the same, he wants it all, and it is clear at a glance how natural this kid's ambitions are.

As for Vinogradov, he is very "simple". He wants money, a lot of money. At the same time, he needs others to "look" at him and give him more attention, which means that he needs More voice, greater control. And in order to achieve this goal, he can make any transaction----he can even forget the name and appearance of his first love, so who can expect him to pay attention to anything other than power and money? ?

In this way, in a seemingly endless chat, the three people each expressed their own desires, and this desire will be the most fundamental point of interest that the Quartet needs to consider in the future cooperation - everyone is their own. Now, it doesn't matter if there is a conflict of interest. Let's talk about it in small talk, and then slowly reconcile it. Even if we can't reconcile it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's all small talk, and no one has spoken so straightforwardly. Just like Khodorkovsky, he has ambitions for money, power, and expansion of power, which will naturally conflict with Vinogradov, and then he obviously hears the meaning, so his words are implied One meaning: you can make a deal, and you can make any deal.

Relatively speaking, Guo Shouyun's answer was simpler, but there was no room for negotiation. He wants to survive, he wants to live, and now everything in the Far East is the basis for his existence and survival, whoever moves his basis is equivalent to not letting him survive, not giving him life, then everything is nothing to discuss , you fight to the death, as you did with Gusinski. More importantly, Guo Shouyun said frankly that he is a wicked person, wicked person, why dare not do it? The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, but the wicked will not jump over the wall if he is in a hurry, he will blow up the wall and blow everything to pieces.

"Hey, it seems that each family has their own difficulties. To be honest, we can be considered to have the same disease." Chubais woke up first, he sighed, and stepped forward to pat Guo Shouyun on the shoulder and said, " If people like us don't work together in the future, I'm really sorry for the friendship tonight."

"Hey, Chubais is right, but..." Khodorkovsky said with a smile, holding the bag of bread, "but shall we divide this bread first? You are not hungry. ?"

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