Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 216: political money transaction

?Understood, Guo Shouyun understood what Chubais meant as soon as he heard it. This is reincarnation. They don't want to see variables, at least they don't want them to drift out of their control. /. qв5.

As a newly rising powerhouse in the Far East, he was also attacked by the five giants before. Fortunately, he survived, and this also made himself recognized and became an existence that can sit shoulder to shoulder with the five giants. . And like themselves, Lutskoy and Hasbulatov want to form political power. To a certain extent, they are also newcomers. They want to stand on the same level as Ye Shi or Viktor. If you do, then you have to be mentally prepared to be suppressed.

All of this is a bit helpless, like a carp jumping over the dragon gate, jumping over the vast sea and sky, and being extremely respected, and if you can't jump over, the result is very simple, not back to the water to do it. His fish just landed on the shore and turned into mummified corpses.

It is not in Guo Shouyun's interest to attack Gusinski too much, because it is "change", and if Lutskoy and Hasbulatov want enough new political power, it is also "change". It is not in the interests of Guo Shouyun. To go further, if another new economic entity similar to the Guo Group appears at this time, Guo Shouyun will spare no effort to attack him - even though he himself has just escaped from the fate of being oppressed. .

It is such a chain of oppression and struggle, rise and change, and countless confrontations between old and new forces that constitute the development of this world, and constitute the past and the future of Soviet Russia for more than ten years. Great upheaval at the political and economic level. Guo Shouyun's understanding of all this in his previous life may have only stayed on news broadcasts, and at that time, he also thought it very simply. The failure of the Soviet regime and the collapse of Russia's economy were due to the fallout from the Bolshevik Party's rule and the omissions in Russia's subsequent reforms. But now he would never think that way. That is a lie that only those who are deceived by appearances will believe, and in their bones, the most fundamental reason for all this is not because the Soviet people can no longer live, but because very few people hold great power and money , feel dissatisfied with the old way of benefit distribution. They want more and enjoy better, so they use all means to get more of what they want. In this way, if someone stands in their way, they will kill. If there is a system that hinders them, they will deconstruct the system, and if there is a regime that hinders them, they will overthrow the regime. The most apt way to describe it is, "People stop killing people. Buddhas stop killing Buddhas."

So in the face of this reality, what kind of choice will Guo Shouyun make? There is no doubt that he will stand firmly and firmly on the side of the few, because "truth" is always in the hands of the few, and the "axiom" known to the world is worthless. On the side of the majority, he is destined to be an ignorant pig all his life.

The mist in the sauna was still steaming, Guo Shouyun was silent for a long time, and then raised his head. Clear eyes swept across the faces of the three people in the room in turn, and finally said in a deep voice: "I understand what you mean, let's talk. What plan is there? As long as it doesn't harm my interests, I will firmly support it."

"Okay, Brother Shouyun is really a happy person," Khodorkovsky exchanged a happy look with the other two, and then. Clap his hands and said. "You can rest assured that this matter will never harm your interests at all. On the contrary, you can still benefit greatly from it."

"Haha, I'm afraid we should all make a lot of money together, right?" Guo Shouyun smiled slightly, grabbed a chair and sat down, and said at the same time.

"That's right, that's right, let's make a lot of money together." Vinogradov interjected and said with a smile, "Okay, don't want to talk about these digressions, Anatoly, talk about the White House side. Let's see if Brother Shouyun has any objections."

"Well," Chubais, wrapped in a small white towel, jumped off the bed and walked to the middle of the sauna. After a moment of indifference, he said, "Shouyun should know that now Hasbulatov and Lutz are Coy holds the Supreme Soviet Presidium. Previously, the small privatization reform plan we formulated has been rejected by the Presidium twice. Although the White House is quite dissatisfied and extremely vigilant about this, there is nothing to do. After all, according to the current constitutional agenda, our reform plan must be approved by the Supreme Presidium, and then submitted to the Union Court for approval. Therefore, if we want to fully grasp the initiative in the reform of state-owned assets, we must first One of the things we have done is to take all the state-owned assets that belonged to the Union and return them to the Union, thus completely destroying the control of the Soviet Presidium and the Union Court over us.”

Come, come!

