Reborn Oligarchs 1991

Vol 4 Chapter 24: Interpol

?It was another early morning, when the golden-red morning sun was just rising from the east, six jeeps drove out of the reinforced and raised walled compound of the villa area, along the secluded suburban road, and went straight to Khabarovsk city. drive in the direction. , qb5, c0m, these six jeep black gas jeeps are obviously modified. Compared with ordinary gas jeeps, they are much stronger in appearance, especially the generous body and thick wheels. In between, the bright large shock-absorbing spring makes people know at a glance that it was installed at the back.

These six jeeps were just bought by Guo Shouyun. All six vehicles were specially designed and transformed by the Gongqingcheng Machinery Design Institute. Resists the strafing of ak-47 and the impact of grenade shrapnel; the window structure adopts two-inch bullet-proof glass, which is enough to resist the direct shot of bullets; the special tires equipped with the central pressure relief control device can be used even in high-explosive attacks. Normal driving; the built-in smoke generating device can be activated manually after being attacked. In just 3.6 seconds, the six smoke discharge holes can spread a large amount of thick tear gas around the car body. Especially in the design of the fuel tank, the Mechanical Design Institute adopted the method of combining the fluid rubber filling technology with the automatic fire extinguishing and detonation system to ensure the safety of the core position of the car body. Under normal circumstances, once the fuel tank is attacked and penetrated by the bullet, the fluid rubber filled in the fuel tank will expand in an instant, thereby blocking the loophole caused by the bullet. If the fuel tank is impacted by high temperature, it will lead to the risk of explosion. Then the automatic fire extinguishing and detonation system will start within a few milliseconds, instantly depleting the oxygen in the box, thereby curbing the explosion. In addition to that, the body is equipped with four-wheel drive. Eight cylinders, 520 horsepower, and 8.1 liters of displacement. In itself, it is a luxury armored vehicle that can move at high speed.

This Gaz bulletproof body design plan was launched three years ago by the Gorky Automobile Factory in cooperation with the Gongqingcheng Machinery Design Institute. Its purpose was originally to compete with the Volga Automobile Factory for government orders, but later because of funding problems and political unrest. Although the design came out, it was not put into mass production. Only twelve prototypes were sealed and put into storage.

During this time, Guo Shouyun faced the risk of assassination that could come at any time from the outside. Therefore, he intends to order several bulletproof mounts, and is facing the problem of depleted funds of the Gongqingcheng Machinery Design Institute. He seized this opportunity and came to the door, intending to sell twelve prototype cars to the rich man Guo Shouyun at a price of 57 million rubles.

In the face of this great bargain, Guo Shouyun couldn't not stick to it, he was looking at the prototype car. Especially after a test drive. He couldn't wait to seal the deal. In his own words, that is "this car is so cool". The black and bright body, the angular lines, the shape full of metallic force, the protection performance no less than that of the armored vehicle, etc. These are all elements that he loves. If there is one thing that dissatisfies him about this kind of car, it is that it is too loud to drive. Good guy, as soon as you step on the accelerator, the car "hums" straight, and when you get close, you can even feel the ground tremble.

Money is easy these days. This transaction was completed in just a few days. The Gongqingcheng Machinery Design Institute got the funding they dreamed of by clearing the inventory, while Guo Shouyun was paying a lot of money. After the paper money, he got the mount that he used to escape the crisis several times in the future.

"The weather is getting colder day by day," Guo Shouyun said while sitting on the soft and comfortable back seat of the jeep, squinting his eyes, "I said stinky boy, after this period of time. Maybe it's more leisurely, let you take a half-month vacation, bring your little girl, find a place to spend time, how about it?"

There were only two people in the car, except Guo Shouyun, who was his driver, so it was clear at a glance who he was talking to.

"Hey, that's good," the driver glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled, "But sir, this half-month leave is paid, otherwise I'd rather not go."

"Tsk, hey, you kid," Guo Shouyun slapped his teeth and scolded with a smile, "Look, you've given you two points of color, and you're still pushing your nose and face, I'm giving you a holiday, and you still tell me the conditions, I see. Has your boy been too nourished during this time?" "That is, if you are not nourishing as a driver for your husband, wouldn't it make you too embarrassed, sir." Knowing the temperament of this big man, he knew that Guo Shouyun was easy-going most of the time, so occasional chatting and laughing would be harmless.

