Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 218: The Far East is ours

"I don't want to be a villain, I just want to survive.\m\" Guo Shouyun's simple remarks expressed the "law of the jungle" that also applies to this human society, and just as he said these words At the time, Avrora, who was on the brink of escape and death with a dozen people, was also working hard at the last chance of survival.

Tonight's night sky seemed to be full of blood in the eyes of all the people in Avrora. Guo Shouyun kept his promises. After leaving Khabarovsk and before nightfall, their group was on the way from Khabarovsk to Biro. Bijan did not encounter any trouble on the way, and there was not even anyone following behind their convoy.

But just after the sky became completely dark, that is, when the deadline given by Guo Shouyun came, everything seemed to have a complete change in an instant. Police officers, really understand what cruelty is, what it means to cover the sky with one hand, and what kind of mafia gang is the underworld force that dominates.

Katovyev, a small town less than 60 kilometers away from Birobidzhan, Avrora and her party made a short stop here. They need to add some necessities. After all, people can eat or drink, but the car does not. Need to refuel. Out of serious consideration, Avrolla suggested to get in touch with the local police department first. In her opinion, no matter how powerful Guo Shouyun's influence in the Far East is, no matter how deeply rooted it is, it is impossible for him to spread to such an inconspicuous small city. But as her deputy, the non-Soviet native Sanchez. But he strongly opposes this practice. He knows how terrible the mafia is. As a police officer who has been in the police for more than ten years, he has dealt with many mafia. In his opinion, even the Italian "Black Crow" entrenched in Sicily is not as powerful as Guo Shouyun in the Far East. In such a place, it is not safe for them to go anywhere, and it is irrational to contact anyone.

Avrolla made a mistake. She was too idealistic. Although she had been from the police for a long time, she was promoted to the head of the Soviet Union by relying on connections. She is still far from realizing the cruelty of this world. To be honest, her experience and qualifications are not enough to support her promotion to this position, otherwise she would not be so reckless to bring people to the Far East.

The advice given by the deputy was not followed. Avrolla finally took someone to the local police station in Katowice. As she expected, the police station in the small town has a mellow folk style, and the chief is a kind middle-aged man named Butokagin . In the face of these guests who came from afar, the bureau gave them the best treatment, not to mention free meals, and provided them with bathrooms so that they could wash away the dust on the way.

good very good. Very good, such a small police station is really warm. But when you want to have a hearty dinner. Avrolla didn't see that the good old man Butokagin, who accompanies her to dinner, was looking at her from time to time with that kind of obscene eyes. Avrolla also did not expect that the police chief of this small town earns two or three hundred rubles a month at best, so how could he possibly wear a watch with a starting value of no less than seven thousand rubles. his police station. How could there be a gorgeous lounge and spacious bathroom. Of course, Avrora might think. Isn't that all police stations in the Far East? But inexperienced, she didn't think carefully about what "it's all like" means.

When the stomach was full and the dust of the road was washed away, the kind and loyal Butokagin asked where Avrolla and his party were going. Faced with such a problem, Avrora stayed cautious, she said that her group was preparing to go to Blagoveshchensk, and then take the train back to Moscow from there. Butokakin was still smiling so gently at this time, and he told Avrora unhurriedly that there was no need to go to Blagoveshchensk, anyway, he died wherever he was, instead of giving up this big bargain The organization on Blagoveshchensk might as well give him this at least a warmer "friend".

Only at this point did Avrolla understand that the police station in the small town was not a shelter for her and her group to escape from the wind and rain. On the contrary, it was just a fire pit with soaring flames, and she plunged in regardless of Sanchez's objection. , then don't even think about going out safely.

Butokakin made it very clear that everyone had no injustice and no hatred, and he didn't want to do too much, but there was no way, on the ground of the Far East, if you offend someone who shouldn't be offended, then there is only one death. , as the police chief of Katowiev, he also had no choice. The current situation is there, he wants to support his family, he wants to sit down in the position of director or even get a chance to be further promoted, so he must be obedient and do what he should do. Today, the order from the Birobidzhan gang headquarters has already arrived at him. As the leader of the gang in the small town, Butokakin has no choice. If Avrolla and his party are not here, he will take them all. Then wait for someone to come over.

Although Katovyev is a small town, it may be a great irony, but it is also a living reality, as Guo Shouyun said. , no one is born wanting to be evil, it's all about survival.

Interpol was disarmed by the small town police station, and then turned around and handed it over to the underworld gang. The person who came to pick up someone was a young and beautiful girl named Sarah. The kind smile on her face is like the little girl next door. Sarah takes good care of Avrolla. According to her, she has admired the police since she was a child, especially the Interpol. She is very affectionate to Avrolla by calling her a "sister". It was also this innocent little girl named Sarah. She instructed people to tie two police officers with dirty faces to the front bumper of the car, doused them with gasoline, set the fire on fire, and then drove while driving. He listened with great interest to the screams from outside the car.

Avrora and his party left Khabarovsk for only a few hours, now. Sarah had to get them back while it was dark, and she could have fun along the way, because Shanariva explained it. Except for the woman Avrolla, none of the others remain...