Guo Shouyun was excited for a while. The White House is going to kill two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it will attack the emerging political careerists like Hasbulatov and Lutskoy, and on the other hand, it will take another big step on the road of splitting the Soviet Union. Previously, the White House had already seized the party property of the Bolshevik Party, and now, they have to seize the state-owned assets belonging to the Soviet Union. If the White House is in place in these two steps, what else is there for the Soviet Union? Without a doubt, there is nothing left, and it's just an empty name.

Great changes are coming, and for Guo Shouyun, this great change is the biggest opportunity that he has been looking forward to for a long time.

"It is not an easy task to get these powers. We need more voices from local areas, voices from the people. You Chinese have a saying that people's hearts are available. Now we need to take our plan step by step. We must grasp this point.” Chubais, half-naked, paced back and forth in the room and said, “At present, the White House has the intention to attack the Supreme Presidium, and in one fell swoop those who should belong to Russia The property has been seized in its entirety, and the several pending presidential decrees are aimed at this. And if these presidential decrees are to be passed, it is impossible to rely on a single letter to solve the problem. We must overcome the obstacle of the Supreme Presidium. It is best to It can keep their mouths shut. For this reason, we consider the matter of small-scale privatization reform, convening an enlarged meeting of the Soviets including representatives of all Russian states, republics and frontier regions, to force the presidium with free and universal public opinion. concession."

"I understand," Guo Shouyun nodded when he heard this, "You guys are trying to use the pretext of discussing the small-scale privatization reform to convene this expanded meeting, and then use the momentum of lightning to cover your ears. The issue of the recovery of Russian assets was raised at this meeting, so as not to give the Supreme Presidium time to take countermeasures.”

"Shouyun is a smart person. Although your guess is not perfect, it's not far off," Chubais said with a smile, "Everyone is now his own, so it is necessary for Shouyun to understand some things in advance. .In this expanded meeting, we not only have to take back our state-owned assets, but also conduct in-depth discussions on the future of Russia, because not only the White House, but also Viktor and their mainstream political forces in Leningrad are also considering The question of dominance of the Kremlin. Our President Gorbachev has lived there for too long, and it may be time for his role to come to an end.”

"You mean, my old father-in-law has reached a compromise with the White House?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"Hehe, it's not about compromising, it's just for everyone's benefit." Chubais laughed, "There is only one jar of fresh caviar. It's better to stretch two spoons than three."

"It makes sense," Guo Shouyun smiled indifferently. This is the reality, as Chubais said, Gordon has already played his role, he should bear the guilt, and he has also suffered the infamy, so now his political power has also arrived. It's time to eradicate people completely. There is only one country, and two political forces in power are naturally more comfortable than three forces entangled in it.

"Tell me, what needs to be done?" Understanding this reality, Guo Shouyun stood up and said in a relaxed tone.

"The enlarged meeting of the Soviets, the 89 political divisions in Russia, we can effectively control only less than ten," Chubais said frankly without hesitation, "and Victor's Leningrad political power, they have in their hands. There are less than 30 of them, and the sum of these cannot form the strongest and most reliable backing. As for who holds the rest, you should know very well. Before, I have reached an agreement with Mikhail and the others. After reaching a consensus, they have decided to join the game, and now it is up to you, Shouyun, at the upcoming enlarged meeting of the Soviets, we need representatives from the Far East to stand firmly on our side.”

Guo Shouyun raised his head, looked at Chubais, then looked at Vinogradov and Khodorkovsky, and after a long while, he smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't seem difficult, but the most important point is that I What would be the benefit of doing so?"

"Do what you should do, take what you should take," Guo Shouyun is unswervingly implementing his own policy. Like this kind of "indoor negotiation" that is impossible for outsiders to know, no one has to worry about any face, all dirty transactions can be discussed openly and honestly here, and elegance can only belong to public places, after all, no one will wear a suit to drill. Daughter-in-law's hot quilt.

"As long as Shouyun joins the game, in the Far East, you can get what you want. Of course, it's hard to say the specifics, but one thing I can be sure of is that in the face of the upcoming small privatization reform , I will give you ample returns. Take the fourteen state-owned timber mills in Khabarovsk Oblast, as long as the enlarged meeting is successfully concluded and Shouyun provides us with five million rubles of redemption funds, then they will It's all yours." Chubais bent down to pick up the water ladle and said with a smile. Judging from his tone, it was as relaxed as if he was about to give Guo Shouyun a cigarette.

"Hey, do I have a reason to refuse such a condition?" Guo Shouyun said with a "sorrowful" sigh.

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