"Cheng, I don't think you're good at anything else, but you're getting better and better at slapping horses," Guo Shouyun sat up straight, slapped the back of the driver's head, and laughed at the same time, "Okay, Pay is paid, because of your hard work during this time, um, not only will I pay you, but I will also cover you and your vacation expenses. Say hello before you go back. , I'll let someone arrange it for you, no matter where you go, you can have fun."

"That's good," the driver smiled, "but it's okay for a while, let's talk about it after Christmas. Although I don't know much, I also know that Mr. may be dangerous during this time, and it's been a long time for you to be a driver. , I don't feel relieved about handing over the work to others at this time."

The driver's absent-minded remarks made Guo Shouyun feel warm in his heart. This person has a feeling in his heart. Although it is not necessary to care about things, it is also necessary to drink water and think about the source. He Guo Shouyun is bad from head to toe, which is good, but people have two sides. For most people, he may be a simple bad person, but for those who depend on him, Guo Shouyun is an extremely important person. Existence - just like his driver.

Just when Guo Shouyun, with a warm feeling in his heart, was about to reach out and pat the driver's shoulder, the car walking in front suddenly stopped.

"What's going on?" A trace of vigilance rose from Guo Shouyun's heart.

At this time, the convoy had just arrived in the suburbs, and the urban area of ​​Khabarovsky had just appeared in sight. It was a bit unusual for the car in front to stop at this time.

"Ask what's going on ahead." Guo Shouyun glanced forward through the car window, but saw nothing. The four bulky jeeps in front blocked his vision. And at this time, the bodyguards in several cars had already come down, and they were standing on the road with guns to guard, making it impossible to see what happened in front of them.

Without Guo Shouyun's instructions, the driver had already picked up the car radio intercom, and after thinking about the hissing noise for a while, a voice came out of the intercom: "Mr. Officer, their car was parked on the road and said if you don't see them, don't even think about going there."

"Interpol?" Guo Shouyun was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said to himself, "When the **** did I provoke them, what are you doing here to see me?"

"Have you checked your identity?" the driver asked cautiously.

"I checked, there is no problem," the voice on the intercom said. "There are two old acquaintances who worked with me on the safety committee."

"Sir, what do you mean..." The driver knew that the bodyguards on the side of the intercom had only joined in not long ago. They were all introduced by Victor himself, and their original identities were the special staff of the Safety Committee.

"Let them come alone and come to my car. As for the others, let them get out of the way for me," Guo Shouyun thought about it and said, "I don't have time to spend with them on the road."

"Yes, sir." The voice in the intercom responded, and then cut off the connection.

"Sir, is there something wrong with Mr. Shoucheng? Otherwise, how could Interpol come to the door?" The driver put down the intercom and turned his head.

"It's not very likely," Guo Shouyun thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Shoucheng and the others have the approval of the Military Trade Bureau, which is a passport for official trade. What kind of thing is their Interpol? They have no right to interfere in this aspect of trade. ."

"Then, could it be that something happened to Mrs. Sanariva?" the driver guessed again.

"Hehe, that's even more impossible," Guo Shouyun smiled without hesitation. "Moscow doesn't care about her affairs. Which round got Interpol's irresponsible remarks? Not to mention that our business and Shanariva have nothing to do with it. What is the connection, even if they are looking for it, they can only find the gang, what are they looking for me for?"

The driver thought for a while and felt that what Guo Shouyun said was very reasonable. For things like this, it is useless to guess randomly, anyway, people will arrive in a while, and they will soon know what their purpose is.

In less than two minutes, a group of people came from the front of the convoy. The two bodyguards that Guo Shouyun had just hired were at the forefront, and behind them was an Interpol in a dark blue uniform with bare hands.

Looking at the police officer who appeared outside the car, the driver in front couldn't help but whistled. He never imagined that the so-called Interpol police officer was such a young and beautiful girl, but it was a pity that, The expression on this woman's face was too cold, it could even be said to be bone-chilling.

"Stinky boy, what a hooligan," Guo Shouyun scolded with a smile, waving his hand on the driver's head, "Hurry up and open the door for others, don't you know what a gentleman is?"

"Ok," the driver chuckled and pressed the front lock of the car. With a light "click" sound, the internal control lock on the car was opened.

"Mr. Guo, I'm Avrora, the head of the Soviet branch of Interpol. I'm really honored to meet you today." Under the instructions of Guo Shouyun's bodyguard, the female police officer got into the car, and she hadn't waited for herself. Sitting firmly in the front seat, he smiled mockingly and said indifferently.

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