Avrolla and the others are destined to disappear. As Guo Shouyun said, they know something they shouldn't know. Even if they don't die in the Far East, they will die somewhere else. At least, Gusinski doesn't. Let these tools that lose their use value live.

Guo Shouyun said it well. When Gusinski came out of the central bank's investigation section, the first order he gave to the people around him was to closely monitor the movements of Avrolla and his party, look for opportunities to get rid of them, and also do the groundwork. Neat.

For Guo Shouyun or someone like Gusinski. Avrora and the others are just little people, insignificant concoctions. For Interpol, such a group of people are just small staff. Whether they are dead or alive has nothing to do with the overall situation. For more people, the death of these people may be just a piece of "little tofu" published in an inconspicuous corner of a newspaper. "So-and-so police officers", the content of the report goes a little deeper, and it may be said that their deaths may be at the hands of some underworld force. As for the others. It is impossible for anyone to know more, and it is estimated that no one will go back to give more attention.

With the disappearance of Avrolla and his party, Gusinsky escaped from the cage, especially Guo Shouyun's conspiracy with Khodorkovsky, Vinogradov, and Chubais. The battle for power has officially come to an end. through this battle. Guo Shouyun and his Guo Group. Officially, in the Soviet Union, which is about to fall apart, it has won the place it deserves. He, the local hegemon, formally established a clear position as the sixth largest economic entity in the Soviet Union through a tit-for-tat challenge with an old chaebol like Gusinski.

In the following days, after Guo Shouyun and Chubais and others reached a consensus, the White House announced the establishment of the "All-Russian Economic Reform Forum" in Moscow in the name of further promoting future reforms and accepting public will on a large scale. At the beginning of November, a forum meeting was held, and more than 120 industrialists of various sizes in Russia were invited to participate in a large discussion on the future reform policy. As the No. 1 economic entity in the Far East, Guo Shouyun, the president of Guo's Group, and Guo Shoucheng and Rilke, representatives of Guo's business and trade, all received invitations to attend the meeting.

This invitation is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface. It clearly conveys a message that the political situation that Guo Shouyun is facing has undergone fundamental changes. In the past: White House suppression, Leningrad The situation of strong political support is truly a thing of the past. The White House, which has not been successful after two blows, has now changed its attitude towards Guo Shouyun. They will change from the previous practice of blindly suppressing to trying their best to win over.

The reason why the White House makes such adjustments in policy is on the one hand because of Guo Shouyun's own strength. As an emerging political force, it is not a good choice for the White House to blindly confront local economic entities like him. Therefore, the policy adjustment is inevitable. On the other hand, the White House has also felt a new threat from the political level. A political force coveting power is emerging, which forces the White House to adjust its policies in order to free up its hands to suppress this bigger threat.

On October 6, the Russian Reform Program Development Committee once again submitted a small privatization reform program to the Soviet Supreme Presidium. Compared with the previous program, this time they made changes that are more inclined to existing large economic entities. They have set up more levels of redemption and bidding methods. Such as: restrictions on financial redemption, the undertakings participating in the bidding must have a fund base of sufficient scale, and the original legal person of the enterprise entering the privatization transformation shall not participate in the bidding, etc. Obviously, such regulations are aimed at crowding out the assets of the middle class, so that they cannot get any benefit from this small privatization reform.

There is no doubt that the new reform plan could not be approved by the highest presidium representing the interests of the middle-class assets. Therefore, the White House subsequently requested that an enlarged Soviet Congress be held to conduct in-depth discussions and research on the issue of small-scale privatization reform. .

In response to the White House's proposal, several Russian media have conducted public opinion surveys. The survey showed that the people strongly agree with this "very democratic" approach. Originally, why should national affairs only be decided by those in the Supreme Presidium? At this time, the country should listen more to the voices of the people and to the interests of the public.

In this way, the convening of the enlarged Soviet Congress was quickly passed and put on the agenda. "This is another great victory of democracy." Victory, when preparing to usher in the reform of small privatization to protect their interests, the representatives of the 89 states and republics of all Russia are gathering in groups to accept the admonitions of their respective masters. Just in the Far East, Soviet representatives from a dozen states and republics gathered in Khabarovsk on October 15th. These representatives were elected by the people of the Far East, but this does not mean that they represent the interests of the people. They are going to Moscow. If they want to continue living comfortably in the Far East, they must listen to Guo Shouyun. They don't have the right to make their own decisions on how to vote, who they vote for, and even how to vote for each vote in their hands, but they have to listen to Guo Shouyun's secret remote control.

In this way, with the planning and convening of this and the last enlarged Russian Soviet Congress, the political and business people who were originally gathered in the local area colluded and began to break away from local power and quickly spread to Moscow, the political center of Russia, a combination of money and power. , thus marching towards a full-scale heyday, and the mighty force generated by the combination of these two will, in one fell swoop, drain the few remaining bones and blood of the Soviet Union, thus completely sending it into the abyss of death.

It was also at this time that Guo Shouyun convened the heads of the Guo Group's business, media, government relations, and underground gangs to hold a celebration in his office at the Far East Stock Exchange.

"Today's Far East is really ours." At the celebration, Guo Shouyun said these words softly with a glass of red wine and through the clear floor-to-ceiling window in the office, overlooking the urban area of ​​Khabarovsk outside the window. .

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